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Friends list policies.


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Well, to be honest, I don't talk much. I stick to clan chats.




If I meet an individual who I see a lot, and we talk some, I'll ask them if they care if I add them. Usually, if I never see that person on, or we never converse, I'll delete them. There are few that I keep permanently.




I do not use my ignore list.


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Here it goes...




-What type of person will you add?


Someone that I know is actually interested in having a decent friendship, and they can use proper English (If it's not their first language, it's alright) I don't like people on my friends list that just constantly spam me & or Ask to borrow my items All the time.




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


Anywhere from 1 Minute to 1 Hour. If they're Runecrafting or something, and I've spoken to them each time they've run through the bank, I'll continue chatting over Private Message.




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Someone that just wants to be friends so they can ask to borrow my items (I get it way to often, now) When they're my friends already, I don't mind that. Also, people that I've never seen before and pm me saying "Hey, what's up?" Most of the time, I ignore this as I get several pm's from random people each day.


[hide=Something that happened minutes ago...]This guy pm'd me after seeing a video on You Tube which had me in it, speccing someone with my Dragon Claws. He pm'd me, of course asking to borrow them then this followed..081213004244vj1.png[/hide]




-How would you break the news to them?




I don't, I just remove them, if they continue to pm me further, I'll just add them to my ignore list. A lot of the time, as my friendslist list is ALWAYS full, I just remove someone I rarely talk to to add a new person.




-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


The things which I have mentioned above, although, if someone was my friend before I probably won't remove them. There aren't many things that will make me end a friendship and I've not yet come to the point where I have to with anyone.




-...or even add them to the ignore list?


Again, this is rarely done unless someone pm's me that I've never seen before.








My friendslist is always full, so adding new people isn't so easy for me. 90% of my friendslist consists of people that play on World 99. If it comes to adding someone, I will decline them, most of the time as there's no one that I can remove.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Haven't played in a long time, but:




-What type of person will you add?


Someone who seems mature and worth talking to.




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Most 'scapers.




-How would you break the news to them?


What news? If I don't add someone, that's the end of it.




-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


If they ask for free stuff or something along those lines.

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If I think a person could benifit from mhelp I will add them. There are a ton of people on my list, most of whom I helped with a quest at one time or another (mostly from f2p when I was mid 60's in combat). I usualy delete people when we havent talked in a while and they start logging on and off (I hate being spammed with those logged in messages).




I have one good friend who I met through the game itself, no real life and no forums. Just one friend like that. I met him way back in f2p training on zombies in the dungeon bellow draynor. It took a couple hours of talking before we became friends. It is worth noting that at this time I was frustrated by the fact it took 15 minutes to get a level. I envy those days. This is the only 'scaper on my list whom I actualy know why they are there.




The rest of the people on my list whom I talk to are current and former members of WOMDA and staff of the GT. I also talk to the current/former leader of H1P (not honest, the one after him).




I think this just shows that even if you add everyone who asks, it becomes meaningless very fast. If I add someone to help them, I have forgoten who they are within a week or two and them likewise. A few cc checks have evealed I am not the only one who is lazy about clearing their friends list. I think people just like to be able to look at their friends list and go wow, thats alot of people.




I can fit all the people I actualy talk to regularly on one page. There are 2 or 3 other less regular people (including a former good rl friend) there as well. I have probably around 150 people on my list. Oddly enough, though I have forgoten the specifics, I know exactly how most of them got added (in generals like helped with quest, or randomly messaged me from another world).

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I hate people who add me just because they've seen me on f2p or something. Seriously, I am not your friend just because you saw me. I might have helped you once, but that does not mean you can keep pming me asking [developmentally delayed]ed questions. Can't stand it when they type liek a ttl choob eva.


Quit RS 2005 | RSN: Johnalder

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So, here are the questions:


-What type of person will you add? I add people once every few months and delete almost as fast as I add, I'm member with less than 40 people added and to be honest I don't even need 75% of that, I never usually talk to them they are there just incase I need talk/buy or have been on so long deleting them would be weird.




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them? Preferebly meeting them (in game of course) and talking for around 4 hours total before I'd consider asking a question like "friends?" I very rarely ask it.




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with? Those who annoy me, over compliment me ask too many questions or even talk too much about boring things, I generally keep myself to myself and that's they way I like it I probably don't really need friends on rs to enjoy it I just have some when I get really bored.




-How would you break the news to them? Don't bother telling them just delete them, if you don't like them who really cares anyway?




-What would make you take someone off your friends list... Never ever online, never ever talk to them or if I don't really know them and have no intentions of knowing them.


-...or even add them to the ignore list? If they annoy me too much or even offend me in anyway, only have one on ignore list so it rarely happens.



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A good batch of my friends came from wc'ing a good many years ago; however, they have mostly become inactive.




Now I'm meeting new friends. While cooking at the GE, I've met up with some good natured folks and we hang out at CW as well as other places. They begin to not reply to my pm's and therefore are soon removed from my friends list.




Then there are those friends whom are just fun to be around because they're from tip.it (Jimmy :P). Unlike most people, I like to be immature and childish (but not annoying). I find these people fun to talk with and hang out as well as a great stress reliever from the tedious tasks such as cooking. They definitely make my day more enjoyable. :lol:




As for the few friends who have played when I started, we chat every now and then about what we're up to, our goals, and the good old days :)




I give people a chance on my friends list. For the most part, the people I make friends with are kind and caring, avoid using 1337 5P34l< unless they are being funny, and are easy to talk with. I'm happy with my list so far.




Oh, and the occasional polite newbie who only asks questions when they need it will make my friends list. I can't say no when they ask for help. After all, I had guidance when I first started this game so why not give them the same conditions?

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-What type of person will you add?


Kind, nice, have same ideas/way of thinking as me




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


Probably after talking to them, I would say "Nice meeting you, ". If I see h/er the day after and have a good convo, I'll probably add h/er.




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Those who want to cheat off me, make me buy their stuff




-How would you break the news to them?


"Sorry, im lacking friend list space"




-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


Someone who really offended/upset me, or hasn't come online in few months, or deleted me frist (Use the clan chat to tell)




-...or even add them to the ignore list?


Spammers who use autotalkers.




Never gonna give you up.[/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide]

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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  • 2 months later...

-What type of person will you add?


People that are nice, uses correct grammar/spelling - no l33t 5p34k, and are fun to talk to. I usually wait for them to ask, then decide whether I will add them or not.




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


Two or more converstions. Or one long conversation that I enjoyed. I usually give -most- people a chance and add them when they ask, but the faster it was to get on my friend list, chances are, the faster you're going off.






-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


People who ask 1000 questions per minute, people I don't know that just go "add mi plz". I also decline friendship with people when I see no point of adding them.




-How would you break the news to them?


When I feel too lazy, I just turn my private on so i'll sign on on their friend list..


otherwise either "Sorry, my friend list is full" or "Sorry, I don't add people I don't know well"




-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


If they deleted me, starts begging or started acting like a total noob. I also tend to remove inactive names.




-...or even add them to the ignore list?


I don't use my ignore list often. Only for auto-talkers that spams the chatbox, or people that begs for money & spams chatbox. Recently, while playing Great Orb project, 50-50 advertisers and spammers find their way on my ignore list fairly quickly.




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-What type of person will you add?


I add people that treat me with respect and seem to want to continue to talk to me, a sense of humor is a must as well


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


People from lightning or forsakenmage CC are added usually after a few days of good conversation, for others it depends on the situation, anywhere from 2 hours to a week of interaction.


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Annoying beggars and pesterers, also anyone without a sense of humor


-How would you break the news to them?


If I am in a good mood, then I let them down lightly, or if I am in a bad mood, turn private off or to friends and tele/switch worlds.


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


If someone would start to bug me to no end, or if I haven't talked with someone long enough to not remember who they are.


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


I have only ever added one person to that list, and that was for bugging me/abusing my generosity, after a week a removed them from ignore and have not found myself bothered by them since.

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I add people who deserve to be added and remove people if they don't come on in a long time, or when they keep asking: "join my clan chat plz".


I don't find it necessary to add these people to my ignore list, since private is on friends. The people who do come on the list are mostly spammers.

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-What type of person will you add?




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?




-How would you break the news to them?


Tell them the truth. I add nobody.


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


Them to leave EvilSCape.


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


Them to annoy me even momentarily.

Retired Crew Member | Retired RuneScape Player
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-What type of person will you add?


Someone who I think will be interesting to talk to.


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


I don't talk with people ingame.


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Immature people, dumb people.


-How would you break the news to them?


I just ignore them.


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


If they quit, or if I never talk to them.


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


My ignore list is used for fairy ring codes already :thumbup:




For the few people that I have added, congrats, you made it on my friendslist.


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-What type of person will you add?


Someone friendly, and definitely, not a NOOB


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


Well, time doesn't matter


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


Someone arrogant, noobish (nEWB but nOOB), hateful people..


-How would you break the news to them?


Tell them to GTFO


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


A huge fight between us, which killed the friendship


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


Ignore list is used as my note pad lolz


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Lol, good read. Makes a lot of sense too.




But to be honest with you I don't really talk to anybody on Runescape. I quit near enough 2 years ago, and I got my membership back again a few months ago. So basically when I returned I found that I had no friends (on RS of course, I'm quite socially acceptable away from the computer!). I assume most of them have quit.




But in all honesty I can not be bothered to talk to half of RS players. If they're sat at their computer for 6 hours a day how can they possibly have anything interesting to say?




Some of the players you described as "1337", want a large friends list, in order to compensate for their rather small "friends list" in the outside world.

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I will add permanently intelligent players that will add to my RS experience. Lately I added Compfreak/deviledegg because of the numerous discussion we had on his famous "slayer sucks" thread. Having someone like that with extensive knowledge of the game can be a real life saver when you need info in-game on the spot.




I met a girl in game recently while farming and just passing by noticed how female char in-game have nice legs... told her that for fun and we ended having a very long and nice conversation. Discovered we had a common passion for penguin spying and star hunting. I'm not a big fan of clans and CCs but it's always nice to get a penguin call or a "come to my world- mining guild and bring your pick!" once in a while.



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Runescape has policies now?


Did you read the post?




-What type of person will you add?


About the only 'rule' I have here is I won't add them if they say "can I be your friend" shortly after meeting them. thats now how you make friends.


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


no set time limit


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


see first answer.


-How would you break the news to them?


just tell them, i dont want to add you


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


saying hi to me, and nothing else..ever. flashing private chat off and on.


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


continuous annoying talking.


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-What type of person will you add?


Anybody who's vaguely nice.




-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


10 seconds? I don't really care.




-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


A [developmentally delayed]ed person.




-How would you break the news to them?


Just say sorry but I can't right now.




-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


If I haven't talked to them in ages and I'm cleaning out my list




-...or even add them to the ignore list?


If they say this: '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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-What type of person will you add?


Someone I can have a good conversation with.


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


Depends on how their personality is.


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


People that ask to be added if you buy something from them, or when you help them out.


-How would you break the news to them?


Tell them no.


-What would make you take someone off your friends list...


Inactivity, annoying, not really remembering who they are.


-...or even add them to the ignore list?


usually I don't use my ignore list

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What type of person will you add?


Usually it'll be someone friendly, nice to talk to and doesn't break the RuneScape rules. Also I try and avoid the type of people who are constantly messaging you asking you things.




How long will you need to talk to them before you add them?


It tends to be at least a month. I never add anyone I've just met unless they need to urgently PM for something. I'd prefer to get to know them well before adding them.




What type of person would you decline a friendship with?


If someone's an honest and nice player I would rarely decline friendship - just aslong as I've known them for a reasonable amount of time. The only cases I would decline friendship, is if they're like a scammer or something.




How would you break the news to them?


I'd tell them "Nty, don't add people who can't play fairly", or use the reliable 'Friends list is full, sorry' excuse.




What would make you take someone off your friends list?


Sometimes I just can't say 'No' to someone if they ask to be my friend. In that case, I'll have them added a few days and then once I've thought about it, I would probably remove them. I don't feel too comfortable talking to people via PM who I don't know.




Or even add them to the ignore list?


I only add people to my ignore list if they're spamming - and that's only temporarily too.


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-What type of person will you add? Noone.


-How long will you need to talk to them before you add them? They're not going to be added.


-What type of person would you decline a friendship with? Everyone.


-How would you break the news to them? "I'm not adding you."


-What would make you take someone off your friends list... Nothing.


-...or even add them to the ignore list? Nothing.




People who got on my list are there because I met them as the first people I found on the game. Developed a bond and noone else is going to get on my list. I like not having a scroll bar. Screw potential friends, good looking list is win.




Yeah, I'm a total [wagon] ingame.

Follow me on Twitter!



I have no intrest in helping "keyers" farm xp.

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I only have a bunch of people in my friends list that I know outside of Runescape. Making "friends" ingame is pretty much impossible, for me at least. Mostly people just want to abuse you, thinking you're some sort of walking guidebook or money vending machine. I don't need that crap.




People that ask to be my friend are an instant no. They obviously have no idea about how friendship evolves.

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