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Runescape was in 2D ??!!!!


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I always thought that RS classic was an older version of runescape that was also in 3D.


2D? that couldn't have been much fun! and why can't you make new accounts on it?Can anyon tell me more ?

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You must mean Rune Scape Classic (also known as RSC), personally i wasn't around when it was the *only* runescape avaivable but i still have an account on it.


RSC is still running but barely, some believe that Jagex are trying to get rid of it for good because of it's not giveing them any profit (or at least nearly none). This is because a few months ago Jagex apperantly made a move against "autoers" in RSC by about 5k accounts if i remember right AND not letting anyone play RSC who hasn't logged in since the last 6 months. This was to stop autoers but you can obviously see where they *could* be heading.


Tip.It has 3 main forums about runescape classic: RSC General, RSC Graveyard and finally RSC Market place


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It was pretty fun actually. PKing i think was easier. It's now only for members, and I think you had to have the account before, but I can't remember much. Getting exp ws easier as well methinks. Although the graphics were a tad worse than they are now.

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Ehm, for your information, RuneScape classic was created in 2000-2001, and was "transformed" into RS2 (RuneScape 3D) in 2004. Not in 2001, that's a big mistake.




Ahem no. RS2 DID come out at 2001.




AHEM , no, rs1 came out in 01, rs as we know it arrived in 04



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I play in RSC for a day or 2 atleast each month, reminds me of the gd ole days. Not got tht far only lvl 4 on there




Its hard to belive tht my current account was ever on rsc (created it shrtoyl b4 change over)


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Ehm, for your information, RuneScape classic was created in 2000-2001, and was "transformed" into RS2 (RuneScape 3D) in 2004. Not in 2001, that's a big mistake.




Ahem no. RS2 DID come out at 2001.




AHEM , no, rs1 came out in 01, rs as we know it arrived in 04




Ahem you are correct.




Refering to Ss_J9_Goten post. RSC was much more harder in terms of leveling and gaining experience than what RS2 is. RS2 is a walk in the park in terms of getting high lvls quickly and lvling than RSC IMO. Reaching lvl 99 in a skill was hugely respected back in RSC.




RSC definitely, without a doubt, had a much better community than RS2 of today. Though I wasn't around before mid 2003. Though RSC had a severe autoing problem which is sadly the path RS2 is heading on now.




Jagex decided to make it first a Members only game after they had a mass banning a while back and then decided on stopping people from creating new accouts soon after that.




My Thoughts >> It clearly seems that Jagex are gladly waiting on the day were RSC hits 0 on the number of players count. They get no money out of it. It often causes them problems. And all would agree RSC is "dead." Its the worst possible outcome for RSC and most RSC "veterans" would say and agree on that this ending is not what RSC deserves. It was what made Jagex what it is today and all that they have done is "discarded" it to the side unfourtunately.




I personally feel sorry for the dedicated which have stuck by its (RSC) side. Jagex should be doing more for these people who have stuck by them for all these years, than designing the latest new Random Event Costume to satisfy the needs of the 7 Year olds from Miniclip who only cruel the Rs community. :roll:




Sadly it aint going to change. :(

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I miss RUNESCAPE <-- yea it was just called RUNESCAPE back then no rs1 rsc or stuff like that :(




yea heres my f2p stats before the big change in 2004 <-- f2p for life back in RUNESCAPE =(













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Actually, it was 3D with 2D sprites :P.


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Ehm, for your information, RuneScape classic was created in 2000-2001, and was "transformed" into RS2 (RuneScape 3D) in 2004. Not in 2001, that's a big mistake.




Ahem no. RS2 DID come out at 2001.




Nothing personal, but people like you annoy me like hell. You people are too lazy to search the exact date before posting, and are convinced of your own statements. I had a conversation with some "newbs" at fire giants erlier, they called me a "newb" because they were convinced RS2 came out in 2001. They were 100+, so it's quite shameful they still don't know anything about RS-history. Inform yourself before you post such statements, it can be VERY annoying...


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Actually, RS classic was also 3D, except the sprites.




But before making Runescape, Andrew made a 2D MMORPG called DeviousMUD and RS Classic was probably based on that engine.

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Use the link given




Andrew self coded DeviousMud based upon an ismoteric view point.




This was scraped and he retsrated making the entire game aga, but it was near idnetical and was realsed as beta for 1 week b4 being pulled




Then he coded runescape using a 3d enviroment and 2d sprites




Then finally full rs 3d arrived




all tht lifted from the link posted early in this htread, tyr reading a thread before replying


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I actually played a bit of RSC before they closed it to new members. But I wish I had played the original runescape when it had a nice community. I started playing RuneScape 2 when it had been fully released after beta.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Actually, it was 3D with 2D sprites :P.




Very true.




RSC was not a better game, but it was a better community. It took a dedicated person to play a game with simplistic graphics whilst far more powerful game existed (for me it was Baldurs Gate, for others it could have been the original Everquest). Many were put off from playing the game by the way it looked, that kept out those many who were liable to beg or scam their way through a game they didn't appreciate.




God I miss those years...





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Ehm, for your information, RuneScape classic was created in 2000-2001, and was "transformed" into RS2 (RuneScape 3D) in 2004. Not in 2001, that's a big mistake.




Ahem no. RS2 DID come out at 2001.




Nothing personal, but people like you annoy me like hell. You people are too lazy to search the exact date before posting, and are convinced of your own statements. I had a conversation with some "newbs" at fire giants erlier, they called me a "newb" because they were convinced RS2 came out in 2001. They were 100+, so it's quite shameful they still don't know anything about RS-history. Inform yourself before you post such statements, it can be VERY annoying...




It wasn't wrong info; I was thinking of the different update.




2001 had a big update in RS, it changed into something, I played then, to us it WAS New-RS. Calm down, I never called you a newb.



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ah...the memories, back about 5 years ago i sighned up for runescape and had no idea what to do (being 10)....if only i remebered the username....


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I'd like to clarify that exp was MUCH slow to get in rsc, not faster like someone said. I can easily get 4x as much melee exp in an hour in rs2 as i could in rsc. Sorta sucks for those of us who did most of our training in rsc (i got 85 str in rsc, multiply that exp times 4 and i'd have 99 str in rs2 if i did the training in rs2)...

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