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Maxed Players Banned (500m - 2.1bil total xp)

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So the Number 1 Player on 07 SCAPE, Razzeh was banned for massive amounts of RWT


To Break it down:


> Staked/Diced on Razzeh (EOC)

> Sold his gold to buyers/the Chinese

> Exchanged various amounts of EOC gold to 07 SCAPE gold via GP Swap clans/services on the RS Forums

> Used that exchanged gold to mass level up his Razzeh (07 SCAPE) account

> Several weeks of this process led to being ranked 1 on 07 SCAPE highscores

> Tells his fans that he "will quit once he reaches 2k total on 07 SCAPE)

> Reaches/close to reaching 2K total

> Starts botting at Automaton Guardians/Tracers

> cya m8 perm banned




This is terrible. Not saying EOC is easier due to SOF/more free exp or that their isn't RWT on old school, but how in his rabbit mind did he think he could get away with that crazy exp gain without red flags? Did he not think to do it in moderation?

The last known bans happened in December

These bans Happened 3-4 days ago, and we're in the month of June


If there haven't been any massive/known bans within a 6 month time period, I'm guessing they assumed they would go un-noticed.


Sketchy how all these bans happen right before RS3 is being released along with Divination.


there have been mass bans in between, but it seems they save banning high level players to every so often to get the numbers of high level players banned up or something presumably pr stunts

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The legacy of Md3w lives on-




Lol. Very creative. :lol:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Thats funny, did a floor with whattup a week ago - he asked me to add him after.

I added him but I usually only log on to do the my daily and get off since I'm maxed (116 Dg) and don't feeling like doing more than 1 floor.


Everytime I logged on randomly or whatever he was always on until the last couple days and now I know why haha.


Must have been botting dem rushes :?

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Guess I'm too much of a dreamer then. If I could get away with what some of these guys do, I'd be looking to apply my talents to real life and see what happens. Meh.


You're an idealist. Most of the people playing RS, particularly top players, did not become top players because of any special talents. I say this as someone who has a Maxed account. Runecape really is easy. Now there are a few people that genuinely are talented in RS and they used such talents to climb the ladders (Zarfot is a great example, with his preponderant efficiency and his understanding of investing, and mousekeys) -- however, most players, including top players, really aren't there because of talent.


Also, starting a business, particularly in this economy, is no easy feat. For every success story that you hear, there are several more who failed that you didn't hear about. Furthermore, starting a business actually has a real risk, real time and effort commitment, and a real monetary commitment and real consequences. That's nothing like RS. I once lost 2B on RS. And it had taken me a long time time to get that money. Guess what happened? I quit, took a year long break from RS to enjoy real life, and upon my return I didn't miss a step -- I was able to max out anyways (despite some buyable skills left), and pretty soon I had every item I wanted once more. Now, that whole affair seems like some midnight summer's dream, nothing more. That's not what happens in real life when you fail.

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In theory, no. An item sitting in a bank doing nothing is as removed from the economy as a item on a banned players account. The only difference is, one of them might re-enter the marketplace and one of them won't.


Now, how people will react to it is another story. I could hypothetically see it going up because people are worried about the ones removed from the game and thus start buying them.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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The drop rate of druidic has been confirmed by a JMod to be between 1/100k and 1/1M. You can find the post in the clue scroll forums if you like.


Elite clue scrolls (and druidic) were only released in August 2010. The number of each druidic item in the game is tiny.


But anyway, the majority of druidic is inactive. (The players who own it won't trade it). There are fewer active druidic robe top+bottoms than any other item in the game, including crackers. The reason druidic spiked massively was that a small group was buying it out of the ge (not hard, due to the tiny number of druidic items that are ever on the ge) at the same time most of Fishy fc (most of whom owned a top + bottom) got banned. The merchers removed the active druidic, and the stock of inactive druidic was drastically reduced. Equally Fishy hosts owning druidic made it a sign of wealth and others who previously had no interest in the items started buying it (stakers) further increasing demand.


Removing inactive items from the game should have no impact on the economy if everyone played by the rules, but people speculate when it happens and that's what drives the price changes (self fulfilling prophecy). Also, in general the belief that discontinued items (and items so rare they approximate to discontinued items) must go up in value long term as they leave the game through players quitting etc. has been disregarded. If someone quits Runescape with no intentions of returning, in 99.9999% of cases (not a made up % at all nope) they don't just leave items worth hundreds/thousands of dollars in their bank. Md3w being the most recent case in point. So when thinking long term, inactive items do have to be taken into account.

Asmodean <3

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I wish that I had left that offer for a blue partyhat for max cash in the G.E.. I never really thought it would actually buy, but now with more and more people getting banned it doesn't seem that odd chance anymore (assuming you had that offer for a long enough time). Oh well. :razz:


Really happy that they're also perm banning long time players who have obviously devoted alot of time (or not?) /money to RS. Just because you paid membership for years is not an excuse for botting. Now I always thought that the amount of maxed and completionist players was damn high. I never knew todays teenagers had enough patience to play a game like this for so long. If the bans keep coming at this rate it will explain alot...


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They've only banned a few dozen maxed players out of the ~10K of them. It wasn't a significant %. There's so many of them because of the game being


1. Very old.

2. Significantly easier than it used to be.


Most people banned on that list were around the 2400 total mark.


But yes, people have been asking for a while now that whenever someone maxes and asks for HLF access, their account is checked over to avoid situations like this where some people bot part of max total (and beyond!)

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Asmodean <3

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Really annoys me how I keep hearing people say "omustardo made 5b from buying a cracker in ge". zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



Because that's like being given $1500. (If he were to RWT it)

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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Really annoys me how I keep hearing people say "omustardo made 5b from buying a cracker in ge". zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



because in order to profit he must sell it. The entire video and his entire "rare set" series from the last 1 year + is all about how he wants one of every rare to keep forever. The more accurate thing to say would be that he is 2147m poorer.

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I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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Really annoys me how I keep hearing people say "omustardo made 5b from buying a cracker in ge". zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



because in order to profit he must sell it. The entire video and his entire "rare set" series from the last 1 year + is all about how he wants one of every rare to keep forever. The more accurate thing to say would be that he is 2147m poorer.

Considering that he put the money in the GE for months and months, he could quite well live with the money tied up. So no, he isn't poorer in the sense that the millionaire on Wallstreet is poorer by dropping a $1 out of his pants that he forgot he had.

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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Really annoys me how I keep hearing people say "omustardo made 5b from buying a cracker in ge". zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



because in order to profit he must sell it. The entire video and his entire "rare set" series from the last 1 year + is all about how he wants one of every rare to keep forever. The more accurate thing to say would be that he is 2147m poorer.

Considering that he put the money in the GE for months and months, he could quite well live with the money tied up. So no, he isn't poorer in the sense that the millionaire on Wallstreet is poorer by dropping a $1 out of his pants that he forgot he had.

And here we get into semantics about the definition of being 'poor' or 'poorer'.


Rufioso is right though, Omar is not planning to resell it so he is 2147m poorer. However let's say the GE offer never filled and he had to go out and buy the cracker for it's actual price, he would have to spend a lot more. So we can therefore say that the offer filling saved him more money than he spent. (He would have also had to spend more then twice max cash, so the ge offer filling actually saved him money).


Correct me if my logic is wrong I don't think things through

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Depends how you define wealth though. If it's by the GE value of all your items, then he's no better or worse off than before. If it's the street value of all your items, he's up ~4B. If you consider your wealth as the amount of capital you have in GP or items you're willing to sell for GP, then he's down ~2B.

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I don't think anyone goes by ge value lol. Especially considering this item is worth over max cash. And normally I'd agree that his bank did increase in value by about 4353m (6500 minus the 2147). But as I said the entire point of that video and his year+ long series is that he will never ever sell said items. Could he? certainly. But considering that he has billions left and he has proven more then capable of earning further billions, there is no reason to believe he will sell.


He certainly did save himself a nice chunk as mish said. (4353m at todays prices). My argument from the start is that he in no way profited from the cracker, as advertised by all the youtube videos and forum posts.

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I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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Yea I sold mine for 1b loss after 4-5months of nothing lol.


I bought my robes for 250m each, umad? :3


The reason druidic spiked massively was that a small group was buying it out of the ge (not hard, due to the tiny number of druidic items that are ever on the ge) at the same time most of Fishy fc (most of whom owned a top + bottom) got banned.


Yeah, from what I remember it was a couple of months after wild/free trade came back? It was either that or it was a money dupe where people got banned and the druidic was taken out of the game.

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Yea I sold mine for 1b loss after 4-5months of nothing lol.


I bought my robes for 250m each, umad? :3

Share because I clearly teleblocked :)




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