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Total Ingame Playing Time


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Runescape is obliviously a game that demands a lot of time. But how much time exactly?




I recently asked Jagex about my total in game playing time (TIGPT) and I found out: 79 days 13hrs 29m for my lvl 121 main 1663 total lvl and started in '05.




Its kinda shocking to see the a little under 3 months of my life has been spent on this game. But what can you expected from a game like Runescape?




How I found out my TIGPT:




I previously asked if this was possible to find out and got a lot of negative answers saying that they didn't give it out and stuff like that. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=782473 Soo I emailed Jagex pretending I was a concerned parented and they messaged my TIGPT to my account.




Post yours!!


You get 750000gp from alching a Bandos Godsword. I know from experience.

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no i dont




That was the method I used. I thought it would be more likey to give the info to a parent.




I just thought it would be interesting for people to see how long they have played.




You dont have to do it if you dont want to........


You get 750000gp from alching a Bandos Godsword. I know from experience.

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A clever way to get that information. I might try it. I assume mine is around 50 days or something. I'll post back later if I get my total time. :P


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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If they start getting tons of random emails from concerned "parents" it's probably going to cause some raised eyebrows, wouldn't you say? These guys aren't as stupid as we may love to think.




I'm pretty sure at least some Jagex staff roam around these forums and see what we all say about stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from over there sees this, or gets redirected to it from somebody.






Are you winning The Game?

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How exactly did you get that info? Did you just ask a mod to get it for you? I thought they had some arbitrary policy against it.




Anyway, that's quite a while. No bother - consider that the time would have been spent doing some kind of distraction, and as long as you enjoyed it, no parent can say anything.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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How exactly did you get that info? Did you just ask a mod to get it for you? I thought they had some arbitrary policy against it.




Anyway, that's quite a while. No bother - consider that the time would have been spent doing some kind of distraction, and as long as you enjoyed it, no parent can say anything.




Read before you post...he email jagex saying he was a concerned parent so he could see how long his "son" has played for. I'm guessing but I've probably played more than you OP, but I'm too lazy to find out


3,200 to 99 Fishing

Achieved August 25, 2007

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Yeah, just wait 'til Jagex realizes, "Hey, how come we're getting a flood of concerned parents who want to know their child's TIGPT?"




/sarcasm, but I sure would like to know. Hopefully it'll become an accessible Account Management feature in the future. :?


^ Blog.


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How exactly did you get that info? Did you just ask a mod to get it for you? I thought they had some arbitrary policy against it.




Anyway, that's quite a while. No bother - consider that the time would have been spent doing some kind of distraction, and as long as you enjoyed it, no parent can say anything.




Read before you post...he email jagex saying he was a concerned parent so he could see how long his "son" has played for. I'm guessing but I've probably played more than you OP, but I'm too lazy to find out


It's not that I didn't read it. I just didn't understand it. They're allowed to give that kind of data out to parents, but not to the players themselves? How silly.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I'm a legal adult, I wonder if I can query the information for myself. I mean, I shouldn't need my mother to do it for me? :oops:

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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This would be an interesting bit of information to have. It would be nice if Jagex would include it in the control panel or something. Alot of other games do that like Warcraft and FFXI.




I know my brother is nearing 300 DAYS! of play time on FFxi. isn't that scary?



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Don't even wanne know-.-, I'm curious though as to why jagex wont release that info, and even more curious as to why they will give it to parents.


What can I say? I'm a rebel, like Ché Guevara.



What the hell is Ash doing while Team Rocket says their rhyme?

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I'm a legal adult, I wonder if I can query the information for myself. I mean, I shouldn't need my mother to do it for me? :oops:




That doesn't mean anything, Since you could had been playing before being a legal adult, and maybe they wouldn't believe you, it wouldn't be as effective as pretending be the one father paying his son's membership :thumbsup:



Veteran Cape Owner (10 year)

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Apparently they won't reveal your ingame time anymore.





Dear _____,




Thank you for your email regarding your sons account.




Im sorry to say that we are currently unable to provide you with information, regarding an accounts in-game time.




Aw. :wall:

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