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Everything posted by berbatovsky

  1. Any vampire, all the vampires i've seen in Runescape have been obnoxious, i know they're pretty evil but theres no need for that lvl* of rudeness. Obviously if i can only chose one then Molly, because jesus i hate her. Edit:*i actually wrote level as lvl this game has damaged my brain
  2. i'm a jerk to people. I'm jerky to people here, in game, and in real life. it's just in my character to be a jerk. if people don't like it tough for them. You reap what you sow my child. Too many of you have adopted the attitude that complaining about someone being an [wagon] is weakness, it is not weakness it is abiding by a certain standard of fairness and decency, i've switched worlds 20+ times to get to kill say blue drags in the heroes guild, and then some chump walks up and stands under me, HOW IS THAT NOT RUDE? HOW IS THAT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR? (after of course i have asked politely for them to leave, explained that 1 into 2 doesnt work(efficiency) etc..). I will not appreciate being called a whiner or being told i am weak and should just learn to stomach it, because you are the arseholes who steal MY monsters, and make no mistake if ive spent 30mins getting that monster/rock to myself you ARE stealing from me. Bring it on.
  3. The main problem i have with PC is that their is no risk to the player, yet the 'achievable' experience is the best in the game for combat, so it costs nothing, you lose nothing and yet its the best way to train, can you say other methods are obsolete? That is why i have to tell so many lvl 110+ where fire giants are................ If i was head of Jagex's 'oh crap we completely unbalanced the game for a year or so and now we think we probably should fix it department' i would HALF the experience 'achievable' because yeh its a mini-game not the whole game. Also i would make it so all the (void)monsters can poison you and you would have to do 200 damage to get points. But then noone would play PC..........screw you people its impossible to please you :).
  4. If you can't be courteous in game that means you adopt the attitude 'its only a game, theres no RULES saying don't be a rude little [cabbage]' i might adopt this attitude in real life, i mean maybe ill punch your mum in the face because to me life is only a slightly more intricate 'game' than any computer game. Seriously learn to be nice or i'll kill you.
  5. yes ive played PC 50 times exactly according to my PC points, maybe Pures and Pc clans SHOUDLNT make the uber xp they were because it was BROKEN, seriously if i can get 20-30k an hour xp slaying and you can get 130k xp pcing because you know 20 people who have pced for years, then there is no balance. Of course you moan because you became used to MASSIVE XP PER HOUR, now you have to deal with SLIGHTLY LESS XP PER HOUR, tis the end of the world i tell ye, also in old PC i was in a game that lasted less than 20 seconds- thats stupid as anything, good for XP but stupid and stupidness makes mini-games boring and pointless. Try maybe actually training, where you aren't invincible then come giving me grief about my views, cause right now your just a spoilt brat complaining your box of 700 cookies only contains 690 cookies.
  6. You'd think people would be glad that the mini-game they'd played 52 THOUSAND times has been updated, but apparently thats not the case, from reading the facts i'd say on the lvl 100+ boat on a busy PC world you'll be making MORE xp than before, this is just a guestimate but i think i'm right. As for pures........hmmm you're charachter has an (INHERENT [due to the [developmentally delayed]ed way Jagex wrote combat])advantage in terms of pvp combat, maybe training SHOULD be harder for you.
  7. Meh yet ANOTHER case of a praent failing to CONTROL their children and blaming an artistic median. this attitude has spread its way all around the 'free' world and now (most)every parent whines and moans that their child is (badly)influenced by drugs/rock and roll/rap/t.v/movies etc.. instead of doing their GODAMN JOB AS A PARENT AND INSTILLING SOME MOTHER [bleep]ING DISCIPLINE AND ORDER INTO THEIR CHILD/CHILDS LIFE. Yeh i feel quite strongly about this, the fact that parents no longer PAY ANY ATTENTION TO THEIR CHILDREN AND SPEND ALL THEIR TIME BLAMING 'SOCIETY' FOR THEIR CHILDREN BEING MEGLOMANIACS/SOCIOPATHS. Actually South Park did a stirling episode about this in which all the parents run off to try and get Terrance and Phillip banned from T.V (because they swear and fart in the show) and then meanwhile the kids are left fending of Death and in the end when their t.v show gets banned they contemplate doing heroin and having sex. That's why South Park owns parents when it comes to 'getting it'. EDit: in my haste to post my anger i didnt read many posts and it would appear what i said has been said 50 times already so i will add this, if the child hates school because of bullying or w/e it is down to the parents to TALK to the child and find out these problems and then offer advise, talk to teacher, sue the school or w/e(its America). The child obviously isn't in a happy place if he's spending all his time on his own and skipping school.
  8. With respect to this game i'm cyan i guess, in respect to gaming in general i'm purple.
  9. rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers. I wasn't being entirely serious when i wrote that :P yes, but you can't hear someone's tone over the internet :wink: Yes but you can probably infer that the person isn't being serious when they suggest NUKING a country over a GAME.
  10. rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers. I wasn't being entirely serious when i wrote that :P Edit:Lets see Chinese people are either above using autoer programs or they are incapable of programing them..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  11. Again earning the money for any 99 is a feat in itself, and i refuse to accept that fletching is 'easier' than fishing, as i said in a previous post, Runescape requires no skill like say games like Halo 2 or Civilization 4 do, there is no strategy involved in fishing other than move to new fishing spot when the one you're fishing dissapears. This to me is not something that requires a huge amount of co-ordination, reflexes, lateral thinking, strategic reasoning or anything else other than a state of wakefulness (maybe not a word).
  12. It would be EXCEPTIONAL if there was a task force erm tasked with eliminating autoers. Such a force would have to be fairly large numbers wise and have jmod powers to insta ban and or attack them outside wildy and irrelevant of lvl. Of course no such thing would ever happen but it would be a funny and BRILLIANT way of solving the autoer problem, also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.
  13. Apparently doing things that are incredibly tedious and slow is an noteworthy achievment in this game, hence all the fanboi adoration of people who DID IT THE REAL WAY. Getting any 99 is a test of dedication and determination. People that think the oldskul way of gettting 2k xp an hour makes that achivement awesome are misunderstanding, they did it that way because they HAD to, if you had offered them an easier way they would have taken it. Jagex made things easier (read-less tedious) because otherwise noone would be playing this game right now. Ps: nothing in this game is 'HARD' or 'EASY' there really is not fundamental skill to it, its just clicking, the only ATTRIBUTE required for a 99 in a skill is the aforementioned DETERMINATION.
  14. I don't remember acting like a noob, but i was a newb running around mining near varrock and then trecking to lumbridge to smith and killing goblins in that hut accross the river lum, those first couple of weeks of not really knowing anything were very fun though. I always considered my charachter a badass in waiting anyway, he just needed to train...
  15. A Human King is King because he was born into the position, only the original usurper/creator of the throne would be powerful and even then not neccesarily physically strong. The King of DRAGONS is presumably king because its a bad-[wagon] who pwns every other dragon. In most mythology (which Jagex apes) Dragons like treasure and terrorising humans, they don't really seem a race to have a hierarchichal structure in place, but if they did the King would be the dragon with the most treasure and the dragon that killed the most people.
  16. Same thing happened to me, except the guy was wearing Veracs and i got Veracs Helm (0), and some other pretty stuff. Grabbed all the stuff up, while 2 other people happily went about killing their respective suits of armour. IT PAYS TO PAY ATTENTION.
  17. The adornment at the back,( feather like things) almost make the head look like the predator, but not quite. which is a shame because predators are bad-[wagon]. Overall to me it looks fairly stupid, I'm not saying it IS stupid, just that it looks stupid (almost looks awesome though).
  18. With the dark bow and dragon full helm nothings off limits, Jagex denied both would be released (they said range wouldnt be updated or words to the effect and said no new dragon items would be released). I think Jagex wanted something to draw all the crowds in for some summer gaming and didnt want to release a new skill, so came up with the grand idea of releasing 3 pwnage items in 2 months :). I think Mithril dragons will mirror steel dragon drops but obviously with the addition of a dragon full drop and mith bars.
  19. off topic:Actually a lot of women (i.e:nearly all*) who claim to have been 'date raped' have in actual fact not had their drinks [bleep]ed, they just drink waaaaaaaaaay too much and forget what happened, or worse remember and get embarrased so they file false rape charges. :) on topic:I know far too many people have pmed me telling me they've been scammed, lured etc.. and tbh 99.9% of the time its because they got greedy, the funny thing is a lot of these people continue to get scammed, because they arent clever enough to learn there lesson. *based on a series of news reports i saw recently on English terrestrial television. Edit:after seeing some posts i hadnt read - women should not drink at all, they have a lower percentage of water in their bodies, they have smaller livers, in short the cannot process alchohol the way men can, women get way messier than men when they drink in my experience.
  20. There are a fair few players like you, but yes you are the minority. The arguments that erupt are just people being people. People like to argue and banter, they'll do it over/about anything. I have gotten into rather heated arguments on these forums and most of the time i feel like a moron for it afterwards, but i do that in real life anyway, its just how I/we am/are. I have only a few people on my friends list that i consider friends, the rest are contacts/people selling stuff. I like to go about my business quietly, but im always up for talking to some random person when im training and this is infact how i made the friends i have. Some of the more tedious parts of the game are made more bearable by having someone to talk to.
  21. Argument 1 : Most of the pures i've met are mean spirited [wagon] Argument 2: You haven't met every pure, many pures are nice :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
  22. Which is nothing more than a negative stereotype. It's the same as calling all low levels noobs and all high levels no-lifers. Assuming a pure is a [puncture] because all the pures ive met have been [puncture]s is not me being mean, its me being prudent.
  23. Like Wakka said its not that people hate the idea of a pure charachter its just that most pures are [wagon]. Edit: at 77 strength the best i can hit with a whip is 22, this has worried me for a while, should i be hitting higher? because it would appear everyone else is. An unpotted, unpraying guy with str lvl of 68 hit a 22 and when i said that was my best hit ever he laughed.
  24. The equilvalent is not man with nailgun, its millionaire owner of a construction company :P (15k xp per hour versus 100k xp per hour - cmon thats not even close). If i complete a game on 'hard' difficulty and someone completes the same game on 'normal' difficulty I VERY MUCH WILL LORD IT OVER THEM, as would you and every other person ever.
  25. Mostly Fire Giants and Lesser Demons when i got them as slayer assignments, using msb and steel arrows :). Edit: i also killed a LOT of Tzharrs with my bow in this period. I think tzharrs are a great thing to train range on personally, you hit often and they can drop obby shields(tzharr-ket thing) or obby capes (all tzharrs i think) which we all know are worth 250-350k.
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