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Got a penchant for finding things on the ground?


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I keep finding jewelry on the ground and I dont know why...




My tally for far is:




1 gold necklace


3 gold rings


2 silver rings


1 silver bracelet


2 gold bracelet




Ive also found 3 wallets (just spare change and some important cards - returned two of them)




A 2 feet by 1 box full of hockey and baseball cards (and I mean full)




At least 5 switchblades (including 1 gold covered keychain blade)






Those among other things anyway...






And no, im not a pickpocket...






Tell us if youve found something nice yourself. :D

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Wow, that is crazy that you found all that stuff. I have found a few dollars here in there and some sunglasses, but that is about it.




Well besides the large amounts of change that people seem to drop on purpose.




Which reminds have you ever seen it when some takes a quarter adn glues it to the ground and when someone goes to pick it up and they can't they either get very embarressed, pretend like nothing happened, or get angry and start kicking and smashing the quarter until it come loose. It really is quite funny.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Which reminds have you ever seen it when some takes a quarter adn glues it to the ground and when someone goes to pick it up and they can't they either get very embarressed, pretend like nothing happened, or get angry and start kicking and smashing the quarter until it come loose. It really is quite funny.




That has happened to me too except with asphalt :lol:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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I found a teaspoon once, does that count?

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Take a metal detector to your beach. People stick thier fingers in the sand, and don't notice when thier rings don't come back up.




I've made over $400 US from selling wedding rings :P.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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You're good. I think I found a total of 20 cents last week.. but I don't find anything major.




I do have good luck in contests though! :)


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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I found $5 once at school. My friend and I both dived at it since we thought it was a 20 :lol: We split it 50/50




Another time, in 5th grade, I found this gold watch (or gold spraed) watch. The numbers where diamond-like metals. Heck, it could of been diamonds lol. But I found it on the grass field and it rained a lot the privous week I found it, so it did'nt work.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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im kinda like MXM... one time in 5th grade my [developmentally delayed] friend decided to bring REAL handcuffs to school and he thought'd be cool to put them on and lock them and give ME the key... i lost in 5min. later on the play ground...




good times :)

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I found a twenty in the stairwell of the bus once! It gave me a papercut...




Oh! And one time I was at Safeway, and I was gonna buy a pop ("soda", for you Americans), and I notice there's a whole bunch of loonies and toonies and quarters jammed into the coin slot of this one machine... So I pull out a pen (I have loasds of them in the deep pockets of my jacket - wierd, I know), and poked them through. After they fell through, I bought a few (seven) pops, and still got nine dollars! Cha-ching!

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I found a cell phone battery... 2 quarters... an unopened poptart in the section of a vending machine where you take the food after you pay... 1 unopened bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey at my busstop which I never touched (was half dranken the next day and I never touched it)... A cheap fake leather wallet with $1 in it... a saw a wallet fall out of a guys pocket at an airport and it was packed but I just tapped his shoulder and gave it back... I'm not that lucky.

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Wow, that is crazy that you found all that stuff. I have found a few dollars here in there and some sunglasses, but that is about it.




Well besides the large amounts of change that people seem to drop on purpose.




Which reminds have you ever seen it when some takes a quarter adn glues it to the ground and when someone goes to pick it up and they can't they either get very embarressed, pretend like nothing happened, or get angry and start kicking and smashing the quarter until it come loose. It really is quite funny.




I'm in a habit of kicking change before I try to pick it up now if I see it :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Wow, that is crazy that you found all that stuff. I have found a few dollars here in there and some sunglasses, but that is about it.




Well besides the large amounts of change that people seem to drop on purpose.




Which reminds have you ever seen it when some takes a quarter adn glues it to the ground and when someone goes to pick it up and they can't they either get very embarressed, pretend like nothing happened, or get angry and start kicking and smashing the quarter until it come loose. It really is quite funny.




I'm in a habit of kicking change before I try to pick it up now if I see it :P




You'll kick a dime into someone's eye and then BAM! Lawsuit!




There's a lesson in there, buddy.

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I keep finding jewelry on the ground and I dont know why...








And no, im not a pickpocket...


Yes, "ground" :P








I've come across a lot of stuff just laying about, specially at the beach.


Wallets, car keys, clothing, food. All bunched together... oh wait.... :P








Seriously though, I don't find much. Mainly USB sticks and DVD's that've been left behind at in computers at uni. Last thing I found was $250 in cash (2x50, 5x20x 5x10) just blowing along the ground down the coast.

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While i was riding to school i found a wallet with alot of cash in it ( ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì400)


brought back the wallet and the cards but kept the cash :cry:


i'm still feeling guillty




That sort of thing happens once in a lifetime lol :wink:




I think you beat me too!




(I sounds kinda evil saying that...)

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Hmmm, lets see....




$100 (1 bill) on the ground at a Rib Cook-off (Annual Event in my hick town)


$320 in a rubber-band in the snow


Gold Watch


Cell Phone (Found person)


A Backpack :P (returned, had address)


Diamond Ring




Best Stuff


Couldn't return $100 because nearly 5000 people go there :o


No clue where $320 came from. Found it when I was riding my bike and it was tied in a rubber-band. Not a clip.


Cell Phone, person called me and I tried some of the numbers (calling)


Backpack was some little kids they left on the side of the road, for some reason. Had a phone number written in it.


Diamond Ring, I don't know who's.... Looked cheap....


Gold Watch, couldn't find person, so I gave it to my dad for his birthday XD


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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I never find anything good on the ground.. a paperclip here and there (or something nice to hit my friend with) but nothing of any value...




I try not to carry anything valuable around because I'm the kind of person who'd lose it and not notice till i needed it... Hell, I keep my wallet in my backpack at school cause I know if I don't I'll never see it again...

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