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I Love lego. I havn't played with it for a long time but I used to play all the time. When i first got a set i'd build it as it was meant to be. Then after that id make something entirely new. I'm pretty sure ive got one picture of one of my creations, it was a fair ground with an ice rink and stuff. lol. I also used to make robots and cars and stuff.








This was my favourite set and I had all the extras and stuff from the 95 sets ^_^




The Aquazone with the Aquanauts and Aquasharks lol ^_^
















Hows this for kick [wagon] lego tho heheh. The best Escher type thing i ever did was a penrose tribar and a billy basic most basic of basic version of the staircase in which Ascending is based on.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Hmm, I actually still have a lot of the original Lego. It's all in my garage in various boxes sadly. My last set as such was the Lego Mindstorms set, didn't last very long though. I kinda preferred just building my own stuff out of the standard 8 notch blocks and various other pieces.








Oh man I feel like playing with lego now... :(


Notoriously Trollish.

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Haha everyone on tipit loves legos.








I used to play with legos too when I was younger too. Now at my old days I don't fancy such a childish thing anymore.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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I wanted that set so badly when I was a kid, Matt..








I think I got the smaller Aquanauts base, though..








I also had a couple of the time-traveler series, including the main big castley thingy, a couple of the old alien sets, and most recently the giant tunelling machine thing from the miner series..








I still have most of the peices, hardly any if any at all of the sets are still in-tact, though.

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My first ever lego set, bought for me by my dad on the day I was born. It has a special place in my display, easily my favourite thing in there. It has lights and sounds, and it can even play different sounds by turning the knob on top.
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I had some sets, few castles. I think they're about 10 years old? Those dragon fortress'...it's all lost and so though, I never was too careful with my toys. Necro, why don't you put some pics up of your collection, I'm curious. :D


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When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I love Legos. :) I used to collect tons of them when I was younger. I still have a whole wall of my room lined with them, even though I don't even touch them anymore (expect to repair them when they get broken). I should take some pictures of some of my stuff to show y'all. . .



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I love lego, but I can't stand it when people use different coloured bricks to build things. Everything has to have a real colour scheme, for me. I've probably got OCD, I don't like asymmetry either.








EDIT: Those Techno Slizer things rocked too, can't say much for those stupid bikes or Bionicle things they brought out though.

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Oh good, so i'm obviously not the only one who thinks Lego is awesome. I had a lot of sets that remained intact for a few days before i took them apart and built something random out of them. Such fun! :)

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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i havntplayed with lego in ages (like 3 years)








i never used to get the sets, just 1000 peice boxes. the oldest i have is a 30 peice box of juplo (massive lego). i got sick of loosing bits in the vacume cleaner and steping on missed bits. i hated cleaning it up after playing too








the best thing i made was this super-car-dealy with all yellow glass sides and a slot in the top for my special exotic coins...(THEY HAVE HOLES IN THEM!!!) lolz


First and only pixel thinger I made.

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i dont wnat to sound annoying but its duplo not juplo








did anyone else have the lego games for pc lego island etc.








i had one for playstation, worst driving game ever. after that i stayed away from the games, and just bought the legos :D



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gosh...i lub legos soooo much








i havnt touched mine in like 5 years..(17 now)..but i would stay up all night building stuff








my parents would yell at me for making too much noise *shrghfgdfgg sghfgfjgfhg* from digging through my boxes lol

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i dont like the new ones since those rnt legos, the blocks r fun sometimes if power is out or something, make towers and cities and all sortsa fun squares :D

Banned from Runescape on a day I didn't play, for a real world trade I never did. Combat 113 - Total 1796 - Top 500 Cooking

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I <3 Legos :D I have like 5 old Lego System sets, and a million technic models. I dunno why, I'm a girl but I like technic :D I've moved a few times and after the last time I didnt bother to build everything up again... but all the shelves in my house used to be packed with cars and trucks and planes :P








OMg, I sooooooooooo agree that modern lego stuff SUCK... like, the Bionicles. When they first came out it was really cool, u could fight with them and everything, and 3 small ones would build a big one. But now they've given out what, like 50 bionicles??? And they're all the same stuff.. its so stupid!!! And now there are no massive huge sets like before... *feels so lucky to have old legos* :D

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I <3 Legos :D I have like 5 old Lego System sets, and a million technic models. I dunno why, I'm a girl but I like technic :D I've moved a few times and after the last time I didnt bother to build everything up again... but all the shelves in my house used to be packed with cars and trucks and planes :P








OMg, I sooooooooooo agree that modern lego stuff SUCK... like, the Bionicles. When they first came out it was really cool, u could fight with them and everything, and 3 small ones would build a big one. But now they've given out what, like 50 bionicles??? And they're all the same stuff.. its so stupid!!! And now there are no massive huge sets like before... *feels so lucky to have old legos* :D








So you have to be a guy to like technic? >.<




That's odd :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I <3 Legos :D I have like 5 old Lego System sets, and a million technic models. I dunno why, I'm a girl but I like technic :D I've moved a few times and after the last time I didnt bother to build everything up again... but all the shelves in my house used to be packed with cars and trucks and planes :P








OMg, I sooooooooooo agree that modern lego stuff SUCK... like, the Bionicles. When they first came out it was really cool, u could fight with them and everything, and 3 small ones would build a big one. But now they've given out what, like 50 bionicles??? And they're all the same stuff.. its so stupid!!! And now there are no massive huge sets like before... *feels so lucky to have old legos* :D








So you have to be a guy to like technic? >.<




That's odd :P








Weeeellll, people usually think guys like building cars and stuff with gears and all, while girls like those barbie house thingis... lol

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