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What is your ping like?


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I'm averaging about 14-20 on Finnish and Netherland worlds, UK comes next (where I live), then Denmark & Belgium. The sad thing is i'm hardly using W99 anymore because the ping for me is almost 200. No thanks!




Oh and 363? gtfo Australia ::'

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83 is lowest on the role playing server,and first non-themed world is 85 in Texas. I managed to only get high 200's for Aussie worlds though. :lol: Highest is 340 from the Indian world.

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This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
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If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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I get 31 ping to NZ servers, and the highest is to India @ 379.








Ps: I live in NZ btw. ::'


Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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All of mine still say N/A.


Mine too.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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All of mine still say N/A.


Mine too.


Same for me


99 Woodcutting 09/12/08 - 99 Cooking 13/01/09 - 99 Fletching 20/04/09 - 2,713th to 99 Construction 14/09/09


New summon monster. You get 99 summon and complete a hard quest to gain the ability to summon Jesus, who splits the waters allowing you to walk to a new port town where you unlock the sailing skill. Obviously ;)


That was Moses you idiot.


That gets fixed in the bugfix the following week. Maybe.

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All of mine still say N/A.


Mine too.


Same for me




Did you wait for a bit? Mine took a while to come up.

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[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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All of mine still say N/A.


Mine too.


Same for me




Did you wait for a bit? Mine took a while to come up.


As Laura said earlier, it doesn't seem to work on UNIX based systems. However, I just tested on my Windows computer, and pinged a 62 as my lowest. I use world 66 (Seattle I believe) and that pinged at a 69, so I guess that it's a good world, lol.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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as im reading some of them, funny how mine dont drop below 150+. might be that im streaming tomuch other stuff but allways good connection and no lag. wierd i stoped everything except rs got them to 25-60 most of them, while playing im more slow.


Oh well back to normal ping isnt everyhting ::'

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All of mine still say N/A.


Mine too.


Same for me




Did you wait for a bit? Mine took a while to come up.



Ah they showed if i waited 15 sec :P


43 lowest and 339 highest ::'


99 Woodcutting 09/12/08 - 99 Cooking 13/01/09 - 99 Fletching 20/04/09 - 2,713th to 99 Construction 14/09/09


New summon monster. You get 99 summon and complete a hard quest to gain the ability to summon Jesus, who splits the waters allowing you to walk to a new port town where you unlock the sailing skill. Obviously ;)


That was Moses you idiot.


That gets fixed in the bugfix the following week. Maybe.

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78 low, 312 high. I live in the US and UK worlds are the least laggy for me, US worlds are no where near the top, lol.

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Worst is 384 for New Zealand servers, best is 68 to Netherlands servers.


Finnish servers give me 69-72.

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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My lowest is 45 on a couple of the USA worlds.




My home world (Canada 114) has 52 and world 99 has 64. Any of the North American servers have a ping of less than 100 with most of them sitting between 50-70. The Australia and India worlds are the worst with a ping between 200-400; with world 170 having 355 right now.




The feature is really a nice addition because now I can easily tell which worlds to stay away from. ::'

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My lowest was at 68 for basically all of North America, which was weird. Normally I have 20- ping in most games. It doesn't seem to affect my gameplay, although the Indian, New Zealand, and Australia servers that I can't play on for terrible lag are easily distinguished by 350+ ping.




It'd be nice if Jagex didn't reject ping requests, but they do (probably because of the extra load on servers / vulnerability to worms or DDoSing)


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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There's more than just ping calculated into why the world would be 'best' for you. My lowest ping is 69 on a Washington server. And I'm Canadian, an live in Ontario. Fail Jagex fail. On the Canadian servers I have 85 and 101.




Same :| I hope Jagex isnt racist to us Ontario-ians :(

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