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How many hours do you play games a day/week/month etc?


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After watching a Dr.Phil show on the addictivness of games, I am wondering how much everyone else plays.




I have found that between school work, my part-time web design and graphic design jobs, and gaming, I can spend up to 20-23 hours a week. :oops: :oops:




I have friends that Go to school, go home, play WOW till 3 AM, sleep 4 hours, and repeats the cycle. If they get home at 3:30 PM and plays till 3 AM, that is 11:30 hours a day. That is over 50 hours a week. (this explains why most of my friends have 3+ lvl 70 characters).


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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After watching a Dr.Phil show on the addictivness of games, I am wondering how much everyone else plays.




I have found that between school work, my part-time web design and graphic design jobs, and gaming, I can spend up to 20-23 hours a week. :oops: :oops:




I have friends that Go to school, go home, play WOW till 3 AM, sleep 4 hours, and repeats the cycle. If they get home at 3:30 PM and plays till 3 AM, that is 11:30 hours a day. That is over 50 hours a week. (this explains why most of my friends have 3+ lvl 70 characters).


20-23 hours a week but no attack or strength xp for today? SLACKER!

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Tough question.




I go to school 16 hours a week (college :thumbsup: ) so my schedule is pretty much:






Monday: 10-4


Tuesday: 8-9, 11-12


Wensday: 10-4


Thursday: 8-9, 11-12


Friday: 9-11






I'd say that I probably spend like 4-5, then 6-12 on the PC Monday/Wednesday, then Tuesday/Thursday maybe 1-5 and then 6-12. Friday I don't know, about the same as tues/thurs.






Now as much as I'm on the PC I'm not on games near as much. I might be doing homework, working on a project in 3D studio max or doing whatever. I probably still do end up getting about 40 hours a week game time though. More or less all depends on what I'm actually doing.

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If I had to break it down day by day...




WITH MY 360:


Monday: ~3 hours


Tuesday: ~3 hours


Wednesday: 5-6 hours


Thursday: 4-5 hours


Friday: 5-6 hours


Saturday: 8-9 hours


Sunday: 6-7 hours






Monday: 1-2 hours


Tuesday: 1-2 hours


Wednesday: 5-6 hours


Thursday: 3-4 hours


Friday: 5-6 hours


Saturday: 5-6 hours


Sunday: 5-6 hours




I don't have my 360 at the moment because of a D average in Math class... but most of my time has just transfered over to console/peripheral modding and hacking on the computer. Also the numbers can change a lot if say my job is canceled on Monday (yes I work one day a week, I'm only 14!), or if my friend invites me over to his house. Also when I did the Endless Setlist a month ago, I think I played 14+ hours of Rock Band in one day, and when I do the Endless Setlist 2, I'll probably end up playing 20+ hours over a span of 2 days.






I just spent like 20 minutes posting this... dang

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Monday: No more than one hour.


Tuesday: No more than one hour.


Wednesday: No more than one hour.


Thursday: No more than one hour.


Friday: Around two to three hours.


Saturday: 3-5.


Sunday: 3-4.


Week: 16.


Month: 64.


Year: 768.


Averaged most.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Well. I spend ~50 hours sleeping per week, and ~40 at school/church. That leaves me 78 hours to do other stuff.


Like Nadril, I'm on my computer nearly all the time (At least when I'm home...) but I most likely am not playing games. My Xfire profile tells me I spend 25 hours a week playing PC games, sounds right. As for Wii time, maybe an hour or two, not that much. About four hours a day in total, I guess.


Though I have no idea where the rest of those hours went. I definitely don't spend that much time doing homework...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Hours over the past two weeks on steam: 143.3 playing Garry's Mod and TF2

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Monday-Thursday: 1-2


Friday: 3-5


Saturday: 4 on boring WOW day, 11-12 when a major update has come


Sunday: 2-4




So overall, 10-15 on normal weeks, 17-23 on major update weeks \' .




And to think, my friends tell me that I have an addiction :geek: . I feel so much better after looking at this topic ;) :-$ .




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I am quite pleased to say that I only play games for about an hour a week, as all my time is being devoted to study, home work, Mountain Biking, and Paint.Net. I do miss the odd game though :?

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I hardly every play video games anymore.. I would say that I pull in atleast in an hour tops. I think my decline in playing video games is due to the fact that I have other things I would rather spend $60 on and not enough time in my week to delicate to them. I have a feeling this will all change here in the coming weeks with all the new games coming out!

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can be anything from 1> to 12< hours. Some days I have tons of stuff to do, some days I dont. but my school day is always 08:00 - 16:00 , and I always go to bed at about 23:00 give or take half an hour, so on weekdays 7 hours at the VERY most if a raid goes on for a spectacularly long time... weekends, it depends if I've got anything else planned.

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Depends. If I've got lots of work I may not play at all, but during the holidays I can play up to 5+ hours a day (with breaks).



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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