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whats the rarest item which isn't a rare???


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That slayer cape doesn't look trimmed to me... a trimmed one has a gold edge and not a red one...




first of all, not all skillcapes have a gold trim




second of all, trimmed skillcapes have two colors and untrimmed skillcapes have ONE COLOR ONLY. that skillcapes has TWO COLORS therefore it's completely impossible for it to be trimmed




finally, the color of the shoulder part of the skillcape (trimmed or untrimmed) is the same color of the skillcape's trim and it's clear that the color on the shoulder parts of that skillcape is RED therefore the trim is obviously red




Conclusion: It is absolutely 100% sure in every single way, shape and form, at any time at any place at any point in the universe that the slayer cape shown in that picture is trimmed now can we please stop coming up with "that red and black slayer cape is untrimmed".




I'd say the rarest is iron dagger p++. Nobody is going to waste it on an iron dagger (people will, however, waste it on a bronze dagger for the sake of proving a point :XD: )




I own a bronze dagger p++






That's why I specifically said iron dagger. Because people are going to make bronze daggers to prove a point therefore the bronze dagger p++ isn't the rarest.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



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1-items only attainable through quests that most people toss


2-the unenchanted forms of valuable jewelry


3-untrimmed slayer capes :D


4-obscure items that no one cares about (except people who want an item not many people have :P)(teddy bears, tiles, vampire dust etc)




I think that covers a pretty broad spectrum of items...

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I would have to say besides an untrimmed slayer cape, un-enchanted onyx items.


Actually.... I would have to say a gold cw sword. I have only seen about 2 people with those and they have really no use.

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BDS!!!Bronze Dagger Super poison!!!


so i herd u liek devarts?

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Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


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~3rd Age Meele Kiteshield (around 10 in the game, or so.)~




I don't see any proof of this




there are already more then 250 or so... :|




and that item is rare...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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~3rd Age Meele Kiteshield (around 10 in the game, or so.)~




I don't see any proof of this




there are already more then 250 or so... :|




and that item is rare...




rare, in this case, means discontinued.




So we're looking for an item that would be a complete waste, to the point where nobody would have one or something nobody would bother having

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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SO many people ar esaying bronze dagger p++ but the real answer is bronze dart p++ I dont think anyone has one fo them

noob:need hot gf

me this is not a dating sevice its a game

noob:but thats the only reson i play this game

then is suggest you use a dating service

but i cant im only 7 #-o

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onyx bolt tips


or maybe dragon 2h ++


oh wait that doesnt exist (YET)

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The rarest-non rare item is slayer cape untrimmed.. cause there are none. :o




In order something to be rare, it must exist. It doesn't, so it's not rare.




Probably its bronze dart++ or ahrims staff 25.

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Burnt anchovies. I mean really, who would keep them?

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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~3rd Age Meele Kiteshield (around 10 in the game, or so.)~




I don't see any proof of this




there are already more then 250 or so... :|




and that item is rare...




rare, in this case, means discontinued.




So we're looking for an item that would be a complete waste, to the point where nobody would have one or something nobody would bother having




ya its about junk... not about a armour part worth over 150mil coins...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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i was thinking obby mace is one of the rarest items in the game, as it's the only obby weapon that isn't a drop. You must buy it from the store, which is expensive, it looks pretty ugly, and the stats arent very good either.


However, i bought one from the store last week, and i managed to sell it on the forums for around 500k



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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I'd go for whichever skill cape is rarest.




Onxy bolts, probably not since it only takes a few people to have 5 for there to be more.




D chain...don't be silly -.- there are LOOAAADS




3rd age kite - a definate maybe, i have no idea how many there are, but have only seen 2 ever

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