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Wow. (RS Economy)


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Who would be more famous? A master Computer Programmer or Bill Gates-like person? Obviously the latter, because society nowadays tries to value everything to this so called 'Cash', because they believe they can buy anything they wanted. .




Now now, don't be hard on Bill Gates. Just because he's rich now doesn't mean he didn't have to work for it when he started Microsoft. And anyway ..




Who would be more famous? A master Computer Programmer or Bill Gates-like person?




Pretty sure Bill Gates is a master computer programmer. He designed and programmed the windows system that you are probably using this very second.




And about merchanting .. merchanting doesn't ruin the economy, it is the economy. I can use my money to buy a house for $100,000, and then proceed to sell that house for $110,000 dollars (the equal of merchanting) or I can spend another $10,000 dollars to make the house very nice, and then proceed to live in it (the equal of raising stats).




Thou shalt not gripe about Runescape prices.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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mygod, do you know what an economy even is??




Im no economic expert, but how do buisnesses work? Merchanting..


What would you rather be, Vice chairman of a medium-sized buisness, or work on an oil rig..?




:P Ignore this if im talking out of my a55 :P




Oh yeh, and *most* merchanters that I have met are quite rude!


that was so irrevelent

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Duke I'm coming back from a years break. I heard you were banned? I remember before I left you were pretty wealthy. Care to share the reason why, if its true? Anyways to answer your question its because with enough greedy people selling for 205, people will asume thats the price. After all it is greed that raises the prices.



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Actually, you both answered it wrong. Point is that people are able to sell at 205mil. There is demand for the phat at 205mil - and it aren't the merchants buying them. Thus, the skillers themselves drive up the prices by buying the hat for 205mil.




I heard you were banned?




Since I've been seeing way too many off-topic replies along this line lately: do a search on "mea culpa" and you should see a thread by me that explains it all.

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A few things:




about inflation:


I've had some education in economics, and one thing still strikes me as strange. For me, a gp is a gp. More gp = more gp, and so on. Why would 1M gp have a market value of 999,999 gp or even less? I think it's all a state of mind. To back that up, I refer to the general shops in RS, as well as the high alchemy rewards for items. They stay the same! So inflation is just in people's minds. I know that this is not quite the way things work, so don't flame me about it...it's just an opinion.




About merchanters ruining the economy:


I don't think it's true. I think that merchanters provide a stable market for skillers to sell or buy their stuff in bulk. They use the price range that is "generally accepted" to make their profit. Without them, price ranges would be much wider. To the people who state that merchanters "buy at rediculously low prices" I would say that it's your final call to sell (or buy for that matter), so if you don't like the price, do not press the "accept trade" button! Merchanting is using the price difference between supply and demand. The effect merchanters have on prices is only so much, because nobody will sell full rune for 100k (usually), nor buy it for 500k! The prices band with is quite settled. This goes for non-rare items. I personally don't see the relevance of for example phats. Thay are only used for making money/investing nowadays, and their initial purpose (a "souvenir" from a season event) is lost.




About merchanting vs. skilling:


I'm a skiller. People like duke freedom are merchanters. We all enjoy the game our way. To get back to inflation: gp may inflate, skills will never!!! That is MY reason why I like skills more then money. As I live in a free country (the Netherlands!!!!yay) where anyone can have an opinion of his own, I also approach other players like that. If you like gp, then go ahead. Personally, I agree with the opinion that merchanting IS a skill, and that the amount of gp made by it is an equivalent to xp. However, it is hard to distinguish between gp made from skills or from merchanting. I do not merchant a lot, but if I see someone selling a d-long for 90k, I'll buy it, because I know for certain that I can sell it for 100k, or at least 95k, making an easy 5-10k profit I can spend (or not) on my skills. I do not have world 1 or 2 as my home world, but when I see an offer I can't refuse ("selling bowstrings 60ea!!!") I'll do it and make a nice profit between banking for my skills.




About being rude:


I agree that merchanters in general tend to be a bit more rude, but this varies among players. There is no difference between a woodcutter screaming "go away this is my tree, nOOb" and a merchanter saying "the price is 30k u nOOb!1!!1!". Merchanters are being rude because out of frustration, I think. They want to sell their wares, and want to hassle about prices as little as possible, to maximise profit made per hour. Rudeness is a bad thing in geral, both for skillers and merchanters! I personally couldn't care less wether someone has 1 or 10B gp... respect is the word!



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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To get back to inflation: gp may inflate, skills will never!!!




Not completely true, skills are getting easier with the time. I can remember getting a max of 20K combat exp / hour and I believe that's more along the lines of 50K now.




Personally, I agree with the opinion that merchanting IS a skill, and that the amount of gp made by it is an equivalent to xp.




Yup, it is: exp = time = money. :)




They want to sell their wares, and want to *hassle about prices as little as possible, to maximise profit made per hour.




*haggle you mean?




Merchants should see the 'haggling game' that is part of merchanting as a challenge rather then as a 'frustration'. There's lots of extra money to be made if you are good at haggling. Lots of extra money to be made if you are nice as well... Sadly few merchants realize that.

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They want to sell their wares' date=' and want to *hassle about prices as little as possible, to maximise profit made per hour.[/quote']




*haggle you mean?




Merchants should see the 'haggling game' that is part of merchanting as a challenge rather then as a 'frustration'. There's lots of extra money to be made if you are good at haggling. Lots of extra money to be made if you are nice as well... Sadly few merchants realize that.




Hassle=fuss=being a pain in the...."where sun don't shine"....=bickering...




Haggle is also an option.... the word I was looking for is something that is like "gezeur" (since you are Dutch)... in the line of they just want to sell it at a price THEY state as soon as possible.




OFF TOPIC: did you start something new on RS allready?



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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Hassle=fuss=being a pain in the...."where sun don't shine"....=bickering...




Yeah ok, the other sentence made more sense to me, but didn't know if it was a typo or not, though it both ment the same actually :P.




OFF TOPIC: did you start something new on RS allready?




People can just pm me instead of going off topic all the time if they want to ask me something like that - I generally reply to all pm's I get. ^^




Anyway, no I don't play and probably never will play rs itself anymore.

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i dont merchant eather




I like to level my skills while making a slow but stedy profit!




I am fishing sharks right now, even though the "smart" thing for me to do would be to RC nats (giant pouch so 54 per trip) or mine rune. Make like 400k per hour doing that, and then just buy sharks... but nope, im fishing away making 1/4'th of what i could be.






This example isn't 100 percent true as I am trying for a giant shark head thing right now, but in general ill do stuff like this.

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


Support my quest for 1600 Skill Total!

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I've noticed this a lot lately, and it's in a way ruining the game.




I never payed much attention to RS market, I bought items, I sold items, didn't bother to study anything about it.




But the last few weeks, I've been playing RS a lot, and trying to figure out how to make the best money. Obviously it would come down to merchanting. Merchanting isn't my thing, I don't really agree with it, because it's ruining the Runescape echonomy, and making skills less useful.




Well, since I didn't know much about it, I went to world 2, and forums, to see what would be best. To my surprise when I actaully studied this, I was shocked. People are coming to Runescape, at level 3, playing for a month, and making millions, sometimes 100,000,000s.




Thats not the problem though, if they want to make that much money they can. The problem is that it's making skills useless. I'm a guy that likes to fish, fletch, wc, mine, and use other skills to make money. Why? Because I would rather get XP, than money. Yeah, thats easy to understand.




Now when ever a new item comes out, prices go from being say 10m each - 30 mill each, because of merchanters. Yea... thats OK. but the problem is, prices are staying high, when it should be lowering. Thus making a BIG problem with Runescape echonomy.




What made me blow up was this:




Yesterday I'm in world 2, buying dhorak's plate and legs, a whip, and d sq. I got them all at a decent price, so I was happy.




I decided to go somewhere thats not so busy, so I went to more of an empty part of fally. To my surprize a few people(about 5-8) came by me, and asked me "why don't you have full dragon". I say "I can't afford it", meh I can't, I could if I wanted to fish for like a week straight, but I don't want to do that.




One of them goes "You must be bad at merchanting than". I told them I didn't merchant, and that I think raising, and making money from skills is better.


They FREAKEDDDD, saying that people who raised skills were noobs. I explained that raising skills is harder than going and buying and selling something over and over. They just kept thinking they were better than me, because they had more money...




Why does the amount of money you have define you? I spend money on skills, not items. I have spent about 10m just on items, to improve me look, but I wouldn't waste more.




What has RS come to? It once had a great echonomy, with steady prices, since RS2 came out, the echonomy has been totaled.








its high alching.. it just shoves huge amounts of cash into the economy




cause back in the day...(rsc) noone really alched..

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About being rude:


I agree that merchanters in general tend to be a bit more rude, but this varies among players. There is no difference between a woodcutter screaming "go away this is my tree, nOOb" and a merchanter saying "the price is 30k u nOOb!1!!1!". Merchanters are being rude because out of frustration, I think. They want to sell their wares, and want to hassle about prices as little as possible, to maximise profit made per hour. Rudeness is a bad thing in geral, both for skillers and merchanters! I personally couldn't care less wether someone has 1 or 10B gp... respect is the word!




yep, respect is important. Im a merchanter, but just a small rune merchanter of course. Ive made a good 15m+ overall from merchanting, and for me thats pretty good as i only needed cash for a santa. But while i was merchanting, i noticed if you respect your buyers you get alot more. I mostly used the rs forum for selling, and I noticed saying you will go to thier world thier place works well, along with having cheaper prices then everyone else. I merchanted deaths and chaos, and i sold them for 280 ea for deaths and 135ea for chaos, while other people were trying to sell 300ea and 150ea. Guess who got the buyers?




well anyway.. Merchanting doesnt make skills useless really, it actually helps skillers. Take a rune merchant for example. We sell the mages the couple thousand runes they need for getting thier levels up. What if there was no rune merchants? the runes would need to be hand crafted by a runecrafter, taking time and costing ALOT more then they are sold for.





I decided to go somewhere thats not so busy, so I went to more of an empty part of fally. To my surprize a few people(about 5-8) came by me, and asked me "why don't you have full dragon". I say "I can't afford it", meh I can't, I could if I wanted to fish for like a week straight, but I don't want to do that.




Why should they care what your wearing? skills are just as important as cash, if not more important. Why do we have gp in the first place? To buy items. And what are items for? skilling mostly right? armor is for combat, it wouldnt have a use otherwise besides looking good. The only items that arent for skills are usually tresure trail and rares, tho u can use a pumpkin as food, but i dont suggest it. I dont see a point of gp unless theres skills involved too. I get gp to raise my skills, I just prefer to merchant for the cash as the skills I like dont make gp, they waste it :o




Aah, I've typed to much, time to go back to hiding in teh shadows and watching :shock:

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Own them by saying you have great stats and you'll be happy to fight them anywhere, anytime =D>




Or you can just say, you earn a few Mill / hour.. by fetching whips from abby demons. Or make 300k / hour .. by making natures.. and ofcourse, riskfree, because you can't really make a loss (yes, rc-pkers.. i know)

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The money situation in this game is a joke. This is the only mmorpg where a useless item is valued 1000 times more than the highest piece of armour in the game.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick comment on merchants




Read this artical





I'm working on starting a web design buisness and a book

Goals-90M/100M-Top 2.0k In Smith-26m as F2P(+lvl 79 Smith)

United SmeltersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ Association-Founder

Nuclear Co. MSC-Owner

My Merchanting Guide

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well you could always just make everything non tradeable for a year or so, that oughta teach them :P that would suck big time tho, but people would be able to say "you have a whip! 85 slayer ftw" or something like that



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this was a nice topic when i read it a month and a half ago!please dont bump old old topics

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I have never been a merchant and my stats arent the great but i still have about 40 mill of stuff... this is like 25% drops, 50% pking and 20% donations, the last 5% is made up of money off skills.




There is good points and bad points to being a merchant, it is good that when you do decide to stop that you can afford anyhting you need, but in that time you have raised your stats crazy high and have lots of money froms drops ect.

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Well i read a few people saying that other skills are not worth training because of merchanting.




If i was spending all my time merchanting and not training these other skills in runescape, i would quit the game. Seriously why stay playing a game when all im doing is buying and selling things and training a select few skills. I only play the game because i can have fun training ALL of my skills.





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