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End Game Content?


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PVM only items would work. Though, it would be good to have end-game content that is for pkers, so there is a motivation for pkers to train att past 75 >.>




A weapon as fast and as strong ( or slightly stronger) than a whip, but with the accuracy of a godsword and with a better special attack would not be overpowered and would surely be useful in pvm.






We shall call it, the whip 2.0 :roll:

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considering that now there are almost 200 people with maxed total level i think it would be a good idea for jagex to work on some more high leveled updates.. they have a forum just for maxed people don't they? i wonder what goes on in there

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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I've seen thread in the rsof of low levels complaining that they are overwhelmed by content :lol:




Low levels are actually overwhelmed by quests, there are soooo many low level quests that make them think they will never get close to complete them all, and every week there is a new one :evil:




Making high level quests would both give high levels something to do and the low levels wouldn't worry with this one since it would take a long time to get to do it. In fact. high level content is good for low levels because it gives them a reason to train for >.<




Really, there are sooo many low level/medium/even experienced quests >.< around that if you start an account now, by the time you do them all you are already a high level praying for high level quests.




Jagex should STOP making quests that aren't either Master or Grandmaster completely, and focus on high level content only since there is enough low level content to keep low levels entertained for years.


They should only make medium quests for the old unfinished storylines, and that's it.

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if defence was made in such a way that it gave you extra hp, we could have more high level weapons, as it is, we've gotten equipment higher that what we need, at lower levels than what they should be.




power inflation is the death of the current set of weaponry, and the hope of any new weaponry that tops it.




If defence gave you something like 1/3 or even 1/2 hp point per point of defence, we could then upgrade weaponry.




Alternatively, we could just get higher level armours that increase hitpoints, the hitpoint cap is one thing to change that would ease alot of problems, rather than changing everything else around hitpoints.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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People needn't complain about Combat (more specifically Melee) in this thread. Combat gets half the updates per year. Be it not a weapon, there are monsters that require skills too. Critical hitting with Strength on players, what the [bleep] are you smoking? Melee does NOT need to powered up even further as things currently stands.




Jagex should focus on non-combat skills. It is true that a lvl 78 Attack can equip as many weapons as a lvl 99 Attack can, but he certainly can't hit as frequently as the latter can. Same for Ranged, same for Strength (higher hits), same for HP, same for Magic (offensively).


Compare this to Herblore. A level 85 Herblore can make just as many potions as a lvl 99 can. The latter doesn't make it faster nor make it higher doses nor makes it more potent... It is exactly the same.




THESE are the skills that deserve HLC. Same applies for Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Hunter, Crafting and Farming. And to a lesser extent: Runecrafting (nothing new nor faster past 77), Slayer, Fletching, Thieving and Smithing (Yes, it can make new stuff all the way up to 99, but the stuff you can make at 88 is what a lvl 40 combat disposed of in favour of better things).


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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.:Adventurer's Log:.


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Amulet of vitality: Raises max hp, the higher your hp level, the higher it raises it.




Ring of vitality: Same of the above, but for rings =D




Vitality potion: Just like Sara brew raises max hp, doesn't stack with brew but stack with amulet's and rings.




Vitality spell: Raises max hp by 5% at 50 mage, 10% at 80 mage and 15% at 95 mage.








Any of the ideas here are good? :thumbsup:




EDIT: Okay, since this thread is about end-game stuff and not just combat, time to give some ideas O_O




To me, the only way a transformation skill (smith,fletch,cook) can be useful if it either the raw material is untradable and the finished product is tradable ( giving profit, but needing hard work) or if the raw material is tradable but the finished product is not ( so the reward is to yourself only, rewarding the ones who trained theese skills).




I believe there should be things like thoose two after 90+ in all transformation skill. An untradable herb got only with 99 farming, that makes a tradable potion with 99 herblore, and at the same time a untradable potion that only 99 herblorer's can use would be nice. Same for smith, fletch,craft, and hell especially smith, the one who needs update the most >.<

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We need endgame weapons/armour with special abilities. Things like divine spirit shield, but with higher requirements.

Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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I know it wouldn't really flow with other skills, but if HP didn't cap out at 99, we could have higher level weapons without them being too overpowered.




Then I could keep my skillcape and work on some hitpoints trousers (120HP req).




The thing is hitpoints takes so much effort to train, and so much experience per level after 99 that very few people would benefit from this. The weapons would still be overpowered unless they had some crazy requirements like 99 att/str/def and lvl 120 hitpoints. Lol.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Only thing i can think of is make level 120 hp requires 13m xp just like 99 does atm, making hp xp table and training ways different than other skills.


That would be odd though, i guess "Hitpoints bonus" in certain items would work better for a quick fix at the moment :roll:








Yayz rat meat now :thumbsup:

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strength getting a chance to critical hit? (on monsters)




Now that sounds like a good idea.




Should be on players too though.




and that isnt overpowered at all? hmmm yeah lets crit a 83 with an arma godsword










Well you could hit over 90 in RSC before the person had a chance to eat...so there's no problem with that :)


There is no reason why Strength would let you do critical hits.




Attack on the other hand, would.




Misc: Abyssal Whip x28 , Dark Bow x5, Beserker Ring x3, Warrior ring x1

Dragon: Dragon Platelegs x2 , Dragon Plateskirt x2, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x4, Shield left half x3

Godwars: Godsword shard x13, Bandos Hilt x3, Bandos Chestplate x6, Bandos Tassets x4, Bandos Boots x5, Saradomin Sword x1, Zamorakian Spear x1,. Armadyl Helm x2, Armadyl chestplate x2.

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What are you opinions on Jagex, and their current lack of end game content? There isnt any real hope for them anymore. They throw a bone now and then but they dont seriously tackle the issue. They rather give out very low level content.




What do you think should be done? They should obviously release higher level content. Even when they do release content that both gives something to lower levels and then maybe a bonus medium level content it is usually very useless. More importantly it is extremely rarely high content and only medium. The problem is they consider that to be high level content when it isnt. Level 92 is high. Above that is very high. However 92 is imo about the highish level besides for the very easy skills. 70 even 80 isnt the high point. Its easy enough to get to that level even in skills such as slayer. Once you have that level it is there FOREVER and you need something to aim for after. (aka - higher level content)




what sorts of things would you like to see? Higher level content for skills. Higher quest rewards - Be it only high reward or a mix of low and high with extra work involved. Higher requirements for quests. I would like untradable items with high requirements - These could be from monster drops, made by skills, slayer only drops, etc.




There is an SICKENING amount of play time involved in maxing out and the current amount of maxed out players is huge when you understand the time and dedication needed. That proves alone that higher content is needed. Also each skill is unique and everyone is quite capable of getting a skill to 90 without the others being anywhere near that level. There are HUGE NUMBERS of people with skills at these levels. Then ofcourse people would raise their level if there was a point to raising them! Tens of thousands even in the hardests skills would have level 92+ if there was a point in them. Hundreds of thousands in the easier skills.




For combat specifcally with the difficulty of it being overpowered they can release item content that reduces damage, increases health etc. But even easier they can just release weapons that only fight monsters. They can release both health boosting/damage reduction and increase weapon damage for bigger tougher monsters.




Skills like herblore can have potions at high levels that only the person with the level can use. This technique can be used with most of the skills.




As a nice addon it would be nice to have something a little different for skills such as customisation. Each skill if you get it to to a certain point (This can be low through to high) can be customised slightly by colouring or looks. Meaning you wouldnt have much choice but you would need the level requirement to do it. Basically skill capes but for look purposes rather than bragging. Aswell as not needing to necessarilly be maxed out in it. It would be different from treasure trails as it would be more about the skill. As an example. In herblore if you reach level.. 94 you could carry a potion in your hand for looks. It doesnt DO anything but looks interesting. Great for costumes and such and it is a nice little bonus for reaching that level. It does nothing yet is cool. Adding higher level content doesnt necessarilly have to be usefull. Although that is highly recommended too along side it. A smither could carry a hammer. Infact why not let it be a usable hammer thats wieldable at a certain level 90+ to save inventory space? Perhaps thats better at a medium level such as 80 or so but the possibilities are endless if they just STOPPED CAPPING IT AT LEVEL 30-70!!




Thats what I think anyway but I already understand that they will always give level requirements for quests around 10-30 and 'high content' around 70. Anything else is a bone to chew on.

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The day i saw a threa by a Jmod on RSOF considering level 70 to be high level, i almost went in-game to try my best getting the xp needed to use forums just to argue about Jagex's view on "high level".




IMO, Jagex should stop making content lower than level 85, unless for finishing old storylines or fixing old broken skills >.>




Even GWD to me wasn't a good update, when i saw they made the *Godsword*, the ultimate weapon with an insane strenght bonus, a level 75 weapon that needs less than 2m xp to use i though "WTF were they thinking?!".


When i saw that they only gace a steam battlestaff to mages in the update, i lol'd :roll:




They should make in herblore, every ten levels ( and at 99, operating skillcape) you get to make an unique untradable potion, that only you can use. And make a few potions 85+ which the herb and secondary ingredient used are untratable, so you need to farm/get them yourself to make the potion, thus giving profit.




Similar things to smithing, cooking, fletching, and all transformation skills.

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What are you opinions on Jagex, and their current lack of end game content?


What the hell? Jagex is an amazing game development studio. They have high level content plans soon. THis is an upgrade (if any idiot uses the upgrayyed or whatever versiom, they can smfd) year. Until you complete all of the current content, don't complain.






What do you think should be done?


THey should ban the idiots who complain about the updates. This game is updated more then world of warcraft.






what sorts of things would you like to see?


More support for programmers.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I wish they'd continue on with the Slayer helm and Salve effects. Some nice 85 or 90 Defence armour that gives good boosts on Slayer tasks would be great.




Farming needs something that real life farming has, such as a 10% chance of seed recovery that grows in success rate along with your Farming level. Runecrafting could be sped up a bit more. Slayer needs new monsters. Construction needs a level 80+ Summoning room or whatever have you. Herblore could use some special attack boosting potions (I'd love to see the market fly with these) for 85+ Herblorists. Summoning could use a nice Shard-crafting method for higher levels.




A nice high-level dungeon to compliment (even surpass) God Wars would be great for adding some of these end-game updates that everyone's coming up with.

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What are you opinions on Jagex, and their current lack of end game content? There isnt any real hope for them anymore. They throw a bone now and then but they dont seriously tackle the issue. They rather give out very low level content.




What do you think should be done? They should obviously release higher level content. Even when they do release content that both gives something to lower levels and then maybe a bonus medium level content it is usually very useless. More importantly it is extremely rarely high content and only medium. The problem is they consider that to be high level content when it isnt. Level 92 is high. Above that is very high. However 92 is imo about the highish level besides for the very easy skills. 70 even 80 isnt the high point. Its easy enough to get to that level even in skills such as slayer. Once you have that level it is there FOREVER and you need something to aim for after. (aka - higher level content)




what sorts of things would you like to see? Higher level content for skills. Higher quest rewards - Be it only high reward or a mix of low and high with extra work involved. Higher requirements for quests. I would like untradable items with high requirements - These could be from monster drops, made by skills, slayer only drops, etc.




There is an SICKENING amount of play time involved in maxing out and the current amount of maxed out players is huge when you understand the time and dedication needed. That proves alone that higher content is needed. Also each skill is unique and everyone is quite capable of getting a skill to 90 without the others being anywhere near that level. There are HUGE NUMBERS of people with skills at these levels. Then ofcourse people would raise their level if there was a point to raising them! Tens of thousands even in the hardests skills would have level 92+ if there was a point in them. Hundreds of thousands in the easier skills.




For combat specifcally with the difficulty of it being overpowered they can release item content that reduces damage, increases health etc. But even easier they can just release weapons that only fight monsters. They can release both health boosting/damage reduction and increase weapon damage for bigger tougher monsters.




Skills like herblore can have potions at high levels that only the person with the level can use. This technique can be used with most of the skills.




As a nice addon it would be nice to have something a little different for skills such as customisation. Each skill if you get it to to a certain point (This can be low through to high) can be customised slightly by colouring or looks. Meaning you wouldnt have much choice but you would need the level requirement to do it. Basically skill capes but for look purposes rather than bragging. Aswell as not needing to necessarilly be maxed out in it. It would be different from treasure trails as it would be more about the skill. As an example. In herblore if you reach level.. 94 you could carry a potion in your hand for looks. It doesnt DO anything but looks interesting. Great for costumes and such and it is a nice little bonus for reaching that level. It does nothing yet is cool. Adding higher level content doesnt necessarilly have to be usefull. Although that is highly recommended too along side it. A smither could carry a hammer. Infact why not let it be a usable hammer thats wieldable at a certain level 90+ to save inventory space? Perhaps thats better at a medium level such as 80 or so but the possibilities are endless if they just STOPPED CAPPING IT AT LEVEL 30-70!!




Thats what I think anyway but I already understand that they will always give level requirements for quests around 10-30 and 'high content' around 70. Anything else is a bone to chew on.


i'm liking this idea of customizing items once you reach 99.

Disregard females.


Acquire currency.

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What are you opinions on Jagex, and their current lack of end game content? There isnt any real hope for them anymore. They throw a bone now and then but they dont seriously tackle the issue. They rather give out very low level content.




What do you think should be done? They should obviously release higher level content. Even when they do release content that both gives something to lower levels and then maybe a bonus medium level content it is usually very useless. More importantly it is extremely rarely high content and only medium. The problem is they consider that to be high level content when it isnt. Level 92 is high. Above that is very high. However 92 is imo about the highish level besides for the very easy skills. 70 even 80 isnt the high point. Its easy enough to get to that level even in skills such as slayer. Once you have that level it is there FOREVER and you need something to aim for after. (aka - higher level content)




what sorts of things would you like to see? Higher level content for skills. Higher quest rewards - Be it only high reward or a mix of low and high with extra work involved. Higher requirements for quests. I would like untradable items with high requirements - These could be from monster drops, made by skills, slayer only drops, etc.




There is an SICKENING amount of play time involved in maxing out and the current amount of maxed out players is huge when you understand the time and dedication needed. That proves alone that higher content is needed. Also each skill is unique and everyone is quite capable of getting a skill to 90 without the others being anywhere near that level. There are HUGE NUMBERS of people with skills at these levels. Then ofcourse people would raise their level if there was a point to raising them! Tens of thousands even in the hardests skills would have level 92+ if there was a point in them. Hundreds of thousands in the easier skills.




For combat specifcally with the difficulty of it being overpowered they can release item content that reduces damage, increases health etc. But even easier they can just release weapons that only fight monsters. They can release both health boosting/damage reduction and increase weapon damage for bigger tougher monsters.




Skills like herblore can have potions at high levels that only the person with the level can use. This technique can be used with most of the skills.




As a nice addon it would be nice to have something a little different for skills such as customisation. Each skill if you get it to to a certain point (This can be low through to high) can be customised slightly by colouring or looks. Meaning you wouldnt have much choice but you would need the level requirement to do it. Basically skill capes but for look purposes rather than bragging. Aswell as not needing to necessarilly be maxed out in it. It would be different from treasure trails as it would be more about the skill. As an example. In herblore if you reach level.. 94 you could carry a potion in your hand for looks. It doesnt DO anything but looks interesting. Great for costumes and such and it is a nice little bonus for reaching that level. It does nothing yet is cool. Adding higher level content doesnt necessarilly have to be usefull. Although that is highly recommended too along side it. A smither could carry a hammer. Infact why not let it be a usable hammer thats wieldable at a certain level 90+ to save inventory space? Perhaps thats better at a medium level such as 80 or so but the possibilities are endless if they just STOPPED CAPPING IT AT LEVEL 30-70!!




Thats what I think anyway but I already understand that they will always give level requirements for quests around 10-30 and 'high content' around 70. Anything else is a bone to chew on.


i'm liking this idea of customizing items once you reach 99.






I have not updated the website in a bit but the premise is there. I think it touched on a good bit of what you guys are talking about and once I finish with the Entrana cave system, there will be a great need of higher level skills as most of your armor is not allowed on Entrana. Anyway, I think this is a good time to release the rough rough draft ;)




I will also note that as a rough rough draft the boss fights that would encompass most of the skill are not included though they will be eventually.



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Smithing needs to be updated so you can actually smith useful stuff at 99 smithing. I find it kind of ridiculous how you need 99 smithing to create armor that only requires 40 def to wear




Smithing was fine when rune was the end all armor in rsc, but times have changed. Smithing needs to be seriously "compressed" down, opening up room to smith some dragon (say, finding lumps of dragon metal as a rare drop from many monsters, smithing range ammo, crossbow limbs, med helms, and sq sheilds) also, smithing black is much overdue. Some nice, high lvl armor that can only be created from smithing would help the skill tremendously, and also bring back its profitability.




Also, I think we as a community need to compile a list of grievances with the high lvl skills, and submit it to the RSOF.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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I agree completely. There's a huge void that you have to get through just to train a skill, and there really shouldn't be. It'd be a great idea to add at least SOME nice new abilities in the highest levels.

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They should make in herblore, every ten levels ( and at 99, operating skillcape) you get to make an unique untradable potion, that only you can use.




I'll do the work for Jagex on this one.




10: Dibbs Potion


Gives you exclusive rights to the next spawn of monster/resource. Combat level/required level of monster/resource must be 29 or less. Can only be used once every 3 minutes.




20: Wealth Potion


Counts as a ring of wealth for a few minutes.




30: Ore Potion


Cause an ore to spawn in a rock. Up through addy.




40: Tree Potion


Cause a tree to be regrown. Up through yew. Also works with all player grown trees. Does not speed up growth.




50: Speedgrowth Potion


Greatly reduces the time it takes for a farming patch tree to fully grow. (Perhaps by halving the clock.)




60: Familiarity Potion


Increase the duration of the familiar by 10%. Only once per summon.




70: Acid Potion


Throw at monsters to deal splash damage. One dose = 1 hit. Meaning a 3 dose potion thrown into a group of 8 monsters will only hit a random 3 of them. Or thrown at a group of 2 monsters will hit both, but waste a dose.




80: Ceasefire Potion


The monster currently attacking you will stop for a few seconds. But you may not attack anything for a minute. Only works on the last monster to attack you if the combat level of the monster is less than your combat level + 40.




90: Quick Attack Potion


Slightly increases the frequency at which you attack. (Melee, Range, & Combat Magic)




100: Make 4 dose potions (w/ special vial made in crafting/smithing.)




There we go. 9 original potion ideas and the 4-dose option that I wrote down just for you/Jagex.




I came up with these, if you use them as a suggestion, please give me credit.

I've never seen Sixth Sense nor Inception nor many other popular movies and I intend to keep it that way.

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