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Why does Jagex make such a big fuss about bank space?


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Would it really be that big of a deal for them to give us members unlimited bank space?


What are their reasons for not doing this?

................................[Currently Have - 1300M].................................


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What are their reasons for not doing this?

Technical limitations.

1 extra bank space = 1 millisecond extra lagg.


Okay well maybe not unlimited, then. But how about 100 extra bank slots? I don't see any reason why they can't give us that.

................................[Currently Have - 1300M].................................


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Unlimited would be an exaggeration but how about 800? wouldn't that be reasonable? We got billions of items in rs...not that i would like to keep them all i just would like to never worry about bank space again.


edit: you posted while i wrote :P

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I would love to not have to ever worry about bank space but the fact that this hasn't already been implemented suggests there must be a reason Jagex can't do it.


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I don't see the reason to have more bank space. I have 30 spaces free and the only reason that's so low is that I have 50 effigies in my bank. I'm sure there's plenty of junk you can get rid, combine potions etc. It's not hard to make space :)

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Yes, I think Jagex implementing a 'bank placeholder' system would be slightly more useful. I was thinking you could edit where the items sit in your bank on a separate screen, and once you "lock" all the items, you can take whatever you want and ghost images will hold the spots for your withdrawn items.


:thumbup: Less complaining, more brainstorming.


^ Blog.


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I highly doubt technical limitations are Jagex's main concern with bank space. It's really just a question of game balance - why can't we just have an unlimited inventory so we never have to bank? Why can't all items stack? Although these would have a larger impact on the game than an unlimited bank, the principle is still the same. It adds another dimension of challenge to the game.


And although bank placeholders have been suggested hundreds of times, I still want them :-)


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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I highly doubt technical limitations are Jagex's main concern with bank space. It's really just a question of game balance - why can't we just have an unlimited inventory so we never have to bank? Why can't all items stack? Although these would have a larger impact on the game than an unlimited bank, the principle is still the same. It adds another dimension of challenge to the game.


And although bank placeholders have been suggested hundreds of times, I still want them :-)


It's more than likely technical limitations than anything. I mean, your database can only be so large.

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What are their reasons for not doing this?

Technical limitations.

1 extra bank space = 1 millisecond extra lagg.

uhm no?


the data send for bankspace is so small it could fit into one of the many other packages!


a database can be infinitellly large. And even a billion entries would hardly dent the lookup-time a lot!



Really technical there are NO reasons at all to not increase the bank size

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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It's not really technical, an item is defined by an integer between 1 and 20,000 so it only takes up a few bytes of space at most. Probably the reason is that they see no reason to give more/unlimited space - there are only 3k+ tradeable items, and you really don't need more then a few hundred at any time anyway. They also have plenty of members-only storage options on your POH to help with this as well.

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My bank is always full. Too many items (mostly wearable items from quests) that you can't get back when you destroy.. <.<

I trimmed everything useless out of my bank and found myself with 200+ free spaces, even though i still stock one of every ore, log, herb, potion, etc.

The bank is definitely enough to get by with. People just tend to have too much other junk that they may or may not actually need.


Honestly, the biggest bank killers are effigies, brawlers, and Clue scroll costumes, and things of that like.

and that can be fixed efficiently by implementing items like the fishing tacklebox where many items can be stored within a single item.

(cluescroll costume box anyone?)


Potions are a big bank killer too if you stock (1), (2), (3), and (4)'s of all your potions.

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Try doing it in F2P. ;)


Seriously though, it must have to do with memory. Sure it's only a few bytes of space per item, but when you add that up across however many millions of accounts it starts taking up a lot of space.



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Clean up your bank.

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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I own no cosmetic items and I still have to equip armor and 4 dose my potions tab to be able to collect MTK... another 100 spaces would be wonderful. and I see no reason that wouldn't be practical. I'm not a programmer, but each bank slot shouldn't require terribly much data... its tab/location, the item stored in it, and the quantity. quantity is a long so that's 7 bytes, the item is 2 bytes as I doubt there are more than 65000 distinct items in rs, and I'd assume you could do both tab and location with 2 bytes total. so we have a total of 11*100 bytes per player, or 1.074 kilobytes. assuming 1.2 million members, it would cost 1258.85 megabytes on jagex's servers to give every member 100 more bank spaces. I don't think I've overlooked anything but I'm not sure. :P besides, the fact that jagex randomly throws bank space at us at least once a year would appear to illustrate fairly clearly that they are capable of it.


as to whether they should... obviously something like giving players more inventory space would cause balance issues. but bank space... honestly how important is it to the game's playability that I have clear out the things like alchables from slayer and low dosed potions that accumulate in order to be able to do mtk, or go to the GE when I get certain emote clues? that isn't a matter of game balance; it's trivial. it would just make things marginally more convenient for some of the game's members lol


EDIT: a long is either 4 or 8 bytes actually, but I think my point still stands whichever one it is

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if members where given 100 more bank space, thats roughly 1,200,000,000 bank space added total. maybe not a lot in some ways but its still not an amount ot be scofed at.


if f2p where given 100 more bank space (man would thay love that...) thats roughly 6,000,000,000 to 7,000,000,000 more bank space.


now im not going to say jagex cant do it, but thats is a lot of posible clutter for there servers, even if only a small portion of the memory.


a simple change that would help f2p epicly would be alowing people to swap armour sets for the components at any bank, or at least a select few. so never again will you have to have that full rune takeing up 4 or so space just becouse if you want to go to clan wars, you gota go to the ge and back around again (with out: games necklace, ge-to-edge shortcut. not to mentaion level 1 agility)


to me though, in the end it doesent really matter, i allways have 30 bank space. 100 after a good de-cluttering :thumbsup:


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Hah, this reminded me of someone who suggested stackable Rune Essence many years ago...totally possible, but not at all practical for game balance. Jagex doesn't want you to be able to fit everything you could ever need into your bank, that's why they only give us more space when they release an update that introduces many new, bankable items (ex. Hunter and Summoning came with bankspace increases), the exception is when they offered bankspace for registering your E-Mail, but that's a security incentive more than generosity.


Placeholders have been suggested for years. I remember that "New Bank of Runescape" thread that first suggested bank tabs (well, first time I heard of that suggestion AND the suggestion became significant) also suggested placeholders. Two pieces of evidence, however, prove that Jagex will not give us placeholders. First of all, the simple fact that they ignored the placeholders part of that suggestion purely in favor of tabs is evidence in itself. Secondly, does anyone remember when they let us "drop" items from our bank and thus get placeholders for items such as Varrock Armor 3 and God Capes? I do, and not only did they nerf that, they released Elite Diary rewards in such a way that you cannot upgrade 2 Hard Rewards into Elite Rewards. Clearly, Jagex does not want us to have placeholders.


Personally, I would LOVE it if they gave us more bankspace (although I have never been in a bankspace crisis outside of nonmembers) and I would send them thank-you chocolate if they gave us placeholders, the evidence clearly points out that they will do neither. (Exception, of course, when an update is released necessitating more bankspace.)

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my bank usually only gets full after months of lazy skilling and questing. do other mmos have unlimited bank? there must be some underlying reason.

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