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Paulrat3 (Paulrat07 on 2007scape) has not traded any eoc gp for 2007 gp. I don't know about others (well I do know some top ranks in other skills have), but paulrat3 has done all crafting "legit", so to speak. Rushed gem rocks at karamja first day, made bank from that. Crafting is profitable currently, and he dumps profits back into craft.



Personally, I don't care about trading 2007 for eoc and vice versa. The idea of a fresh start is a player made concept, that not all players care about/must adhere to. It's all runescape, and it's not real world trading.

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I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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top 15 total xp:


1. Atrate 15,288,082 2. Benny Strife 15,054,431 3. Fishh Guru 13,750,430 4. Bonno51 13,274,221 5. 10th Vongola 13,114,067 6. Allumer 13,108,455 7. Ranger Teemo 12,194,259 8. Cosmos 11,924,595 9. Indi 11,894,626 10. Elvis99 11,452,065 11. Djent Lee 11,039,162 12. Joeri Style 10,602,115 13. C Hi Pp Y 10,465,944 14. Tundra Rap 10,211,791 15. Xamol 9,974,562

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I know one of the top herblorist has profited a ton (Fudgy999) he was top 3 the other day but I haven't been on in 2 days so not sure. He had 3-4 friends(including me) merching unids, gathering seconds, and selling pots for him. Combined we made a few mil getting him to 69 for antifires. Not sure what he is doing now as I've been busy irl.


Also, mithril was buying extra seconds we had and herbs that fudgy didn't want.




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How much do you guys think whips will cost for the first couple of months after people start getting 85 slayer? I could see training slayer as one of the best ways to make money. Hell, even left shield halfs and dragon meds and dragon platelegs will actually be worth something now! (right? Or am I missing something?)

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How much do you guys think whips will cost for the first couple of months after people start getting 85 slayer? I could see training slayer as one of the best ways to make money. Hell, even left shield halfs and dragon meds and dragon platelegs will actually be worth something now! (right? Or am I missing something?)

I'm going to say 12-15M for the first week (like 1-2 guys bringing them into the game). I'd say they settle around 5-6M after a month. I'm "rushing" 85 slayer atm, and know I won't be near the first abby killers, but intend to make several mil per whip for a good while.

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Whips were at 3.2M for a LONGGGGG time. I think 3.2M is the floor price for whips. So I wouldn't be surprised for them to be almost 10M for maybe 2 months. Then again, maybe 5M is worth more now than it was the first time around in 2007. I don't know, I haven't gotten to play yet.

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EOC trading? How is that possible?


I'm also confused here, as I thought that you didn't retain anything in '07scape that you had in EOC.


People would buy gp in the 07 game by paying for it with gp from the EOC game. It involves a trust trade, and the cost for 07 gp is pretty high.


A very immoral thing to do, zero respect from me to anyone that did it (quite a few people sadly)


Why is it immoral? I always dislike when people saying something like this with no defense. Especially when talking about a video game, since it involves at least one more step to move from virtual to real life harms.


As for what whips will be worth, it depends on how much GP itself is "worth". Since there is far less GP in the game now than there was in 07, the buying power is at least theoretically higher. But there are also fewer items, and less "organized" everything (set prices, sellers, high skilled people, etc). As such, it's still relative.


TL;DR, it doesn't matter what the price is, it matters what the buying power will be.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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All those people who got 99's as quickly as possible could very easily turn around and get some overall levels and get themselves to #1 on front page w/ dat 13m+ xp. Looking at the front page atm is not a good indicator of who is ahead in the max race.

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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I was under the impression that the EoC value for 07 had settled down. I was unable to find any reliable channels for these sorts of trust-trades or any potential buyers, otherwise I'd totally do that.


As for the original OP, I think as long as 07 doesn't get shot down, at least one person will most certainly get 99 all; there's quite a few zealous rank-chasers (much like in the main game, hell some of the top ranks are the same people who top ranks in EoC). Barring the game getting shut down, or some sort of catastrophic nuke (like RSC where after all the bots got nuked it became a ghost town), someone will get the job done.


I have noticed that in some of the buyable skills highscores, some of the top names are recognizably famous, wealthy players who probaby are doing inter-server trades with mainscape in order to get ahead.

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I was wondering: does anyone know how people can get such high buyable skills so early in the game? How do they make their money? As of right now, the top crafter is 88, fletcher is 97, herblore 81...


edit: I spotted N0valyfe jr on the hunter hiscores (rank 7), is he actually n0valyfe?


All buyables except for Farming make money atm.



Agilitizing my way to 1,000,000,000xp!
Follow my progress on my Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/The1Jebrim

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Contenders for first to max?

Dark Lust, Kjott, Geostigma, possibly November if he finishes his exams before people are too far out of sight.


First 200m, not sure. Only person I know going for a 200m is Jamie(Elvis99). Once he's finished Hunter he also plans to do Range and HP.

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Foot #1

A money pouch would be cool. So would a remote price checker. But honestly I'm thinking an insta-Jcoins-market. LOW ON PRAYER AND DONT LIKE XP WASTE?! BUY AN ULTRA PRAYER RESTORE POTION INSTANTLY FOR JUST 75 CENTS! STAY AT BANDOS ALL DAY/AS LONG YOU HAVE MONEY!

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Quite to proud to say that no eoc gold trading was involved in my getting first 99 fletching.

Annoyingly i forgot to save my screenshot of highscore's showing me as the only 99. So would greatly appreciate if anyone happened to take one.

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A small list of the first people to 99 in a skill so far along with the date when it was achieved:


Atrate - Thieving - February 28th

10th Vongola - Cooking - March 1st

Bonno51 - Fletching - March 2nd

Elvis99 - Hunter - March 3rd



I suppose we will see firemaking as the 5th skill for someone to get a 99 in.

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1st Dick lol XD masturbation



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A money pouch would be cool. So would a remote price checker. But honestly I'm thinking an insta-Jcoins-market. LOW ON PRAYER AND DONT LIKE XP WASTE?! BUY AN ULTRA PRAYER RESTORE POTION INSTANTLY FOR JUST 75 CENTS! STAY AT BANDOS ALL DAY/AS LONG YOU HAVE MONEY!

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Dearranged got 99 Firemaking yesterday + Construction is now open.


Atrate - Thieving - February 28th

10th Vongola - Cooking - March 1st

Bonno51 - Fletching - March 2nd

Elvis99 - Hunter - March 3rd

Dearranged - Firemaking - March 4th







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It looks like Lv 100 Hax might get 99 ranged today, which would continue the streak of one new 99 skill every day.


Any idea how he's training? He's gotten around 6m XP in ranged in only 3 days...


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It looks like Lv 100 Hax might get 99 ranged today, which would continue the streak of one new 99 skill every day.


Any idea how he's training? He's gotten around 6m XP in ranged in only 3 days...


Almost certainly chins

A money pouch would be cool. So would a remote price checker. But honestly I'm thinking an insta-Jcoins-market. LOW ON PRAYER AND DONT LIKE XP WASTE?! BUY AN ULTRA PRAYER RESTORE POTION INSTANTLY FOR JUST 75 CENTS! STAY AT BANDOS ALL DAY/AS LONG YOU HAVE MONEY!

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Dearranged got 99 Firemaking yesterday + Construction is now open.


Atrate - Thieving - February 28th

10th Vongola - Cooking - March 1st

Bonno51 - Fletching - March 2nd

Elvis99 - Hunter - March 3rd

Dearranged - Firemaking - March 4th








Cheers for the post, I'll try and add it in now.

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