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Tip.It wins award from World Play Online


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So how much money do you get for referring people to there?
I was thinking that :lol:




But he's a mod so it's within the rules...


I don't know what your problem is but almost every comment I read by you, 3_Hit_U, is about how Moderators think they are above the rules. As made evident in Tanya's edit in the first post, NO Moderator is above the rules. Your comments are seriously getting to be ridiculous (and untrue)..




Anyway, on a lighter note.. I think this is really awesome. It may not be the biggest award in the world, but it certainly feels great to be recognized! And thanks for the article on Tip.it in relation to clans!

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

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- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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I think what did it for me was the fact that guides and forums are so easy to follow, not to mention when something doesn't go to plan, tipit never gives up (example - when that mysterious nub destroyed the old forums)




Wo0t go tipit \'

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lol to the RSC banner. Tip.it could have a banner as well I just need one submitted: 468x60




We're not close to some shadowy site. We're doing business with 12 game companies including jagex and expanding daily. We're a brand new site that officially opened Oct 1st 08. So I'd say we're doing quite well and have a lot of pull in the right places in Runescape.


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Congratulations to everyone on the community who ha.... hey wait I'm part of the community too!




We are the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.


Diamonds are forever and so is Tip.It.








Break the Walls down!

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Ye Tip.it ftw!




We rock, end of. :thumbup:

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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I think there's a little bit of partisanship at play here - it is a fairly new site. But still, there are some in the RuneScape community that feel Tip.It is falling away from RuneHQ and Zybez. This not only proves we're still here, it's also claims we're better.

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Because some random shadowy website says so doesn't make it truth, or relevant in any way. Tip.it is the best fansite information-wise, community-wise, not so much.


That's true for every website or game that wins an award :roll: And I've actually heard more people say the opposite of what you did: that "Tip.it is the best fansite community-wise, not so much information-wise." Maybe not exactly in that way, but I hear a lot of people say that they're here because Tip.it has a great community but they often visit because they have nice calculators, etc.




And besides.. according to your reasoning, just because YOU say that "Tip.it is the best fansite information-wise, community-wise, not so much" doesn't make it the truth ;)

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Nice work Tip.It! Woot! :D


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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Tip.it.. a Clan Site? Thats right folks..






Everyone knows the clan world has had a dedicated following to the era of Runescape Community , the Raw List and the friendly atmosphere of Sal's.




The Site that has always seem to be on the back burner is Tip.it . Many of you know Tip.it as the top competing fansite of Runescape. To this day they have little competition for their community works in the excellence in fan production. Yet.. where has their clan life been?




I'm here to tell you all that after extensive talks and works with Tip.it officials and crew, they have some serious potential to make a dent in the clan world. I've been monitoring their progress as of late and their projects are going to be top of the line. Second to WPO ofcourse but as we all know.. I have to have some slight bias.




None the less Tip.it has been showing a want to really promote for the average clan and finally get down to some roots that we clan followers love to see so much. From the improvement of their moderators to have a non bias attitude , their improved rank list, and their works in progress to draw some big eyes on them, Tip.it is doing a great job.




This article is meant not to be a bow down and worship article for a great site. Instead it's an article to reward the excellence of an idea. An idea that a site can make a difference and work hard to produce something for us all.




Good Luck on your works.







This makes you feel awesome to be a part of Tip.It :D



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I don't know what your problem is but almost every comment I read by you, 3_Hit_U, is about how Moderators think they are above the rules. As made evident in Tanya's edit in the first post, NO Moderator is above the rules.


Heeeeey! The edit by Tanya was done well after my reply...

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I don't know what your problem is but almost every comment I read by you, 3_Hit_U, is about how Moderators think they are above the rules. As made evident in Tanya's edit in the first post, NO Moderator is above the rules.


Heeeeey! The edit by Tanya was done well after my reply...




He did that because he didn't know referral links were against the rules. He's so swamped down with clan stuff, his state of mind was stuck to well, just that. You have to at least respect that.


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