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Reasoning behind Low-Level Skillers


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Being a skiller is a lot more of a challenge, you can't go around and 1 hit things, you can't telly everywhere, it's a lot more difficult. THAT is why people make skilers, for the challenge! :P








I didn't make a skiller because i was bored of my old account ( personally i hate making new accounts, and agree, why would you waste time getting experiance on your skiller, when you could be getting it on your "main" ) The reason i made a skiller is because my old account was hacked, i didn't want to "revive" it or anything, But i still wanted to play runescape. So i made a skiller. It was a new way of playing the game which i hadn't done before - and in a way was like starting fresh as a newb.




However, i do feel that if you are not going to play your skiller as your "main" account, then it is a waste of time ::'

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Skillers are mainly for being impressive. You know, a level 3 with 99 mining, smithing, fishing, cooking and woodcutting is sometimes considered beter, or "cooler" than a level 100 with the same stats.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I've never saw the point in creating a second account, pure or otherwise. Yeah, it's really boring clicking at dark brown rocks 3.2k times to get 5 mining levels, but at least I don't have to run every 2-3 rocks from those scorpians. So what I can't own the in wilderness cause my prayer's 35. I'll be the one owning when I get prayer level 43. So what I actually managed to defeat Elvage. Hey...full addy looks so much better than full iron. Honestly, I got hacked and I still stood with my first account. They can take my stuff, they can't take my levels.








All in all, the only thing that will make me make a new account is a perm ban (not likely...I play by the rules and makes sure everyone around me plays by the rules) or a hacker that "steals" my account away and JAGeX doesn't give it back. Otherwise....well I'm not making a pure. Ever.


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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Alright. Now bear with me, I'm going to try and provide both sides here.








After reviewing the statements of a few level 3/very low level skillers from an outsider's perspective, I've gathered that the majority of them say that they have a skiller for one of two reasons:








1. Because they were tired of their main/lost their main and wanted to try something new, or








2. Because they saw that people are amazed by level 3's with high stats, or, simply put, for the shock value.








Because I have less of an opinion on 1, I'll give it bluntly now. Those who make skillers because they're bored of their main are being rediculous - we can infer that they're bored of their main because either their levels are coming too slowly with the mounting amount of exp difference per level, or they think that there's nothing left to do on their main (which is closely tied to our first conclusion, so I'll talk about that). Obviously, after they have fun for a week or two and start getting to the levels that their main had, they'll realize that what they're doing now is just what they were doing on their main, except now they can't enjoy combat. Usually this results in giving up the skiller.








I won't touch upon the second half of reason one, as if that's the case, to be honest, a level 3 skiller is a good idea. Since you'll be devoting your time to it, it'll be like a main, except a different experience than what playing on your main was.








On to my views on reason 2. Now, granted, it is true that when the first level 3 skillers started getting some attention (Teh Unseen, Zzzamorak, etc.), everyone was amazed. People thought it was incredible. So naturally, what would the response be? Many, many more level 3 skillers.








This is embodied by the community at RSC (That's RS Community, not RS Classic, so if I refer to it again in the post it'll mean the same thing). I don't know how many of you visit those boards regularly, but if you've seen the Achievements/Goals board (the equivalent of our "Rate This!" section), you'd know that one thing sticks out above all:








There are, and have been in the past, tons of level 3 skillers.








Level three skillers were, for a period of time that was still going on amazingly recently, a huge fad. Everyone on RSC had a level 3 skiller, the vast majority of them for reason 2 that was listed above. And what's the natural reaction to a huge [bleep]e in level 3 skillers? Skillers losing their shock value. There are so many of them now, that really (especially for me), they've lost a whole lot of that shock value - the only people that are really impressed by it anymore are real newbs. So why make them? My natural conclusion was that, if the initial motivation was because of reason 2, people still think that everyone else thinks their skiller is amazing. This might not be the case, but it still stands that if people think their character is amazing to everyone else, and recieve positive reactions from those people to whom it is a shock, they'll continue to make them.








A level three skiller is an interesting idea, but when it comes down to it, as I see it, they're not but a waste of time (unless, of course, you've lost your main due to hacking/banning and want a new experience). Skilling on your main is far superior, as you can also enjoy combat (which is highly needed in RS: combat is one of the few things that isn't tedious, or repetitive), and the various other perks that come with your main (clans, pking, staking, minigames with your friends, etc.)








Interesting discussion. I honestly love this new board - it's exactly what I needed.










Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Well the way he was saying it if all of us have a main and quit it for a level 3 skiller. I had a main. Lost him. So thats why I have one. And personally, I made mine becuse I hate training pures. Its the most aggrivating thing ever because you have to have an inventory of food to kill one monster. On the other hand, if you have defense (excess amounts), you cant really PK stuff in the wildy. Thats why I gave up PKing for a skiller right now.









It just goes to show that, though there's an age requirement, there's no IQ requirement to play RS.


Wait, my friend said he got a keylogger and lyke he coudln't type, so I assumed it messed up his hands?
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I have to say, many people do it because they are bored with their mains. Because they want the attention of people coming up to you and asking you how you are mining rune or cutting magic logs when you are only level 3. Simply put, I find it entirely useless, because even if the level of the account is a noob, the user is not a noob one bit. You can never be a noob at this game again, and I am sorry but that is a fact. Do not TRY to make a new account to think it will be the same challenge as you encountered during your first account, it is just simply not the same. Pure skillers are done because people are bored, but in my eyes it is a waste of experience.








ya pretty much a total waste...








if you really want to be recognised suck it up and must up some balls and go do a really tough skill get a lvl 99, a fire cape, a quest point cape, lvl 85 slayer or 94 mage or 91 runecrafting something that DESERVES RESPECT!

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



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My reason that I made a second account is way different from your guys.. I made a second one because I don't really like the name of my main at the moment (Striker Ray). My second one (Rayhayden) makes me wanna skill more, and work harder (don't ask lol) just because of the name. But I haven't decided if I want to spend 5M on it yet....Since I read all your guys posts, it kinda changed my mind








EDIT: Oh and also because Rayhayden's main outfit is better lmfao (all black pretty much) and Striker Ray's is green+red its weird haha.

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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Those who make skillers because they're bored of their main are being ridiculous [...]








It's fairly easy to get tunnelvision with your main - somehow feel responsible for its progress in skills (in this case) - at which point the game loses focus. You skill because you feel you need to or should, not because you want to.








If the impression is lasting, skilling on a different account can feel totally different, even if what you're doing is virtually the same, and that makes all the difference in the world. True, the new account isn't entirely necessary, it just makes the shirking of that nonsense much more tangible. That, and you broaden your RS experience somewhat. You need to find some safer training places, some different travel routes - perhaps you become self-sufficient, perhaps you finally wander into the cooking guild...and so on.








What's the worst case scenario? They "have fun for a week or two", only to give up on the skiller? I see no harm in that - how could playing a game for the sake of fun ever be called "ridiculous"?








I think in part what you're trying to say, is that the justification they give for making a skiller account is ridiculous, and that could conceivably be the case. Remember, however, that the majority of things we "decide" are weighed and determined in the subconscious mind long before we ever start considering arguments/reasoning/logic. That isn't ridiculous, that's human nature.








Just to illustrate what I'm saying, here's an example. When's the last time you saw a really good-looking woman (or man, heh, I'm just guessing at your preference), and thought to yourself, "Wow. She's very good-looking. Too good-looking. She must spend a lot of her time working on her looks, whereas an ideal mate would spend that time providing for herself, looking after her health, or nurturing potential children. Nope, I'm definitely not attracted to that one."








...I'm guessing, 'never'. :)








Hey baby, you know it's time




Why you bother lying?




When you know that, you want it too




Dont you dare deny me




Walk those legs right over here




Give me what I'm dying for




One chance...one love




Hold me down, never let me go








Never, never, never,




Never run away








*rocks out*

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When I played I guess I would have been classified as a skiller. Not on purpose, but my combat was 78 and my total 1500+ (I can't remember exactly. I just decided after a while that I didn't enjoy combat any more.








It seems silly to me to gain experience on a character for some kinda "status".








Skillers are mainly for being impressive. You know, a level 3 with 99 mining, smithing, fishing, cooking and woodcutting is sometimes considered beter, or "cooler" than a level 100 with the same stats.








But at the end of the day, if you enjoy what you are doing, then by all means, keep enjoying it.



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Question for everyone debating, whos name would you remember more, a non-skiller with alot of 99 stats, or a level 3-10 with alot of 99 stats? I would personally remember the level 3's because high levels with alot of high stats that you see in game you generally just forget about them, but the level 3's seem to stick in your mind.








But I still personally think if you have no interest in combat and just like skilling then make a level 3 skiller, for the shock value, but if your a level 3 skiller always thinking of how cool combat would be, just skill on your main.








I would personally never make a level 3 skiller, I wouldn't want to waste XP on another character other than my main, especially if it wasn't going to amount to anything. And I like to try out new stuff, new mini games and new items etc, but if you are a level 3 skiller most likely you cannot test out this new skill or whatnot.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Well i have to say that the only thing i understand is doing f2p rune. otherwise it's pointless. for me, i classify myself as an ex-combat skiller. i have had the same account the whole time, a pking account or two that i occasionally use. i used to do combat and all, then at lvl 59 i got the smart idea to try to get full sara. i spent 3 months woodcutting f2p, competing with those darn macroers, then when i finally got it, my last inventory before full sara. i finally got the full sara, got 2 lvls to 61, got bored of combat. now i never do combat no matter what. but, for me i am not making a pure, and i don't have to worry about monsters killing me(exept abyss monsters :lol: ) but after this long freaking post, i say, there is no reason to make a seperate account pure, because if you want it for money, you'll probably be breaking the rules dropping to your main(shame shame shame :shame: ) well, sorry for the long post, i get carried away.



Thank you everybody for rising up against macroing!!!

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no point of them really.








would make much more sense to just lvl up their mains stats...




oh boy, you have a lvl 3 skiller with a few 99s....that's cool, but you can't kill anything. You can never have all 99s.












just doesnt make sense to me

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This is something that has puzzled me as well. I guess the answer is, that you can't put logic or reasoning behind someone's idea of having fun. To each his own, it's what makes people unique.




If you ask 10 different people why they play Runescape, chances are you will end up with one answer: having fun. Continue to ask what defines their fun, chances are you will end up with 10 different answers.








Personally, I like to be able to do everything in the game, when I want it, wherever I want it, for as long as I want it. I am a total skiller, hoping to get 2100 total a few months from now. To me it's fun to be completely self-sufficient without denying myself a lot of the game content.








As a level 3 skiller, there is an incredible amount of game content you withhold yourself: certain quests you cannot do because they involve combat-experience as a reward, weapons/armor you cannot wear, areas of the RS-world that remain inaccessable to you, mini-games, monster-drops (any drops !). Always having to walk, instead of using a spell to teleport. Certain skills you have to stay away from, which as a 'skiller', is quite ironic if you ask me.








Is it more impressive ? I would say no. Are you really playing Runescape on a higher degree of difficulty than others ? The distance from yew trees to catherby bank is the same for a lvl 3 as for a lvl 126. The distance from a fishing spot to the fish-guild/Catherby bank are the same for every level. The distance from the mining guild to fally bank are the same for any level.




Random events ? Their level 19 randoms have the same attack radius as my level 159 randoms. Just a click away from safety.




Monsters attacking you ? The roads going to the skilling spots may be dangerous, but once there, nothing is stopping you from camping it for the next weeks/months/years.




I'd rather call the level 3 skillers more noticeable, than impressive. Noticeable, because they are out of the ordinary, not what you'd expect judged on their combat level. So yes, when you encounter one, the name might stick. Of course it will also mean you will have to fend-off the 'autoer-stigma' often.








In my opinion, if you look at all the things you're denying yourself, you're not really playing Runescape: you're playing a game that has less content than F2P even.




To each his own: if that's your idea of fun, nothing's stopping you from playing the game as you see fit to your fullest enjoyment ;)

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Main reason I play on a skill pure is to keep people from bugging me lol








If ur lvl 3 no one seems to pay attention to u and they leave u alone








If ur lvl 100+ There like








Can u make this for me?




Can U id this?




Whats ur * lvl?




How long have u played?




Whats the best way to do that?












And if ur a skill noob on P2P U can use tele tabs. *Im not a p2p skiller tho*

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I've often been asked if I'm a skiller. Personally, I don't believe in labelling myself just to feel secure. However, I do accept my total skill level is disproportionally high compared to my combat level, and I am still called a noob for it.








Why do I have such high woodcutting, fletching and construction levels? My answer is this... surely I don't have to do combat non stop until I get to level 100 to feel a sense of fulfillment or achievement do I? At the end of the day, I like construction more, and I'd feel prouder of level 99 construction than 99 prayer/hp/mage/range any day!

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I have allways had a main and a skiller. I think its nice to have an account to fall back on if anything bad ever happens. Most people say its dumb and wasted time, but i would rather have two nice level accounts than one all mighty account that might get banned for somthing stupid I said to a friend and some one else took the wrong way.








Another part I like about skillers is the community. I would rather sit and cut yews and chat with another skiller than go to experiments and listen to people gripe about how I took their spot or spawns <.< . But in the end its just what you want to to with your time/charter.

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well say your lvl 60 and you train all of the combat stats (mage range prayer def str and atk.) you are weak for your lvl. like if you have 40 atk and 40 mageand 40 def. You could have 60 mage and be the same lvl. (i tested on a the calc its like a 3 lvl diff. so u own every lvl 60 in the wildy. instead of being on of the ones to get owned

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I perfectly understand why one does not like combat. In that case, be a level 40 or 50 with high non-combat skills. You can make your skilling a lot easier with gaining a couple of defence and magic levels. Why stay level 3 and make life harder when you can spend a day or 2 to get 45 magic for some handy teleports? Because of the respect you get for being a level 3? When I see a lvl 3 skiller, I will admire his stats and then happily teleport to Trollheim to do my level 3 clue scroll while getting hit for 0 by the trolls.




Summary: Level 3 skillers are stupid. I will respect you for your high noncombat stats, but absolutely not because you chose to stay a level 3.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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no point of them really.








would make much more sense to just lvl up their mains stats...




oh boy, you have a lvl 3 skiller with a few 99s....that's cool, but you can't kill anything. You can never have all 99s.












just doesnt make sense to me

We can't ey? what about Zzzamorak hes got 52 slayer, now how can you NOT kill with slayer levels ups??? recoils.









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The point of Runescape is to have fun. I have fun on my skiller. Problem solved.








If that's still not enough, why do I have fun?








1. I like the skiller community




2. I like when people go OMG u got ownage stats




3. I like how you can camp out at some place on your combat account (Fire Giants) and still be able to do something else.








So that's why for me.








Being a skiller does not require you to be a level three. And if I read your third reason correctly, that is multi-logging. (Which is against the rules.)








Wow, you completely misunderstood every single thing I just said.











As did you to my reply. You said you liked the skiller community, and I was saying that the community does not require you to be a level 3, meaning there is no reason to make a level three skiller just for a community. The discussion at hand is the reasoning behind creating a level three skiller.








And if I "misunderstood" (your reason #3), then please explain it in a way I can "understand".
















WRONG. Then give your level X 10. A level 70 skill gives 700 max, sure, but it in the end depends on level. Plus quests with larger lamp rewards, or tomes.

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