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at my school, everyone plays WOW and everyone hate runescape, well, apart from me of course. its a deadly secret, and if it was found out, i would be the laughing stock of my school. what about at your school? i don't really how they see runescape as gay/dumb/for nerds because its nearly the same as WOW, well, at least what ive seen of it.



DK's Drops: 7 Berserker Rings, 2 Warrior Ring, 1 Archers Ring, 7 Dragon Hatchet, 1 Seercull, 3 Elite Clue - All Solo

GWD Drops (CS): 1 Bandos Chestplate, 2 Armadyl Hilt, 1 Armadyl Chestplate

Slayer:1 D skirt, 2 Whip, 12 G Mauls, 2 Dragon Boots

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Ive played it at my school and nobody seems to bother. :P




Its just another game though.


Anyone who thinks they need to laugh at someone who doesnt do/like exactly the same as they do, need help. :?

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My mate says that rs is a kids game with bad graphics and no-lifers


hes addicted to WoW btw


all the people that say rs is gay are like that lol



DK's Drops: 7 Berserker Rings, 2 Warrior Ring, 1 Archers Ring, 7 Dragon Hatchet, 1 Seercull, 3 Elite Clue - All Solo

GWD Drops (CS): 1 Bandos Chestplate, 2 Armadyl Hilt, 1 Armadyl Chestplate

Slayer:1 D skirt, 2 Whip, 12 G Mauls, 2 Dragon Boots

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Not many in my school that I know of play MMORPG's and most started out playing Runescape afew moved to wow but alot quit. Noone would say anything to anyone because WOW is nerdier than Runescape.

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Firstly, don't be ashamed of it!


When your the only one arguing about something though, even though you may have the best argument, when there is more people against you are going to get crushed.




I find myself not getting hated so much now as myself, and others around me are growing up, and they're getting more broad minded. But when i was at school it was definatly a problem.




Just don't be afraid to go with the flow, i don't play WOW because i feel it's too much money plus it's more addictive than runescape. I like the fact all i need to do is go online to play runescape, i like the gameplay and the methods of trading/communication etc...


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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If people are using gay as a negative adjective, you know they aren't worth listening to.




My thoughts exactly... people tease to gain an advantage over you. If you enjoy it and are not ashamed then it will go away. Every person has different likes and when in school people for some reason think that everyone should be the same, screw them and be yourself. Wow is a great game for its own reasons. I had many friends that play wow and it is crazy how many similarities there are in the games. When a new game comes out, try it and have your own say at the game. I tried warhammer, wow, City of Villians and such and still enjoy RuneScape because of the basic gameplay. I like it for the simplicity when I need a simple game.




Just because Rs does not allow you to build your own virtual/only girlfriend does not mean the graphics suck. ;)

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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when i was in highschool it was the same way, everyone was like runescape is a pile of !$#* i never really revealed my secret a few played WoW the majority just played console games and counterstrike, end of the day whatever you enjoy i have a few friends from highschool who play RS though ;)

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i perosnaly find runescape better, i quit rs to play wow for a year, leveled to 70 as a mage, raided all the way up to muru and quit before killing kil'jaden the last boss and that was simply because the game becomes to addictive and earning money may be easy but when you raid every night you spend your weekends earning money to last you 5 days of hardcore raiding. Atleast with runescape you dont have to have any real comitments and you can log on and off whenever.



GWD solo drops: Armadyl Hilt sold at 63.5m - (More to come hopefully)

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The whole "WoW vs. RS" thing is just completely moronic. Childish, idiotic, stupid behaviour. Just play the game you like best, and shut the hell up about the other one.




For christs sake... Every once in a while a new thread pops up about this subject, and it's just getting more and more moronic.

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I think it's funny that people criticize so severely when, well I mean, It's just a game is it not?




Your school sounds like it's a top place to be! If people call you a nerd if you play RuneScape when they play WoW, which is just another online game, just like RuneScape.




Seriously, tell a dead-set WoW player and RuneScape hater, that you play RuneScape. Then, when he/she calls you a nerd or a loser etc, say 'At least people who play RuneScape don't dress up as characters for Blizzard conventions.' Talk about a shutdown!




Seriously mate, I wouldn't bother at all with those tools, just do whatever you wanna do, that's the decision I made and no-one cares, you'd be surprised how little people care that you play a computer game.


If it bleeds, We can kill it.


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've played RS and a few other games in the grade 12 lounge (yes the grade 12s at my school have a lounge instead of home room). Theres sometimes a bit of teasing that normally ammounts to "Randox are you playing RuneScape?". Over the last couple of years people in other grades have seen me play RS. One became a friends for a while, then he switched schools and we stopped talking in game after that (we still say hello sometimes). I once played in the computer lab during lunch when it was populated by little kids, I swaer I was about to recive fan mail <3: .




Now in the public schools, id be suprised if school comps allowed RS (though I use my own laptop so I porbbaly could. I immagine that playing RuneScape is between Neopets and WoW. Alot of people get bored with RS in the first couple of minutes or have never tried it thus labeling it as a stupid game.

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I laugh at people who think they're cooler than others because they play a more popular computer game. :lol:




WoW is a great game and all, just not as great as everyone claims it to be. Before any WoW players flame me for being a "RS fanboi" I played WoW. I didn't find anything new, the gameplay was the same as Diablo, and even the lore from the Warcraft series wasn't anything we didn't already know. It's just overpraised because of Blizzard's history.




Many people I know wouldn't even know what an MMORPG is because it's not something they would care about anyway. If you're in danger of being mercilessly harassed by your fellow students because they think their online game is better then your school must be Nerd Central.




Theres sometimes a bit of teasing that normally ammounts to "Randox are you playing RuneScape?"
Omg your friends irl call you by your RSN? :shock:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I got another secret. Kids will take the piss out of other kids for anything. If it wasn't for playing Runescape it would be your hairstyle, the trainers you wear, the car your dad drives etc.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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My mate says that rs is a kids game with bad graphics and no-lifers


hes addicted to WoW btw




People that judge a game by its graphics don't know anything about computer games, and as such, their opinion doesn't matter.

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My mate says that rs is a kids game with bad graphics and no-lifers


hes addicted to WoW btw




People that judge a game by its graphics don't know anything about computer games, and as such, their opinion doesn't matter.




Runescape graphics own now anyway.




I remember being in school and trying to defend RSC graphics.

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Ghandi once said:




Even if you are in a minority of one - the truth is still the truth.




RuneScape > WoW. That's the truth right there!


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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Ghandi once said:




Even if you are in a minority of one - the truth is still the truth.




RuneScape > WoW. That's the truth right there!




there to different to say one owns the other more, they both attract people for differnt reasons.




to settle that argument id suggest going by what earns more money and popularity and that would be wow easily.




Although i chose not killing kil'jeaden the last boss of the game to come back to rs coz it has so many things you can do, wow comes down to leveling your skills (2max!) from 1-375 in a day then PVE - PVP nothing else it never really changes and it becomes such a grindfest compared to rs which is the same but you get a very big variety of things to grind.



GWD solo drops: Armadyl Hilt sold at 63.5m - (More to come hopefully)

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