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Everything posted by Silver_Corner

  1. Actually this would be a logical idea, and I would prefer it better. You could in theroy change the xp across properly. All you would have to do is add the xp you would get for I'ding the herbs used in that potion, to the potions XP. Or perhaps, add the ID/Cleaning xp when you put the herb in water, and then the remaining xp when you add the 2nd ingrediant. *Not to mention, this would clear up ROWS of BANKSPACE* And also, what most people dont realize is, yes, Prices of "Unids" or uncleaned herbs will be adjusted, but they also dont realize that Herbs such as Ranarr and other popular ones will go DOWN in price. Why? People who cant even identify them, know what they are, which leads to more people picking them up, and not leaving unkown herbs on the ground. More people picking them up puts more in circulation, and therefore will drop prices. Yes, you cant get them for 1ke in unid form, but a declining price means you can get them for, maybe 6k or less a pop. Im not sure how much they will decline, so I cant give an exact approximation, but its the general idea.
  2. Actually there would be no proof of this at all, because theres absoutly no evidence that elves akowladge any other gods other than Seren. She is the local deity, and to our knowladge, the elves dont now any other god, unless new quests arise to prove differently. And as for the Mahjarrat. I believe there were actually 10 of them, not 8. 1) Zamorak: (He often refers as "follow Mahjarrat", which would imply he is one himself.) 2) Azzanadra: Loyal to Zaros during the rebellion and imprisioned for it. 3) Hazeel: As you know, loyal to Zamorak and Rebelled against Zaros. 4) Lucien: Loyalties Questionable 5) Akthanakos: "The Camel Head" He was imprisoned by Enakhra in her temple. 6) Thammaron: Held the high-ranking position of Chief-Lieutenant in Zamorak's army. He sided with Zamorak during the rebellion, and led an attack to Uzer. He was killed. 7) Lord Drakan: Lord Drakan is the brother of Count Draynor, and loyal to Zamorak. 8) Count Draynor: A Mahjarrat who mysteriously crossed the river of Salve, but lost much of his power because of this, causing him to be such a low level when you kill him in vampire slayer. 9) Zemouregal: Known for his battle with Arrav, and his undead attacks on Varrock. His location has been a mystery since his army's defeat. It is unkown if he is still alive. 10) Sliske: Hardly anything is known about him, other than he is a snake like figure. Many people suspect he lives in the Draynor Sewers, known as Ruantun. Ok, so we have 10 listed. #6 and #8 are "dead". #2 Sided with Zaros, and #4 Is questionable about his Loyalty (Proly playing both sides, which is why he wants the staff, to give it to the side thats winning.) That leaves 6 or less Loyal to Zamorak, unless there are more Mahjarrat we dont know about, which is a possability. So the "brothern" might not be Mahjarrat, because to our knowladge only 1-2 are still loyal to Zaros. We will just have to wait and find out :wink: EDIT - Also, remember the Oracle likes to talk in riddles. But if you were to take the sentence literally, it means "There is a threat in the North, and It will be made of Mahjarrat". But it dosent state which side of Mahjarrat will be. Simply evil dosent define it. There is Zaros Evil, and Zamorak Evil.
  3. You cannot use melee/range attacks in the arena, but you can use magic. Ancients, God Spells, Teleblock, Entangle ext.. are all fair game in the arena. However, people charging there staves can also use their spells on people in the arena as well, so even if your staff isnt charged, you can use on someone attacking you to defend yourself and get points for charging your staff as normal. A cast is a cast, dosent matter who its on.
  4. Ok, reading this word for word I have come to this idea of what I think it will be. Since Mod Paul stated: This comes for me to believe any rune can be crafted on it, but at a price. For example, a person with 99 RC using the alter to make bodys would be almost 100% sucess, but making nats would be a 90% sucess rate. While a person with 50 RC would have like a 50% sucess rate on nats, and 70% on bodies. Basically as your RC gets higher, your chances of suceeding improves. Any players can make any runes (including ones they cant normally make) or perhaps certain runes at recudes levels, like laws at level 20, ect.. But the lower levels have alot higher chance to fail at making the runes than higher levels, which gives higer RC's an advantage. This fits all the sides of BTS and Mod Paul's post. I think its a very likley possability.
  5. Yup it is. But that wasnt the reason they changed it. The herbs were changed due to people merchanting unids, selling only the unid guams saying they were higher unid level, and getting 1ke for them. This update is to stop those, so people know exactly whey they are buying and to make runescape a "better" and less threatning world. Same XP as before, and a really good update I think. The only downfall is people everywhere will start picking up there herbs even if they cant identify them, since they know what they are.
  6. Um.. :-k There is this skill called "Defence". It determines how hard you get hit on, and thus how powerful specs hit on you. However there is the idea of a food which heals % of health, simiar to sara brews, but without reducing stats and isnt in potion form. Something like this would be more useful for high HP levels, but low levels, it wont heal massive ammounts.
  7. Thats not true. Ive seen people wearing black dhide, cast ice barrage from dhide onto others that are wearing black dhide, and still hit. Its really not to hard to get a positive mage bonus. And your forgetting: 1) Ancients can hit an excess of 30+ 2) With ice spells a meleer cant touch you. If he puts on hides, you use a dds them since its what hides are weak to. You dont keep ranging if your opponent flips from robes to rune do you? 3) Vengance, The GodSwords Greatest Threat. While the whip and dds might have the same overall attack power in terms of time vs power, you forget how the godsword is effective is its high hits. Vengance basically turns these high hits into your ammunition. Say, he hits a 50 with a GS on you. 75% recoil. Vengence hits an immediate 37 recoil on him. If you are hitting 30+ with a whip thats almost 70+ damage instantly on HIM, and thats only if he hits a 50. *whine comment* But I dont have high enough mage to use vengence! Its one of the GS's greatest weaknesses, because you simply cant use it dosent mean it has no weaknesses. Personaly I think Jagex is now starting to try and fix the big problem of just "Putting on hides to block magic" as the new range armor reduces melee stats. I would like to see a melee reduction on dhide in the future. But in the end, if your pking with just 1 combat skill, you deserve to be killed. You need to have armor/weapons for any situation. Mage isnt underpowered, its just now becoming into balance.
  8. But really this semi-replaces the use for veracs at KQ. Example. With Full Torags (Nooby I know) and a Godsword, all your have risk of losing is the torags helm, which is what? 200-300k? Not to mention full torags has an extrodinary range defence, which is the primary attack doing damage. Not to mention, no mace/dds/defender req, which is 1-2 extra space(s) for shark/pot. You die at kq with vearcs w/o prot pray and you lose v helm with 2M, mace/dds/defender ect.. Appears like this could be a new higher alternative to KQ & Melee Monster Killing with lower risk equipment.
  9. Now the question also is, does this work only for PvP, or does it also work against monsters? Example. Hit a 40 on KQ with the special, does her defence also decrease by 40? If so, Multiple Hits with a team of 2-3 could criple any monster.
  10. Actually thats not true, Zaros is present, but in the form of Zamorak. Dont forget, Zamorak was once a general of Zaros before he betrayed him, before or during the time of this war. Also. "Armadyl is the predecessor, and an ally, of Saradomin" Which its strange to see them fighting here since their allys, or perhaps they wernt allies, and Saradormin backstabbed Armadyl as well? However further evidence shows Saradomin aided Zamorak by giving him the Staff of Armadyl, a powerful, magical weapon, in the hope that Zaros would be defeated with it. How did Saradormin get the staff of Armadyl? Maybe Saradormin isnt as good as we thought? Or perhaps Armadyl isnt really the god of purity? Guthix is, Guthix. He has no warriors or followers per say. Non-Combat Druids and Seers are "unofficial" followers.
  11. I dont see how this really effects rcing all that much. 1) 50% of the players using abyss either go up the east over the bridge, or dont run past the skeletons. 2) If you bring the right equipment & supplies, you can survive a pker attempt 98% of the time. I get pked once in awhile using the abyss, and have never died. I never used the skeletons for my protection. Why? I carry a teletab & sara brew each trip. Ya its 2 less essence, but with both of those & dhide armor, its almost impossible to be pked. So take your pick, 2 less essence per trip, or 1 less glory every time you die? Anyways (more on topic) One major badfall is the wilderness clues. Now doing a clue which requires killing a wizard, you will be open for attack. A person can run up, dds you, and you lose your clue before you even have a chance to drop items that keep over it. Its a good and bad update, but I think the overall goodness of pking bots overweighs the losses.
  12. The problem with food is the long and never ending battle of PvE vs. PvP. You cant make one side happy without upsetting the other. Add powerful weapons to kill bosses and monsters harder, you upset the PvP world. You make higher food so that PvP have a chance vs those weapons, you can camp at KQ and other monsters for hours making the armor/weapons more common and more widley used. Its really a non-winning spiral. The only way to fix it is make inprovements, but with weapons like keris, or black mask, or salve ammy, ect. Updates that help players against monsters, but not against other players. Of course then the PvP's dont get updates as much, and then they whine about not getting updates. Really you cant make them happy. The only way Jagex has to control items such as this, is to make them so rare, only the super elite use them. But everything becomes common after time. Theres not much that can really be done.
  13. That is because you and the rest of the people making those threads is incorrect. STEAM is NOT Air and Fire. Thats Smoke. STEAM is Water and Fire.
  14. Yes. It is 2 Handed. and seriously dude, use periods please? And yes this sword will not be a whips substitue any more than a dfull is a substitue for a dmed. It will be to explensive to pk with irrationaly, not to mention it proly keeps over almost every item.
  15. Spirtutal Rangers so far have Dropped: Headless Arrows Iron Arrow Tips Addy Arrow Tips Iron Arrows Bow String (About 6 unnoted) Oak Bow (About 6 Unnoted) Magic Short Bow Ill update later If I find some other drops.
  16. You mean tuesday. Dont forget monday is a holiday for them, so no updates until tuesday. And ontopic: The sword is likley to be either slow, 2h and bulky, but hit hard, or some special that only works in certain areas (Like underwater for the brine saber) that are PvE. Or, it will be small, quick, and dinky, and wont hit to hard. Either way, an update is an update. Even if the sword isnt great, Im still looking forward to the wild map finally being complete, and a new area to explore.
  17. It would be wise to though. If you think about it, who WOULDNT use a rune long over a "special" sword thats 3x the cost and hits the same in PvP? In this case it would be better to eliminate bonus at all. For the wilderness example, if you wernt skulled, it would still give the huge bonuses, which would solve alot of the problem with people going into the wild with no intention to pk. It would give you an edge over pkers, who would have a much harder time trying to kill an innocent person who wasnt' in the wild to pk in the first place. But the moment they get skulled, their armor turns into party hat paper, and their basically a sitting duck with gp on them. It would be a logical drawback, and keep it from being TOO overpowered. But I can hear it already.. PK'ers: *Whine Whine Whine* the armors to hard to hit on and they dont die easily and give me his stuff *Whine Whine Whine* But if you think about it, if you cant be skulled you cant use it for PvP combat in the wild, So it would be rather useless to pkers USING the armor for combat, but great for those who arnt fighting. Also, seperating items from PvP and PvE, its the only way to keep one group from complaining about the other. If you allow them in both groups, somone is always unhappy and complains.
  18. What jimbob9999 said above is a very logical idea for this. As we currently see when the dragonfire sheild, and item can change stats during combat. Since when you release its special, its stats change. Armor could be simiar to this, in if you are skulled, the armor changes stats to an almost nonexistant bonus. Same way with weapons. What I dont understand is how people say this will mess up p2p combat in the wild? You say you like to use every available tool in the wilderness? But you have acess to keris? Have you ever used keirs in the wild? No. I dont think you can say you have. Why? Because its not useful in the wild. A weapon or amor that has no stats while pking would be the exact same way. Its not involved in player killing at all, so pkers would care nothing for or against it. One problem though is dueling with these weapons, since you arnt skulled while dueling or fight pits. So it may just be better to have them non PvP combat at all. Believe it or not, there are alot of people who play this game who dont give a care in the world about pk'ing. I would like to see some armor/weapons that cannot be used in the wild. It would peraps give people isight on perhaps RuneScape isnt just about player killing, and killing monsters can actually be fun. There comes a point where you cant just make things bigger and better, you have to start taking a different view on things. And this is an excelent idea for that.
  19. 1) Your not paying to get updates. Your paying to play the game RuneScape. Updates are a perk which Jagex decides to invest with the money you are paying. Its not mandantory for them to make updates. Back in the early days of RuneScape, you were lucky to get an update once a month. So consider youself lucky you only have a week or two between adding content. 2) The clothing update was not worse that it was before. Just because you, or 100, or 1000 people didnt like it, dosent mean it wasnt an improvment. Jagex trys to make eventual updates to all types of players. Just because the update didnt apeal to you personaly, dosent make it faulty. I know for a fact many of the Female players of RS enjoyed the update. 3) To end my Conclusion: No matter what Jagex does/dosent do, someone will always be unhappy, and complain. The best thing to do is just sit back, and enjoy the game for what it is. Dont get all mad because of something your looking forward too isnt comming fast enough. Wouldnt you rather have them take their time to make the update the best it can be, rather than rush and make a sloppy job?
  20. Um, Sorry but.. Woudlnt it be just as fast to tele to Ardy, and walk back into the dungeon? Rather than.. Walk all the way back through the dungeon, up the stairs, south to the general store, then back north, back into the dungeon? The time saved from banking would be less than 30 seconds? Not to mention you could recharge prayer in ardy allowing you to stay longer? Looks like your risking all those noted items for saving 30 seconds of walking time? Anyways back on the origional topic... I believe that like someone said earlier lost connection is like a natural disaster, all you can do is prepare for it to happen. And really, how much is that extra +3 mage defence or +3 range bonus going to help? Your going to risk millions for a bonus that isnt likley to change your preformance much if at all? You should always prepare for the worst. Unless your playing a safe minigame, never wear what your not prepared to lose, unless you know you will keep it. Snakeskin boots work great for me. I wear them over rangers 95% of the time. And if I lose them? loss of like 3k. No biggie. The time you lose with the less bonuses heavly outweights the time of working to buy another pair of expensive items.
  21. Its not necessarly that they forgot about it, because Jagex is a pretty big orginization, and abviously, must be well organized to be sucessful. However, in the real world, sometimes Big things take priority over little things. You must remember Jagex works in the real world, not a game world. If your working on a big project (Example: God Dung) and need more manpower to get the job done, mods/workers from other smaller projects will be asked to stop what their doing to help. Because of this you may find some projects "forgotten" when they were mearly posponed for a bigger update. People can only do so much at once, and this is a likley reason for small things getting pushed aside for big ones. After the god wars update, we will proly see alot of the material that was missing, once people return to their origional jobs. But Jagex is a company, and dosent simply "forget" about a project. If something was left out or posponed, theres a reason for it.
  22. Price is actually not determened by any of these, but supply and demand. If demand is high and supply is low, its super expensive. If demand is low and supply is high, its low in price. But, If the demand is high, but the supply is high (Whips) They continue to fall until the demand is higer than supply, or until they go so low the supply refuses to get more, and thus making demand higher. However, if both supply and demand are BOTH low, like erm.. Bronze Boots? Then they arn't worth much, since theres no demand :) Thats how it works. Example: Dark Bow. On day of release, it was low supply and high demand = High price. A month later, still a semi-low supply, but not as high demand, so a fairly lower price.
  23. Ya, as you get more experiences and higher level'd, you will be able to take many of the brothers without prayer. Ushally DH and Karil are the only ones high levels pray on, Simply because they hit the hardest. Verac can hit, but isnt as much a theat as the other two. Also, while in the tomb/tunnels your prayer drains by 10 everytime the ghost face appears on your screen (High resolution only). But theres no way to fight them all using prayer and not use pots, simply isnt possible. Hope that helps.
  24. As far as worlds go, really w18 is the safest as most rc pkers would be pked by the normal pkers. It seams odd, but its true. I try to rc there as much as possible, but that dosent mean its 100% safe. Just more likley to be.
  25. 55 Slayer is required for the staff. 55 magic is also necessary to cast Slayer Dart. No its 55 slayer and 50 magic to cast it. You would hit a max of 15 until your 60 then you'd hit 16. Thats what the guy above you just said. 55 slayer for the staff and 50 magic to cast it. You need the staff to cast it, so you basically just repeated what he said lol. Anyways, ontopic: Really if your using the slayer dart meathod, you only need 70+ defence, 43+ prayer, 56+ hp and 50+ mage, and 55+ slayer. Personaly tho, I'd recommend a high defence, and magic defence, range, and prayer level to do this effectivly. With 80+ defence, 80+ mage, and 70+ prayer, you can pretty much do barrows using this meathod without prayer potions.
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