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R.I.P Apocalypse


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2012 came early, but its not yet 2012.




Fire Sk8ers post.


Well, okay. I said I wasn't going to post this simply because it psychologically makes me sick since I didn't ask you guys to join to end like this; but I think its necessary not to drop you cold. Apoc could have taken a venture but we had to look into the best interest of you guys; whether we want to waste time or not or whether or not we have what it takes; you have to realize a couple things here in our scenario..We have quite a good number of decent members in APOC, that has to be validated but in reality, growing clans these days are difficult and with the current effort put in towards APOC, it wont get anywhere; it'll take a big merge with two decent clans to make it work, and we don't want a merge.


1. We built a nice member base, but along the way quite bit of them got inactive so we had to continue sweeping. The member base built on could not grow because of the ''lack of followers and incoming members, even though 40 was pretty decent, on top of that recruiting has become very competitive these days.

2. We had 50% of the clan inactive and for a start up clan a month in; this is not good. Considering school is coming down the line, our activity will only decrease; in 2 weeks we can't really uplift the clan with that much numbers. It was expected that we'd get a nice member count with everyones help in the month, we've not given up but its wise we not waste your time or ours but all area's were lacking; forum post, sign ups, recruitment, wars were decent, ts messups, irc drama.

3. To be honest, I expected more but we lacked in area's that some of you were just careless about, and I understand that overtime this game has become a bit more of an annoyance and your just simply living your live's; I will not push you any further.


It is safe to say that I will never ever lead a clan again (and this i promise for good), I may sell my account/give it away/quit all together or just play when bored. I am not a failure but under these circumstances, we don't have much of a choice. Things could have been different but we really can't grow come summer, in leadership having followers is far more succeeding than recruiting; we tried this but as old timers with old members retired, it becomes a little different to build onto it; with the lack of recruitment/effort we weren't much succeeded for anything else. In the summer, things slow down badly (if you remember 09) which only makes things worse for you guys and our recruitment/growth.


We talked it out, thought in the best interest of you guys; whom some have been with us for yrs, which really means alot to both of us and those members who have potential and should use it elsewhere in their benefit.


You guys will never be forgotten, nor will my memories of this game, I promise not to bother you to join a clan again in the future as I part my way to the real world where I work and try and build myself a spot in the music industry. Yes, I have the talent to get if I can get a producer and studio time; I haven't really tried yet. I only have demo's. If you see me on MTV or MUCHmusic one day, I be laughin at you.


Later guys,

Fire sk8er, Rocco.




a few Ex-Apocalypse members/officials are founding "Sovereign", along with a few new faces, our irc channel is on swiftIRC the channel is #Sovereign. Even if you have no intention of joining Sovereign, please idle in #Sovereign to show a new clan some support.

/join #sovereign on swiftirc


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RIP, Res had some of the same inactivity in the start but we kept trying and it was fun but it's really hard to keep it going so I guess you did majority of the members a favor, good luck in your new clan, although i for see the same exact problems again.


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RIP, sad to see you guys go :(



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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R.I.P. Good luck to members joining Sovereign and everyone else joining new clans.

Genesis Leader

Ending Templar & Trial Caller of The Rising

Ex-Leader of Silent Ember - Ex-Leader of True Ownage - Ex-Leader of Legendz

Former Tip.It Clan Community Leader

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It definitely is very difficult to start a new clan, especially at the end of summer. It may have gone on, but it it would have closed sooner or later due to not having a stable core. Unless you have a solid 40 people who ALWAYS have your back, chances are it won't work out.


RIP Apocalypse 2010.

#Solace | Solace Senior Member |

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I'm making a killing here, I think I should be on top of the world just chilling here.

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