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I've heard reports of people losing 20.5M and one guy lost 2M in junk in his inventory. So I wouldn't doubt its fake.




For the love of god, don't do the tutorial!!!!!! :P


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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To Mod Mat K's second comment: [cabbage]. Jagex says every bug that they can't tell who lost what, so I'm going to say either Jagex is lying, or Mat K is lying.




I think that it's difficult to go back and check instance by instance. I'm sure they can do it, but it might not be reliable, and it might not be fullproof(for instance, they are able to see how much cash is in the game at certain intervals, and possibly noticed that from xxx to xxx, 350m cash left the game(or 350mish above the average amount that ussually leaves the game)...




this is all speculation, as I don't know Jagex's systems, but we have similiar problems at my work. We can go back and find out information about our systems running, however we don't have an actual system in place that monitors the exact data, however monitors something that could be effected by dataloss..

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This helps the economy.




Someone posting a comment like this was inevitable.




Lets take all your cash, lie to you, and justify it with our inflation problem. Tell me that's fair.




Let's avoid comments like this, try to post some constructive criticism on the topic rather than typing before you think.




Thanks, Promise

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Bugs like this make people quit, tell there friends to never even think about playing RS, and makes honest players wonder just how secure our piles of cash really are.




Your cash piles are secure if you keep them in the bank where they should be.. if players learn anything from updates, it's that there is most likely going to be a bug with it, and that bug could kill you, so only take what's necessary.




Players should not be afraid to take their cash out of the bank due to Jagex glitches. I find it ridiculous that the players have to pay for the mistakes that the company makes.




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Glad I didn't go with anything that wasn't necessary. Just a dueling ring and junk which i traded immediately :D




Does suck for people who lost stuff.. Honestly this time Jagex should do a roll back.


It's their fault and some may say that "It's just a game"... well if you spent a year or 2 accumulating all that cash just to have it taken away it still destroyed your hard work.




Jagex needs to do a rollback lest they wanna look like scam artists.

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Bugs like this make people quit, tell there friends to never even think about playing RS, and makes honest players wonder just how secure our piles of cash really are.




Your cash piles are secure if you keep them in the bank where they should be.. if players learn anything from updates, it's that there is most likely going to be a bug with it, and that bug could kill you, so only take what's necessary.




Players should not be afraid to take their cash out of the bank due to Jagex glitches. I find it ridiculous that the players have to pay for the mistakes that they make.




I completely agree. The sad part is, the account isn't yours. So if jagex decides they don't want/need to do anything about the problem, its pretty much written in stone.




Is it just me, or are the replies we getting from jmods seem to be more...cocky/rude? What kind of jerks are they hiring? No wonder customer service is horrible...

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I remember how with the agility update (that broke the entire game), rumors began popping up of the lending system letting people keep others' items. The rumors turned out to be false, thank God, but Jagex replied with basically "Haha our crappy software caused you to lose items. Tough break, we don't give stuff back" before they even knew it was a hoax.

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Trust me I'm not condoning Jagex mistakes, rudeness or lack of sympathy. I'd just like to comment on the fact that, it's hard to get everything right with programming and a deadline (and/or customers [bleep]ing about how long it's taking to finish a product). We have to realize anything can happen with code.


Now yes, the QA team should have found this; maybe. Like we've heard before, it would take years and years for a team to find even most of the glitches; would you have thought to log out during a tutorial? (maybe you would've maybe you wouldn't have)


Which is why, like Runescapew44 suggested, we should test updates; like Kickabout league on Funorb.




I'm sorry to anyone who has lost there hard work, I can't even imagine.


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Trust me I'm not condoning Jagex mistakes, rudeness or lack of sympathy. I'd just like to comment on the fact that, it's hard to get everything right with programming and a deadline (and/or customers [bleep] about how long it's taking to finish a product). We have to realize anything can happen with code.


Now yes, the QA team should have found this; maybe. Like we've heard before, it would take years and years for a team to find even most of the glitches; would you have thought to log out during a tutorial? (maybe you would've maybe you wouldn't have)


Which is why, like Runescapew44 suggested, we should test updates; like Kickabout league on Funorb.




I'm sorry to anyone who has lost there hard work, I can't even imagine.




Exactly. Jagex needs to offer the ability for people with 2000+ total to beta test in closed, private servers. If they had people beta test software for them, then it solves the problem of not having enough in-house testers and it also allows they to get feedback and make changes to the update before it's released to the public. A large part of their problem is that they don't beta test things.

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They should have 1 hour before updates are released for players to just test the system, nothing would be permanent, and after the hour it would revert back to normal, but bugs like this would be found and dealt with before people lose 350 mill.




Also, they missed there dead line by like 6 months, i'm sure there wasent to much pressure.


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we run into this at my work as well. The development team never meets their deadline, and the product is poorly tested with memory leaks all over the place. I ended up on the business side of things(somehow, considering I'm a developer at heart), but this goes with all big business IT. The game managed to crawl out of the [cabbage]ter, and now it seems like it has crawled back in it.

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Why walk around with that much money. It's not as if you're going to need 350M in CASH for a minigame is it. Besides who logs out during a tutorial? I always finish what i'm doing before I shut rs down, common sense really. Unless you get disconnected, in which case oops Jagex bad.




QA's must carry around 350M in cash whatever they do from now on to test for this!!111!!

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But what pisses me off the most is how Jagex removed the BTS because of the deadline issue... But all their updates since removing it have been MORE half-baked and rushed. They HAD no deadline on Mobilising Armies. It should have been perfect. :wall:

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Why walk around with that much money. It's not as if you're going to need 350M in CASH for a minigame is it. Besides who logs out during a tutorial? I always finish what i'm doing before I shut rs down, common sense really. Unless you get disconnected, in which case oops Jagex bad.




QA's must carry around 350M in cash whatever they do from now on to test for this!!111!!




It shouldn't matter what a player chooses to carry around. There is absolutely no reason glitches like this should make it into the game, let alone the outright rude response by the mod. Who says it only happens on logging out? Might lose items if you lag out, which increasingly frequently has been caused by servers lagging. Its way more than an oops, we pay them to develop the game, so we shouldn't be paying for a half-assed and not well tested product.

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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Why walk around with that much money. It's not as if you're going to need 350M in CASH for a minigame is it. Besides who logs out during a tutorial? I always finish what i'm doing before I shut rs down, common sense really. Unless you get disconnected, in which case oops Jagex bad.




QA's must carry around 350M in cash whatever they do from now on to test for this!!111!!




Yea, its the fact that he CANT carry around 350 mill thats the problem.




It SHOULD be a safe minigame.


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Not that it's an excuse or anything, but the last time somebody claimed that this happened, it turned out to be a huge lie, and the team spent like half a day or something like that trying to find it until they figured it out. I can't exactly blame them for being angry about something like that.




(You guys remember, right? Around the time when the game went nuts and allowed multitasking and the monsters stopped fighting back?)




It's just that we can't expect them to be mature if the playerbase acts like jerks just to try to exploit the goodwill of the staff.




(Also, if you want to be taken seriously you shouldn't type in all caps.)


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Not that it's an excuse or anything, but the last time somebody claimed that this happened, it turned out to be a huge lie, and the team spent like half a day or something like that trying to find it until they figured it out. I can't exactly blame them for being angry about something like that.




(You guys remember, right? Around the time when the game went nuts and allowed multitasking and the monsters stopped fighting back?)




It's just that we can't expect them to be mature if the playerbase acts like jerks just to try to exploit the goodwill of the staff.




(Also, if you want to be taken seriously you shouldn't type in all caps.)




If you just lost 350M of your hard earned money I think you would be typing in caps too.

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But what pisses me off the most is how Jagex removed the BTS because of the deadline issue... But all their updates since removing it have been MORE half-baked and rushed. They HAD no deadline on Mobilising Armies. It should have been perfect. :wall:




Why walk around with that much money. It's not as if you're going to need 350M in CASH for a minigame is it. Besides who logs out during a tutorial? I always finish what i'm doing before I shut rs down, common sense really. Unless you get disconnected, in which case oops Jagex bad.




QA's must carry around 350M in cash whatever they do from now on to test for this!!111!!




It shouldn't matter what a player chooses to carry around. There is absolutely no reason glitches like this should make it into the game, let alone the outright rude response by the mod. Who says it only happens on logging out? Might lose items if you lag out, which increasingly frequently has been caused by servers lagging. Its way more than an oops, we pay them to develop the game, so we shouldn't be paying for a half-assed and not well tested product.




I'm replying to both of these quotes, since they cover pretty much the same thing.




There are what, 400 people working at Jagex, right? I'll be nice and say that their QA team is about 15 percent of that, which is 60 people. Let's determine that for the last two months (63 days, for simplicity), the minigame was in its almost-final state, and that all 60 people tested it for 5 hours a day, in that work-week for those two months. This would mean that 60 people had a total of 45 days to test the game, for 5 hours a day. This equates to roughly 13,500 hours of test-time with a single piece of content - which equates to about a year and a half.




Now here's where it gets interesting. The idea behind Quality Assurance is that you can test every single permutation of a particular piece of content, and 60 people can't cover the possibilities of 10,000 people, let alone 1 million or more. Also consider that this content has been out for almost a day - in the neighborhood of 17 hours - and since we can safely assume that more than 135,000 players have been trying this content out, within just 17 hours, this minigame has had over 2.29 million hours of test time, which equates to roughly 261 years!




It's not that QA isn't doing its job properly. It's just that we as the community have the ability to test it for a substantially longer amount of time. Hopefully they'll resolve the bug.




Why walk around with that much money. It's not as if you're going to need 350M in CASH for a minigame is it. Besides who logs out during a tutorial? I always finish what i'm doing before I shut rs down, common sense really. Unless you get disconnected, in which case oops Jagex bad.




QA's must carry around 350M in cash whatever they do from now on to test for this!!111!!




Yea, its the fact that he CANT carry around 350 mill thats the problem.




It SHOULD be a safe minigame.




Doesn't matter - you don't need that much cash, and if you want to use it, there's a bank nearby with which you can store your items. Players should be cautious with new content at all times, and assume the worst - that's why I went ahead and banked full Dragon before participating. It's dangerous, and of course, you don't need 350M in cash to view a tutorial. He really should have kept it in his bank. I know it's unlikely, but I'd hope Jagex returns it.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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To Mod Mat K's second comment: [cabbage]. Jagex says every bug that they can't tell who lost what, so I'm going to say either Jagex is lying, or Mat K is lying.




I think that it's difficult to go back and check instance by instance. I'm sure they can do it, but it might not be reliable, and it might not be fullproof(for instance, they are able to see how much cash is in the game at certain intervals, and possibly noticed that from xxx to xxx, 350m cash left the game(or 350mish above the average amount that ussually leaves the game)...




this is all speculation, as I don't know Jagex's systems, but we have similiar problems at my work. We can go back and find out information about our systems running, however we don't have an actual system in place that monitors the exact data, however monitors something that could be effected by dataloss..




I know for a fact they can find out who lost what, they have pretty detailed account activity logs. (source: extended family member worked there) The reason they say they can't is because it just isn't feasible to check everyones account that claim they lost something to find out they are telling the truth. If they started returning lost items, so many people will claim they lost something in the hope they slip through the cracks and are given something for nothing.




A rollback WILL NOT HAPPEN. Remove hundreds of thousands of peoples game playing experience since the update to return something to a few? If you think that makes business sense, you really need to get out in the real world. The only legitimate time frame for a roll back IMO is less than 10 minutes. Anything more and you WILL piss off much more people than were affected by the glitch.

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Now here's where it gets interesting. The idea behind Quality Assurance is that you can test every single permutation of a particular piece of content, and 60 people can't cover the possibilities of 10,000 people, let alone 1 million or more. Also consider that this content has been out for almost a day - in the neighborhood of 17 hours - and since we can safely assume that more than 135,000 players have been trying this content out, within just 17 hours, this minigame has had over 2.29 million hours of test time, which equates to roughly 261 years!





I don't see how you got 261 years. You assumed that every player that logged on tried it out and that each one played it all day long. Each person at Jagex is looking for glitches while testing and the players are simply enjoying the game. With that in mind, the chance of players finding glitches becomes less.


To put it in more realistic terms, let's say that 30,000 players tried it for 2 hours each today. It comes out to under 7 years. Still more than Jagex can do, but not some gigantic number either.




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Now here's where it gets interesting. The idea behind Quality Assurance is that you can test every single permutation of a particular piece of content, and 60 people can't cover the possibilities of 10,000 people, let alone 1 million or more. Also consider that this content has been out for almost a day - in the neighborhood of 17 hours - and since we can safely assume that more than 135,000 players have been trying this content out, within just 17 hours, this minigame has had over 2.29 million hours of test time, which equates to roughly 261 years!





I don't see how you got 261 years. You assumed that every player that logged on tried it out and that each one played it all day long. Each person at Jagex is looking for glitches while testing and the players are simply enjoying the game. With that in mind, the chance of players finding glitches becomes less.


To put it in more realistic terms, let's say that 30,000 players tried it for 2 hours each today. It comes out to under 7 years. Still more than Jagex can do, but not some gigantic number either.


This is most likely true. Not every player wants to spend 17 hours at one spot all day, when they could be outside, catching butterfli-I MEAN going to the mall, etc. The numbers are probably way off - it's more realistic that 40 or 50,000 players had tested the content for one or two hours a piece, which puts it between 4 and 11.5 years. But you see the point - it's substantially way more testing than Jagex could do in a two month period.




This is why the game is frequently patched - it fixes issues that they couldn't catch. This is understandable and quite typical of any major project that comes up.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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