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Breakfast and healthy life


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As i said, i also wasn't bothered until a point when i started thinking about it. You should start thinking/doing something about it now, or you will probably have problems later :\




Racheya, exercising actually decreases asthma. Someone i know had bad asthma and didn't exercise at all, but when he started, his asthma was getting better and better =] You could try it ;)


"Happines only real when shared."





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My working day.




Brekky: 2 Weetbix


Smoko: 2 Slices of wholemeal bread, banana and bout 30 grapes.


Lunch: Meal (could be unhealthy like pie, or healthy like idk....something healthy :P) Apple, mandarine, and a snack (shapes or something, small packet)


Dinner: Whatever mum cooks :P Usually healthy as she is a healthy person buttttt on occasions something like pizza :P


~>St Jonno<~

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I'm too godamned picky to eat that healthy, seriously.




I usually miss Breakfast, not lately though. I usually just can't get up, and my brother eats all the weet-bix and stuff during the day, so its all gone :wall: Meh Toast will do, they don't eat the museli and yogurt either, so I have that if I have time.




For lunch I just chuck a couple of packs of chips in my bag....PRobaly not good eh, we have no food for lunch that lasts though. Maybe an apple if we have any that arn't all funny-looking.




My mum cooks very healthy dinners if she gets home early, if not I make a pizza/chicken burgers.




I do alot of sport though, helps make up for it.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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unkn0wnwarrior, thanks a lot! =] I'm doing pretty good at the moment and i hardly have any lust for ciggarette smoke ;)


You should eat that "brunch" or at leas a small breakfast when you get up, at least a small cup of cereals or something like that. You need energy to last until lunch at 1 or 2 :)


I've tried, but I can't eat before I fully wake up. It just doesn't work.

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Alot so far in this thread will sound incredibly healthy compared to me. I balance eating rubbish with just not eating much.




As i only one day of the week i get out of bed before lunch time, saturdays the only chance i get to even eat breakfast. And for some reason im in the habbit of eating a rustlers rib burgers saturday morning before work. All other days of the week i will get up at around 2pm ish, find something in the freezer like pizza, a microwaveable meal etc, and have that for lunch/just woken up food but too late to be breakfast food. then i'll go to work, at work all i will eat is a twirl and a bottle of lucozade on my break to give me some energy. Then once i'm home i'll usually have a small meal like spag bol, a curry or a fried breakfast ( i have no imagination on what to eat for a meal so i usually rotate those 3 :D ) From then on in the night i'll barely eat anything, maybe a packet of crisps. Oh and on saturday nights if im in il'll have a takeaway, thats basically all my diet in a paragraph. Couple that with no excercise apart from lifting weights a few nigths a week, im strangely healthy. Average height, not skinny, not fat, its very strange.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I have also ironically started eating healthier about a week ago.


I noticed I was growing a little and not with muscle. I basically cot all junk food, pack my own lunch, don't eat nearly as much, and the only real time I eat junk is special occasions.


I really noticed an impact today... A month ago I would have trouble riding my bike 3.71 miles to my friend's house. I rode 5 miles easily, in a shorter time, to a special someones house. After a few hours of fun, a Monster and some (delicious) Reeses Pieces, I rode home, all 5 miles, in 22 minutes.





Sicus Locum Para Bellum!

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Yeah I hear you, I've been trying to lose my pregnancy weight for the last 5-6 months. Fish oil capsules have sped up the process for me as well as drinking lemon juice in hot water most mornings to rid the body of toxins.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I never worried about an healthy life since I'm skinny. Only thing I fear though is getting too much fat in my arteries or some sort of heart problem later on in life.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I never worried about an healthy life since I'm skinny. Only thing I fear though is getting too much fat in my arteries or some sort of heart problem later on in life.


I think about this too. Often.




One thing is for sure, though. You can't pass up a Chipotle burrito.






^ Blog.


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I never worried about an healthy life since I'm skinny. Only thing I fear though is getting too much fat in my arteries or some sort of heart problem later on in life.


Meh, that's like me. I'm 115 lbs at 5'8", and eat constantly, yet I'm still underweight. Oh, and I don't exercise very much.




On the topic of breakfast, yes I do eat it. A big bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats and some orange juice. Occasionally toast.




Edit: Pink you beat me -.-


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But I have too much internet browsing to do to go to bed early! :o I just fail at sleeping in general.




And I'm not a fat chick :lol: There's nothing wrong with DDR as exercise, since I'd probably do nothing if I didn't do that :P And I have asthma so I like using that as an excuse not to do other things. I'm not a very sporty person and I never have been.




I'm not overweight or anything either (actually about right according to Wii Fit), but I think my body is just generally not very healthy. It's always been this way.






Go play volleyball or something. Seriously. If you don't develop healthy exercise habits now when you're a teenager you probably won't as an adult, especially if you suck at every sport. You really have two options, come to enjoy a certain sport/exercse routine, or learn2run. Otherwise if you aren't fat now, you will be fat, guarenteed.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'm actually surprised how many people actually don't have a very healthy life. With all the junk food and sweets around us, it's really difficult to stay focused on healthy food..


It's connected to todays hurrying/rush too.. You simply don't have time to eat or can't be bothered to do some sports/exercise... It's actually very scary, that's one of the reasons i've started doing all this.




Rebdragon, i agree with you, but if she doesn't decide to do some sport for real, she won't be doing it for long.. It takes a lot of will and persistence to start with a sport(doesn't matter which one) and not to stop doing it in a couple of days/weeks. I've been having problems with that in the past =P




My good friend has a great metabolism, he actually eats more than me and more junk food(burek, kebab, mcdonalds...) than me and he's still soooo damn skinny. But he has recently started experiencing some quite serious problems with his health and i'm very concerned about it...


"Happines only real when shared."





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Yes, i drink them as a supplement, but i'm not sure if they are healthy enough to drink them every day.




And to back up the dark chocolate statement: i've read several articles, scientific and non-scientific, about it being healthy and i believe that. In moderate amounts tho.




Article from WebMD(http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20030827 ... -chocolate):




[hide=Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Chocolate]Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure




Dark chocolate -- not white chocolate -- lowers high blood pressure, say Dirk Taubert, MD, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Cologne, Germany. Their report appears in the Aug. 27 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.




But that's no license to go on a chocolate binge. Eating more dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure -- if you've reached a certain age and have mild high blood pressure, say the researchers. But you have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things.






Antioxidants in Dark Chocolate




Dark chocolate -- but not milk chocolate or dark chocolate eaten with milk -- is a potent antioxidant, report Mauro Serafini, PhD, of Italy's National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research in Rome, and colleagues. Their report appears in the Aug. 28 issue of Nature. Antioxidants gobble up free radicals, destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailments.




"Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate ... and may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate."




Translation: Say "Dark, please," when ordering at the chocolate counter. Don't even think of washing it down with milk. And if health is your excuse for eating chocolate, remember the word "moderate" as you nibble.






The Studies




Taubert's team signed up six men and seven women aged 55-64. All had just been diagnosed with mild high blood pressure -- on average, systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 153 and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) of 84.




Every day for two weeks, they ate a 100-gram candy bar and were asked to balance its 480 calories by not eating other foods similar in nutrients and calories. Half the patients got dark chocolate and half got white chocolate.




Those who ate dark chocolate had a significant drop in blood pressure (by an average of 5 points for systolic and an average of 2 points for diastolic blood pressure). Those who ate white chocolate did not.




In the second study, Serafini's team signed up seven healthy women and five healthy men aged 25-35. On different days they each ate 100 grams of dark chocolate by itself, 100 grams of dark chocolate with a small glass of whole milk, or 200 grams of milk chocolate.




An hour later, those who ate dark chocolate alone had the most total antioxidants in their blood. And they had higher levels of epicatechin, a particularly healthy compound found in chocolate. The milk chocolate eaters had the lowest epicatechin levels of all.




Chocolate for Blood Pressure: Darker Is Better




What is it about dark chocolate? The answer is plant phenols -- cocoa phenols, to be exact. These compounds are known to lower blood pressure.




Chocolates made in Europe are generally richer in cocoa phenols than those made in the U.S. So if you're going to try this at home, remember: Darker is better.




Just remember to balance the calories. A 100-gram serving of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar has 531 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If you ate that much raw apple you'd only take in 52 calories. But then, you'd miss out on the delicious blood pressure benefit.




A hint: Don't replace healthy foods with chocolate. Most people's diets have plenty of sweets. Switch those for some chocolate if you're going to try the truffle treatment.[/hide]


Chocolate is a mixture of a huge amount of chemical compounds. Chocolate isn't universally good or bad.




Only the dark variety has any positive health effects though, as the study shows. There are no benefits at all from eating other kinds such as white or milk chocolate, you only gain calories from them. That's not to say they don't taste good; It's just that from a scientific point of view, the only 'good' chocolate is dark.

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Only the dark variety has any positive health effects though, as the study shows. There are no benefits at all from eating other kinds such as white or milk chocolate, you only gain calories from them. That's not to say they don't taste good; It's just that from a scientific point of view, the only 'good' chocolate is dark.


I think dark chocolate is the only "real" chocolate.

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But I have too much internet browsing to do to go to bed early! :o I just fail at sleeping in general.




And I'm not a fat chick :lol: There's nothing wrong with DDR as exercise, since I'd probably do nothing if I didn't do that :P And I have asthma so I like using that as an excuse not to do other things. I'm not a very sporty person and I never have been.




I'm not overweight or anything either (actually about right according to Wii Fit), but I think my body is just generally not very healthy. It's always been this way.






Go play volleyball or something. Seriously. If you don't develop healthy exercise habits now when you're a teenager you probably won't as an adult, especially if you suck at every sport. You really have two options, come to enjoy a certain sport/exercse routine, or learn2run. Otherwise if you aren't fat now, you will be fat, guarenteed.


I use it as an excuse more than it being a serious problem for me. Though a PE lesson did once give me an asthma attack...




I suppose so, I mean I enjoy some sports but thanks to my short stature in part, I'm not very good at them.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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If I get up early (anytime before 11 lol, love my weekends) and eat anything I feel sick for a while so I just wait till noon




Oh, and I find non sport activities more fun, like recreational biking or swimming

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Breakfast 4 whole eggs 600ml of 2% milk


Lunch 1 chicken breast 1 cup broccoli and 1/2 cup brown rice


after school protien shake natty pb sammich


dinner one cup rice half cup cottage cheese one chicken breast


pre bed 600ml milk and couple of spoons of cottage cheese. close to a gallon and a half of water a day. \'

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I used to live horifically unhealthily until about 18 months ago (ate absolutely loads, went to sleep at stupid times etc) until it hit me that I was ruining my life - after that I started eating less, eating healthier (pretty much eradicated chocolate and sweets from my diet), going to sleep at sensible times etc and even after only about 3 months I started feeling much much better, I feel 1000x better about myself now than I did 18 months ago (although my health isn't perfect). In the past 4-5 months or so started to slip a bit but once I started feeling the effects (really started to notice it about 3 weeks ago) I am now back on track.

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I don't eat vegetables, and I rarely squeeze in fruits; the only things keeping scurvy at bay are vitamin tablets. My diet consists of nearly all carbs now. Cereal for breakfast, ramen and trail mix for lunch, and ramen again for dinner. Sometimes I'll even replace cereal with another bag of ramen. On occasion, the ramen noodles are cooked but I usually eat them raw.

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I guess I have good metabolism, as I only play football 3 times a week. Oh wait, I go to school by bike, which is 22km a day. I guess that helps a bit too.


Till you hit maturity (lets say mid twenties), and get increasingly fat. It's quite common that young people don't get that fat easily, while they do when they get older. Additionally, eating junk food is generally bad for your body, irregardless if you become obese or not. Colon cancer, artherosclerosis, myocardial infarct, just a few examples of what might happen if you eat a lot of junk food.




Diseases derived from a bad eating pattern arise later in life. I suggest you take better care of your body to prevent nasty diseases when you're older.




*Calls in Artilley and carpet bombs the living [cabbage] out of everything within 200 miles of his location*




That aside, I eat junk. And BK. I am gaining weight :cry:

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I'm rather apathetic about food; I stepped on the scale just yesterday only to find I've actually lost 5 pounds without trying. o.0 And that's saying a lot, considering I'm within the lower range of a "healthy" BMI, and therefore it should not be this easy to lose weight. I eat when I'm hungry; it often becomes a hassle to me to eat.

and these children that you spit on as they try to change

their worlds, they are immune to your consultations;

they're quite aware of what they're going through.

- david bowie

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Once school ends I'm gonna exercise, eat healthy, and maybe even start building some muscle. I hate to use excuses but school really takes a toll on my well-being and it makes it really hard to do that kind of stuff.

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I think I actually need to eat more...


Other than that I'm fine. Apparently I've got some sort of gene where I can eat an entire wedding cake & my body would barely be affected (according to my grandma :roll: ).


My dad likes stuffing vegetables down my throat, & my mum likes stuffing fruit down my throat. So I've got those areas covered.




Exercise.. maybe once a week.. if at all.

Only fear God,

Know the weapons of the weak,

The weakness of the hard.

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