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Concentrating On Work


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What do you do to concentrate on your work?




I try to get a quiet place to study but it's impossible. My living room and dining room is filled with junk and havn't been cleaned yet. The rest of the house either contains a T.V. or is a room right next to one.




I can either study in a quiet place, or in a slightly crowded but pretty much quiet place, resturants, library, with kids playing comp, but no yelling.




Just need some tips cause I'm finding it hard to study.

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I usualy do it at my computer. (most of it is one the PC anyways so..)




Generaly I find if I turn my music on I will get distracted generaly because i'll end up paying more attention to it than the work. However, if I turn it off I get to listen to my roommate talking on his phone. :lol: .




So what I usualy do is turn on some Doom/sludge metal. Really, even painfully, slow, and it keeps me focused.

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Yeah I listen to music too.




Piano, Orchestra, Classic, Game music and Anime sound tracks mostly as well.




I don't usually like listening to lyrics with people singing when im trying to concentrate.






For more severe requirements of focus, I just grab something to eat or take a shower before going back to work.

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I don't mean to be cruel but my mom is extremely loud and she has to be the center of attention alot so I usually don't get work done when she's awake. I usually wait until the beast sleeps to get done the work I must do. Which is late at night. So I don't get much sleep if I try to do my homework. Which is why I rarely do it. I have no idea how I've never failed a class ever. I'm lucky I guess.

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I'm used to working in a very noisy environment. My family owns close to 20 dogs who are all in the backyard outside and they bark constantly.




My mom and my sister are the two loudest people I've ever met, and my dad yells all the time when he's home.




I bet I could do homework through nuclear holocaust.

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I log off AIM, xfire, and turn on winamp. :)




I can do work in the midst of noise easily. But when my internet is working, ahhhhhhhhhh!


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I just turn on Winamp and throw it on shuffle.




I've had no problems working with ambient noise since you got the most junk in the uni labs. I can't work in dead silence, i end up looking for ways to get some ambient noise happening instead of doing my work :P

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I found it next to impossible to study on my computer... I generally did three things.




Moved everything to the library and do my study there.


Moved everything to a computer laboratory and do my study there.


Completely dismantle my computer and pack it up.




During my last semester at university I even started to drink a whiskey and coke which seemed to calm my nerves and improved my concentration, also gave a nice energy boost but the alcohol and the caffeine seem to counteract each other. If I had any more then a single drink the opposite would happen.

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A few years ago when I shared room at work with several others, and there always was some (workrelated) chatting going on, I found that ear plugs helped me a lot. They dont take all of the sound out, and you can still hear people talk - but it's a lot easier to ignore it and focus on what you are doing. Should help you to ignore the TV I assume :)

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I work at the desk in the computer room (the one I happen to be in right now). I turn the monitor off, get out all my books and supplies, drink a glass of water and have another right beside me, and study away. The only thing that distracts me is when people IM on AIM or music with lyrics.


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I usually study at night, when I'm a bit tired... just have a shower to refresh me and I can study for 2 hours without distracting at all...




That's probably the worst time to study, I usually study or do work when I get back from school. My mind is still active from the school day and I can easily concentrate on the work at hand. A little music never hurt.


If I am getting information for work, I copy and paste into a document and then manually copy into my book. That way i'm reading it twice and more likely to stick in my mind ( the document also spell checks :') ).

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When I studied I always had the radio on. Couldn't stand the silence, and if I put on my own music I was too distracted because I paid too much attention to the music.


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I usually study at night, when I'm a bit tired... just have a shower to refresh me and I can study for 2 hours without distracting at all...




That's probably the worst time to study, I usually study or do work when I get back from school. My mind is still active from the school day and I can easily concentrate on the work at hand. A little music never hurt.


If I am getting information for work, I copy and paste into a document and then manually copy into my book. That way i'm reading it twice and more likely to stick in my mind ( the document also spell checks :') ).




Maybe I'm a bit nervous but I can't stand music when I'm studying, I always end paying more attention to music than homework, no matter what kind of music. That's why I study better when I'm not fully energized, just a bit tired.


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If I'm just doing busywork, then I love to put on some good music (not my favourite music, just music that is good). Example: Some kind of creative/constructive project. However, with this years heavy work load, and it's almost all entirely thought based, I can have no distractions. I wouldn't say I like to procrastinate, I'm just easily taken off task. Yesterday I spent a few minutes talking about something with a family member, and for some reason I got all riled up and couldn't get back to work for like an hour. I can't even remember what it was. So now I just try to find a place where people won't bother me, and is relatively quiet (normally the living room).

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I always go to the library, but yeah it's always crowded and noisy, so what I used to do was go through my mum's cds and compile a cd full of classical music. Then I'd find a spot in the library and turn on the music. Because the music was nothing I'd want to get up and dance to, and also blocked out surrounding noise, I could just concentrate on the task at hand.



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