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Almost Got Scammed? Want To Tell Your Story? Post It Here!


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I have 2:




1. I had 100 unids and was selling them 1kea for 100k then one guy came and put 100k and loads of other pots, jugs and random stuff so I thought why not and clicked accept and then again on the 2nd screen only to realise that he had changed the 100k to 10k while he was putting up the junk!




2. I was buying 100 coal 190ea when a guy instantly trades and puts up 100, me quickly putting up the money put up 180k instead of 18k!


I'll never forgive myself for that :wall: :oops:

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when i was lvl 67 with full rune, d scim, and glory, a guy said, 'If you drop all of your items, and press alt+f4, Your items will double!'




Me: Oh yeah, SWEET(sarcasm)




other guy: Ok do it now.




I report him.




me: it doesn't work.




him: did you press alt+f4 and drop everything.




me: No but it would be nice if you would before i report you again.

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heres a good one :P




scammer:drop party!


me:(Follows to next to wildy ditch)


scammer:up a bit more


me:why? where is it?


scammer:(doesn't reply and jumps over ditch) come up! (moves on)


me: (does "no" emote)


scammer: OMFG U NOOB ITS A WKED DROP PRTY!!!1 I DRPPIN A D CHAIN!!(he is lv 50 :^o )


Me:(laugh emote)


another scammer/pker comes onto the screen and says "hey (scammers name) is he coming?" (dude is wearin full rune and ddp++ :ohnoes: )


scammer:KILL HIM KILL THE NOOB(scammers name)!!!


other scammer:i cant he ant in wildy


me:lmao!! \'




i just found it funny that he told him to kill me :XD:

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So, my brother has 93 fletching and he's a MAJOR fletcher. One day, he gives me 9k mage longs and 9k nats and tells me to high alch them all, so I do. Then, he tells me that 12 mill or so and buy 12k mages (magic logs), so I go to w 9 like normal and (without using autotalk) try to buy 12k mage logs. After 20 minutes or so, a guy trades me and puts in 12k mage logs, so, using my antiscam technique, (have 1 noted mage log in inventory and money, fill the rest with junk), the guy had actually put in 12k willows. I declined and reported him like normal, but a if he read my mind, he aplogized and traded me again and put in 12k mages this time. I dropped it and saw a guy buying 1 pure ess 1k, and I had one in my inventory for antiscam purposes. Then the scammer trades me again, and puts in 12k mages. I put in 12m and click accept. Then, he puts in 12.1 mill and says "Match," so I finally give in and put in 12.1m. He accepted and took out the money, but my brother was watching the whole thing and dives to the computer and clicks decline. I was wondering why, at fist, then later, I realized that when he put in 12.1m, he'd changed it to 12k willows again. Not having my antiscam anymore, he had taken advantage of this and switched it all up.




I can't even imagine how mad my bro would have been.

HONK! if u love pking!!!!!

___You only have 1 life to live, DON'T WASTE IT~~!!!___

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One day I was at the bank trying to buy d med. Then suddenly some random person pmed me saying " wanna buy whip 400k?" so i said yea and asked him wear to meet up. he told me to go to the bar up in varrock by the wild. When i got there he told me to come out to lvl 4 wil so i did. when i did i got attacked with a dds by 2 other players! luckily i had teleports with me. So i almost got scammed :D

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When I was a noob I had full black g...


Wanted so sell it and so I did..




Scammer: Buying full black g or t 400k


me: I SELL!!!! I SELL!!!!


trading him like mad


Me offering full black g


he offers 400k


both accept BUT he changed 400k into 4k


AARRGGGHHH good job you just sold full black g for about 246k under the price.




2 days ago I was merchanting.


I was buying rune parts and selling sets with about 30k profit


scammer came and was offering 240k.. this time I cheked second window and I spotted 25k




My tip to not be scammed in trades:


Always notice the name and maybe even type it in chat window (dont press enter , scammer may decline) than if they are trying to scam you look carefully at the second window. If they removed something or changed items quikly decline and press report abuse than type in the name you already typed in before on the screen =D>

#4500 to 91 rc - 03-03-09


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When I was a noob I had full black g...


Wanted so sell it and so I did..




Scammer: Buying full black g or t 400k


me: I SELL!!!! I SELL!!!!


trading him like mad


Me offering full black g


he offers 400k


both accept BUT he changed 400k into 4k


AARRGGGHHH good job you just sold full black g for about 246k under the price.




2 days ago I was merchanting.


I was buying rune parts and selling sets with about 30k profit


scammer came and was offering 240k.. this time I cheked second window and I spotted 25k




My tip to not be scammed in trades:


Always notice the name and maybe even type it in chat window (dont press enter , scammer may decline) than if they are trying to scam you look carefully at the second window. If they removed something or changed items quikly decline and press report abuse than type in the name you already typed in before on the screen =D>




Hmm...never thought of that.




Good idea, dutchstyle. I think I'll use that one myself, with one change.




I'd put it as "Ty, (RS PLAYER NAME HERE)" in case all goes smoothly. That way, if you do reach an acceptable agreement, you can press enter anyway, and nothing will happen. They'll think of it as a gesture of politeness....heheh.

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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yesterday i noticed a new type of scam. scammer posted on forum that he was sellin magic logs for 900gp ea. it was a good deal so i sent personal message to him sayin i wanted to buy. he told me i had to go to a german world (world 140). i agreed and i got there i noticed he was trading willows for magics. the problem is that magics and willows are similar and u might confuse them. at german worlds you cant read the name cause its in GERMAN!! its a nooby scam i didnt felt for it but be aware!

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When I was a noob I had full black g...


Wanted so sell it and so I did..




Scammer: Buying full black g or t 400k


me: I SELL!!!! I SELL!!!!


trading him like mad


Me offering full black g


he offers 400k


both accept BUT he changed 400k into 4k


AARRGGGHHH good job you just sold full black g for about 246k under the price.




2 days ago I was merchanting.


I was buying rune parts and selling sets with about 30k profit


scammer came and was offering 240k.. this time I cheked second window and I spotted 25k




My tip to not be scammed in trades:


Always notice the name and maybe even type it in chat window (dont press enter , scammer may decline) than if they are trying to scam you look carefully at the second window. If they removed something or changed items quikly decline and press report abuse than type in the name you already typed in before on the screen =D>




Hmm...never thought of that.




Good idea, dutchstyle. I think I'll use that one myself, with one change.




I'd put it as "Ty, (RS PLAYER NAME HERE)" in case all goes smoothly. That way, if you do reach an acceptable agreement, you can press enter anyway, and nothing will happen. They'll think of it as a gesture of politeness....heheh.




you could try adding him to your friends list too \'

i use a new account now "knex2"

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meh, I do tha with actual scammers, to monitor their locations....






That way, if they get on, and i'm bored, I get to go hunt










And, recently, i took down an account seller. I reported him after he said the account name he was selling (probably hacked. :cry: )

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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I'm so glad i'm not blind!


This guy says "buying green mask 40m!"


So I trade.


I put up green mask, he puts up 40 mill and a whip, then changes 40m to 40k.


I notice, and take out the mask.


We both accept, and I get a free whip!

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I'm so glad i'm not blind!


This guy says "buying green mask 40m!"


So I trade.


I put up green mask, he puts up 40 mill and a whip, then changes 40m to 40k.


I notice, and take out the mask.


We both accept, and I get a free whip!




You kind of scammed him there.




I'm hugely confused. :-k

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I started a new character today, this time in F2P. Within the first half hour, I saw someone offering an account for sale for 1k. Within the second half hour, I saw someone going around asking people to put their password in backwards.




I reported both of them.

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Yes, our clan's p-mod noticed a scammer also trying to get people to put their passwords in backwords...




That person has been muted.




Also: We've taken down a runescape gold purchase site advertiser yesterday, and also a trust scammer.




Please, if you know any p-mods, try to get them to come with you to the F2P worlds used for trading and merchanting. Put about an hour hunting down trust and trim scammers if you can! Doing this, my clan has put away several trust scammers away, and a few trim scammers.




(still accepting applications for clan)

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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I have one F2P and one P2P character. Both are still fairly low level. I have seen scamming going on in both free and member worlds, but it seems to happen more often in the free worlds. I just reported a guy who was offering to cut gems for free in a free world. Since that is a member only skill that can be done only on a member world, he was item scamming, so I reported it.




I'm going to the worlds with the smallest number of people in them. I find myself making at least one report every time I play F2P. I probably make one every third time I play P2P.




I hate to think how bad this stuff is on the more crowded worlds. The one I just reported from had less than 400 people in it.

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I have one F2P and one P2P character. Both are still fairly low level. I have seen scamming going on in both free and member worlds, but it seems to happen more often in the free worlds. I just reported a guy who was offering to cut gems for free in a free world. Since that is a member only skill that can be done only on a member world, he was item scamming, so I reported it.




I'm going to the worlds with the smallest number of people in them. I find myself making at least one report every time I play F2P. I probably make one every third time I play P2P.




I hate to think how bad this stuff is on the more crowded worlds. The one I just reported from had less than 400 people in it.




?What? :?: :?: Gem cutting is not a members skill...

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I have one F2P and one P2P character. Both are still fairly low level. I have seen scamming going on in both free and member worlds, but it seems to happen more often in the free worlds. I just reported a guy who was offering to cut gems for free in a free world. Since that is a member only skill that can be done only on a member world, he was item scamming, so I reported it.




I'm going to the worlds with the smallest number of people in them. I find myself making at least one report every time I play F2P. I probably make one every third time I play P2P.




I hate to think how bad this stuff is on the more crowded worlds. The one I just reported from had less than 400 people in it.




?What? :?: :?: Gem cutting is not a members skill...




My bad, I've only come accross the members only gems, from pickpocketing ham members, sorry. I thought it was members only but some gems are not member only.




The guy was still probably item scamming though since he was offering to cut people's gems for free.

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Sometimes they aren't scamming.




I did that for exp until I heard someone saying they TRADED cut gems for uncut gems. Then I did that. That method, by the way, makes it harder to get scammed, so I highly advise people to ONLY use that method. Although, you can have people swapping out the gem for a lower quality one.




But still, it's better than the free gem cutting one.

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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The attempt to scam I came across today was quite funny, I was selling 50 cowhides (50 whole hides? yes!) for 90ea in world 1.


So i get a trade from the scammer:




He throws in 100k.


I'm like wow 100k this is probably a scam, so I wait and he accepts.


So after 2 seconds of thinking well, I could just do accept for the first time, but before I could push the accept button he already removed his cash, and accepted again.


So I wait for a few more seconds and he declines and says to me :




Omg you scammer!

99 ranged/99 hunter/99 mage/99 cook/99 constitution

99 woodcutting/99 firemaking/99 farming


99 herblore achieved on 7/10/2008

99 agility achieved 7/2/2010

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Another weird one, some guy in world 1 traded me and showed disk of returning, then declined and told me he wanted to trade it for my full sara. We do trade, but at the second trade window he realises he didn't remove it... I didn't press accept fast enough...




He then tried to do the usual remove scam...




Dang, to say I almost had a disk of returning for a full sara... #-o It would've been good if he scammed himself :XD:

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