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In Soviet Russia...


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...Soviet Russia joke makes fun of YOU! Haha, I love these.




Anyways, there's a particular queerness I find odd. There's a book based on RuneScape, "Betrayal at Falador". RuneScape started as a game and the book was based on it. It seems that a lot of people dismiss this book as silly, or consider it 'nerdy' to read it.




However in the reverse, when a game is based on a book... say... Harry Potter I guess is an example. It's not considered 'nerdy' to play the Harry Potter game because it started as a book.




I fail to see the logic so perhaps someone could enlighten me? In my opinion Betrayal at Falador sounds interesting. I'm going to read it when I get a chance. In my opinion, NOT reading it would make me a 'noob' because I'd have no knowledge of that particular aspect of the RuneScape series universe.




PS - My title DOES make sense. The "In Soviet Russia..." joke is called a Russian reversal, and my topic is about how if a series universe starts with a particular medium, the other media may be considered "nerdy" or irrelevant.

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i would say playing a harry potter game is rather nerdy, Plus i dont see why you would want to there all rushed and poorly developed, as was every single star wars game.




They could of all been so much better but releaseing them at the same time they hit the movies was silly.



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i would say playing a harry potter game is rather nerdy, Plus i dont see why you would want to there all rushed and poorly developed, as was every single star wars game.




They could of all been so much better but releaseing them at the same time they hit the movies was silly.




Star Wars Battlefront was the cats pyjamas.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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Majority of games are based or derived from some form of literature, or book.




We play these games because this fact is just so widespread and is such the norm that we're all doing it by playing the game or any other game.




However the reverse doesn't happen often and like usual we either become skeptical, afraid, or condescending of change or of the 'new' thing that presents itself through whatever form. If more books are released through the years and other games start doing the same (which they do but not often) then it won't be seen as nerdy or stupid anymore, until it dies out of fashion.




But I doubt it.

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Actually... There are quite a good many books based off on games. One that bears to mind is the Republic Commando series which are all excellent reads for Star Wars fans.


All too often developers are looking for quick cash so when a movie company offers a deal to make a game based on their movie they will rush to make one. Which often times fails to make a lot of profit in the first place.




I have yet to get BaF but I would highly recommend it if you want to be fully engaged in the Rune Scape lore. Of course the book isn't made to enlighten us on the game but to follow an adventurer much like ourselves.




Happy reading :thumbsup: oh and keep the chips away from the book. They don't like that very much :shame:

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It is kind of strange that people view two similar stories in content differently that one started as a game. I would say that it's because Harry Potter, being a very popular book among all muggles (yes...I went there), is widely accepted. Where as Runescape, being a popular game yes, is not part of pop culture so it is "different" so it is "nerdy".




One 'Soviet Russia' joke I remember is for lan Parties.




In Soviet Russia...Lan attends you!

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It is kind of strange that people view two similar stories in content differently that one started as a game. I would say that it's because Harry Potter, being a very popular book among all muggles (yes...I went there), is widely accepted. Where as Runescape, being a popular game yes, is not part of pop culture so it is "different" so it is "nerdy".




One 'Soviet Russia' joke I remember is for lan Parties.




In Soviet Russia...Lan attends you!




Actually it's not all that strange. Rune Scape just doesn't have the appeal factor that say Harry Potter has. Harry Potter also has a bunch of advertising and products behind it that are all aimed for the little kids.


I am actually glad about this. I rather play a game that isn't very well known so that I feel I am a part of a community that other people just do not understand.




Let us just hope no one tries to make a video about Jagex's game. Books are fine, as for movies... just no.




btw, In Soviet Russia jokes are old. While they used to be a superpower they are slowly becoming weaker. Good job UN.

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It's the simple and unarguable law os the spin off.




The spin off in all cases pretty much turns out to be worse than the original.




The Harry Potter books may not be the msot well written books or hold immense literature value but they are still entralling and have a compelling story if you get into them.




The spins off from these eg the movies and associated merchandise are quite poor. Anyone who loves the books can already see a great issue arising in a number of scenes and bits of info that have been dropped that are key to the conclusions. Not to mention the fact we've had what 5 films without a single sighting of peeves? and the 7th book is going to be 2 films. Not to mention Radcliffe's acting makes a cardboard cut out look positively realistic. Then the merchandise is absolutely dire. I've played most of the games, they barely follow the story. Hogwarts is never in the same layout as the film, let alone the other games. You learn 4 or 5 spells that rarely relate in anyway to what Harry actually knows and the games are easily doable in a matter of hours.




Runescape on the other hand is a brilliant game with a book based spin off, there is no way the book can be as good as the game and as with most spin offs is prejudged due to the spin off nature. Using something good to create something else rarely works.




I mean look at Friends, widely loved by all ages ran for 10 years loads of people lvoed the character of Joey


Joey - the spin off series is utter car crash tele and got pulled from the air.


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However in the reverse, when a game is based on a book... say... Harry Potter I guess is an example. It's not considered 'nerdy' to play the Harry Potter game because it started as a book.




I think it's nerdy either way.






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I actually read BaF. Found it an amazing book with an awesome story. :thumbsup:




I wouldn't say it's nerdy, but it's true that it's not widely accepted by people. I've had to take the book to school to show it to my English teacher, so he could judge if I was allowed to read it for my list or not. Had some interesting reactions, lol. People were like "z0mG a RuneScape book lololol" and that when they didn't even read it.




If you get a chance to read it: DO SO! I think you'll like it ::'




As said before, it follows the adventures of a few adventurers, like ourselves.




As for the HP books/movies: I can say I quite the books (English version > Dutch version tbh), but the movies are.. hmm.. yucky. Soooo much is left away #-o and now they're gonna make the 7th book into 2 movies #-o :shame: they shouldn't do that.. but ah well, guess it's some stupid thing that has to do with merchandise or something.

dragon drops: 2h, Med (x4), spear (x3), legs (x3), skirt, left half

barrow drops: 45+ GWD drops: 1x steam, 1x bandos plate, 1x tasset, 4x shard

proud owner of the Quest Cape since March 28th 2008 - [554/555 songs unlocked]

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Or by seperating the book into 2 movies, they are trying to fit more of what was 'left away' into an already really long movie. Seems like the best idea they could have had.




true that, but why not put it all in one, long movie? ::' or releasing them at the same time? That'd be even better imo \'

dragon drops: 2h, Med (x4), spear (x3), legs (x3), skirt, left half

barrow drops: 45+ GWD drops: 1x steam, 1x bandos plate, 1x tasset, 4x shard

proud owner of the Quest Cape since March 28th 2008 - [554/555 songs unlocked]

99 cooking on April 5th 2008

99 magic on June 29th 2008


Dog to 100% (full grown) at 2nd day of Summoning! :)

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Or by seperating the book into 2 movies, they are trying to fit more of what was 'left away' into an already really long movie. Seems like the best idea they could have had.




true that, but why not put it all in one, long movie? ::' or releasing them at the same time? That'd be even better imo \'




The issue being the bits that are left out so far are highly relative the the finale.




Whether they leave everything in book 7 in the film form or not it won;t be as good because (unless you've read the books) you lack the fore knowledge of many events such as Peeves doings or the sphinx or the growling noises etc heard in the deep of gringotts etc etc


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...Soviet Russia joke makes fun of YOU! Haha, I love these.




Anyways, there's a particular queerness I find odd. There's a book based on RuneScape, "Betrayal at Falador". RuneScape started as a game and the book was based on it. It seems that a lot of people dismiss this book as silly, or consider it 'nerdy' to read it.



However in the reverse, when a game is based on a book... say... Harry Potter I guess is an example. It's not considered 'nerdy' to play the Harry Potter game because it started as a book.







Your thread failed right there.

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If RuneScape the game didn't exist, I bet the book would not be considered "nerdy" to read, and might actually be another one of those classic fantasies like HP, though personally I've never read the book, so i dont know if it's actually good.


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I wouldn't say that "Betrayal at Falador" has any direct allusions with the Soviet Union. Although it may seem that the Russia we see today still has some connections with the empire it once was, the case always isn't like that.


But yes, in a way, many things have remained the same: their foreign policy on exmembers of the USSR, Moscow's great power etc.

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If the game has substantial storyline and in-game depth than a game can definitely carry its own weight in litterature and film.


Look at Tomb Raider for example.


The Baldurs Gate book collection is a very good read as well. Although I'm not quite sure if they were printed before or after the game. But I only first noticed the books after the game.




There are also a number of Diablo books, all in the fantasy/rpg genre.






So in my opinion it pretty much boils down to the skills of the writer, and not how good the game is. Because I bet someone like J.R.R Tolkien could write a masterpiece based on Pacman if he needed to. I'm not quite sure if anyone could pull of a book on Pong though :lol:

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i would say playing a harry potter game is rather nerdy, Plus i dont see why you would want to there all rushed and poorly developed, as was every single star wars game.




They could of all been so much better but releaseing them at the same time they hit the movies was silly.




Star Wars Battlefront was the cats pyjamas.


Exactly. Both of them were excellent. There was like a total of three bugs for Battlefront and i have found none for BF 2. Battlefront owns.

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i would say playing a harry potter game is rather nerdy, Plus i dont see why you would want to there all rushed and poorly developed, as was every single star wars game.




They could of all been so much better but releaseing them at the same time they hit the movies was silly.




Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 was the cats pyjamas.





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