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So what are the fastest/most efficient methods for most exp in each skill?


Cooking - Sharks @ Rogues den

Fletching - addy bolts whilst agil/runecraft/loads of others? or is the break even/cost of mages or yews more worthwhile?

Hunter - Chins over sallies for gp?

Thieving - Blackjacking menaphite thugs or plunder?

Mining - Iron + mousekeys triple dropping slightly beats granite

Fishing = barbarian heavy rod, not seen if 2 tic or any catch rate improvement is possible

magic bursting then barraging, but most players would alch?

Range = chinning, not entirely though since a cannon increases slayer exp/hour. Wonder how much range exp cannon would get on the road to 99 slay

Rcing = laws with runners? or is double nats easier to get runners for?

Con = mahog tables? or are mahogany planks too rare/not high enough supply (yet?)

Crafting = various levels of d hide bodies

Woodcutting = willows

Prayer = d bones (dag not enough supply?)

Agility = dorgeshun yet? or ape atoll?

def+hp = chinning or bursting/barraging?


Cant imagine it being efficient to not get the stats and complete kings ransom for piety. Must be quicker than the hours lost on the road to 99 melees?

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Nats w/o runners>laws w because then rc will pay for most of the buyables. One of the best gp/h anyway




And 3 tick fishing doesn't work because there is a delay when you eat the roe/caviar btw.

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Wild guess that it's camping two spawn locations with two/three boxes each?


This, bring a bow and arrows as well. If the chin starts /all your traps fail you can kill it to keep it as stuck as possible in a loop of spawning and directly going into a trap.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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i think...

1) unlock as many methods of transportation as possible,

2) Hunting for cash.

3) Invest in kingdom/merching, (continue thing throughout)

4) Fletching till you can do bolts whilst rcing and doing agility

5) agility catching high level implings as you go

6) Rc, whilst its still easy enough to get runners ( a perfectly acceptable method imo)

7) Construction until you get all portals for transportation and your own gilded altar,

8) Prayer to 12.5m

9) Mining to 12.5m

10) Chin to 70 defence

11) Slay to 99 using cannon on as many tasks as possible


After this I don't see much consequence to the order in which you do skills.


Edit: Perhaps cooking or herblore before slayer to avoid having to buy supplies that you will later go on to make anyway


Edit 2: Iron is faster than granite

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i think...

1) unlock as many methods of transportation as possible,

2) Hunting for cash.

3) Invest in kingdom/merching, (continue thing throughout)

4) Fletching till you can do bolts whilst rcing and doing agility

5) agility catching high level implings as you go

6) Rc, whilst its still easy enough to get runners ( a perfectly acceptable method imo)

7) Construction until you get all portals for transportation and your own gilded altar,

8) Prayer to 12.5m

9) Mining to 12.5m

10) Chin to 70 defence

11) Slay to 99 using cannon on as many tasks as possible


After this I don't see much consequence to the order in which you do skills.


Edit: Perhaps cooking or herblore before slayer to avoid having to buy supplies that you will later go on to make anyway


Edit 2: Iron is faster than granite



This. Also dont forget barrows gloves asap

+ low lvls a lot of the quests are better xp per hour then training


I may challenge your order of skills with PvM now while its still 1m an hour. In 6 months it wont be


Doing the 2 Chin spawn method for Hunter varies from 120-150k a hour. Never done Red sallys at above 80 so I'm unsure of what their exp is.


Did it in 2010 it wasnt that great. I dont remember the xp rate but it was under 70k an hour


You were doing it wrong then.

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Edit 2: Iron is faster than granite



But...wouldn't doing that exact same method at Granite/Sandstone be better?

An old player from 2004-2011. I'm back for the 2007 servers, let's see how long this lasts.

My account's display name used to be Sir Izenhime




Stupid Should Hurt

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It takes 4 ticks per ore at 100% accuracy (it's more like high 90s though), which means the max xp/hour of iron is 52.5k, so Dylan was lying about the xp rate. I remember doing some research on the accuracy and distribution of granite in the past, I don't have access to that atm though. It is over 55k xp/hour. I know that I approached 60k getting 99 mining there.

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It takes 4 ticks per ore at 100% accuracy (it's more like high 90s though), which means the max xp/hour of iron is 52.5k, so Dylan was lying about the xp rate. I remember doing some research on the accuracy and distribution of granite in the past, I don't have access to that atm though. It is over 55k xp/hour. I know that I approached 60k getting 99 mining there.

When did you get 99 mining though? Did you have a lava titan? A dragon pick?


Edit, Artemis, I think Zarfot's video at least included a varrock plate. I'm not sure what other improvements to mining were released at the time of those videos.


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