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10th August 2009 - Fur 'n' Seek (and Patch Notes)


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Racist Bag! LOL :L








It's immature children like Guitar God that are the reason Jagex can't use words like "[wagon]" and "damn" in quests because of the response.




Grow up.


It's not like jagex wants or allows us to use the grammar we want- even in normal everyday speach half the words are hidden...




Also i don't understand people making sutch a fuss about what guitar god said- Jagex didn't put that text in there for no purpose(why would they write the words with no gap?) but to be intimidative and to be honest, they did succeed. Also, not to be racist(though i'm not saying i'm not) he did make a fairly good joke about it. It's all about those countries being inhabited by black people that always demand everyone to be politically correct, nothing like living in a free country, tbh...

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Leaving the almost universal staggering ignorance and juvenile discussion of the etymology of "s[racist term]" aside, has anyone yet found a confirmed substitute kill for the femur other than soloing Graador (not sure I'm capable, I'll have to try it and see), or trying one's luck with Bork?




I see upthread someone mentioned the ogre family (jogres, mogres etc) and I have thought of going to the zogre caves, killing whatever I can and searching tombs for bones etc. Any confirmation that these drop the femur?




Also, of the two wish lists available the left hand side one has "non-chafing manacles" on it. A reference to crawling hand slayer creatures perhaps? Anyone got any confirmation of that?



All skills 70+ again 16/06/2010

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Well, the only confirmed drops are from Graardor and Bork.


And for the manacle: the horor wears a padded shackle, I guess it's that thing.




Correction it wears a manacle.




Shackles is the general term for tht kind of thing and usuall specifically the ankle.




Manacles are specifically the wrist


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Well, the only confirmed drops are from Graardor and Bork.


And for the manacle: the horor wears a padded shackle, I guess it's that thing.




Correction it wears a manacle.




Shackles is the general term for tht kind of thing and usuall specifically the ankle.




Manacles are specifically the wrist




Sorry, I used a translator, because I'm Dutch and never ever had heard the word shackle.


But if you talk to Odd Old Man after the quest, you can ask him about a padded shackle, so I thought it was a manacle.

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Leaving the almost universal staggering ignorance and juvenile discussion of the etymology of "s[racist term]" aside, has anyone yet found a confirmed substitute kill for the femur other than soloing Graador (not sure I'm capable, I'll have to try it and see), or trying one's luck with Bork?




I see upthread someone mentioned the ogre family (jogres, mogres etc) and I have thought of going to the zogre caves, killing whatever I can and searching tombs for bones etc. Any confirmation that these drop the femur?




Also, of the two wish lists available the left hand side one has "non-chafing manacles" on it. A reference to crawling hand slayer creatures perhaps? Anyone got any confirmation of that?


Been at zogre tombs for a couple of hours now, just for some unrelated relaxation killing, and I haven't gotten a femur drop yet (Though it is still fun ::' ). I also heard the Cyclopses in the GWD drop them, so I tried them in the warrior guild with no luck either (Though I did net a few extra defenders). I will keep killing Zogres for a while though, and will post back if I get a femur drop ;) .



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Leaving the almost universal staggering ignorance and juvenile discussion of the etymology of "s[racist term]" aside, has anyone yet found a confirmed substitute kill for the femur other than soloing Graador (not sure I'm capable, I'll have to try it and see), or trying one's luck with Bork?




I see upthread someone mentioned the ogre family (jogres, mogres etc) and I have thought of going to the zogre caves, killing whatever I can and searching tombs for bones etc. Any confirmation that these drop the femur?




Also, of the two wish lists available the left hand side one has "non-chafing manacles" on it. A reference to crawling hand slayer creatures perhaps? Anyone got any confirmation of that?




FWIW, Bork dropped it for me yesterday. Also FWIW, I did kill over 20 orks in GWD hoping for an easier femur.

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The wish list 2 is fun. I also liked the fight. Now to find out what the weekly reward is!

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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I don't see non-chafing manacles on either wishlist. Does it only appear after you've completed the second one?




Well, after completion off the first wishlist, it would read that, but I guess, as soon as you start Fur 'n' Seek, it just vanishes. I guess...

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I also heard the Cyclopses in the GWD drop them.




I killed ~70 of them before I went to Bork, no luck. But I did get a Tooth Half. ::'

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[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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The wish list 2 is fun. I also liked the fight. Now to find out what the weekly reward is!




Probably like 1/10th or 1/5th of what the reward for completing quest was.




So like 1 or 2k slayer exp and 700 or 1400 prayer exp.

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The wish list 2 is fun. I also liked the fight. Now to find out what the weekly reward is!




Probably like 1/10th or 1/5th of what the reward for completing quest was.




So like 1 or 2k slayer exp and 700 or 1400 prayer exp.


Apparently the Game Guide has been updated now to tell you the rewards, so we don't need to guess.



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The wish list 2 is fun. I also liked the fight. Now to find out what the weekly reward is!




Probably like 1/10th or 1/5th of what the reward for completing quest was.




So like 1 or 2k slayer exp and 700 or 1400 prayer exp.


Apparently the Game Guide has been updated now to tell you the rewards, so we don't need to guess.








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Cheers Aspeeder and Lordkafei.




I'm stuck in that no man's land of reasonable stats (120 combat, all skills 70+, all quests done although why my sig doesn't update is beyond me), not quite good enough to solo Graador/fight the Corporeal Beast etc but just "good" enough to take a long time to lvl up for a relatively casual player. Anything that drops the femur easily will be a bonus! ;)




Thanks again.



All skills 70+ again 16/06/2010

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This quest is such a waste of time. Minimal rewards and low level. Even completing the wish list does not give good rewards. Sure, the initial boost is nice, but considering the time spent, levels required, and the fact that none of the bones are 100% drops, the weekly event gives far too little exp.




Really, Jagex, you took a week off for this?




On another note, the comment about non-chafing manacles is a joke- the Skeletal Horror has a manacle on one wrist and desires one that does NOT chafe. Oh, hahaha. The confusion that is sowed is SO worth the joke.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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