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King's Ransom makes perfect sense.

The BTS said Hannibus was locked in stone. During King's Ransom you have to free King Arthur, who was also trapped in stone. It sounds like the animate rock scroll will make another appearance for One of a Kind.

Animate rock scroll made its initial appearance in One Small Favour.



Storywise though it makes sense.

In One Small Favour we used it to get the girl out of the rock face she was accidentally embedded in.

In King's Ransom it was then used in a slightly more refined manner to free King Arthur from being in a statue which required both animating the rock AND unravelling Morgan's spell at the same time.


So if we are going to free a dragonrider from stone that he has been magically sealed in it'd make sense for King's Ransom knowledge of using the spell in a more advanced way is required opposed to OSFs basic usage.


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Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.


weren't they working on giving tank armor a damage reduction passive along with the shield buff to counter power armor? is that going to be scrapped now just to please the pures?


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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Power and Tank classifications going away wouldn't be the worst change ever imo.


EoC as a system wasn't built to have them and they only came about as a kneejerk responce to PvMers whining that Nex gears were crashing cause Ports armours offered a new best.


Plus in many ways their existence kinda screws over the concept of shields making it harder to create a real use for them when you could just swap for tank armour and keep the DW up. Especially when you consider several power sets actually have their own shield which is really messed up (Eg why does T70 power sets all have a shield but t70 tank doesn't?)


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.



Not really. In 9/10 situations everyone uses Power Armour if they can afford it. Tank armour is utterly useless for most things and was a poorly thought out implementation. 

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Honestly tank and power sets should have a buff. The buff for a shield might need to be bumped up a bit though to justify using a shield if armour gets buffed too. Their original idea was tank armour getting a damage reduction percentage based on defense level, Average gear level and shield level. A 10% damage reduction per section totalling 30% max is possible.


With that said I think a shield should carry a heavier bonus of 20% at max item level. With 99 defense, t90 gear and a t90 shield that's still only 27% damage reduction mind you.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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The problem with tank armour is that there is only a few places where it is necessary (Vorago, maybe Nex/KK but thats pretty much it). Generally people just want max DPS, which makes pwoer armour the more wanted armour in almost every case, even with buffs/fixes.

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The problem with tank armour is that there is only a few places where it is necessary (Vorago, maybe Nex/KK but thats pretty much it). Generally people just want max DPS, which makes pwoer armour the more wanted armour in almost every case, even with buffs/fixes.


Yup. And in every single one of those instances where you need tank armour, on a team of however many people, only one person needs it, and everyone else simply uses DPS gear, thus greatly restricting the utility of, and demand for, tank gear.

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The problem with tank armour is that there is only a few places where it is necessary (Vorago, maybe Nex/KK but thats pretty much it). Generally people just want max DPS, which makes pwoer armour the more wanted armour in almost every case, even with buffs/fixes.

Yup. And in everyone single one of those instances where you need tank armour, on a team of however many people, only one person needs it, and everyone else simply uses DPS gear, thus greatly restricting the utility of, and demand for, tank gear.
Well you have the people who are new and learning. Everyone always counts them out on these discussions. Its probably because everyone has the mentality of "go big or go home" with gear. You only honestly see people mention tank gear when people legitimately asking for advice on learning a dps role and maybe tanking.


Things like the pricing of drygore, ascsnsion and siesmic weapons compared to their halfstep and full step counterparts are examples of this mentality. I mean even the newly released halfstep counterpart to virtus wand and book is worth about 20m. Virtus wand and book is worth aboit 160m total. To me that tells me the community holds the top dps counterparts at an extremely higher standard that it really should be.

Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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The problem with tank armour is that there is only a few places where it is necessary (Vorago, maybe Nex/KK but thats pretty much it). Generally people just want max DPS, which makes pwoer armour the more wanted armour in almost every case, even with buffs/fixes.

Yup. And in everyone single one of those instances where you need tank armour, on a team of however many people, only one person needs it, and everyone else simply uses DPS gear, thus greatly restricting the utility of, and demand for, tank gear.
Well you have the people who are new and learning. Everyone always counts them out on these discussions. Its probably because everyone has the mentality of "go big or go home" with gear. You only honestly see people mention tank gear when people legitimately asking for advice on learning a dps role and maybe tanking.


Things like the pricing of drygore, ascsnsion and siesmic weapons compared to their halfstep and full step counterparts are examples of this mentality. I mean even the newly released halfstep counterpart to virtus wand and book is worth about 20m. Virtus wand and book is worth aboit 160m total. To me that tells me the community holds the top dps counterparts at an extremely higher standard that it really should be.



The community does not "hold the top DPS counterparts at extremely higher standard than it should be". They simply are better because of how the game and bosses are designed, and how poorly tank gear is designed. The community isn't over appreciating power gear, and under appreciating tank  gear-- power gear simply is super useful, and tank gear is mostly useless. People are simply reacting to the conditions that Jagex has created and accurately understand the situation. Everyone is obsessed with power gear and DPSing simply because it is better.

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Jagex is too scared to make heavy contrasts. Tank armor that makes you nearly unkillable and DPS armor where you die if a fly so much as lands on your shoulder.


Without heavy niches there is little rhyme or reason to use one thing over another. So DPS armor will always reign superior.



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Abyssal set is about 12m and dropping ;)


Well if they intend on deleting that they better give superior versions something useful. 


Haha, who am I kidding


"Chris L forgot what a fighter torso was."




"Idea is to remove the complexity of EoC."

[bleep], wanted it to be more complex instead of  going simpler.


"Combat based jewellery might be changed in some way."

huzzah my recoils !


"Zuriel's weapons will have miasmic spell as a spec"

I have a stock D:

Sway all day, Butterfly flaps all the way!  tumblr_inline_mp4i2qAGS11qz4rgp.gif

✿ ♥‿♥)

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Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.



Aren't they putting tons of work into it? Or were they?




Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.



Not really. In 9/10 situations everyone uses Power Armour if they can afford it. Tank armour is utterly useless for most things and was a poorly thought out implementation. 


If they just buffed the [bleep] out of it it'd be fine... (defence)

Just take away the strength bonuses etc

All_My_Love.png Bun_Dem.png


max.png 50.png

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I wasted like 10 ticks posting this, so I expect at least 10 likes.



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[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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My main take away form that vid was the new menu is nice.


It gives a nice explaination and visual que of what each mode is like so hopefully even the dumb as a plank of wood 'oh eoc is crap i hate mashing buttons theres no way to afk no i havent used momentum i dont use abilitys moron' types can pick up on the fact these two modes exist to precisely address the factor they dislike.


Now can we just rename existing momentum legacy mode (with a bit more of a dps buff) and give a toggle to make the old interface come back and end this farcical idea that legacy mode is going to be some how different from what momentum was doing anyway?

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Level 120 capes poll confirmed to come soon on a Gameblast Q&A. So that means our options could end up something like this:


Yes, but only for 104m xp in a single skill.


Yes, but only for 200m xp in a single skill.


Yes, but only if the level cap is raised to 120.


No I would rather not have to work that hard in a single skill for a cape.


Edit: If these come into game this could change up potential comp trim reqs a lot.

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Maxed [February 14, 2012] | Completionist [October 25, 2012] | Trimmed Completionist [in Progress]

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