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What to spend the 400k on from WGS.


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I know I don't have the stats for it yet, working on it now. But, when I finish it, where should the 400k exp go?












Im not really shooting for any 99's so I want whatever would be the best choice. I have no personal prefrence, I just want my Quest cape.

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well as far as i know the skill has to be 65+




you dont have a ton of skills with that lvl




i would spend it on something expensive or something you dont like tbh




personally i wouldn't spend it on con because i like it, but that is me




id get ur summ up to 65 and use it on that






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Thieving guide[WIP]

Loyal player since May 2005 and member since November 2005 and Tifer for many years


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Don't use it on summoning. That's a bad choice.


Don't use it on slayer.




If you ever plan to get a higher combat level, then you would train slayer. There would be no point in the 400k extra xp since you were going to train combat anyways, and the same with summoning since slayer + combat = summoning xp.




Use it on runecrafting or agility, the two most mundane tasks of this game.

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Hmm logically I'd say on a skill that can give more profit when applied the bonuses to, unless you already have a good money making routine. So don't use it on shear money draining skills. I'd say slayer or rc. Construction would also be good choice, unlocking the mahogany lecterns and getting you closer to an own gilded altar.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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Get both your prayer and runecrafting to 65 and use 3 on prayer for level 70 and the last 100k xp on runecrafting.




Either that or use it all on runecrafting, it is a very tedious skill to train if you don't have much patience.

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Why isn't summoning a good choice for this?


I've been using all of my lamps on summoning (got it to 53 without training that much) and plan to use 2 of the WGS on it, along with 2 construction.




I haven't tried collecting charms though. Is prayer/RC really the way to go?


I didnt realize collecint charms was that easy, and I can see that the SC hammers make construction more managable...

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Slayers the slowest exp in the game so by that point of view its worth using it on that. Besides even if you max all your melees, and even range, you will most likely be needing more exp till 99.




Runecraft/agility are 2 other good options.




I used mine on agility, mid 60s agility training is some of the most boring agility training there is imo.



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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I used em on agility from 65 and it got me to 70. I feel that was worth it. :D




I did exactly the same, went from 65 to 70 Agility to allow me to go to Sara GWD. For me, training Agility was really dull & time consuming !!



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I'd rather use it on summoning then agility as I find the summoning skill much more fun and useful than the agility skill.


The only reason I might want to have higher agility would be because it would make me regenerate energy faster. :P


My guide: Ring of Wealth explained


8 Dragon Boots (885 kills, 1/111, with RoW)



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