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RuneScape Cash shop


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Life isn't fair. Yet you seem to believe that some people wasting their real life time (which could be spent getting real life money) for RuneScape money is somehow better.




I don't think there should be any benefits for using real life money to gain RuneScape items, but I see nothing harmful with a novelty item for those people who donate money to Jagex. The common argument against that is "No, because it creates an elitist system", but I've been on other sites where they encourage donations like this and it really hasn't created this attitude at all.




People with wealth gain an advantage. Welcome to Planet Earth, people.




You seem to forget this is not life this is Runescape, and jagex is going to do everything in their power to make it fair, or at least as fair as they see fit.

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If whatever you buy gives benefit, then no. It should be equal, and people who have more real life money shouldn't get benefit over others. Although with that I guess you could use the argument that getting a members' subscription gives benefit and is unfair :?

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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Dont know where the "Jagex are selling runescape gp" came into this because i didnt read that in the main post.




Think shiver's ment decorative items that gave no ingame advantage, just for looks.




Though it would be cool to have a icecream decorative over a rune scimitar, im going for a no.




I dont want runescape to become one of those games, I like it how it is now. ::'

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Way to defeat the purpose of getting a partyhat or any 'decorative' item. First you kill all the ways of doing RWT, ruining all pking and losing a great memberbase, then you supply the goods yourself.




This would not only make Jagex a massive hypocrite, but effectively make a lot of people angry for no reason at all. Since why would you want a 3 poligon eyeburning purple hat if it is worth nothing more then the tinderbox they sell in the general store.




My answer, no.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Good god no.




This is a medeival fantasy game and imo has already got a bit too new-age gamey already. Having those trashy tacky gimics that you get in lame games nowaday would ruin RS. Ice cream cone instead of Rune Long!?!?!? :wall: How damn tacky is that??


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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did no one see the at the end of the thread?




Sorry about double post but I just saw this. What they hell is the point of that? No wander you're muted for 25 days on RS if you do stupid stuff like this just on forums. -.-


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I'd be fine with it as long as it was purely aesthetic. Obviously they aren't going to sell cash, and I'm almost 100% positive they wouldn't sell items that gave benefits.




I think my question is, if it was purely aesthetic, why are some of you complaining that you would quit? Not like someone else having an item affects you in the least, especially when it is only for looks.

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I'd be fine with it as long as it was purely aesthetic. Obviously they aren't going to sell cash, and I'm almost 100% positive they wouldn't sell items that gave benefits.




I think my question is, if it was purely aesthetic, why are some of you complaining that you would quit? Not like someone else having an item affects you in the least, especially when it is only for looks.




Yes, I agree. What some of the posters seem to miss is that Jagex would not sell gold from the store, as most other online RPGs with microtransactions do not. Instead they would potentially offer things to those that wanted them. For instance in WOW, if you played the card game (which is actually decent) you could collect points for ingame items. Now the ingame items were pointless, like paper air-copters and a costume that changed you into an Ogre but they added something for those that might want to collect those items. Now the ice cream sword that was mentioned is a bit extreme because it 'could' be used to change the appearance of PVP items thus making it harder to judge your opponents.




If Jagex were to introduce something like this it would not affect gameplay at all, as none of the items should not provide bonuses (or at least they shouldn't in my opinion). Instead it would offer a bit of fun to those that would be willing to pay for them.



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I've played games that had a "cash for gold" service in the ast, and I can tell you, it really gets old when you dont want to spend money for a game.




In my opinion, you should earn your items by how much you are willing to work for them. Not how much cash you'll pay for them.

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It doesn't matter as long as whatever the cash shop sells doesn't give the player an advantage over someone else. So items only for looks is fine, as long as they're untradable once you buy them.




It being called a cash shop one would assume they would sell gp, anyway that would give someone an advantage because anyone who wastes money there would have an advantage over anyone who doesn't because everyone else works for their money. And the majority things in rs can be bought if you throw enough money at it some skills included. As for the items you speak of, it would still be unfair for someone to get them with cash, whereas someone else would have to work for them, or not get them at all.




Edit: Also imagine all the social divides this would create, we would see rs being split into people who buy rs cash, and people who don't. I can almost guarantee that we would see people criticizing other for buying/ not buying rs cash.


Sometimes I wonder where all you people come from. People who "assume" things, when they're actually clueless. And people you don't read what I say and come up with BS conclusions. I can only imagine you have problems reading the english language, because otherwise it's just plain stupidity.




Now, if you had played a game with a cash shop, you would know what a shop cash is. Cash shops as in "I use my real cash to buy stuff". Cash shops don't sell in-game money, they never do. They sell power-ups (things that make you stronger or give you better xp), clothing (to make your character prettier), and game-specific things that are good to have. Usually, all of them are tradable. Which means, for instance, you buy a pack of 50 for 50 dollars, you sell each item for 10M, you just made 500M. When it's tradable, it's an indirect way to buy money.




Clothing. Clothing is what most cash shops make the most money from. Usually, it consists of a set of good looking clothes that you can wear ON your equipment, which hides it. It gives no advantage, it's just for looks.




Now, what did I say?



It doesn't matter as long as whatever the cash shop sells doesn't give the player an advantage over someone else. So items only for looks is fine, as long as they're untradable once you buy them.




"Items only for looks", hence clothing which gives you no advantage except increased prettiness.


"They're untradable once you buy them", hence you don't make any in-game gp with them, since you will never be able to sell them.




Now the next time you misinterpret what I say, and assume something really stupid, I'm going to make a long and lengthly post as to why I think you should go take some english classes, and go play a F2P /w cashshop mmorpg.

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One of the factors that really disappoint me about most MMORPGs now adays is that many of them sell game boosters for real money. To me, I believe selling game boosters is slightly more worse than selling game gold. Its as if the game makers themselves are encouraging you to buy your way to being an uber player (just to profit off of you). I wouldn't hold any respect for a player if all their stats weren't patiently earned but bought. Since I hold such an opinion on that issue, it trickles down to buying game gold as well. You may not be buying a stat edge (as I mentioned above) but you are still engaging in an activity of bettering your account by spending your hard earned cash. Its a waste of money, its a total dishonorable thing to do, and just plain sad at the end of the day...


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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There is already an elite system, membership versus F2P.




Then I suppose you could say, everyone is equal within each, and even members are equal with F2P on F2P worlds.




But no, there is still unbalance, with cash shop power items or gold, it could be unbalanced by those paying for items, but then players using real money rather than game experience to progress would be targets for those with better tactics.




At the moment, it's unbalanced anyway, by those lucky enough to get high value drops, or those with more time to devote to gold-creation skills.






Cash shop instead of membership would have my vote, though I wouldn't plan on buying any cash items.

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The great thing about RS is that most people (members) just pay their monthly subscription thingy and then have nothing else to worry about until next month. In my case I have it so it automatically pays after every month runs out until I tell it not to. So until I stop playing RS I really don't have to worry about paying anything at all. I would hate it if RS turned into one huge money-based thing where I have to have the cost on my mind the whole time.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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One of the factors that really disappoint me about most MMORPGs now adays is that many of them sell game boosters for real money. To me, I believe selling game boosters is slightly more worse than selling game gold. Its as if the game makers themselves are encouraging you to buy your way to being an uber player (just to profit off of you). I wouldn't hold any respect for a player if all their stats weren't patiently earned but bought. Since I hold such an opinion on that issue, it trickles down to buying game gold as well. You may not be buying a stat edge (as I mentioned above) but you are still engaging in an activity of bettering your account by spending your hard earned cash. Its a waste of money, its a total dishonorable thing to do, and just plain sad at the end of the day...


Agreed. This is half a step from RWTing, we already know that stolen credit cards have been and will be used, this update would be hypocritical and would send the message to players 'Don't buy from them, they're bad. Buy from us instead!'

~ W ~



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I used to play neopets in my youth, back in the time where it was a structured system, but, recently I took a visit back, and they do this. Addon gear for cash, and the whole site went to hell. You think rs is bad, this game has 3 ads per page, popups, and half the items are now purchasable by cash only for limited amounts of time.




All from no-cash, and one advertisement, and no popups.




Id quit and find a new game if this happened to RS.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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If they were to add this in, they would become huge hypocrites,




Jagex is breaking rule 12 by charging us for members.


Thats what companies call money making..and rwt is different than what you said...get your facts straight.

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

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If they were to add this in, they would become huge hypocrites,




Jagex is breaking rule 12 by charging us for members.


Thats what companies call money making..and rwt is different than what you said...get your facts straight.

And that's what people with a sense of humor call a joke... being serious is different than what he said.... get YOUR facts straight.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Terrible Idea.




The people with lots of money will just get to be rich right away and the people who have worked so hard for their money wont be rewarded.




Wow =D>




If you actually bothered to READ THE FIRST POST. or alternatively not blurt out stupid things, and check one of his examples, which would require you to READ THE FIRST POST, you'd understand that the "cash shop" would not benifit anyone in any way other than their popularity.




To be straight, and frank, and to the point in a non roundabout way: Cash shop=clothes which offer no stats.




You go into the cash shop, buy any item, and it would be a piece of equipment, that; while offering no stats, makes you look cool.




effectively, you would be buying a body kit for your character, much like how the clothes shop in varrok allows you to customize your base clothes, the 'cash' shop would allow you to buy optimal clothes, that mask what you're really wearing to make you look different, but dont offer any stats.




the 'cash shop' would not sell gold, or resources, or anything that offers any benefit in gameplay. the only thing this would do is offer some customization for the players of runescape, which i dont think is a bad thing.




One more time for the stupid people who dont understand, or didnt want to read all the way through!




Cash shop, sells 'masks' for your equipment, they make you look like you're wearing some amazing armour/robes/weapon, but its an illusion that goes over whatever you actually have equipped.






*possible abuse could be in PVP, as others couldnt see what you're using, but thats easily rectifiable*

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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Only possible way JAGeX would implement this is if the items where ONLY PURCHASABLE via CASH. (no gold value)




That means, you can buy a $10 decorative hat that gives no stats and can't be traded.


Since it cannot be traded or lent and has no stats, it would not give players any advantage within the game.




However, who is going to spend $10 of real money on a Coca-Cola bottle they can walk around with in the game with no stats?

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Only possible way JAGeX would implement this is if the items where ONLY PURCHASABLE via CASH. (no gold value)




That means, you can buy a $10 decorative hat that gives no stats and can't be traded.


Since it cannot be traded or lent and has no stats, it would not give players any advantage within the game.




However, who is going to spend $10 of real money on a Coca-Cola bottle they can walk around with in the game with no stats?




You'd be surprised.




Most games that do this focus too much on the money than the actual players and game content, so its just for income, and really makes the game suck.




This just goes to show that Jagex still does worry about the community.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Seriously. We don't need that stuff in RS. WE don't need to buy clothing and other crap to make our online selves look like a bunch of faeries.






Paying real life money to make a virtual character look better is the lowest you can get in an mmo.

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I haven't read any of the last two pages out of laziness and maybe the idea for this was to be able to buy items for USD but that these items would be untradable... aka if you bought it only you could have it and that they would just like go over whatever weapon you had to make it look different but it had no other boosted stats.

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Only possible way JAGeX would implement this is if the items where ONLY PURCHASABLE via CASH. (no gold value)




That means, you can buy a $10 decorative hat that gives no stats and can't be traded.


Since it cannot be traded or lent and has no stats, it would not give players any advantage within the game.




However, who is going to spend $10 of real money on a Coca-Cola bottle they can walk around with in the game with no stats?




You'd be surprised.




Most games that do this focus too much on the money than the actual players and game content, so its just for income, and really makes the game suck.




This just goes to show that Jagex still does worry about the community.

Or, judging by the comments of this thread, they know that they'd lose a MASSIVE chunk of their player base. Far, far more than the December 10th updates, although it may have something to do with said updates. In other words, they'd appear to be HUGE hypocrites.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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