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Runescape Too Bogged Down by Mini-Updates


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Its no secret that "the end is nigh" if you just talk to about 90% of the Runescape population. The only problem is that has been the saying for so long its laughable. The string of nostalgia topics however in the forums is becoming alarming. Runescape is becoming lethargic in its old age (yes, 10 years is old for a video game), and is likely in need of a hip replacement.... and maybe triple bypass surgery.


For us (humans) its best to change what you eat and exercise more often, and Runescape must do the same... except what does a game eat? and what does it exercise? Really, its not what Runscape is eating, but what is consuming the time of Jagex staff. We have grown so accustomed now to updates that occur every month when just a few years ago, if we got a "Behind the Scenes" article on the main page, it was like Christmas come early. It is these small little monthly updates that are like the candy bars of updates: they are cool, fun, and delicious, but they only last a little while and then you feel worse than you did before. You can see this occur by the many empty D&D areas around Runescape. There are several activities no one uses. They are no longer the preferred candy bar. I mean Dragon as weapons/armour has been out since Hero's Quest was released, and we still do not have a Dragon Kite shield!!! Are you kidding me? Its taken them so long, the shield would be so obsolete it does not matter. You could kind of count the Dragonfire Shield as the Dragon Kite, but that is just laziness.


Jagex's weariness of cranking out these updates can be seen in the quest Deadliest Catch as pointed out by the most recent Tip.It Times. I do not know how much longer they can do it. Then again, I may just be underestimating the mindlessness of the majority of the Runescape population. Whatever it is, I do not like it. I preferred the Runescape where updates meant a true change to the game: a quest with a new item at the end that made everyone question their current combat style, a new area of the map that was not odd/queer/weird in some way and only allowed you to move around as if you were in a maze (elf lands [f****n hate you]).


To Jagex if you read this: Give us something to explore, something to kill, and something to do that will actually get people to want to enjoy the game, but without the reliance of superior wealth or multiple people to achieve it. Let us achieve it through the effort put into the skill, game, and exploration.


In short, Runescape needs major surgery and we need to stop the little things and allow Jagex to focus big picture. Its not the bots that are going to kill Runescape. They pay for enough memberships to keep Jagex at their desks. It is the dumb and small updates that clog Runescape's arteries with fat that will eventually stop the pulse of the players and the game.



Also, since I am on the subject of updates, its time to update the graphics engine and diversify the ways people can get to Runescape. I love RS as much as the next person, but its 2011, can I get a character that looks better than the N64 please?


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Also, since I am on the subject of updates, its time to update the graphics engine and diversify the ways people can get to Runescape. I love RS as much as the next person, but its 2011, can I get a character that looks better than the N64 please?

Go dungeoneer on max graphics settings


honestly runescape is an MMO, an old one at that.

It's unreasonable to expect them to update old content all the time.

They're working their way around the f2p zones and frankly i think the stuff around draynor and falador are steps in the right direction.

Graphics are not something I think runescap lacks.

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RuneScape wasn't built to become this big, and have this much stuff(Skills, items, quests, abilties/ect). With each new update, the game will die more and more.


I said this previously, and I'll say it again: I personally believe that we need a huge game revamp(RuneScape 3) to keep the game thriving. Big changes, borderline a whole new game. No more grid movement, armors and weapons diversified, PvP and PvM completely revamped, grinding pretty much obliterated, ect.


At first people would hate it. Because everything they have worked for could be for not(Skills would most likely be easier to level, and quests would be more fluent) but i feel it's a change that needs to happen for the greater good of the game.


The only problem i see with this is how could Jagex do this and still maintain RuneScape as being affordable, playable on low-spec computers, and browser based? They would most likely have to keep RS2 around in it's current state, but not updated like classic, and release a whole new version that requires a download, and a more powerful PC and perhaps higher membership rates.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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Also, since I am on the subject of updates, its time to update the graphics engine and diversify the ways people can get to Runescape. I love RS as much as the next person, but its 2011, can I get a character that looks better than the N64 please?

Go dungeoneer on max graphics settings


honestly runescape is an MMO, an old one at that.

It's unreasonable to expect them to update old content all the time.

They're working their way around the f2p zones and frankly i think the stuff around draynor and falador are steps in the right direction.

Graphics are not something I think runescap lacks.


I eventually will, but my original post pointed out my desire for a skill (if they are to release one) that does not necessitate multiple players or superior wealth to get a real enjoyment out of it.


I agree that people will keep playing as long as they are willing to grind, but as a person who does not mind grinding but looks for the escape of grind in quests, I would like something more.


The graphics thing seems to be what the posts have focused on, but that is not my main desire and argument. I probably should have left it out, but Im not going to edit it now.


Also HexiledRazz, I think we have similar ideas in terms of graphics changes and I thank you for the support you may be giving to my argument; however: "All for naught" meaning "nothing", not "All for not". Just a pet peeve of mine. I correct peoples' incorrect uses of phrases. "Nip it in the bud" not butt (comes from gardening), "Champing at the bit" not chomp (comes from horse racing), etc.


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What reality are you living in, Wessan?


1. Runescape's going strongly and showing no signs of slowing down.

2. The graphics (assuming you put it to the highest settings) really aren't bad for an MMO. Have you had a look at Lumbridge Swamps or the area south of Falador? Or the Warped floors of Daemonheim? The entire game is going to be that good.

3. Nostalgia threads aren't that common, and certainly aren't more common than they've always been, considering the age of this game.

4. There is a healthy balance to be had of small and large updates. Yes, we're due a big update, but not unusually so. I would personally like a significant expansion of the map.

5. I find it ironic that you want worthwhile updates when at the same time you want something as inconsequential as a Dragon Kiteshield. It's a decorative item at best.

~ W ~



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I have to disagree with what your saying (and not in a nasty way, so please don't flame me for my opinion).


I think RuneScape is still a perfectly playable game with flaws. Jagex cannot update everything at once, and the rate they are going at is admittedly slow, but when you think of all the work they put into the game to get it how it is currently, your looking at one hell of a workload.


The graphics of one of the signature things of RS: Otherwise, it would just be like every other MMORPG out there. I think the graphics give it a unique appeal and I personally prefer it to something like WoW.


I also realise that by satisfying everyone on RS is an unrealistic goal...There's always one group of people who are going to complain about it.


And don't get me wrong, there's areas of the game I don't like. But the ones I do seriously out weight the bad.


I can understand when they do things like Deadliest Catch, which a lot of players are saying is easy for a master quest, but the items it gives could really brighten some young fishers day. I also quite liked those three creatures we meet in the quest (their names escape me) and I hope they are featured in more plot lines to come.


Also: Grinding is a part of any MMORPG. Its a staple of the type of game.


Simply put: I love RuneScape just the way it is, even when Jagex makes a blunder.


Gotta Catch 'Em All!


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I would have to disagree, somewhat. I believe that they are failing or being bogged down by trying to make the game easier. I think the main point that this happened was when they introduced the grand exchange. It made trading 20x easier!.. I remember having to post on forums, type over and over looking for buyers/sellers. I was fairly poor before the ge was introduced (not because of lack of effort.. more so that i was 78 smithing)... within 2 years i had 99 smithing and cooking (this is while being in college.. so i only played on christmas/summer breaks)...And just recently i gave 1.3b gp divided out to different friends... In my opinion the GE ruined this game... Had the GE never been introduced i would still be rather poor and not have the 99's... im positive about that

Donate to S_U__O__M_I !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What reality are you living in, Wessan?


1. Runescape's going strongly and showing no signs of slowing down.

2. The graphics (assuming you put it to the highest settings) really aren't bad for an MMO. Have you had a look at Lumbridge Swamps or the area south of Falador? Or the Warped floors of Daemonheim? The entire game is going to be that good.

3. Nostalgia threads aren't that common, and certainly aren't more common than they've always been, considering the age of this game.

4. There is a healthy balance to be had of small and large updates. Yes, we're due a big update, but not unusually so. I would personally like a significant expansion of the map.

5. I find it ironic that you want worthwhile updates when at the same time you want something as inconsequential as a Dragon Kiteshield. It's a decorative item at best.


This is pretty much my opinion. You could place this thread anywhere in the last 4-5 years of Runescape's history.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I have to disagree with what your saying (and not in a nasty way, so please don't flame me for my opinion).


I think RuneScape is still a perfectly playable game with flaws. Jagex cannot update everything at once, and the rate they are going at is admittedly slow, but when you think of all the work they put into the game to get it how it is currently, your looking at one hell of a workload.


The graphics of one of the signature things of RS: Otherwise, it would just be like every other MMORPG out there. I think the graphics give it a unique appeal and I personally prefer it to something like WoW.


I also realise that by satisfying everyone on RS is an unrealistic goal...There's always one group of people who are going to complain about it.


And don't get me wrong, there's areas of the game I don't like. But the ones I do seriously out weight the bad.


I can understand when they do things like Deadliest Catch, which a lot of players are saying is easy for a master quest, but the items it gives could really brighten some young fishers day. I also quite liked those three creatures we meet in the quest (their names escape me) and I hope they are featured in more plot lines to come.


Also: Grinding is a part of any MMORPG. Its a staple of the type of game.


Simply put: I love RuneScape just the way it is, even when Jagex makes a blunder.


The blunders are another fun aspect of the game, spot the fail of the month.


They screw up so many times that it can't be an incident anymore, its consequential... almost every update.

Me and the wise old man go way back.... he was a foolish boy back then.



My crystal armour idea.

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1) To Will_H: I am not arguing for a dragon kiteshield. I am saying that they have focused on all these little updates and distractions that something like the Dragon kite could have been part of a major update, but is now too obsolete to even be worth it.


2) I am not preaching the end times are coming this month, quarter or even year. I am saying that entities that do not adapt and change die out. If Runescape continues to focus on small updates instead of big picture, it will lose its retun value in terms of gameplay. Granted a person can put tons of time into playing already, so that specifically may not be a major concern, but change is still necessary.


I understand that people will continue playing as long as they have the will to do it, but why should I require the will to play a game instead of a want or desire? Sure they have made certain updates graphically that look pretty good and I know what yall are saying, Ive seen the graphics, I only play low detail while mining in LRC on w84. I wouldnt complain about the graphics if I wasnt playing in a high-res mode. That would be like saying that cherry pie is disgusting without ever having eaten cherry pie (Cherry pie is delicious).


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1) To Will_H: I am not arguing for a dragon kiteshield. I am saying that they have focused on all these little updates and distractions that something like the Dragon kite could have been part of a major update, but is now too obsolete to even be worth it.


2) I am not preaching the end times are coming this month, quarter or even year. I am saying that entities that do not adapt and change die out. If Runescape continues to focus on small updates instead of big picture, it will lose its retun value in terms of gameplay. Granted a person can put tons of time into playing already, so that specifically may not be a major concern, but change is still necessary.


I understand that people will continue playing as long as they have the will to do it, but why should I require the will to play a game instead of a want or desire? Sure they have made certain updates graphically that look pretty good and I know what yall are saying, Ive seen the graphics, I only play low detail while mining in LRC on w84. I wouldnt complain about the graphics if I wasnt playing in a high-res mode. That would be like saying that cherry pie is disgusting without ever having eaten cherry pie (Cherry pie is delicious).


For all you know, they could be working on the big update everyone seems to want. And then everyone will complain about that too. If you don't like the game any more then why play it and complain about it? It seems like a waste of time, in my opinion.


Gotta Catch 'Em All!


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Also, since I am on the subject of updates, its time to update the graphics engine and diversify the ways people can get to Runescape. I love RS as much as the next person, but its 2011, can I get a character that looks better than the N64 please?

Go dungeoneer on max graphics settings


honestly runescape is an MMO, an old one at that.

It's unreasonable to expect them to update old content all the time.

They're working their way around the f2p zones and frankly i think the stuff around draynor and falador are steps in the right direction.

Graphics are not something I think runescap lacks.

Not sure why you think dungeoneering looks very good when it doesn't How does massive black spaces between rooms look any good? Doors that don't swing open as well as excessive ~2 second loading approximately every 30 seconds.

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If anything, I'd like Jagex to go back and retweak existing content. Like, for example, making the Chaos Elementals drops a lot better or not making the drop on a dragon full helm to be downright abysmal.

Tweaks are just band-aids. They need to completely retool most of the skills and the combat system so that the game becomes less grindy and more interesting.

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If anything, I'd like Jagex to go back and retweak existing content. Like, for example, making the Chaos Elementals drops a lot better or not making the drop on a dragon full helm to be downright abysmal.

Tweaks are just band-aids. They need to completely retool most of the skills and the combat system so that the game becomes less grindy and more interesting.


Imagine if the game mechanics in ceremonial sword smithing - tempering and heating a sword - was how the entire smithing skill worked. With, of course, a revamp on experience allocation.


It'd be fun. Makes you think, makes you gamble. And it would really make you feel like a smith.

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"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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There are so many things they could do instead of quests like deadliest catch and other random small updates. What ever happened to the elf lands place (can't remember how to spell it) and kudos island? They could revamp skills like smithing, firemaking, etc. They could make bosses that already exist worth killing again (chaos elemental/kalphite queen). I would love to see a boss that can only be killed by one player that requires multiple types of attacks and strategies each time you fight it so you can't just find the way to kill it to make fighting the boss a joke two days later. And maybe a grandmaster quest that's actually a challenge to high level players. I like the idea of the troll game that lets skillers and combat people do the same thing, would be nice to see that concept in a grandmaster quest.

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If you don't like the game any more then why play it and complain about it? It seems like a waste of time, in my opinion.


Where did I say that I do not like the game? I never did because I like Runescape and I have put it out in other threads that it is in fact the only video game I play anymore.


Also, this and the original post are not complaints. They were my observations of what could be tossed out by Jagex in order to bring about better and more fulfilling updates to the game.


My main suggestions are this:


1) A new area or land (hell, new continent?) that does not need to be weird/eerie/odd in some way

2) Possibly a graphics update, this was a side note on my original post but seems to have been made into a big deal

3) Expansion of skill sets (new skill? all skills to 120?) However, if new skill added, do not make it super expensive to level up. Just let the players skill.


My argument beyond my suggestion is that in order to accomplish this and do it well, Jagex should stop littering Runescape with Distractions & Diversions. Isnt Runescape itself a Distraction/Diversion since it is a game? Yes. Therefore, let Runescape be the game and concentrate expansion and updating on a larger scale rather than tidbits.


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Here are a few things I think would really benefit the game:


Graphics wise

-Improved graphics on trees everywhere (I know they're working on it)

-More lighting affects similar to the "sunny" look in Varrock, Lumbridge etc. but with variations depending on the area (rainy areas, dark, gloomy and so forth)

-Skyboxes and lightbloom

-Enhanced camera control: zoom in, zoom out etc.

-Bring some older content up to speed graphically, such as dwarf models and the Grand Tree

-More combat animations to make fighting more visually compelling (swing your sword or block with your shield differently each time)


Gameplay wise

-More balanced "combat triangle", melee seems a bit too dominant currently, especially for PvM

-Smithing update! Ability to make more complicated weapons and armor in a similar fashion to ceremonial sword making for a more interactive smithing experience

-More enjoyable ways to train skills, wether it be in the form of minigames with other players or just something more fun than smacking x resource with y tool for z hours

-Added incentive to use skills for practical purposes instead of buying the finished product, such as untradable items (like extreme potions)

-Some type of nerf to super powerful special attack weapons like dragon claws, Korasi's sword, Armadyl godsword, and others than can kill end a PvP fight instantly

-Replayable quests! There should be some option to go through cetain quests again after you've finished them, or at least certain puzzles or bosses


Some of these things don't seem to difficult to come up with or implement in the game, and I think they could really make the game more fun than a few dinky updates that only give a few minutes of content. Such as Deadliest Catch, a quest that takes under an hour to complete it and the 10 extra fish hunts afterwards. Then it's gone. Jagex needs to work on content that will benefit the game with a lasting effect. Not dozens of quests or distractions that provide minutes of fun and are discarded later.







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1) A new area or land (hell, new continent?) that does not need to be weird/eerie/odd in some way




The ghosts of Port Phasmatys are known to trade with the Eastern Lands, although their trade has diminished greatly since their town was conquered by Necrovarus, who is said to have been born there. Ak-Haranu, a trader found in the port's docks, also claims to have come from the Eastern Lands. Ak-Haranu appears to wield a katana, and many players believe he is a samurai of some sort.







Bring it on, Eastern Lands@@@

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^Yes, very exciting, but will they make it like the normal areas of Runescape like Misthalin or Asgarnia? Or will it be a maze or some type of ridiculous underground pass to achieve access?


you guys would die waiting for updates in other MMOs, just sayin'


I doubt it. My whole argument is for less updates, but ones that are more worthwhile for gameplay.


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interestingly enough when jagex launched members in 2002, they promised weekly updates. top players got upset this didn't happen and flamed because "smaller updates should be possible. Skills like fletching, herblore and thieving were just not "enough".

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Abraham Lincoln

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