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12-Apr-2010 - Dungeoneering Skill!


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You can't gain several levels without realising, you need to click continue to carry on. It stops when the message comes up.


Not necessarily. It could be that this is designed such that it supersedes such messages, unlike other automated activities.

It doesn't
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All you guys talking about prome, I've been trying to get any decent piece of the stuff. So far all I've gotten is a few daggers and gloves. <_<

Not that hard to get once you start to advance a bit. So far I've had plate, legs, dagger (from a boss), rapier and 2h. All of them from forgotten warrios equipped with full promethium. Keep your head up and you will get some drops as you advance :)

My main problem was I was never running into them until just today. The first one I ran into completely destroyed me and my partner until we decided to use magic on it. Surprised how much damage a level 130+ can do to me.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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You can't gain several levels without realising, you need to click continue to carry on. It stops when the message comes up.

In my case (85 -> 87), I thought the first level was legit, but I knew there had to be a glitch after I gained a second level after that. :mellow:

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I've been maging since obtaining a Celestial catalytic staff, so I craft Blood and Air runes at the beginning of each raid. I grew from level 85 to 87 Runecrafting before I noticed the glitch, heh. I certainly hope I won't get banned for it. :blink:



I also had a problem. got from 62 to 76 due to not paying attention.... If they do a rollback though people will probably not get banned. I hope.

Yea, you pressed 'continue' 14 times without realizing it :thumbup:



I was crafting multiple types of runes since I was near the start. Airs deaths waters cosmic law more airs a few more waters ect. Every time I switched it probably automatically skipped the level up thing. Once I actually noticed I submitted a bug report and logged out >.<


Dude are you freaking serious.

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Apparently Runecrafting wasn't the only skill effected by this glitch.


Well, after the 2k xp per death rune, I'd hardly think people would notice other 'abnormal' xp gains after that initial shock.

But I'm quite curious as which other skills were affected.


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I haven'rt gotten any prome items ;-; I want a prome spear..

At level 34 or so dungeoneering I started running into the prome warriors a lot more, even on the higher floors. In the last dungeon I was in I managed to see three of them, this was just before the system update so I rushed to kill the boss without exploring all the rooms. There might have been a few more in there for all I know.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Wtf i went from 39 to 32 dungeoneering? I achieved 32 yesterday evening -.-. So besides making epic code mistakes, jagex can't tell the difference between 30 minutes (which is what they said the rollback will be) and a day?

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Oh god I would be so annoyed if I had been power leveling prayer yesterday, it is such a pain to train it.


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