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There is allot of Lovecraft references or similarities to his tales in RS. One was already listed, Ezekial Lovecraft.








On braindeath isle you got these squid called Karamthulhu, which is a Cthulhu (squid faced being from beyond the stars in Lovecraft's tales) refference/pun on star spawn. You really have to know the tales well to get the joke there.








Witchhaven is similar to the Lovecraft tale "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" and what happens to the people is eerily similar.








Dagganoths are Similar to Dagon (another star creature from the tales)








"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die" That qoute was in game somewhere. I remember reading it and laughing allot on the irony of the qoute vs. what I was doing at the time.








I know there are more Lovecraft things in RS, but those are all I can recall at the moment.

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Oh, you have found humourous references in Runescape. Look a little harder and you will find that the entire game is built around humourous references. If you are American, you may have to work a little harder because Jagex is a British company, and they use a lot of British humour
i am american lol
Me too...




and most the british stuff is from monty python.




We have monty python in america? No way!!








ermm i'd have to disagree, i think there are plenty of references form all sorts of stuff. Like austin powers, Saturday Night Lives and lots of different songs :shame:

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There is allot of Lovecraft references or similarities to his tales in RS. One was already listed, Ezekial Lovecraft.








On braindeath isle you got these squid called Karamthulhu, which is a Cthulhu (squid faced being from beyond the stars in Lovecraft's tales) refference/pun on star spawn. You really have to know the tales well to get the joke there.








Or be a Metallica fan (like me): the title of an instrumental is based on it: The Call Of Ktulu. (which is obviously based on Lovecraft too, Cliff was a fan of those tales)








There are a lot in the songs:




'Aye Car Rum Ba': Bart Simpson.




'Catch Me If You Can' is a movie I believe.




'Escape' is a Metallica song too, but it's a common used word so it probably isn't based on that.




'Faithless' is some music act too, but same thing as with Escape here.




'Golden Touch': the tale of king Midas (sp?).




'Hells Bells': AC/DC song.




'Tomb Raider': Lara Croft (sp?)








There must be lots more I didn't notice.

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There is allot of Lovecraft references or similarities to his tales in RS. One was already listed, Ezekial Lovecraft.








On braindeath isle you got these squid called Karamthulhu, which is a Cthulhu (squid faced being from beyond the stars in Lovecraft's tales) refference/pun on star spawn. You really have to know the tales well to get the joke there.








Or be a Metallica fan (like me): the title of an instrumental is based on it: The Call Of Ktulu. (which is obviously based on Lovecraft too, Cliff was a fan of those tales)








There are a lot in the songs:




'Aye Car Rum Ba': Bart Simpson.




'Catch Me If You Can' is a movie I believe.




'Escape' is a Metallica song too, but it's a common used word so it probably isn't based on that.




'Faithless' is some music act too, but same thing as with Escape here.




'Golden Touch': the tale of king Midas (sp?).




'Hells Bells': AC/DC song.




'Tomb Raider': Lara Croft (sp?)








There must be lots more I didn't notice.








I forgot about the song... lol. Yeah, Cliff was a huge fan. I am just waiting for the day I find some obscure Ac/Dc or GnR, heck even Primus reference in game. I have to say, for my wife and myself, the little easter eggs/references make the game more fun and worthwhile.

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Err, I think this is true, however I'm not sure :P . You know the guy who sells you climbing boots @ 12gp ea? He's calling "Sherpa Tenzing" and hes a mountain climber (i guess..?) and I think that the name of the guy to climb Mt. Everest first was called Tenzing Sherpa (lol sounds wierd) or it may be the two guys second names...Idk...








His name was Tenzing Norway, he conquered it first with Sir Edmund Hillary, and yes its a very obvious one :)

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I cannot believe this wasn`t posted, in a region near Rantz the ogre, ther eis a sort of commander orc wich name i don`t remember. The fact is that he is reference to the movie BraveHeart, becaus ethe orc got his face painted half in blue and part of his bodie like William Wallace in the movie.



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in the new treasure trail the double agents say "i expect you to die" this is a reference to the james bond goldfinger








Doesn't someone say that in Austin Powers, too? I think Dr. Evil sais it in the first one.




that's because austin powers is a james bond spoof...

Didn't you notice? Goldmember=Goldfinger. :wink:


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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i think my new favorite is in the Cold War quest when the penguin bards say, "It needs more cowbell!"
















Yea I laughed when i saw that too, there was quite a few of them in the new quest can't remember anymore though.

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when you examine zygomites it says 'a fun guy'








The full one is 'A fun guy! No wait, that was awful. Plus it doesn't make sense.'








I love the herring with tree one. Also, in the fremmenik trials, you get to play with 'a red herring' which of course is meant to be a clue that throws you off. But you can take the red stuff out and its now a normal herring, thus, a normal clue.








Auguste I think is meant to be a really poorly disguised Capn. Jean-Luc Picard, even the player buts in with the punchline when Auguste forgets it '...go boldly where no man has gone before...perhaps?'








I do not know why people believe that bob in 'A tail of two cats' was Odysseus, when he was in fact Robert the Strong. Do we have any anagrams here though? Or is Robert the Strong an actual character from somewhere? Am I just being paranoid? Only the squirrel knows.

~ W ~



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Not sure if someone posted this, but here it goes.








The "fairy rings" around RuneScape are actually real (without the magic, though some believe they do hold magical powers).




Some people think they're "magical" because of the way the group of mushrooms are grouped together - a circle... hence the name




"Fairy Ring" (Many people actually call it a fairy ring).








<3: Fairy Rings.

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theres a Jeremy Clerksin in varrok church 8-)








from top gear for the bozos


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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If you talk to a customs officer at musa point while holding a karamja rum and wearing your ring of charos (a), you will get a charm option "This is not the rum you are looking for." The officer will then repeat you. A reference to Obi-Wan from Star Wars?

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in troll stronghold, trolls are named after what they first tried to eat, and theres fun once there, like pee hat (phat) and kraka (party cracker)




and dad. i love that one lol.



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The hand in the sand quest.








Do you need a hand?




I bet that comes in handy.








Also ardougne docks look like a paintballgun




The farseer helm looks like the helm the mage is wearing in monthy python : the holy grail




in hand in the sand quest he uses various references to hands like "palm it off". also its similar in other quests

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not sure if this one is one of if someone has posted it




ensign chef= insane chef?




in the new varrock museum i think


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

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The guy in Varrock church called Jeremy Clerksin is referring to Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear.


is he really tall and bold from the back? might also be a coinsidance




got to go there and see :P

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Oh, you have found humourous references in Runescape. Look a little harder and you will find that the entire game is built around humourous references. If you are American, you may have to work a little harder because Jagex is a British company, and they use a lot of British humour
i am american lol
Me too...


and most the british stuff is from monty python.


We have monty python in america? No way!!




Well we got it in Canada :D I love that show lol. I HAVE to try the herring one out :)

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