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how many of u have MP3/ Ipod/ CD player??


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oh... my has 512 MB... how much is that in GB? :-s




1 GB = 1000 MB.


512 MB = 0.512 GB








1 GB = 1024 MB


512 MB = 0.5 GB




so... is that a decent amount of memory? how many songs can it hold? i'm asking becauz wen i bought it, they gave me the wrong book... i hav a Creative MuVo micro N200, but they gave me a Creative MuVo V200 instead... :?




Decent? Yes.. Although depending on your library it may not be enough.. My 512mb shuffle says it can hold about 120 songs but I've got 140 songs on it. It all depends on the size of each song...

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A black 1 gig nano. :-w

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oh... my has 512 MB... how much is that in GB? :-s




1 GB = 1000 MB.


512 MB = 0.512 GB








1 GB = 1024 MB


512 MB = 0.5 GB




so... is that a decent amount of memory? how many songs can it hold? i'm asking becauz wen i bought it, they gave me the wrong book... i hav a Creative MuVo micro N200, but they gave me a Creative MuVo V200 instead... :?




Decent? Yes.. Although depending on your library it may not be enough.. My 512mb shuffle says it can hold about 120 songs but I've got 140 songs on it. It all depends on the size of each song...




oh! if it could hold around 120 songs that would be enough! i don't have many favorite songs or bands/ singers ::'

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I have a discman, but I barely ever use it since that time I was nearly ran over by two busses. You need to hear what's going on when you're driving your bike in traffic. Story's on near-death experience thread.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I have an iPod Nano... I like it, although it's supposedly fragile and too expensive, I like the way it looks and feels and I don't think I'll break mine. If I do, I have a 2 year warranty with Best Buy that says they will replace it if it breaks...

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I have a Zen Vision: M.




I must say, I love it. The 30GB is plenty for all my ripped albums, my assorted mp3s, and a few videos. And still have room for podcasts. \'


A Zen would be the mp3 player I get next once I've used my iPod to the max. Well, I think it's the Zen. Not sure which model though.

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I love my 8gb Zen Photo! Cost me $160 and I personally think it's a way better deal than any iPod out there. :wink: And plus, it's less likely to be stolen because its "not cool".




I carry it around campus and in the car. And plus, it fits in my nifty Altoids case. I dare you to try to fit an iPod into an Altoids case and make it work.. in a reasonable way. :)


Retired tip.it moderator.

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Get a Zen Micro or a Micro Photo. Exact same thing, but the Photo, of course, can hold pictures. I've had my Micro for around two years, and it's survived a LOT.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I love my 8gb Zen Photo! Cost me $160 and I personally think it's a way better deal than any iPod out there. :wink: And plus, it's less likely to be stolen because its "not cool".




I carry it around campus and in the car. And plus, it fits in my nifty Altoids case. I dare you to try to fit an iPod into an Altoids case and make it work.. in a reasonable way. :)




Well, since we're talking about mp3 players and altoids cases...








Minty MP3... it has some nice features like being able to run off of regular old alkalines and an FM transmitter :D


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I love my 8gb Zen Photo! Cost me $160 and I personally think it's a way better deal than any iPod out there. :wink: And plus, it's less likely to be stolen because its "not cool".




I carry it around campus and in the car. And plus, it fits in my nifty Altoids case. I dare you to try to fit an iPod into an Altoids case and make it work.. in a reasonable way. :)




Well, since we're talking about mp3 players and altoids cases...








Minty MP3... it has some nice features like being able to run off of regular old alkalines and an FM transmitter :D




That's actually really awesome, but too expensive for my tastes, lol. I might consider putting in the FM transmitter though, just in case a car has no AUX..


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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I have an iPod Nano... I like it, although it's supposedly fragile and too expensive, I like the way it looks and feels and I don't think I'll break mine. If I do, I have a 2 year warranty with Best Buy that says they will replace it if it breaks...




Not fragile at all. http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/nano.ars/3




They sit on it, drop it while jogging, drop it our of a car at 10, 20, and 30 mph, and it still functions just fine. See what else they do...




Personally I have a 20Gb iPod from the 4G series (B/W screen). I have a dualboot to either Rockbox or the original firmware. Rockbox is a great firmware alternative, with plenty of fun plugins.

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Bought a first gen ipod for my car with a jack into the tape player, the battery on the ipod broke, but I got a new one under warranty. :)


Now I got a new car with no tape player, but a dvd player, so I can fit 100 or something songs on one cd.

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Ipods are from my point of view a tremendous waste of money. MP3 players too. I have a CD player that I've had for about 5 years for car rides.




How I see it is that if you really love music that much, you should take time to actually thoroughly enjoy it. I see people listening to them in loud halls, in class, etc. It just doesn't make sence. And people plug them in for like, a minute and a half some times and listen to...most of a single song. If it's not good enough that you can take the time to listen to a whole track, how disposible is it?




Almost all my listening of music is either on long car rides where I can listen to several (or many) full albums, or at home. If I'm not doing anything on a Friday or Saturday night, from time to time I'll stay in my basement and...experience an album for all it has to offer.




But that's just my opinion. I really don't care what you do.

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I got an old discman to play my CD's on when I'm going somewhere. Reason: I can just pick up a couple of cd's, instead of constantly changing the music on the MP3 player. And I spend too much money on other things that have got my interest to buy an MP3 player with a big amount of space.


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When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I have a 4gb mini, which I've had since about a month before the nano was released. (Damn you apple.)




I still have about 2 years left on the replacement plan, so I keep hoping the bugger breaks so they'll replace it with a nano.




I love it though, I listen to some obscure music, and none of the radio stations around play anything even remotely similar.




If you want to help the little bugger break leave it out in the sun for awhile. My friend did that with his Nintendo DS and when he got it replaced he asked for a DS lite and got it. :-w




I personally have a Creative Zen Micro. I got it before the photos came out so it's only 6 gigs. I think there quite a bit better than the Ipod Nanos because they hold more music for the same price, the have an FM radio transmitter, they can record the FM radio you listen to, they have a voice recorder, there are lots of music services you can use with them were you pay a monthly fee and get unlimeted music that don't work with Ipods, and they come in lots of nifty colors. :P Often I've found that since alot of Ipod users use Itunes to get their music they often just get one song instead of a whole album. That way they don't experience all of an artist but they still label thereself a fan. With the other music services that use a montly fee system you can hear a song you like, download the entire album and any other albums by that artist for the same price as you would have paid if you had downloaded just that one song.

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I've always wanted an iPod. I had a shuffle, got put through the wash, then I got an mp3 player, screen broke. Oh, and my cell phone went through the wash too. :-#




I had to get a new cell phone off ebay, and it's not as nice.




But I got a huge stereo system and a portable DVD player. So I'm preoccupied.






Me doing staff.

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I still have my portable CD player but i never use it. Its bulky and of course i have to carry a case with a bunch of CD's in it wherever i go. Thats why I only really use my iPod. Its a 4th Gen Clickwheel not a colour one. I also have an iPod Shuffle which I gave my dad. My mobile phone (K800i) is able to play mp3's but i dont use it for that feature as my iPod is much more versitile and can plug into my car and sterio.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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oh... my has 512 MB... how much is that in GB? :-s




1 GB = 1000 MB.


512 MB = 0.512 GB








1 GB = 1024 MB


512 MB = 0.5 GB




so... is that a decent amount of memory? how many songs can it hold? i'm asking becauz wen i bought it, they gave me the wrong book... i hav a Creative MuVo micro N200, but they gave me a Creative MuVo V200 instead... :?




Decent? Yes.. Although depending on your library it may not be enough.. My 512mb shuffle says it can hold about 120 songs but I've got 140 songs on it. It all depends on the size of each song...






iPod (normal) Average of 15,000 songs.


iPod mini Average of 750-2000 songs.


iPod nano-120-500 songs.




I think those are the rough guidelines to the amounts, but I may be wrong. ::'

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