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Do you considered yourself sheltered?


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Being sheltered isn't bad. It's not your fault if you're sheltered. There are your parents to blame for that one.




Honestly, do you? The last thread I made, most people really stunned me. "but but it's baaaaaaaaaad" is such a childish point that really made me lose the will to argue.




My parents tried hard to keep me sheltered I think, but it didn't work out too well. They both know I inherited my mom's attitude so they know better than to use the "because I said so" method.

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To a point. My parents think that I'm too young for everything, even though, at least in my opinion I'm not. A lot of times they try to shelter me from the horrors of living in the real world, but I usually ignore them. They don't really try to protect me as much as other parents, but they still can be excessively strict at times. But, they let me play M rated games, see R rated movies, go out on my own, stay out late, and whatever, so I guess I can't complain



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I guess it depends on someones description of it. I've never really seen many violent things first hand, but I have through other means. So I guess I'd say I wouldn't be.

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Hell yeah I was sheltered. :lol:


Not really on purpose but I was for probably the first 12-13 years of my life. :lol:


Not really anymore, but still slightly I guess.




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Most definitely not. In fact, I think my parents need to shelter me more. Not that I do anything that requires sheltering.




I'm allowed to go out whenever I want, without the need to tell my parents about any of it. I have full access to the internet in private whenever and wherever I want. This is probably because I don't ever do anything wrong and so my parents trust me.


My sister has full parental protection on her computer, can't even go into the backyard without my mum asking where she's going, and has restricted phone credit and a curfew. But that's because she's a psychotic, typical rebellious teenage girl.


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I was extremely sheltered in many ways. The first time i was allowed out with my friends was when i was sixteen and even then we had to be chaperoned. I wasn't allowed to have a phone until i was sixteen [Would've been 18 had i not had a ton of extra curricular activities] I wasn't allowed to go to after parties or anything at school.




It has gotten to the point where i just don't like socializing half the time, i'd much rather sit in my room with my laptop open on microsoft word and write or read.




I don't think parents are entirely the ones to blame though. Sure they are the ones who become over bearing and protective, but if you really didn't want it you would fight against it. I'm not saying you should fight against your parents, but part of being independant is standing up for yourself and reaching compromizes, i wish i had've realized that earlier. If i had've i might have turned out different.




Up until i wasn't living at home i had to relay to my mother:




Where i was going to be.


Who i was going to be with.


When i would be living.


WHy i was going there, plus check in every few hours.


She'd want to speak to the parents etc.


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lol im definitely not sheltered in the least bit, my parents have never tried to shelter me, and have always wanted me to experience new things and try new things, the only way they have ever been sheltering is they want me to be safe, like no where i am etc they are way overbearing in this, and get in alot fights but i know its kuz they care, but if i just got up and left i could, and now being 18 they could try and punish me but the worst they could really do is just give me a talking to lol, i know kuz i have before :lol:

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No not at all [well maybe a little bit], you see my parents, don't really hide anytihng from me or they don't, actually didn't, restrict my freedom. I can go out, go to friend's places. Not only skin deep things like this but when it came to what "society" would deem a taboo or/and social stigma attached, such as alcohol they never felt it was something to hide.

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A little, I suppose. My parents let me go out whenever I want and for as long as I want within reason. (So long as I text her on my phone every so often, saying I'm ok.) Games and movies are ok, whatever age rating.. But parties with alcohol may as well be on the moon, because they're not ok with me going.

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My sister has full parental protection on her computer, can't even go into the backyard without my mum asking where she's going, and has restricted phone credit and a curfew. But that's because she's a psychotic, typical rebellious teenage girl. <- Owned?




I just am allowed 20 hours max a day on the weekends on the PC, usually 15 hours (and I litterly stay on for THAT long as much as I can, no wounder my eye sight went from average to screwed up in 2-3 years of this...).




Just have to warn when I go out e.g. Internet Cafe or PC Lan.


Getting a bit more 'sheltered' as I am failing hard at school... in my most important year... :cry: I try but I just can't stop failing tests...




Anyway as long as no more stupid stuff I do I'm fine :D


I was 'sheltered' heavily until 13ish.




After writing all this, I just felt like I needed a life #-o



Current goal: Legends, Regicide, Roving Elf's, Barrows RFD, 95+ Attack.

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It depends what you mean by sheltered.




My parents don't really put restrictions on me. They did at one point, where they'd keep taking the internet away, but I think they've come to accept they can't really stop me anymore since I'm almost 17. I just spend all my time up in my bedroom in my laptop. They don't usually mind too much me going out (when I do) but my mum says she'd rather I not go shopping in Manchester on my own, so I just lie and say I never do.




If you mean sheltered from social issues like? Not at all, hell half the issues go on in my house. I knew from about 9 that parents argue, people leave home (or at least threaten to in my dad's case), drinking stupidly large amounts of alcohol in my house, coming home and throwing up in the living room, my mum smoked some drugs once in the living room when I was about... 13ish. I was just on the computer. :wall: I feel sorry though for my little brother, he's already growing to accept half the [cabbage] that they come up with. #-o


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I have Indian parents living in Western society, they think everything is bad. Once I wasn't allowed to go to a sleep over because the girl's step-father was muslim. Kinda' hypocritical when she has muslim friends herself...




Anyway, I've gained a little leeway now. I'm allowed to spend my money however I want (But the critism still comes) and I can go out as long as I phone them and stay indoors when it's 7pm. I'm gonna' have a hard time convincing them to let me accept student accomodation for when I go to Uni.




You all have it easy. I'm not allowed to date, NEVER!, and they expect a frigging arranged marriage out of me.




But hey, don't the boys have more freedom than girls? >.>



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I have Indian parents living in Western society, they think everything is bad. Once I wasn't allowed to go to a sleep over because the girl's step-father was muslim. Kinda' hypocritical when she has muslim friends herself...




Anyway, I've gained a little leeway now. I'm allowed to spend my money however I want (But the critism still comes) and I can go out as long as I phone them and stay indoors when it's 7pm. I'm gonna' have a hard time convincing them to let me accept student accomodation for when I go to Uni.




You all have it easy. I'm not allowed to date, NEVER!, and they expect a frigging arranged marriage out of me.




But hey, don't the boys have more freedom than girls? >.>
























So do you identify yourself as "Indian"

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I wasn't sheltered at all, but I was controlled. My parents didn't care if I went out to drink with friends in high school as long as I told them where I was going and who I was with and it was always the same people, so they knew they could trust us to be responsible. They were both partiers as kids, and they had to hide it from their parents which created bad relationships with them. I think they didn't want that to happen to my sister and I.




My parents know pretty much everything about me, but I tell them it because there is a mutual respect and I think that's the way the relationship should be. Parents that shelter their kids are not doing the right thing. At some point, kids need to make decisions for themselves and coddling them along isn't going to help them transition into adults.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I have Indian parents living in Western society, they think everything is bad. Once I wasn't allowed to go to a sleep over because the girl's step-father was muslim. Kinda' hypocritical when she has muslim friends herself...




Anyway, I've gained a little leeway now. I'm allowed to spend my money however I want (But the critism still comes) and I can go out as long as I phone them and stay indoors when it's 7pm. I'm gonna' have a hard time convincing them to let me accept student accomodation for when I go to Uni.




You all have it easy. I'm not allowed to date, NEVER!, and they expect a frigging arranged marriage out of me.




But hey, don't the boys have more freedom than girls? >.>




Wow, what do you think of arranged marriage? I'd kill myself before I let myself be a part of that

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You all have it easy. I'm not allowed to date, NEVER!, and they expect a frigging arranged marriage out of me.




You maybe lucky and get my mate Asif as a husband, (he is like so awesome, he is very much a brit, a very slack muslim.)




I'd say my parents are quite laid-back, they don't mind if i go out and drink, there is only one rule, which is that I have to gbe back at 12, but I've come home at 1 without being hassled. Also I have to walk back with a mate who lives close by, I don't mind pretty much, he is normally pissed off his brains... I help him into his house, good fun.




So, despite the 12 o clock curfew and walking home with friends, I think I have it easy.

Luck be a Lady

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Probably, but it's not the intrusive kind ('You can't do x, no buts'), just the informative kind ('You can do x, but only if you tell me y about x'). My parents will let me do a lot of things within reason, so long as I tell them what I'm doing.

~ W ~



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They definitely tried. I don't know for certain how well they succeeded. I can go out, I think, I just don't very often. Or at least, I don't go out of reasonable walking distance very often. Like, I don't go driving around town much. But I'll just go out alone and walk, sometimes without telling my parents, and they;re usually alright with it. They don't try to force their own plans on me for situations that arise, such as how I'll get to air rifle practice and just when exactly I come home.




They used to be restrictive on M-rated games, not so much anymore, R-rated movies were never a problem, and, especially being in public school, I've been to exposed to all of the stuff that goes on there. I guess maybe, to an extent.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I feel sheltered. I am not sure if I am though. Its my dad that is over sheltering. My mom lets me play Rs, hang out with my preg. girlfriend, and go to parties. My dad watches just about everything I do. I can't have 10 minutes of privacy when my dad is home. My mom lies for me so I can go to "School" activites (aka parties).


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No I wouldn't consider myself sheltered. I live in an area where I was exposed to a lot of things from an early age (it wasn't too bad - my family weren't in poverty and there are far worse places) so I was able to have a wide range of experiences growing up. A lot of it has to do with my own lack on inhibition as a child, I liked to go out and push the boundaries when I was younger (up until I was about 13 or 14).




That being said I find a lot of people who I talk to online and my uni classmates have been quite sheltered by comparison. Maybe my childhood was a little too unrestricted at times to be honest. It's strange being almost the odd one out at uni in that respect but it's good to mix with people from different backgrounds (even if they're mainly from the same country).


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

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Depends on your viewage (yes, I know that's not a word) of sheltering. There's several different categories of sheltering, and my yes/no answers vary greatly for each of them.




My parents, while giving more freedom in terms of how & when the homework gets done, still like to check in on it and find out what's due when, etc. from time to time.




They still like to know where I'm going, what I'm doing, etc.




However, on the other hand, there's no lockdown on computers/internet/phone/etc. and I'm still free to go do whatever I choose.




I was very sheltered before though. I wasn't even allowed to watch the news when I was around 8. :?

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Nah, I wouldn't say so. I go to a public school and have pretty much unlimited internet access. It's pretty hard to be "sheltered" these days.




Basically I do what I want :|

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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