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So you've been around the block?


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If you've been playing for 4+ years, I honestly don't see how the game could appeal to you anymore. Since the addition of the GE, RuneScape is pretty much WoW, except everyone has all the professions, and it looks like someone dropped a dookie on your graphics card. The interface has also suffered numerous unnecessary adjustments, although that's not to say that there haven't been some improvements.




Things like cook x and pest control piss me off. A 99 skill used to be a rather big achievement, now everyone has a 99.




RuneScape has only gotten worse.




Most people like the easy-to-play aspect of the game. The fact that there are no downloads/low CPU requirements to play the game and just the fact that the game's been around for a while means that it has a big 'built-in' fan base. Those that stick around through thick and thin. You can't really put RS and WoW in the same catagory for comparison because they're two totally different games. WoW has a lot better graphics but you also pay for it in regards to the big CPU requirements to play it and the monthly price being something like $30? a month. RS has decent graphics for Java, a low monthly membership cost and is updated rather frequently.




For the price RS is a good game. You get what you pay for.




Price/CPU taken into consideration, RuneScape is a great game. I know if I had an old computer, I sure as hell would rather have RuneScape than be stuck with minesweeper and solitaire. Thanks for bringing that to my attention; I hadn't even thought about that. And for future reference, World of Warcraft is $15 a month. ;)




I was totally addicted to RS for a little more than 2 years, then I got into WoW for about a year and a half. WoW is definitely a lot more visually pleasing, but it lacks all the skills that RuneScape has (professions are a joke, IMO). WoW is also aimed more towards team/party play, which I prefer. WoW has way more options for PvP, too.




They are completely different games, but they do have quite a few similarities. The biggest being that if you play, you are going to be doing the same thing over and over. Kill. Loot. Repeat. Mine. Bank. Repeat. It just gets old after a while.






A little more on topic:




I started the week that the rubber chicken was being handed out south of Falador. That was one of the first things I did when I got on. Good thing my buddy was telling me where to go, who knows how long it would've taken to find where I was supposed to go.




I remember asking my friend who got me into RuneScape how to make money. She told me cowhides. So I went and got an inventory full (killed with my rubber chicken, of course) and tried to sell them (unnoted, lol). No one bought them.




I remember killing the same ice giant over and over until I got 50 ranged. God damn, that took a long time.




I remember killing farmers to get all the tools. I payed 15k for the boots, because they were the last piece of farming equip that I needed. Then the skill came out and I hated it, lol.




Miscellania was great for a while too, when maples were 100gp each. Man, I made some mad bank off that scheme. The seeds were a gold mine, too. That place was great.




I remember going to the green dragons and getting killed because I had no knowledge of the dds special attack. Good times.




I remember Zezima, and when The Old Nite died. N0valyfe (I think) comes to mind too.




I do have some fond memories of this game. It's so fun learning all the stuff when you first start playing a game. Tip.it forums were a great time for a while, too. It got to a point where I would spend more time on the forums than on the actual game.

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When I first joined Runescape, I remembered not knowing how to talk. I just wandered around for 3 days in silence while people called me a noob. A few weeks in, there was a holiday event and I got the scarves, hats, and marionettes. Things went on from there...




- I remember when Climbing Boots were the strength gear of the day. I had a stack of like 25 climbing boots in my bank until they added strength bonuses to Rune and Addy boots.




- The Warrior's Guild came out and there was nothing there after the update.




- The first update I remember was the Mage Training Arena and some desert quest.




- 6/6/06! I was like level 54 and I was running around hiding and praying some scary PKer wouldn't freeze me and make me lose my precious boater hat.




- Experiments being the best melee training.




- The set of treasure trail updates that released boaters, firelighters, and (maybe?) God dragonhide.




- Barrows was actually a great moneymaker. Before I started doing it, I had no money until I got a Torag Plate which sold for 1M.




- The Leaf Spear scam, which was taken away the VERY DAY I got my first spear. The price on it went up by like 1-2m.




- Construction came out...and there was much rejoicing. I got it up to 54 in the first few weeks and then abandoned it until Warspear money let me continue to 70.




- The release of RFD and the ensuing heart attack over EWMAHGAWD BARROWS GLOVES.




- Hunter came out. I think some people cared but IDK.




- Trying to beat up Elvarg (the lame graphic elvarg) with a granite maul and getting 1-hit for 57 damage.




- Killing Lesser Cow-head Demons and being so excited when I got a rune med.




- Green Dragon PKers. I remember one of my friends was friends with this obnoxious merchant. I went in their CC and said merchanting was lame, and then while killing greens I got swarmed by like 5 people. I was teleblocked and out of run energy, so I tanked them walking all the way back to edgeville.




- Having to cower in fear every time I did a clue scroll because I could get attacked and 2-speced by some crazy pure.




- Abyss PKing and the Abyss PKers. It was annoying to do enough damage to make them run and then pick up pouches.








- The Mage Bank.




- Merchanting by buying runes from shops for low prices and selling them in W2.




- World 2 and the chaos that it was.




- MASSIVE RIOTS! All the time, pretty much. Swiftswitch, wildy, etc.




- The Shadow Sword miniquest.




- Pest Control coming out.




- Looting GWD the first day it came out. I am a high level noob at heart.




- Mith Dragons and barely being able to kill a single one.




- Giving my friend my 2,300 Gold Bars from 70 smithing the day before free trade went away.








I've kind of been around the block. Maybe around 3 sides of it.

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I remember...




- Priest in Peril was released.


- Santa gave out Yo Yo's. <3 (I didn't even know about holiday items at the time; I thought Santa was just being nice to people in the game. Remember, I was nine years old at the time.)


- Being almost killed in my wonderful full Steel armor set that took me ages to get, just to be killed by a guard after running out of the Wildy.


- Starting out in Classic, then switching over to "RS2", and being confused. I thought that RuneScape 2 was another website.


- The good old Tutorial Island, full of glitches that I discovered. :D (Unlimited arrows being brought back to the mainland, talking to other people in Public Chat even though you weren't supposed to be able to...)


- Being paid 1k once for a bowl and silk, and I thought that I was amazingly rich.


- Buying my first luxury item, an Air Staff, then almost losing it to a scammer. (To clone items, press Alt+F4 after dropping them. Oh, why am I following you? To make sure you do it right, of course!)


- When a Dragon Med Helm was worth 1m, and the entire Dragon set consisted of Legs/Mail/Med Helm/Square Shield.


- When there were so few quests compared to today. :( Sigh.


- When RuneCrafting, Slayer, Construction, etc came out.


- Being lost constantly because my character was never facing North for the Newcomer Map.


- The old-school interface. :D


- When friends used to give each other gifts. :3


- Just exploring the world of RuneScape. I would just walk around Varrock castle, or go into the shady area between Draynor and Lumbridge, or look into the dank basements of the Wizard's Castle.


- When you made more profit from products, not raw materials.


- When I saw a friend said "Lmao" to someone. I misread it, and for about two weeks, I went around calling people a "Lamo".


- The bustle of trade around the Varrock fountain, or anywhere in East Falador.


- Drop parties!


- Secretly scheming a drop party, thinking that everyone else was supposed to drop items too. And so I went around saying "Drop party, drop party!!". Then when I got a ton of people following, I'd drop items like Wool Balls and Jugs of Water.... only to be disappointed when I didn't see anyone drop anything else.


- When Party Hats and Masks and Santa Hats were worlds cheaper than today.




There's probably a whole lot more, but I need to get something to eat right now and can't be bothered to type up the rest.

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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Well I've been around for about 4-5 years so I've seen a lot of changes.




I can't even remember when what Runescape was like when I first started, but I can say that I don't have a rubber chicken, bunny ears, or a yo-yo :(


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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- Looting GWD the first day it came out. I am a high level noob at heart.






[hide=Drops]Dragon: Spear x1, Med helm x3, legs x2, pickaxe x1, skirt x3, scimitar x1

Barrows: DH helm x1, Verac Brassy x2, Karil Skirt x1, Ahrim Hood x2, Guthan Spear

GWD: Arma Helm x1

Other: Handcannon x4, Leaf Bladed Sword x3[/hide]

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I don't really remember too much of my early days. I remember finding a cabbage patch and picking them for a few days straight. When someone gave me a defense amulet, which I sold for 1k. That got me greedy and I went to mine iron for money. I was rich at a low level, I had like 50k at level 20ish. I also remember when the stronghold of security came out, I was one of the first to get a skull scepter and one of the first to use flesh crawlers as a training spot (actual training, not camping there for a piece of the scepter like most people did).


The day I got members was awesome: September 1st, 2006. I ran through the gate and spent a full hour trying to get over the mountain before I followed a higher level over it. Then I figured out how to make a house and got my construction all the way up to level 33. I felt really pro because it was on the high scores.

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Bluerose13x paving the way as the first official 'Legend of RS'.. specifically for smithing, she provided the best shields (mith kite, addy sq, addy kite) etc.

Of course, these had various costs unassociated with actual GP.

Coal mules (created characters which were loaded with an inventory of coal each - banks only were for GP at this time)

'new' runes - 200 nature runes I think the cost of an addy sq was?

Max cash tradeable at a time was 65,535..

Banks only held coins (you could only deposit 2,500 at most per time)

Burying bones did nothing.



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Kinda necropost but don't worry. This thread has discussion value because every single person can reply! :D


I think I started very very near when Runecraft was released, maybe even when they were still calling it RS2 beta.

I've never really gone more than a few months without playing, so I'd like to think I've been around for just about everything! :thumbsup:


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-slayer released


-farming released


-construction released; oaks jumped up from 30 to 300gp for a few days which i made my first million with the oaks i powercut


-wildy without a ditch


-crossbows firing faster than shortbows


-autoers with the generic clothing


-sharks dropping down to 500 ea due to autoers


-fally massacre


-when climbing boots pwned


-zezima and more i can't think of


I was f2p for the first few, but I do remember them all. Now the wildy without a ditch.. those were great days. I really wish they'd remove it now that the wildy is a joke, barely dangerous at all. :P Just put the old warning back up. One thing I always think back on is when I was super excited to try and get 70 (?) crafting, because then I could make diamond amulets and I'd be rich! Also everyone used to wc for money. Getting the level for yews was a big deal back then. :P I remember getting whatever level that was and a few people I'd been wc'ing with for a while were all like "Woow grats have fun being rich!"


All the profitable things I could have done.. never got "rich" until much later though. :P

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-Getting my yo-yo and bunny ears after Jagex made holiday drops non-tradeable.

-Starting this account as a Necromancer. (Evil magic, fear and all that.)

-On my level 10 mage pker pk'ed a lvl 12 in full adamite outside of lumby cow patch.

-Everdred getting the first ever 99 (woodcutting) and Bluerose giving him a runite hatchet.

-Old style pking and pkers. Wolf really stands out in my mind among others.

-The fishing skill coming out and how it would ruin cooking.

-Looking from the Varrock church at the 'pohs'. Soon to come. ;)

-The line-ups for dragon slayer when it first came out.

-Runite full helms > Party hats

-When the highscores showed the highest levelled person currently online on that server.

-Bluerose free-smithing adamite when others started to catch her level.


..I could go on forever. :P



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I recall logging into runescape and just playing as there was only one sever and you had no choice...

Pking was everwhere but in lumby and in varrock the guards would become agressive and attack you if you attacked another player and would interupt your combat. Hey back then lvl 20 guards were a serious threat. A second sever update, removal of good and bad prayer and magic, removal of tailoring, the fishing update, addition of the wild and so on and so worth or the past 9+ years...

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I remember dropping yew logs near Melzar's maze to that place with the hogoblins. The bots would pick the logs up and sometimes a hogoblin would kill them... Lol or locking them in in the house west of Rimmington.

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I started not long after rs2 was released. Here are a lot of things I remember from my early days:


- Sants Hats 200k ea

- Phats like 8m

- d bones like 1.2k each

- How I was ranked in the top 500 overall once back in maybe 2005

- D Med were awesome and worth over 3m lol

- When barrows was released I made over 100m (which was quite a lot back then)

- Getting max melee was an achievement (before pest control and all that)

- When fire wave was the best mage spell lol

- when legends quest was the quest everyone aimed for


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Started in 2001. All I did back then was wander around exploring. Took tons of breaks, came back to the game when I was 16 in 2006, which is when I finally started playing the game. I couldn't tell you what it was like when the KBD was released and I never PKed in classic. I just remember being in awe at all of the high levels in full rune with dragon weapons dueling in Lumbridge. I remember asking people to kill me via duel so I could get back to Lumbridge quickly. I remember signing up for members the moment I could. I remember being terrified whenever I crossed white wolf mountain, and I'd stay in the Ardougne area for as long I could because I didn't want to cross the mountain again. I remember beta testing RS2.


I guess that's what resonates most with me.


EDIT: Oh, and I chose the miner class when I made my account because my best friend IRL told me that miners got rich. I was a non-PKer. My character in RSC had a black shirt, blue pants, and short brown hair.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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