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Man I hate people (my weekend story)


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Man I hate people. They are greedy, stupid, vain, fake, and many other things I cant think of right now. Im not anti-social, but I pretty much hate everyone that Im not friends with, until they get my respect somehow. I just had to get this off my chest so its pretty badly written. Last night does make a good story though.




My friend rang me last night and said he was having a few friends over for some beers. I felt like crap because I was training that whole day, and I had a torrential weight training session the day before and was exhausted, sick and hurting all over. (keep this in mind, I'm already in a bad mood, hurting, and feeling like crap.) However I figured a catch up night with the boys would turn out alright. I get there and we crack a few cans and play guitar hero for a while, then some chick texted me and invited me to a party she was going to. The boys were keen so I figured what the hell, I downed like 4 shots of coffee to keep me going, we packed the esky and left.




We get to the train station where our friends are at, and hang around a while because we heard the party hadnt really started yet. Their friends rock up, and soon we have 3 carloads of people looking to party. We get there, and the party turns out to be 4 people drinking out the back of a house listening to music. By now we have 6 carloads of drunk people, and our group only knows 2 of them.




Another girl says she knows of another party in a suburb 20 minutes away, by now Ive had a bit to drink and didnt want to risk a dui so my friend (lets call him Chris) drove as he hadnt been drinking. We get to the suburb, and everybody is following us because they think we know where the hell were going. After pulling over it quickly becomes apparent that the chick had no idea of the street or anything. So much for that.




By now its around 10:30, and people are starting to think about bailing. Finally we get a hold of a party, and its someone I used to know. He also lives another 25 minutes away back across from where we came. After getting there, driving around in the middle of nowhere (the guy lives way out in the acreage) we find the house, and its just a couple of mates having some beers. Our group could have stayed as we knew them, but there were 4 other carloads of drunk people we dont even know wanting to party.




We decide to bail, and go back to the original plan of just the few of us at a friends house. The people following us leave, and the chicks in the car with us ask for a lift to McDonalds, so they can get picked up from there.




Some guy in another car decides to start being stupid, amongst other things he swerves in front of us and we nearly slide off the road at 100kmph trying to avoid him. Chris miraculously manages to get the car to gain traction again, and speeds up and overtakes the guy to get away from him. He takes the hint and drops back. I guessed he realized that nearly killing 5 people is a little over the line. Everyone in our car is fuming.




We get to McDonalds at 11:30 and chat for a few minutes, the other guys finally go away. While Im inside talking a leak some huge guy called David tries to climb up a wall drunk, he falls and smashes his head on my bonnet. Sometime later we realize he has wondered off, and go after him. We find him climbing up a wall a few hundred meters away, across a roundabout and near some shops. We arrive to see him fall and dislocate his arm, and smash his head again. I really felt like leaving him there, in my defense I didnt know the guy, he was loud drunk and obnoxious, and he kept trying to walk, only to fall within a couple steps, hurting his shoulder more and smashing his head again.




The guy was concussed, drunk and has a dislocated shoulder. He then starts going into shock and hyperventilating. Someone calls an ambulance, we figure since the hospital is only 5 minutes away and its 12 midnight it shouldnt take too long. We get told by the fountain of all knowledge on the phone to keep him on the ground still so he doesnt hurt himself again.




This might seem like an easy task: Keep a drunk sick guy with a dislocated shoulder pinned to the ground. The fun part was the fact that he was a 150+kg Maori muscle, and he was crying whilst raging, trying to get up. Apparently he already forgot about the other 5 times he tried to get up and walk.




Now Im not a little person. Im a 6ft 4 athlete weighting in at 90kg, but this guy is huge, and is still hard to control even in his state with 2 people.




I bear hug him and lie on the ground to keep him there, but he isnt going down without a fight. Swearing at us and struggling to get up, he was apparently oblivious to the fact that we were trying to help him. At least he was blacking out, so I had 30 seconds rest every minute or so before I had to start wrestling him again. We are now in the gutter, lucky me its been raining so Im now wrestling in a puddle, in the middle of the night in winter. Im being punched and kicked, however I hold on because if I have to watch him run 5 meters, fall over and start crying one more time Im going to lose it.




Most people who drives past doesnt see whats going on, and think we are just a bunch of punks loitering at 2am. The things they said were too explicit for these forums so Ill leave it to your imagination. I am now so pissed off I want to head butt myself in the face. I take it out on the guys shoulder.




Let me recap on this. Some massive drunk Maori I don't know has a dislocated shoulder and concussion, he is in shock and hyperventilating as well as blacking out occasionally. I have him in a bear hug in a puddle on the road because we can't get him out of it, and Chris is trying to stop him from hurting me, which is causing him to also get punched and kicked in the struggle. The guy is ridiculously strong and loud, and beating my already sore and exhausted body around. It is winter at midnight, we are all soaking and freezing, we have been waiting for an ambulance for hours, whilst getting physically abused by the drunk idiot on the ground, and verbally abused by drunk idiots driving past. Me and Chris were both in a bad mood BEFORE this happened.




A car full of what looks like drunk 20 year old guys stops to give us an earful. Apparently this idiot doesnt think the night is bad enough and starts talking crap to them, it takes a few minutes for my friends to calm them down, and for the guys to drive off.




Somebody calls back the ambulance a few times within the next 2 and a half hours, and each time we get the ambulance will be there soon. Finally I lose it and start yelling in the direction of the phone. I cant comprehend how difficult it is to pick up some guy 5-10 minutes down the road within a few hours. Its a 30 minute job to get him to the hospital, how can there possibly be THAT many emergencies in the middle of the night?




We finally see an ambulance, which keeps driving. Apparently its for somebody else, who is probably having a better night than we are.




I am now being strangled by the guy while freezing to death, and its taking 2 people to keep his arm from tightening around my neck and even then Im having my throat crushed. I punch him in the face a few times hoping it will make him let go, and it seems he has lost feeling because he doesn't seem to mind, he has also stopped complaining about his shoulder.




After 3 hours of wrestling he finally gets tired, and is struggling less, and blacking out more. We do all we can to keep him awake for his own health, to be rewarded with more struggling and elbows flying, legs kicking. We pull him out of the gutter and I hold him again up on the footpath.




Somebody pulls over, apparently they are a group of volunteers who drive around at night and help out people. They give the guy a blanket, tell us a stream of what we already know to help him, gives everyone else Gatorade and hang around for a half hour before leaving.




Now the guy looks like he is in trouble, he starts having a seizure and is frothing at the mouth. Fun. Somebody rings up the ambulance for the 5th or so time, and I tell myself that if we get told the ambulance is on its way, then I am ditching this idiot, driving up to the station and killing everybody. The seizure finally gets their attention and they decide to stay on the phone until the ambo gets there.




The ambulance arrives at 4am, a full 4 hours after we rang, he is finally incapable of struggling, Im going to call that a good thing. They do a quick checkup, get the guy on oxygen, we warn them about some special medical condition he has, and about the shifty looking home brew vodka bottle he drank, and they finally take the idiot away.




To cap it off my car now reeks of beer because someone forgot they left a half full bottle on the floor and then knocked it over.




Ive decided Im going to live as a hermit.




So How has your weekend been?

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Damn. Blunt introduction but you really justified it man. Interesting story.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Eh. Your's was worse then mine. I didn't make it into summer school so now I have to wait til second semester to get in and gonna have to end up having half a year of geography. Plus I can't see all my friends because they're busy with summer school. But I can live.

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Interesting story, sorry to hear that.


That's why you don't get extremely drunk off random things... :wall:


Anyway, as for my weekend...Doesn't compare at all to yours, but still somewhat bad. I don't really feel like sharing, as it's personal, so I'll just say that it wasn't fun. It's starting to turn around though, so I don't know...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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So you're from Australia? Because it's summer around here in the Northern Hemisphere.


EDIT: Ahh, I see you're from Brisbase, Australia, I WAS right.




That sounds pretty bad, probably worse than any day I've ever had. I can't even think of anything that compares to that story.



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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Lol at the crazy maori guy :lol:




But I feel sorry for you, what a bad party night :|

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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Wow. I hung out with the girl I like and a few friends all weekend and just kinda chilled. 0.0




I'm very, very impressed by the way you responded to the situation. I probably would've freaked out and killed somebody long before you ever thought about it, but... Muchos kudos to you, you're a very, very good person, however much you may not feel like it. That may not have been the most fun weekend, but at least you can say you most likely saved someone's life because of it. Somehow, there may have been some small smidgen of worth in that [cabbage]hole of a night.




=D> =D> =D>


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Man, that sucks. I guess that is what you get for helping...Why didn't you just left when he blacked out? I would've lot patience after 10 minutes and would've left him. And that ambulance was disgraceful, but you never know what else happened that night, there could've been something else big that happened, and not many ambo's work at night.




My weekend has been alright, worked this morning and then watched TV in the arvo.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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The ambos where you are are almost as useless as our ambos here. Me and a couple of friends got our arses kicked by a big mob of people, who apparently had nothing better to do than beat the crap out of 3 kids. My friend had a broken arm and a couple of cracked ribs, and the other had broken his nose and screwed up his eye, which was pissing blood all over the place. I got off pretty easily, comparatively. A hairline fracture around my wrist, a couple broken fingers (Which hurt like hell) and a cut on my face.


So, we call the ambos and basically the same thing happened, "We'll be right over with an ambulance."


About 3/4hr later, they finally turn up. This happened a couple months ago, so really nothing to do with my weekend now. I just went over a couple friend's places.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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^ Woah thats even worse... :(




My last weekend I went to a club, danced with some girls, had fun. Then met a nice hot little blonde girl and we had fun till the closing time. When the club finnally close, we went to her place to have some nice wild drunken sex. :D




Don't hate me :P :-#

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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Most people go through it as they get older. They see the people they're with blacking out, throwing their guts up, making fools of themselves, bashing others, getting bashed themselves, starting fights, drink driving, driving irresponsible. Some even go through it themselves.




You finally realize the people you hang out with minus a couple are total nut jobs. You realize those tarty girls and drunk passengers use you for your ride. You realize some people can't handle their alcohol and ruin your entire night. You realize half the people you hang out with are acquaintances not real friends. You realize half of them have stupid morals that are actually really dangerous.




In future when you're tired try staying at home with a couple of beers or take the offer of a couple of people's company. Say no to the midnight mc donalds drunk trip. Don't hang out with the people who can't handle their drinks.




You're not anti social you're just normal. It happens to the best of us. You've found yourself to be growing up and drifting away from the immaturity.




You're becoming an adult :D



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Just going to be blunt about this. You had a [cabbage] weekend, build a bridge and get over it, you'll have more down along the line but there'll still be amazing ones as well.




Make your local senator or whatever aware of the 911 respondent, 4 hours for a Ambulance is pure [cabbage] and in some cases playing with lives, the fact that 4 hours into it he finally got a seizure and that's what made them come is just dangerous.




Couple of cans with close friends > a party full of randomers.

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Ambos are horrid on weekends in Aus.




At least you smashed him when he was drunk, you won't have to worry about him recognising you next time :lol:

"I'd rather bear the comments people say to insult ya, then to poison my skin and erase my culture " - Deep Foundation

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Dam, that sucks, where I live if the ambulance doesn't arrive in like 15 min its pretty shocking. Yea some people are just stupid though.


That being said, you should hang out with better people. If you don't know who the people are, you don't owe them anything, so don't even invite them to the parties. Tell them you will call them once you get there. But i don't know, maybe a bit diff culture then where you live.


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