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Its to get a banner that says runefest 2010 on it, which was found in the cache. Probably get code after purchasing or on purchased tickets.


Btw, you don't provide a Runescape name when purchasing the ticket, so thats why they added the redeem feature else they would have just added it to a named account. SO in theory anyone could use the code, it wont have to be the buyer of the ticket. (RWT anyone?)


Unless you have to register at a computer actually inside the venue and sign in with your usename and password. So unless someone's going to give you that information, it shouldn't be a problem.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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I'd honestly laugh if JaGex is going to make you register the account you own, without you knowing. Or at least trying to, like "Were going to keep a list of everyone that attended and post it on a locked thread on the RSOF." Then ban any accounts that enter a redeem code that didn't attend RF, big punch in the face to RWTers.

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i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


..oh wait.



I think the best way to go about this is if Jagex open a shop where its possible to buy fun, cosmetic items for rl cash and give out the "supposedly seen" RuneFest Banner item to everyone to show they were around when Jagex had their first big convention.


For all any of us know, the banner might not even be a player item. Jagex could be making a little RuneFest stall ingame with the "supposedly seen" runefest banner beside it, and a guy talking about runefest.

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If Jagex's going to ask for the username of the attendees, they could've programmed the items directly into the account without any redeeming step at all. The fact that there is some code involved, means that anyone with the code would be able to redeem it.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


..oh wait.




Jagex did not create War of Legends, they are just publishing it for another company. The company probably wanted a micro transaction system.


Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB. Its not your finances, its your indolence. If you wanted to go, you would work hard to go. No one is going to hand you a ticket.




I wonder what the item would be. A cape with a disco fever emote would be BA.


[software Engineer] -

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i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


..oh wait.



I think the best way to go about this is if Jagex open a shop where its possible to buy fun, cosmetic items for rl cash and give out the "supposedly seen" RuneFest Banner item to everyone to show they were around when Jagex had their first big convention.


For all any of us know, the banner might not even be a player item. Jagex could be making a little RuneFest stall ingame with the "supposedly seen" runefest banner beside it, and a guy talking about runefest.


Jagex don't use them in War of legends. It was developed and is run by another company, Jagex only publishes it.


I really do not see why so many people are so worked up. There will be more Runefests in the future, you will probably have numerous chances to get another item, you may not want them, but whatever happens, it will be cosmetic so what is the harm?

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I think the best way to go about this is if Jagex open a shop where its possible to buy fun, cosmetic items for rl cash and give out the "supposedly seen" RuneFest Banner item to everyone to show they were around when Jagex had their first big convention.


For all any of us know, the banner might not even be a player item. Jagex could be making a little RuneFest stall ingame with the "supposedly seen" runefest banner beside it, and a guy talking about runefest.


Edit: Image removed, but it is real as we now know ;)


Now that's not to say this can't be used like you say for a stall or something similar, but I think we can assume it's pretty real and will be in game one way or another.

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Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB.


Did you really say that... You're an insensitive jerk if that is truely your opinion.

In my job I have to deal with people who can't pay their bills every day, and guess what, most of them have jobs!

You're suffering from a severe form of tunnel vision, I have a good life and I earn enough to afford it, stuff the rest. Good argument... <_<


The price itself isn't even the big deal here, handing out ingame items for real life cash (even if it was only 1$/item) I think is what upsets us most.

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So now the question arises: Would you buy the ticket even if you have no intention to attend, just to get the e-banner?


Sadly, some people will.


Even more sadly, I don't put it past Jagex to have done this purely in order to sell tickets - fully well knowing people could buy tickets without intending to show up.

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I dont know if im going to the event however its more likely I wont be.


However I think its good to give a gift ingame to those people who do attend.


My only concern is people selling the code if its possible. There many ways to prevent this so I hope they do prevent it. Just lock it to an account or something.


Why bother preventing it being sold?


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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I dont know if im going to the event however its more likely I wont be.


However I think its good to give a gift ingame to those people who do attend.


My only concern is people selling the code if its possible. There many ways to prevent this so I hope they do prevent it. Just lock it to an account or something.


Why bother preventing it being sold?


Giving a 'ingame gift' is very nice of them. However if its sellable then they are effectively creating a new rare thats rwt. In an age where its impossible to trade holiday items makes it seem like they are allowing very obvious rwt and are in themselves rwt items.


I dont play runescape for a game where the company themselves sells items. Only way to hold a good image is to allow gifts that can only be redeemed to your character and no one elses. Like holiday items are kinda. Someone who buys a ticket for 75 quid can later sell the code for 200 which for an ingame item shoudnt be allowed by their rules.


Obviously a flag or any other cosmetic item isnt a very serious issue here but all the same if they did allow it, it puts a smudge on their image because real life money bought an ingame item.


They are creating a rare item. You put the code in and you get a rare. You use real life money to buy the code/rare. They should keep it purely a gift (Like a holiday items that cant be traded.) to players who attend the event. The code might have an expire date on it.. But they still created it even in a short time span if you can sell it.


I am all for gifts though! Gifts are great! I think their intentions are good enough, just trying to sell tickets, and think its otherwise an awesome idea.

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Guest TrixStar

As long as future redeemable items aren't tradeable in-game, and don't offer any kind of gameplay advantage (cosmetic items), I really don't care.


Both of those scenarios seem unlikely, so eh...

the item wont be tradable but nothing is going to stop people selling their code for more than the ticket price.. It happens all the time with blizzard items from blizzcon

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i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


..oh wait.




Jagex did not create War of Legends, they are just publishing it for another company. The company probably wanted a micro transaction system.


Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB. Its not your finances, its your indolence. If you wanted to go, you would work hard to go. No one is going to hand you a ticket.




I wonder what the item would be. A cape with a disco fever emote would be BA.


I am under the legal working age! <_<

[hide=A funny conversation]Me:Have u wondered how my brassard, which leaves my chest bare, give about the same def as ur pile of rocks?


Friend:Maybe you are just good at blocking with your shoulder?

Me:Ahahahahaha[/hide]Rare drops: 4 D legs, 1 D skirt

Barrows items: 2 Verac's helms, 1 Dhorak's Greataxe, 1 Dhorak's platelegs, 2 Karil's leathertops, 1 Karil's crossbow, 1 Guthan's chainskirt


Quest cape achieved 28 Dec, 2009, lost with Nomad's Requiem, re-obtained on 19 Mar 2010.


Fire cape achieved 1 Nov 2010.

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i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


..oh wait.




Jagex did not create War of Legends, they are just publishing it for another company. The company probably wanted a micro transaction system.


Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB. Its not your finances, its your indolence. If you wanted to go, you would work hard to go. No one is going to hand you a ticket.




I wonder what the item would be. A cape with a disco fever emote would be BA.


I am under the legal working age! <_<


Age doesn't mean anything. Its pure will. When I was 13 I made over 800 USD selling pop and candy at school. If you are like 14, you can mow laws or get a paper route.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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In most school systems its against the rules to be a middleman in the distribution of heavily sweetened contrabrand.


But more seriously... do you think they will be giving special code opportunities to try to create an influx of novice members?

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