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Do YOU believe in God?


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Oh man, I should've been around for the first four or five pages of this thread. People were actually arguing logically and civilly! :shock: (Not that they aren't anymore, it's just that the debate has cooled a little.)








My thoughts on God:




It would be great if he existed. But I don't believe it. Dang :(












I'm working on organizing my thoughts on science vs. religion. Long essay to come. :D

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Oh man, I should've been around for the first four or five pages of this thread. People were actually arguing logically and civilly! :shock: (Not that they aren't anymore, it's just that the debate has cooled a little.)








My thoughts on God:




It would be great if he existed. But I don't believe it. Dang :(












I'm working on organizing my thoughts on science vs. religion. Long essay to come. :D




I wish I was here at the beginning, as well.








I'm veeeeeeery good at debating religious matters.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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isnt it true that the bible ses that a man (and woman) cannot commit incest....then how come adam and eves children all did it...the bible contridics itself...(no offence intended). ever played chinese whispers? well the bible is a bit like that...it starts of with one version and then changes into something totally different. thats just my view of things tho :wink:

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maybe a brief summary answer for me?
You cant summarise something as complex as evolution like you can ID rubbish.



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i use to be christian but not anymore because i (no offense all u christians) see that these "christians" are all hypocrits.....now i am wiccan...








I mean this politely, but how could some followers of a religion make you not want to follow it, unless you have little faith?








well, i seriously think that anyone who preaches something then goes and does the opposite is a bad influence and i disconnect myself from them... and the fact that i have little faith in those people, thats also another factor in my descisions.

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Yes, i believe in God with all of my heart. There is no way somebody could just make up everything in the Bible. And i do feel the holy spirit inside of me everytime i go to church. And that feeling can not be made up. There doesnt have to be proof that he did exist that is the point in faith. If we have faith in God we will have everlasting life with him when we die. If you are not gonna believe in God then what do u believe in?

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Yes, i believe in God with all of my heart. There is no way somebody could just make up everything in the Bible. And i do feel the holy spirit inside of me everytime i go to church. And that feeling can not be made up. There doesnt have to be proof that he did exist that is the point in faith. If we have faith in God we will have everlasting life with him when we die. If you are not gonna believe in God then what do u believe in?


But do you insist that your version of God is the only one?

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.











i believe in God with my whole heart also. i believe he died for all of us to save us from our sins




gingi mabye this will help you.....




say you have a penpal friend. he sends you a letter. i say no way dude he's not real theres no proof. you say but there is its his letter! theres proof of god also; the bible




i dunno if this will help you chose what you want to do but i believe in God myself


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Saying the bible is proof of God is self-contradictionary. You state that there is a bible, therefor there is a God. The bible states that that God is the only god. Yet there are plenty of other holy books out there, some of them way older than the bible, and those usually also claim that their god is the only god.

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Saying the bible is proof of God is self-contradictionary. You state that there is a bible, therefor there is a God. The bible states that that God is the only god. Yet there are plenty of other holy books out there, some of them way older than the bible, and those usually also claim that their god is the only god.




It's circular reasoning ;) saying God exists - the Bible proves it and then, the Bible is true because God wrote it.




Bible is a fairy-tale...




I hope you learn someday to back up your opinions.

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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.











i believe in god with my whole heart also. i believe he died for all of us to save us from our sins




gingi mabye this will help you.....




say you have a penpal friend. he sends you a letter. i say no way dude he's not real theres no proof. you say but there is its his letter! theres proof of god also; the bible




i dunno if this will help you chose what you want to do but i believe in god myself

If you believe in God, (show some respect and) write God with a G and not a g. :wink: :lol:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Guest AshKaYu
i use to be christian but not anymore because i (no offense all u christians) see that these "christians" are all hypocrits.....now i am wiccan...




I mean this politely, but how could some followers of a religion make you not want to follow it, unless you have little faith?




well, i seriously think that anyone who preaches something then goes and does the opposite is a bad influence and i disconnect myself from them... and the fact that i have little faith in those people, thats also another factor in my descisions.




I know, but those people are unimportant. What's important is YOU and your relationship with GOD.

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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.











i believe in God with my whole heart also. i believe he died for all of us to save us from our sins




gingi mabye this will help you.....




say you have a penpal friend. he sends you a letter. i say no way dude he's not real theres no proof. you say but there is its his letter! theres proof of god also; the bible




i dunno if this will help you chose what you want to do but i believe in God myself


Actually that was Jesus.

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Actually, that depends on interpretation. Some forms of Christianity believe that God = Jesus = Holy Spirit = Holy Trinity, other forms believe that they're sepperate concepts.

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Bible is a fairy-tale...


I hope you learn someday to back up your opinions.


I allready did, some pages ago...




I hope YOU'll find your memory back soon




Just because you back up your opinion in one post doesn't mean that you never have to do it again! It's posts like yours that start the childish arguments that go something along the lines of




Someone: Bible is a fairy tale


Someone else: No it's not!


Someone: Yes it is!


Someone else: No it's not!


Someone: Yes it is!


Someone else: No it's not!


Someone: Yes it is!


...etc. This is because when you say something without a shred of proof someone can refute it without a shred of proof, and hence the vicious cycle continues.




Okay here, I'll quote all of your posts prior to this (relevent to the discussion), to see if you actually did back up your opinion;




Fuss about a fairy-tale


You really are "out of order"




Ah, here we have two things. One - a proofless opinion (Bible being a fairy tale, dejavu?) Two - an insult, which is purely illogical, especially since it's accompanied without any proof, again. (ad hominem anyone?)




At least, flames are warm. Can't say that about the snow-white boring heaven




Ah, good proof here. Heaven is boring, hell is warm. This is accompanied with what personal experience? None, I'd wager.





Nope, but we assume it exists because EVERYBODY notices it. Can't say the same thing about god...


With gravity, it went this way:


Theories --> hey, let's call this phenomenon "gravity"


(first there was "proof" and everybody could "see" it)


With religion this way:


God --> hey, let's create some nice theories to convince people.


(no proof and not everyone believes it)




Can't compare religion to science




Ah, here we have something close. But there are some problems. First, just because people don't notice God, doesn't mean He doesn't exist. Second, I don't know what you mean by the whole God creating theories? It is weird though, that you somehow know God's thoughts. I can believe with all my heart that 2 and 2 make 5 but it doesn't make it true. Just like if people believe God doesn't exist doesn't make it true.




Insane, there's just no talking to you. You only see the bible and not the world around you. Couldn't you just try to be a bit less naive?


Shame that ppl like you exist, but if you are happy that way, so be it.




Just close this topic now, because it's going from nothing to nowhere.




Oh yes, this is the one where you say its' a shame that I'm alive. How very logical. Oh right! Then you say all I see is the Bible, when I hadn't quoted any scripture. I would turn the tables and say that there's no talking to YOU, since you don't provide any suitable reasoning for what you believe and then turn around, insult me, and expect me to believe what you say.




I'm not gonna quote all your posts but let me tell you this: you really honor your name




Ah, the last post that is relevent to discussion. You unintelligently insult me.






So, as you can see, there really is no talking to you. I'm not going to continue this with you anymore because I know that if you reply to this it's going to be another unintelligent insult, and I really don't feel like wasting anymore time on your posts.

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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.











i believe in God with my whole heart also. i believe he died for all of us to save us from our sins




gingi mabye this will help you.....




say you have a penpal friend. he sends you a letter. i say no way dude he's not real theres no proof. you say but there is its his letter! theres proof of god also; the bible




i dunno if this will help you chose what you want to do but i believe in God myself


theres something that the letter from your penpal and the bible have in common. the letter by itself is not proof that your penpal exists, and neither is the bible by itself proof that god exists




theres a difference between a letter from your penpal miles away, and the bible. other forms of evidence could help to prove the the penpal exists. we could check out the return address and see if the person lives there. we could write letters back and get relevant responses. we could verify that penpal a number of ways. with the bible, none of this is possible. if we cannot verify that the bible was indeed written by god, or look up the return address, or get relevant real-time responses from the author of the bible, then we cant say that the bible is evidence that god exists.

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Personally, I don't believe in god,heaven,hell or any sort of religious thing. Of all of my friends only one or two don't believe. Yeah but I guess I'm going to "hell" if I don't believe in god, right? :roll: Religion causes conformity.

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with all respect sir but




just because people don't notice God, doesn't mean He doesn't exist.




doesnt make any sense, if there is no real sign u can notice how can u say it does exist,








i believe i see a monkey in the simple picture above, u can see it really good and its orange




there i no monkey and i cant tell if there is a monkey but i got the feeling it is there.






it doesnt make any sense to belive in the monkeyy in the picture, does it?






some people fele there is god by reading the books from the bible. but they cant proove his existance. it is allways "i saw" or "i feel"








the bible is to old to be true, it may cover some questions asked by people 100 years ago but now its over.






and i want to say 1 thing wich is untrue.




the bible says nobody knows how god looks like, but he made the man in his own figure(dont knwo the word so ill tell it in dutch) (god maakte de man naar zijn eigen evenbeeld)




so we know god looks like a man,


and we know god is a man so we now we know how heaven looks like




a place with a lot of beer, woman and SPORT!

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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U people i do believe in God. how could the universe just appear out of no-where?? and the earth is in the exact right spot for it to be not to cold or to hot?? There is NO proof of evolution yet there is proof of the BIBLE. in the bible when they were fighting (no this wasn't clan wars) the army on Gods side needed one more extra hour of day light, so it was given. Scientists have studied this bak and found out we are actually behind...the bible was written many thousands of years ago. CHANCE?? I think not. And they have found many scrolls about the bible. Oh yeah and how did the languages come about. The tower of babel which is mentioned in the bible. Heaven and hell is a real thing, how do u people know it isn't a real thing...have u been there? Very few christians have been taken to heaven and back to experience it and share their testimony to others. There was this one guy that went to heaven and hell after he died and rossed again to tell everyone bout the good news of jesus. And many people pray for people to get healed and they raise from the dead. I bet ure thinking wat about the bad stuff thats happening. Well the there IS a devil. he controls the world, but until the end times and God fights the last battle and defeats satan once and for all there will be a new heaven and earth. And for all u non-christians there will be a rapture and a judgement day. The christians will be taken up to heaven and the non-christans will stay on this earth to burn. Becaue the flood was water and the second time round which will be soon the earth will be competely destroyed by fire. If you have any questions i can answer them or ask my dad to answer them just pm me or add me on msn.




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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




Trying to explain my experience would be like trying to explain to someone how salt tastes if they've never tasted it.

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