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You call this Honor?


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With regards to PKing, you are a noob no matter what you do. If you eat, you are a food noob. If you pray, you're a pray noob. If you use potions, you're a pot noob. If you have defense, you're a def noob. If you just stand there without prayer and LET your opponent kill you, chances are he will call you a noob because you died.




The only things that constitute "honor" or "no-honor" are one-iteming (not really a problem anymore), running/teleporting from ARRANGED DEATHMATCHES, or crashing (as a team) other clans' planned fights. Eating, praying, and teleporting in general are all a part of the game and if people don't like it, they can rage all they want. If you don't want somebody to teleport, have a teleblocker in your team or else PK above 20 wild. Honestly, legit PKers do not complain about little [cabbage] like eating/praying/teleporting. If someone manages to get away, it's because you (barely anybody solo PKs without rushing anymore) or your team failed to kill them. The things legit PKers complain about are the crashing and one-iteming.

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There honour pking in f2p.


Called no arms. you die, you lose a rune scimmy.


If you run, you die next fight to a another person, it still their drop.




Only Nh is when a guy in full rune jumps a person in no arm gear, which usually leads the no arm-er coming back in rune and wrecking him/her.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Here are some facts about PvP.




1) If you have nothing on you, they'll kill you.


2) If you have gear they'll most likely run away.


3) If you're skilling in PvP with say a pickaxe they'll spec you with dclaws, yet if you attack them with a pickaxe they'll pray melee.


4) If you come back and kill them with gear tb etc, they'll make excuses to why they died.


5) No pker admits to dieng, they always seem to lag conveniently before death.


6) They tell you not to safe yet eat at 70hp.


7) they'll make up rules say don't pot don't safe don't tele yet they'll do all of them, they'll tag and moan when they run, they'll always fall back on comments like "GF NERD" if they can't win.




Pking has never been and never will be honorable people do anything to win, it's a game, people want to win and succeed, pray, safe say you lagged as much as you can this is how "real" pkers do it!




Smelly wins.




Honor is just something some people expect while killing others. No one has to keep the honor, and very few do.


Not a lot you can do, just deal with it. Its a bunch of contradictions anyway.


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last time i checked noob (aka author of this topic), running from pkers was not against the rues. i cant believe you expect everyone to fight to the death and not try to run away and avoid losing their items? you make no sense.




on the other hand, if anything i think jagex should keep watch on all those noobs of all combat lvls making tons of gp off the 26k trick or watever the limit is at now and ban them all cause it's probably the most pathetic method of acquiring gp and and really has nothing to do with actual pking or any other aspect in the game.. anyone who does the pvp trick can suck my **** :thumbsup:

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This isn't WoW, where you are expected to sacrifice your family and friends for a BG game that holds some good gear for your clan in the balance. It's not a game where you are expected to stand and fight for your clan/yourself/etc. Runescape is never going to be an honourable game when it comes to PvP, nor is any other mmo. But pjers and rushers are mega-gay. My friend rushes and I spam him with noob comments while pking. Nearly got him killed while he was replying. Maybe next time :twisted:


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If you want honor go to duel arena.


"Survival of the sickest"



Barrows Drops:....................................................Dragon Drops:...............Other Drops:

Dharok: 2 Helms, 1 Top, 2 Legs, 4 Axes.......................2 Claws Split..................1 Bandos Tassets

Karil: 1 Coif, 1 Top, 2 Skirt, 2 Crossbows......................3 Plate legs...................4 Berserker Rings

Ahrim: 3 Hood, 2 Top, 3 Skirt, 1 Staff..........................2 Plate Skirts.................2 Warrior Rings

Verac: 1 Helm, 3 Tops, 2 Skirts, 1 Flail..........................1 Med........................1 Archer Ring

Guthan: 2 Helm, 5 Tops, 1 Skirt, 0 Spear.....................1 Shield Half.................1 Seers Ring

Torag: 2 Helms, 2 Tops, 5 Legs, 1 Hammer....................4 Hatchets..................1 Missed Divine Sigil (was at bank -,- fml)

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honor pking isnt dead as a whole, there are a few survivors still, but cause im too lazy to quote, im gonna refer to the points as "whoever said" :thumbup:




Whoever said it's a free for all and anything goes, in a sence yes, but i bet a good 90% of people who say that moan about rushers/pjers, hey, anything goes ;)




Whoever said about people flaming you constant, yeah the morons like to "lag" when they die, call you a safer if you eat above their max hit/a generally recognised figure (40 whip 45 gs and like 50 dh.) This is moronic. You aren't safing, you are just knowing what they can hit and predicting worse case scenario, but eating from like 40 hp to full hp is a bit bad as it just ruins a fight IMO - my opinion, wont change it so counters to this are pointless.




Whoever said about preferring to lose 20k in potions than 250k gear, yeah it's cheaper to run, but it also -once again my opinion- makes it seem like you aren't prepared to lose your gear, you simply bought a ton of supplies and a few gear sets for the spec or combo ko's, which will rarely happen as you will run, pray and tele if someone starts comboing you. IMO the people who do this for rune are a waste of time in wild - once again my opinion, wont change.




Whoever said it's part of wild and deal, guess you don't pk much else you wouldn't be saying this as it is just TOO annoying when you're hitting well, even if specs are horrible, you are in the middle of a chain of hits and they just tele or pray and run. You get lucky on hits, spend money on food and potions, and someone runs because they don't want to just eat up or "safe" - funny thing is, people never moan about "safing" when they are comboing, only when they hit badly or dont combo hits.




Whoever said about fighting in deep wild, you dont pk. If you did, you would know that much deeper than old bh craters is where you'll find hybrids and clans and if you're in simple melee gear, you die.




Whoever said about being a pot nerd/def nerd/safe nerd/tele nerd/run nerd;


pot nerd - never heard it. everyone pots, if it is used it'll be during an agreed "no pot" fight and any serious pker will super set.


def nerd - used by 1 def pures who maximise offensive stats and then cry when someone has tried countering that by maxing their defensive stats, in general only morons or D-bags use this phrase.


safe nerd - only used when someone isnt combo'ing, hits a high hit and the other person eats a bit above player 1's max so they cry cause they have to combo to ko now. Once again only idiots use this phrase.


Tele nerd - used by annoyed pkers. The people who use this usually risk a fair bit, would dm, or are just annoyed cause they hit well but the tele'er decided they were hitting too well and just ended the fight in a silly way *opinion*


Run nerd - same as above but they run not tele, most people who run are out of food though so people who flame for running should just be quiet cause most runners are low hp, no food and just throw pray on, not hard to kill just deal when you DON'T ko them, but be happy when you do :)


Pray nerd - people pray if low hp and are speccing, or if they are running away or are hybridding, cant comment on the hybridding cause my opinion will be the opposite of everyone who's posted on this thread.


Runners are low hp when they do, they pray cause less chance of you hitting that final damage, but you have a chance still and pray only deflects something like 50% of the damage, 50/50 chance of killing is still good odds? same as if you dm, you will win or lose. You will kill or you won't, deal and hope you kill the next one


Low hp speccers are doing it to hope they ko without being koed, wont comment on this myself.




Lastly to the person saying do arranged DeathMatches, how can you arrange them with random people. You can ask for a DM but most people only ask if they are winning, and the 2nd person rarely replies so they can say "i never said yes" when player 1 flames them, personally i always dm but meh, that's me.




Honor still survives, in probably ~50 pkers though.






Edit: to the person above me, duel arena? staking died with the trade limit. Woo hoo spend say 20k an invent get like 30k back... no thanks, DA is for fun no-inv fighting only now basically.

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You should go into every fight in a PVP world with the expectation that your opponent will either kill you or run. If you want "honor" then try Clan Wars or the Duel Arena. This is real PVP where your character really dies and really loses items.

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Why even look for honor in today's PVP? I've tried Pking and it's not fun for me at all. That's because of the lack of honor that you mention, but I just accept the fact that you have to look under a football field of rocks to find an honorable player in runescape now a days lol.




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I am going to say what i usually say..that is pking...aka the killing of other players..which in most countries would count as murder...




now you see murder is a crime...when it is against ones own race....the wilderness has no laws...none....there are no laws in the wilderness...there is laws in gleinor....there is lawfull fighting in glenior as well...aka duel arena etc..




now if you want to fight in an are governed by no laws go to that viel criminal invest place known as the wilderness....it is a VILE DANGEROUS PLACE WHERE ONLY SCUM LIVE




that IS SCUM!


honor? since whe3n have criminals had interaty enough to hold on to "honor" when the "status quoe" has been reversed and in their oponents favor?




you see the thing is a criminal is usually selfish out for HIS OWN GAIN....he doesnt want YOU to GAIN ANYTHING FROM HIM......why play by the rules when you can fight dirty?..you forget it is the wilderness the place where u FIGHT OTHER PLAYERS FOR SURVIVAL




yes there is dirty cheap tatics...but your around theives and scum alike....this is there home land if you want to play fair hy go to this place?




sure ill tell you i wont run..just so you will skull or fight me instead of run like a panzy when i hit that first 40 on you without asking......if i offer you a challange..youd be the noob for refusing? see....idc if you say yes or no if you say yes it makes me look like a good guy....but it doesnt mean i am bound to any honorable contract...if your kicking my #$% ill run...but you know what? if you belongd here and lived here youd have somthing for that....be it entangle...snare..barrage..zgs....you would fight dirty as well as your a scum like the rest of us...




the good pkers are the ones who think like scum..they have no honr nor do they want it...they want the challange and the prizes that come with it....




the first mistake you make when walking into the wilderness is thinking players will fight fair...no i will not...ill say no pray so i can k0 u cheap..but if u start to kill me ill pray...y? cause its a skill i have at my disposal....call me a noob? wow a word?




when u enter the wilderness think like a scumbag...who will run if out matched or tlly if possible....or have that xtra defence weather it be tele blocking or snare....




ithout thinking like scum you will raly when a fight as no 1 is honorable in the wilderness..




if you find one great..but that is not pking..that is player dueling or player challaneging..great i respect osmeone stand to there words....




but pking is dirty..always has been always will be ....its a dangerous game...and one that only has queestions like....hey wanna fight? because of the honorable ppl that seem to wander in the wilderness....its the only way to get you to stay we atk u run we as ku fight....but guess what..im still playing dirty...i asked to get you to fight..im still a pker and hav no intention of losing if i can help it...




you defeat me great i congradualte you..you have the skillz tricks and that 2% of luck needed..or your scum like me and have the no how to truly when a dirty fight...




fight fire with fire my friend and dont complain when burned...as it will happen




laws are for gleinor the wilderness is for all of us scum bags out there that take advantage od the situation caring only for ourselves





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  • 3 weeks later...

jcube i could only read every other sentence of that, if you could clear it up and not use half a word for pretty much every sentence would be appreciated, what i could read though, you're telling everyone to be dishonourable which is pointless... "bring tb's entangles and barrages" yes but then you have to not have veng and miss out on alot of food, veng is alot better than these 3 things to help with ko'ing. Yes people ask to fight but that isnt so that they trick you into skulling or whatever, it's so THEY dont waste supplies on runners. People dont say no pray really except from in higher wild where everyone is in welfare gear with claws/ags and there they dont ask for fights nor should you expect it, in edge where the rune and such pking is, people ask. From what i could tell you have very limited experience on the pk front and personally i would just reccomend people ignore your post completely as it is poorly written and makes nigh on 0 sence.








EDIT: and everyone saying go to duel arena or castle wars, why would people go there to do PVPing, no rewards and alot of people just welfare in like 5k gear making it even more pointless, there is no honour in killing people who are in 5k gear on the opposing team...duel arena, either waste supplies fighting - if you use food and pots etc. - or get like 30k from staking, woo hoo 30k...yeah man really gonna double your bank like that :roll:

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Honor = Anything you do


Dishonor = Anything opponent does




In other words, Honor PKing does not exist. It is a tool devised to make people feel better about themselves and make others feel worse, much like the noob/nerd fiasco.

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Why don't they just remove this silly Pvp system once and for all! And bring back Bounty Hunter, tbh, that huge empty volcano is such an eye sore.




My thoughts exactly. The crater is a dump now!

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Oh, I heard what you said. I caught your nasty insinuations. 'I thought heroes were only in poetry,' you said. Implying that what I've made of myself is mere fairytale stuff. Well, it's not, let me tell you. Poetry's trash, mere clouds of words, comfort to the hopeless. But this is no cloud, no syllabled phantom that stands here shaking its sword at you. Or lies here. A hero is not afraid to face cruel truth. You talk of heroism as noble language, dignity. It's more than that, as my coming here has proved. No man above us will ever know whether Unferth died here or fled to the hills like a coward. Only you and I and God will know the truth. That's inner heroism.


Oh wait, this isn't Beowulf (one of the world's most epic quotes btw). There is no honor or heroism in RS. People simply look out for their own self-interest, and if they aren't going to win a battle, they might as well run. I just prefer to stay off the pk'ing scene.


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I believe people PK with the goal of killing the opposing player and not dying themselves. Some people might show "internet honour", but to most people this means nothing. Which is rather sensible.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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