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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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I'm not convinced that steam is actually installing punkbuster for my latest game (its been like 20 minutes now), and my annoyance is compounded by the fact that I will almost certainly never use its multiplayer anyway, if only because the game is 6 years old and everyone if playing TF and MW now (Rainbow Six: Vegas 2). Perhaps the other game downloading is blocking it, since steam can't seem to multi task (it only downloads one at a time, and it pauses the download as soon as it launches a game for some reason).


EDIT: Guess the game just needed to be restarted so I've been waiting for a long time for no reason :angry:

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I try telling myself "just 5 minutes", "just this bit", "only for this activity and done" and it goes into several hours of wandering wikis, posting on forums, and just doing shenanigans, but in the late night hours. :wall:

I'm doing this right now.


8 AM: Okay, I've got an hour and a half to find 5 facts about giant extinct millipedes. Easy!

8:15 AM: I have enough time to read some Tv Tropes. What could possibly go wrong?

9:25 AM: ...Dammit.

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Accidentally falling asleep on the first day back of term. Granted, it was semi-deliberate staying in bed but I didn't mean to fall asleep again. And I didn't wake up until 08:20, and my bus was at 08:16. <_<

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Yeah I hate that. I did something similar today. Woke up at 7am and decided to lounge in bed until 7:45 but my sister went to the bathroom first so as I was waiting for my turn I ended up falling back asleep.



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I've developed an addiction to caffeine over multiple years, and I commonly drink energy drinks along with sodas. My body can handle the caffeine due to my fast metabolism and strong caffeine resistance. I'm at the point where I get annoyed whenever someone comments how "that's so bad for you." I don't need someone condescending me for what I choose to drink; I should be able to make choices like that without their unnecessary criticism of it. I think what gets to me more is that the way they say it makes it seem like they are informing me of something I don't already know and doing me a favor by saying so. <_<


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Yes, I have previously and currently lowered the amount of caffeine I regularly intake. I've substituted a lot of it with milk. It's something I can control, but I don't completely give it up since it's so available to me and I don't see a major need to give it up as long as I maintain my health and don't go overboard with it.


Today, for example, I had my first day of school since Spring Break. I was extremely tired by the end of school so I went over to the 7-11 right across the street to get an energy drink for a boost in energy and awareness. I used it to not feel like crap from being so tired, and someone still thought they should tell me it's bad for me and I shouldn't be drinking it.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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As a point of interest, the major health problems associated with caffiene would be stressing your heart out and de-calcification of your bones. By the time either of these become an actual issue it will be too late because you'll know its a problem either when you have a heart attack or your bones break. As far as drugs go though, you could do a lot worse.


Apparently its very hard for me to sleep without my bite plate now that I'm used to it, and I forgot to bring it with me, so now I can't sleep <_<

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HTML5 is pissing me off right now. What I want to do is draw a semi-transparent box over a black and white image, so that only the white part gets darker. Can't do it easily.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Caffeine and its empty promises annoy me: on multiple occasions I've been in an airport at some ungodly hour and even the most concentrated coffee fails to have a noticeable impact on my level of consciousness. :x

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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I can't stand sudden loud noises. I'm one of those high strung people who's pretty jumpy. When there's a sudden loud noise in relative quiet I jump a mile and I really HATE it. Continuous loud noise like a conversation is okay, but when it suddenly swaps back and forth between quiet and ear drum bleed volume I go nuts. I've honestly tripped over my own feet over a hundred times because this happens.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Just got three phone calls in a row with gaps of around 30 seconds between them - it's times like these that I get annoyed at phones.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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When your group for a project agrees to meet up at a specific time and no one shows.

Group work in general.


Especially when you had repeated experience with incompetent teams/team members in the past. <_<

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I will either insist someone else lead, if the activity is not an area of expertise for me, or else I will forcefully take over until someone can prove to me that they know more about what we're doing than I do. My usual MO is to be the thought person and delegate all the actual work to other people to free me up for more thinking. In group work, I generally get along best with average people, rather than the smartest people, because its not uncommon for me to get into long drawn out debates with people who can rival me, but hold different opinions.


Which is another way of saying I prefer to be paired up with the smartest people who will yield to my thinking and do what I want.


I generally prefer to work solo though on projects.

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This is a slightly 'advice' needing post...


But basically, my German teacher is on a massive power trip. This started a few months ago when my friend Rosie wouldn't learn the vocabulary for tests and things, wouldn't bring her text books and would generally be disorganised and disinterested in the lessons. Unsurprisingly, our teacher didn't like her much and kicked her out of the lessons a few times. Ever since, Rosie's realised there's no point in trying to fight and since she picked to study German, she might as well pull her weight and try to actually enjoy it and pass it at the end of the year so she can just take Maths, Chemistry and Psychology next year. So the following German lesson, in efforts to repair her relationship with our German teacher, she learns all the vocabulary, brings her stuff, arrives on time and gets on with the work. We all had mock exams in January and most of us failed or got lower grades than we would normally get. During this lesson, (this was a lesson we were supposed to work in groups for), the teacher randomly picked on me, and a couple of friends, including Rosie and was like "why are you chatting in my lesson? What did you guys get in your mocks?" and Lydia (a classmate) was like " D", and the teacher would deliberately make Lydia repeat her grade louder to humiliate her in front of all of us. I found this unfair but I didn't say anything. Afterwards, we went outside to have speaking practice with another language teacher, and we went in pairs, so I was with Rosie. We came back inside from speaking practice and I decided to get on with the work set for us. I realised I had annoyed the teacher earlier by chatting with friends a lot so I made it a point for me to just get on with the work and not talk at all. We started working and for no reason at all, the teacher shouts "Rosie, Maddy, what are you doing! Stop chatting!" When we clearly weren't talking at all. The class was silent. For absolutely no reason, the teacher then launched at Rosie and was like "I'd get on with the work if I were you, I have regular conversations with your dad about your progress every week. I'm sure he'd defend you though if I rang him up now" and she continued to just made snide comments like that, and at that point I was really frustrated with the deliberate embarrassment she was causing my friend, and so I did a pretty stupid thing. In my anger I wrote on a sheet of paper "She's being a [bleep]" and Rosie wrote back "She's the reason my dad doesn't talk to me anymore" and at that point, the teacher looked up, saw us writing, stood up and came to grab the sheet of paper off me. I held it to the ground and it was like a mini tug of war. Luckily I crossed out the word '[bleep]' immediately after I had written it, so I have no idea if she saw it or not.


Ever since, she basically hates us but we've done nothing wrong since the lesson. She continues to make personal attacks on my friends and gave us a spontaneous sentence test on Friday afternoon. She said "For every sentence you get wrong, you have to stay an extra 5 minutes after school", and obviously with 15 minutes to learn 11 complicated sentences, we got a few mistakes and had to stay up to 35 minutes each, without prior warning before the day. That was annoying but that kind of thing just happens, so I was less 'angered' and I just took it. Then, on Monday, she tried to make us do 50 press-ups for one person having spelling mistakes in an essay which I just didn't do because I didn't feel like I should be forced to do press-ups for someone else's mistakes. Hell, she shouldn't be doing push-ups for her mistake, it's a German lesson :|

She tries to treat us like we're 12, threatens to confiscate our phones and keeps us in longer than needed. She checks our attendance before her lesson and calls parents if you aren't in her lesson which no other teacher does, since after all, we aren't legally obliged to attend lessons anymore (since this is Sixth form, not high school anymore)

By the end of Monday's lesson, she kicked me and a few friends out for not writing an essay which she told us was optional, and she wrote a letter home to my mother claiming my progress in German is extremely worrying at this time of year. She has also given us a 20 page booklet with comprehension questions to do by Monday and an additional 3 page listening task to complete, or she'll kick us out of German permanently.



Tl;dr?: I am annoyed by power-tripping teachers.

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Bring it up with the principal or something, saying that teacher is personally attacking you guys. I would imagine your school would have a policy against teachers doing that.

Absolutely this. Talk to whoever her boss (generally the principle, unless its a private school in which case it will probably be the assistant headmaster.


If you wanted to, you might also consider talking to the teacher first. That way, when you do go to the principal, you can say you tried to work it out with the teacher first, which removes most of the teachers right to be mad with you, and makes your case look a lot more legitimate.

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Bring it up with the principal or something, saying that teacher is personally attacking you guys. I would imagine your school would have a policy against teachers doing that.

Absolutely this. Talk to whoever her boss (generally the principle, unless its a private school in which case it will probably be the assistant headmaster.


If you wanted to, you might also consider talking to the teacher first. That way, when you do go to the principal, you can say you tried to work it out with the teacher first, which removes most of the teachers right to be mad with you, and makes your case look a lot more legitimate.


She's crazy, honestly. We try reasoning with her, being honest and doing anything she says (work-wise) but she's just mad, she'll be grinning at us one minute and then making us stay behind for no reason afterwards. We've brought it up with the teacher in charge of our year group but she has just said we should 'be respectful and do the work' which we're doing anyway... this class was entirely optional so we're obviously interested and want to do well. The headteacher is a 70 year old elderly woman, she runs my study period and she's just not that approachable in that way. My German teacher just so happens to be a senior teacher with deputy headteacher status as well icon_neutral.gif

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