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Little Boy Father At 13 (After DNA Test, Not The Father)


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Great. Condom could of solved all of this.




- Condoms are painful.


- Birth control pills are toxic.




Solution: sexual intercourse exists for the purpose of reproduction. Do not have sex unless you plan on reproducing to continue the existence of the species. If you really want to have sex, masturbate instead.




i don't think condomarmor is painful... just less pleasurable than no arming.




are anti-birth potions really toxic?






I'll pretend there's seriousness and say condoms aren't painful and birth control isn't toxic.




I forget most of you are American. If you are not circumcised, having dry rubber rubbing against your glans won't feel very nice.




Also, birth control pills cause chemicals to enter the body, that should not be there. They are basically a drug, and along with all drugs, are bad for and do not belong in the human body. Of course 99% of people on the planet will disagree, but the medical system has brainwashed everyone into thinking that drugs and chemicals and medicines are good for you. I don't want to discuss it further. However if you are interested in learning of the medical system's evils, I suggest you look into Herbert M. Shelton.




Also, I'm not trolling, I'm telling the truth.


So I suppose we should stop taking these chemicals that we're not supposed to have and die to simple diseases. Good choice.

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Great. Condom could of solved all of this.




- Condoms are painful.


- Birth control pills are toxic.




Solution: sexual intercourse exists for the purpose of reproduction. Do not have sex unless you plan on reproducing to continue the existence of the species. If you really want to have sex, masturbate instead.




i don't think condomarmor is painful... just less pleasurable than no arming.




are anti-birth potions really toxic?






I'll pretend there's seriousness and say condoms aren't painful and birth control isn't toxic.




I forget most of you are American. If you are not circumcised, having dry rubber rubbing against your glans won't feel very nice.




Also, birth control pills cause chemicals to enter the body, that should not be there. They are basically a drug, and along with all drugs, are bad for and do not belong in the human body. Of course 99% of people on the planet will disagree, but the medical system has brainwashed everyone into thinking that drugs and chemicals and medicines are good for you. I don't want to discuss it further. However if you are interested in learning of the medical system's evils, I suggest you look into Herbert M. Shelton.




Also, I'm not trolling, I'm telling the truth.


Oh yes, why believe 99% of the population when we could believe you? Seriously, what was I thinking...




See what I mean? The power of profit is more powerful than you think.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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See what I mean? The power of profit is more powerful than you think.


The drug companies profit insanely, but most medications are helpful. Although many are overprescribed, they still help people a lot. i don't completely agree with taking medication over things that are minor, and I personally would never want to take medication unless it would help me if i were sick, because other types of medication change who you are. You are just being narrow minded from the point of view that's been pushed on you.


But anyways, you're steering this thread off-topic. So quit being a noob.

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See what I mean? The power of profit is more powerful than you think.


The drug companies profit insanely, but most medications are helpful. Although many are overprescribed, they still help people a lot. i don't completely agree with taking medication over things that are minor, and I personally would never want to take medication unless it would help me if i were sick, because other types of medication change who you are. You are just being narrow minded from the point of view that's been pushed on you.


But anyways, you're steering this thread off-topic. So quit being a noob.




A woman went to the hospital complaining of a stomachache. The hospital gave her a drug (honestly - eat right and you won't get a stomachache in the first place) and her arms and legs turned black. Then they cut them off.




So now this woman has no arms and legs. If she'd stayed home and suffered through the stomachache, or combined her foods correctly, she'd be fine. The scariest thing is, she was THANKFUL that they "saved her life". I'd be suing them, and then killing myself.




But you're right, we're getting off topic.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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Pfft, as much as I love a fellow Russian, do you know how ignorant do you sound Jard_Y_Dooku?


You give one bad example to like 2 million good examples and base your whole view on it?


Following your logic I could say that someone chocked on air, and died so air is bad for you....




Really you're either trolling or extremely stupignorant.

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First talking about 12 year olds with large penises, then condoms. Then ughh.








Must we ? Must we ?


This thread is completely off the topic of the twelve year old impregnating the fifteen year old. I feel terrible for that baby. I hope the kids realize they aren't fit to be parents, and put the kid up for adoption, before it's too late.

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There is now speculation that the boy may not actually be the child's father. I'm not really surprised. I guess it makes it slightly better if there is an older father, but it just adds to the problems :wall:




I couldn't find anything about it on BBC or Sky News so ITV will have to do: ITV News


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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There is now speculation that the boy may not actually be the child's father. I'm not really surprised. I guess it makes it slightly better if there is an older father, but it just adds to the problems :wall:




I couldn't find anything about it on BBC or Sky News so ITV will have to do: ITV News




All I can say is that she's been around. ;)


Click my signature for my blog!

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There is now speculation that the boy may not actually be the child's father. I'm not really surprised. I guess it makes it slightly better if there is an older father, but it just adds to the problems :wall:




I couldn't find anything about it on BBC or Sky News so ITV will have to do: ITV News




It's pretty disgusting that at the age of 15, she had unprotected sex with guys from the ages of 12 - 16. :|




See what I mean? The power of profit is more powerful than you think.


The drug companies profit insanely, but most medications are helpful. Although many are overprescribed, they still help people a lot. i don't completely agree with taking medication over things that are minor, and I personally would never want to take medication unless it would help me if i were sick, because other types of medication change who you are. You are just being narrow minded from the point of view that's been pushed on you.


But anyways, you're steering this thread off-topic. So quit being a noob.




A woman went to the hospital complaining of a stomachache. The hospital gave her a drug (honestly - eat right and you won't get a stomachache in the first place) and her arms and legs turned black. Then they cut them off.




So now this woman has no arms and legs. If she'd stayed home and suffered through the stomachache, or combined her foods correctly, she'd be fine. The scariest thing is, she was THANKFUL that they "saved her life". I'd be suing them, and then killing myself.




But you're right, we're getting off topic.




Have a source on that or is something out of your conspiracy theory filled head? Complaining about a stomach can be a range of different infections, diseases or others without having anything to do with the stomach or their general diet. People quite often only refer to it as a stomach ache because of the general area it's in.

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Pfft, as much as I love a fellow Russian, do you know how ignorant do you sound Jard_Y_Dooku?


You give one bad example to like 2 million good examples and base your whole view on it?


Following your logic I could say that someone chocked on air, and died so air is bad for you....




Really you're either trolling or extremely stupignorant.


All medicine is poison. It just depends on what you kill first.




He tells the truth.


what the [bleep] hao does a lvl 12 manage to own a lvl 15 with a 1 inch penis?!
i don't think condomarmor is painful... just less pleasurable than no arming.




are anti-birth potions really toxic?

condomarmor is actually less pleasurable.




tbh soloing the beast isn't as fun as actually as duoing. now teaming is another story.


I laughed so hard at this.

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There is now speculation that the boy may not actually be the child's father. I'm not really surprised. I guess it makes it slightly better if there is an older father, but it just adds to the problems :wall:




I couldn't find anything about it on BBC or Sky News so ITV will have to do: ITV News




http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/article.aspx? ... ocid=today




Where I found out.




Haha, this made my [bleep]ing day. Poor kid though, but I can see why she slept around.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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HAHAHA! You know, I bet the kid had some massive ego-boost about this to his friends/school. "O hai guys I'm a father and got laid ftw" Good riddance. :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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See what I mean? The power of profit is more powerful than you think.


The drug companies profit insanely, but most medications are helpful.


Just thought I'd point out a few things about the evil drug companies high profits. Taken from this article:


? The cost of research and development of a new drug is enormous more than $800 million by the time the drug receives FDA approval. A substantial number of compounds under investigation never make it to approval, and their costs must be absorbed through money made other products.




? New drugs will not be developed and brought to market if there is no economic incentive for investors. To illustrate: if every time a life-saving drug finally came to market, activists and politicians demanded it be distributed free to anyone who needed it, there would be no further miracle drugs because there would be no fiscal incentive for research, development, and running the risk of failure.




? If pharmaceutical companies keep pumping out life-saving blockbuster drugs and reaping huge profits in doing so it is in fact a win-win situation, for the companies and for all of us who benefit from their products.




? Any government form of price control on pharmaceuticals represents a case of killing the goose who laid the golden egg. This applies to legalizing the importation of cheaper drugs from Canada (or other countries with government-mandated price controls), which is really a covert means of importing price controls to the U.S.




? It is crystal clear that countries with price controls do not have companies that produce new, innovative drugs. The United States stands alone now as the leader in new drug production accounting for approximately 90 percent of new medicines.

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Gross, now 4 other boys are claiming to be the kid's father :? Doesn't say much for the 15 year old, or the family that raised her. Beautiful baby girl though, very cute. I just hope that poor baby gets some help and grows up semi normally.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Alfie (the father) is offering to take a DNA test to prove that he is the father.


[hide=The News Article]

A school boy - dubbed 'Boy dad' by the British tabloids - is reportedly offering to take a DNA test to prove he's the father of his girlfriend's baby.




The Sun newspaper in Britain reported last week that 13-year-old Alfie Patten had become one of the country's youngest dads. Four-foot tall Alfie, who looks considerably younger than his age, was just 12 when his now 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman conceived after a night of unprotected sex.




However, the controversial story took an even more sordid turn today when The Sun revealed that three other youths were lining up to challenge paternity of baby Maisie Roxanne.




Alfie has offered to take a DNA test to prove he is the father and protect Chantelle's reputation.




Speaking to The Sun from his home in Essex yesterday, Alfie said: "Other stupid boys are lying, saying bad things, like they have slept with Chantelle too."




"But I am the only boyfriend she has had and we've been together for two years, so I must be the dad.




"When she found out she was having a baby, I asked her 'Am I the dad?' and she went 'Yeah' so I believe her.




"I didn't know about DNA tests before, but Mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells you if you're the dad.




"So, if I have that, they can all shut up. But I don't really care what people say. And I don't like them being bad about Chantelle."




Alfie's dad Dennis - who The Sun said had dumped his wife, Nicola, 43, for a teenage friend of her eldest daughter - is pushing for his son to take the test.




Meanwhile, Alfie and Chantelle's baby has drawn attention to Britain's high teenage pregnancy rate.




Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said the "tragic" case illustrated the country's social decline.




"It exemplifies the point we have been making about broken Britain," he told London's Evening Standard newspaper.




"It's not about being accusative: it's about pointing out the complete collapse in some parts of society of any sense of what's right and wrong."




Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was not familiar with the individual case, but told Sky TV: "All of us would want to avoid teenage pregnancies."




Maisie Roxanne was born in Eastbourne on Monday and police said that, despite both children being underage, they would not be looking into the case.




In a short video clip posted on YouTube, Alfie, whose voice has not broken yet, said he did not know how he would support his family.




He told The Sun reporter: "I thought it would be good to have a baby. I didn't think about how we would afford it. I don't really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me 10 pounds."




Chantelle and Alfie have pledged to raise the child as best they can. "We know we made a mistake but I wouldn't change it now," Chantelle was quoted by The Sun as saying.




Chantelle was taking birth control pills but missed one, The Sun reported. Friends and relatives left the family home near Eastbourne, south of London, on Saturday without speaking to reporters gathered outside. The teenagers could not be contacted.





#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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"Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception, said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth."




This just gets better and better, almost too good to be true. Are we sure this isn't just some teen parody of a late-night drama or something?

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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lol 8 guys now, wonder what number this gets up to. Also wonder how much is just speculation and how much is real.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Pfft, as much as I love a fellow Russian, do you know how ignorant do you sound Jard_Y_Dooku?


You give one bad example to like 2 million good examples and base your whole view on it?


Following your logic I could say that someone chocked on air, and died so air is bad for you....




Really you're either trolling or extremely stupignorant.


All medicine is poison. It just depends on what you kill first.




He tells the truth.


what the [bleep] hao does a lvl 12 manage to own a lvl 15 with a 1 inch penis?!
i don't think condomarmor is painful... just less pleasurable than no arming.




are anti-birth potions really toxic?

condomarmor is actually less pleasurable.




tbh soloing the beast isn't as fun as actually as duoing. now teaming is another story.


I laughed so hard at this.




SEE? Someone agrees with me. I'm not crazy.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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Sure, this probably doesn't sound like the truth; but that girl, Chantelle Steadman goes to my school in Eastbourne. She was in my english group before they moved her down becasue she was [developmentally dellayed] and to be honest, no one was suprised that it would happen.




Personally i think that she should of not had the baby but what is done is done and that cannot be helped now. i just hope the baby gets all the support it needs and dousnt ruin their lives too much.

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I'm torn. I don't know whether to be glad that a new life was brought into this world, or go to England and beat the living crap out of both of their parents for not teaching them safe sex. I'll probably go with both.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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