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Tip.it Vs Corr. War Over!


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As a personal joke from a few mates: SnC finally have a use for their Damn Over-kill Joining Requirements!


thats harsh :P

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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4pm Saturday EST? In that case it's 8am sunday morning here in Sydney, if I'm correct.




If I can make it, I will and I'll buy a few sets of rune, a bunch of swordies and and str pots from now. Good luck Tippies, although it's looking pretty bleak :lol:

Some games do not mix...


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I just bought 350 rune sets for this XD


63m worth of rune?! :o




Pretty much every one in top clans has at least that.




I don't believe anybody in Corr would ever write a message that sounds like that.




What's the point of returning... winner is virtually indeterminable then.




Thats how pk run-ins are held, winner is last clan standing. Its been like that for years, and will continue to be like that for as long as I can see clans in Rs.




Good luck Tip.it, should be a good fight.

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Violent Resolution WILL show to this, they have a signup for it and do not care about the fact they're not welcome, If they crash it would be nice if everyone would just turn around and hit them hard.




Anyway best of luck to Tip.It, I love that many are OVER-estimating us and our power, this is a very short prep for such a massive fight for us so I doubt we'll pull above 100 people, less then 100 people against possibly 500 people? Not to mention the VR and possibly DF that will crash? We'll have our work cut out for us.

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I assume that we've made the same demands of Corr, and they understand that they are to risk at least 25k as well?




Furthermore, they ought to ask more respectfully, as RSC has been demolished in the last two meetings. (MSSW 2 & 3)




While we are a clan that uses RSC, we rarely respresent them in anything, the events you talk of involved at most 2 - 3 Corruption members.




Also don't worry about us returning in proper gear lol. It's required for people to return in at least full rune when mellee'ing and at least full hides, rune helm, weapon and 100+ Addy arrows when ranging, not to mention there's a level requirement of 95+ range to range last i checked.

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Violent Resolution WILL show to this, they have a signup for it and do not care about the fact they're not welcome, If they crash it would be nice if everyone would just turn around and hit them hard.




Anyway best of luck to Tip.It, I love that many are OVER-estimating us and our power, this is a very short prep for such a massive fight for us so I doubt we'll pull above 100 people, less then 100 people against possibly 500 people? Not to mention the VR and possibly DF that will crash? We'll have our work cut out for us.




[06] <%Enzock> specifically written into the rule is no VR haha


[06] <%Enzock> any other clan can come


^meaning DF can come so we wouldn't be crashing and world 21 is the offical no crash world so yeah you should pick a different world.

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Well, hello there Tip.it!




I'm very much looking forward to this fight. It'll be a somewhat largescale fight and I kind of predict a massacre. tip.it has many good clans, but would they be able to work together in order to get a victory on Corruption?




I hope you've bought enough sets to outlast us ;) We'll be spamming ingame for your motivation: 'We are Corruption' & 'All night long'




Hope this will be a good and clean fight. Good luck guys.


"Power tends to Corrupt. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!"


Proud Moderator of Corruption.

Proud Leader of New Threat.

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Kinda seems a bit pointless if people can keep coming back after dying. Its not a war on who are the best pkers just who have the most rune sets.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Got work off; I'll be there.




This is dedication.




Kinda seems a bit pointless if people can keep coming back after dying. Its not a war on who are the best pkers just who have the most rune sets.




This will sadly be a fight of "how much are you willing to spend to win".




And if VR shows up to crash, can Corruption and TIF work together to kill 'em all and then go back to our fight?

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I feel were gonna get crashed why can't we do are fights in CLAN WARS.




Edit: I'm not coming don't feel like spending over 200k that I won't see again.




Holding this fight in CWA would make it even less possible for us to win then it currently is.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Violent Resolution WILL show to this, they have a signup for it and do not care about the fact they're not welcome, If they crash it would be nice if everyone would just turn around and hit them hard.




Anyway best of luck to Tip.It, I love that many are OVER-estimating us and our power, this is a very short prep for such a massive fight for us so I doubt we'll pull above 100 people, less then 100 people against possibly 500 people? Not to mention the VR and possibly DF that will crash? We'll have our work cut out for us.




Think most of us (clans within tip.it, not individuals from tip.it) already knew this was going to happen, whether it's in the w21 free for all or in another one. This will probably end up as another cluster like Monday's imo. Just my opinion though.




Edit: VR crashing that is, oh and we can't forget DK.




Edit 2: Stop saying we're fight RSC. Just because a lot of Corruption are active in RSC doesn't mean they represent them as a whole. They also use Sal's as well, so you're going to say we're also fighting Sal's? Point proven.

"...and if the world seeks my destruction, then I will take the world down with me...



Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

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Do we have a ventrillo chan? Or atleast a IRC, so we're not unorganized.


If we don't have vent or IRC, we're pretty much gonna be screwed, RSC is pretty organized.




A) We could use tipit irc.


B) They had a teamspeak for mssw4.


C) We AREN'T fighting RSC.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Do we have a ventrillo chan? Or atleast a IRC, so we're not unorganized.


If we don't have vent or IRC, we're pretty much gonna be screwed, RSC is pretty organized.

Not sure about a Vent or TS, but #clans on IRC.SwiftIRC will probably be our main channel.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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Violent Resolution WILL show to this, they have a signup for it and do not care about the fact they're not welcome, If they crash it would be nice if everyone would just turn around and hit them hard.




Anyway best of luck to Tip.It, I love that many are OVER-estimating us and our power, this is a very short prep for such a massive fight for us so I doubt we'll pull above 100 people, less then 100 people against possibly 500 people? Not to mention the VR and possibly DF that will crash? We'll have our work cut out for us.




[06] <%Enzock> specifically written into the rule is no VR haha


[06] <%Enzock> any other clan can come


^meaning DF can come so we wouldn't be crashing and world 21 is the offical no crash world so yeah you should pick a different world.


Df have declined weekday and weekend fights, both capped and uncapped with several different rules so if you show up as a clan to fight us I'd be surprised lol.



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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Violent Resolution WILL show to this, they have a signup for it and do not care about the fact they're not welcome, If they crash it would be nice if everyone would just turn around and hit them hard.




Anyway best of luck to Tip.It, I love that many are OVER-estimating us and our power, this is a very short prep for such a massive fight for us so I doubt we'll pull above 100 people, less then 100 people against possibly 500 people? Not to mention the VR and possibly DF that will crash? We'll have our work cut out for us.




[06] <%Enzock> specifically written into the rule is no VR haha


[06] <%Enzock> any other clan can come


^meaning DF can come so we wouldn't be crashing and world 21 is the offical no crash world so yeah you should pick a different world.


Yes, but The ideal was that, VR have gone no honor, and we doubted that DF would want to be associated with them. Does DF want a topic of "VR & DF crash tip.it fight) Personaly, if VR crash I'd love to see DF step up and do their anti-NO hornor things and clear VR... I think what DF does will show their colors will they show their old colors, and take out a clan(vr), or did they change while #1, and will do anything it takes to 'win' corruption, even if it means supporting a clan who has been talking down to the entire pk community.

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