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Everything posted by Foodfight13

  1. One good reason why a rule against begging is unnecessary. And do you think Jagex wants to listen to a million reports about people begging for money, items, etc? I don't think so. They have way too much on their hands already, and making this rule is not needed and is a waste of time. And Jagex would also have to set standards as to what begging is and what politely asking is. Overall is a rule that this community does not need nor have time for to deal with. Jagex gave you an ignore button; use it.
  2. Sunday, August 19, 2007 So I'm still behind on my fishing and cooking. And it doesn't look like I'll be having a whole lot of time to catch up. I like the new player kits. Very nice. But it didn't have the exact beard style I wanted. But still good, well done Jagex. I also REALLY enjoyed the Developer's Diary about Runescape Music. Probably because I like composing music, playing music, running a sound mixer, and using music computer programs in Real Life. It was a good diary and worth the read. Not too much has gone on. I did come across a lvl 106 who died in the lumbridge caves. Managed to grab his rune boots, but someone else who got there first got all the better stuff. So yeah. I guess I'll see you all later. Happy Scaping FF13
  3. Um, not all the time. There are quite a few f2p players out there that are very mature. While it does tend to get a lot better in terms of maturity in the member's worlds, there are those few players out in f2p who are mature. So don't think otherwise.
  4. After having a lot of fun making this sig, I realized that it didn't meet Tip.It Forums' signature regulations. :wall: But I guess if you have a clan site or someplace else that will let you use it there, feel free to enjoy. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b339/Foodfight13/Ilzu142.gif Again, this will NOT work in your signature on the Tip.It Forums because of its big file size.
  5. As much as I would enjoy that, I don't think it's possible nor going to happen. There would be too many posts like what Jackstick posted(see above). It'd be worse than Zezima surrounded by 1000 level 3 newbies. If you want to talk to a Jagex Staff Mod, you might as well try to talk to them through PMs. And even that has a very, very rare chance of happening. They don't have as much time to enjoy the game and its social aspect as much as we do. Maybe some of them are out there undercover just enjoying the game, but Jagex staff members don't have enough time to talk to one player about new and coming-soon updates and such, and definitely not a whole group of people.
  6. I have to say that Bambino really held up the other side of Prankster_King's argument extremely well. He argued every point very well and I have to say in some ways made Prankster_King look like a fool. I couldn't agree more that Prankster_King has very little or no right at all to talk negatively about this current Runescape community, considering he hasn't played in it for awhile. Bambino provided evidence suggesting he hasn't even seen the members world. It's almost like he was ranting about a video game he had never played. I would not mind seeing another article from Prankster_King trying to re-argue any points that Bambino made. It would be interesting to see who would give up first or who would eventually come out on top. Though I'm not sure if Prankster_King can say much else. He was "beaten" pretty badly. And although I don't have too much to say about Armadyllo's letter, it was very well written and worth the read.
  7. The first thing you need to remember is this is all a game. This is not real. Wake up from that first. No animals, demons, dragons, gnomes, dwarves, people, etc. were hurt in the making of this game (unless someone had an accident with the equipment over at Jagex towers). You're killing/teasing pixels. In the game of Runescape, Jagex is giving you a chance to virtually tease/kill/hunt something. If you think Jagex is making animal abuse look positive, you need to answer this question: Does Jagex make violence/murder look positive? So much of the game is centered around combat and killing. There are numerous quests, minigames, dungeons, even the Wilderness where players can kill each other for loot and fun. But it's all just a game. If you think typing in and entering the phrase "Shoo" to cause a bunch of pixels to make a phrase that resembles a whining noise and then move away from your fake pixelated character is being positive towards animal abuse, you need to think again. That dog may imitate emotions and actions that a real dog may do in Real Life, but that's just it. It's not a real dog. I'm sure that plenty of the people over at the Jagex Towers love animals just as much as they love animating animals for you to mock and kill. And even if it was a real dog, you have the option to tease it. Jagex isn't forcing you to tease a dog in virtual reality, they're giving you the choice to.
  8. Nowhere in any place in the Runescape Website does it say that you are required to know English or German to play the game. Now it is very obvious that not knowing either language will become a major blockage to having fun in this game in ways such as trading, making friends, doing quests, completing mini-games, participating in random events, and other activities that require some degree of reading. It'd almost be the same as someone who didn't know how to read playing the game. You don't have to be able to speak/read/understand German or English to play the game, but if you possess that ability it will greatly increase your access throughout the game and decrease the level of difficulty. I don't think the German servers will tear apart the community. If anything, it will bring our fellow German speaking players together.
  9. A macroer is not a kid who has to work in poor conditions. A macroer is someone who is too lazy or stubborn to play the game for themselves and uses a program which Jagex declares illegal. They're being lazy and having something else do the work for them. It is not a legitimate way of making money, it's a way of being selfish and damaging the Runescape economy and community at the same time. If you don't have time to play the game, then don't play it. Just because you don't have as much time to play as other players doesn't give you a legitimate excuse/reason to break the law. It's just like steroids in Real Life. People want to become stronger without doing the necessary physical training to get themselves there. Player A uses steroids and performs better, gets more money, and is more successful while Player B isn't as good and doesn't make as much money. Even though the salaries for most sports are pretty ridiculous. If they get caught, they damage their reputation and hurt the other people around them, even the honest ones. I have no pity for macroers and if you find your account locked because you were macroing, I say good riddance you CHEATER and don't do it again. You are the ones who are screwing up the Runescape community. Let the honest players enjoy this game.
  10. It seems to me that everyone is giving Miniclip a bad name just because it was after that advertisement that a lot more immature people started coming in. And even though I wasn't around before that time, I'm certain there were immature people before Runescape used Miniclip to advertise their game. Miniclip is not responsible for the maturity or immaturity of the players it brings to RS. Miniclip does not control those people nor their behaviors. And it seems now that everyone is making Miniclip the scapegoat. There will always be immature people on Runescape, and there most likely always has been. There's no way to avoid it except taking extreme measures by having ID checks or something absurd like that. Then they could set a minimum age(something in the high teens, to guarantee a more mature amount of players) for people to play and have it actually be effective by getting valid identification from the players. But of course, that's too much trouble and very illogical. It would eliminate a major portion of Runescape's players, while not eliminating the problem and possibly causing more problems. A lot of those younger people, who tend to be not as mature as the rest of us, are also subscribers to the membership, and they are benefiting Jagex with cash. And Jagex isn't necessarily filling their wallets with all that money. It takes a lot of dough to run a game, and it's probably a number we can't figure out. But I know that with more members generating more cash, we can get more updates to better this community that "isn't like the good old days." I also agree that this author had a very pessimistic view towards Runescape. When did he stop playing? Unless he just quit recently, he has no clue how the game has changed since. So technically, he was ranting about the community when he quit, which could have been a year ago for all we know. I'm not sure if he had too many bad experiences or something like that, but I know that Runescape is not full of immature preteens begging for items and cash and calling you a noob if you don't. Even if that could be a majority of the free worlds. If you see someone being immature, and they're breaking a rule, report them. That's what the report button is there for.
  11. Sunday, July 29, 2007 Hmm.. it appears I have accumulated a few levels over the past couple days. Now 61+ in every level. I'm pretty bored of fishing and cooking, but still doing it. I may have to change it to an end of the year goal instead of an end of the summer goal. I'm highly dissapointed that I can't use my crystal saw to put in plants on my new formal garden. Put then logically, who uses a saw when planting? So I'll have to get my construction level up 2 so I can use tea to get to the required level. So I'll need to make some cash... anyone wanna buy cooked trout and salmon? =P Happy Scaping, FF13
  12. Firstly, I simply entitled this thread the way you see it because I am announcing my point of view. This is not an informative thread, this is a debate thread. This topic can be debated, and I welcome you to do so after you have read through this whole post. Though I am confident that the evidence I will show strongly supports my side of the arguement and leaves little or no room for argument. I am going to start off with my main point: You can do everything you would do on your other account on your main account. The only exception to this is if you had a nonmembers main account, and then made another "pure" account that had a membership. But I can't see many people doing that. It's just illogical. I feel it's better to have one high account that two medium accounts. Don't you want to be higher in the highscores? Why have two accounts that are in the top 100,000 overall when you could have one in the top 50,000, maybe even higher? I could go really in depth here and compare two accounts and add their xp in various levels and their total xp, but I choose not to do it as much as I could. But just to give you an idea, I will give an example of someone I know. He has nearly 9 million xp in his main account, and then about 11 million xp in his other account. Despite which account is his main, that could still be 20 million xp in one account if he had chosen to stay with only one account. Obviously he would have spent more time to get that 20 millon xp in one account, because as you level up more, the levels become harder and require more time to obtain. Also, let's compare on one individual skill. This person had nearly 1.8 million xp in fishing on one character, and nearly 1.07 million xp on another. Add that total up, and (with the help of Tip.It's XP Table) you can confirm that would have had level 83 fishing on one account instead of 79 and 73 fishing on two accounts. I don't know about you, but I would take the higher fishing level any day. Another argument against having two accounts with membership is the cost. If you have a parent who pays for you, or your job gives enough income so that you may pay for two RS Memberships and the rest of your Real LifeÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ desires and needs, then that cost may not bother you. But who wants to pay 60 extra dollars a year to do something they could do on a different account that they're already paying 60 dollars a year for? It doesn't make much sense, but feel free to use/waste your money as you wish. Now I will look at some of the reasons that people make more than one account: *Pking* This seems to be the most popular, logical, and maybe valid reason that people make another account. They like to make a strength, ranged, or mage pure so they will have an advantage in the wilderness when killing their fellow players. They like the lower combat level while having high individual combat stats. You can still pk with your main though. In fact, if you use your main, you will most likely have higher combat stats, allowing you to wield more powerful armor and weapons, allowing you to kill - with an easier effort - higher level prey. Why choose green dragonhide and steel arrows when it could be black dragonhide and crystal bow? Why choose Fire Bolt when it could be Ice Burst? I guess some people like to earn a smaller profit with more ease then go for the "bigger fish." But you can always pk on your main, and almost always have more of a thrill pking on member's worlds rather than free worlds. Even if you don't have a membership, I would rather pk as a level 70 in green dragonhide because I could take down better people, maybe even some with rune. Can you do that with your lower-level ranged pure? EDIT: Events have no happened and now no one can playerkill in the wilderness. *Pures* Whether it be a combat or non-combat skill, people make other accounts in which they only concentrate on one or a few skills. I personally find this to be ridiculous. Once again, you can do everything on your main that you can do on your other account. With the rise of skill capes, more people have been aiming for those level 99s, and even more have been doing so on a seperate account. What are you going to do after you get level 99 woodcutting on a level 3 account? Just prance around Runescape doing your emote? Because you haven't leveled up any other skills, and have made a commitment to not do so, there is a lack of things you can do with your account and it's single skillcape. I personally would rather have my main with 99 in whatever skill than rather have it on level 3 account that has nothing else. Your level 90 main can't wear a skillcape that your level 3 pure has earned. It may give you a feeling of accomplishment, but you can't show it off unless you're on the pure account. And there isn't much else to do with that account right? Even if you begin to work on more skills, you have basically just made a second account. And you could've done all the "skilling" on your main, and gotten those skillcapes quicker. *Boredom* A rather pathetic reason, but a reason nonetheless. Even I get bored sometimes. If you really are that bored, you should go try to obtain a treasure trail or do a minigame. That is why Jagex put those things in there, to keep you excited and having fun while you play the game and give you a much needed break from that continuous "skilling." But I don't see any point in making another account to do something that you were tired of doing on your main account because it was getting boring. Again, it's just not logical. Now, if you wish to post in this thread, please do so and abide to the Debate Club Rules and Guidelines. I won't comment back to people who just say "I agree" or "I disagree" or "You're stupid!"
  13. Incorrect spellings in Runescape are only a crime when the incorrectly spelled word becomes a word that Jagex is trying to sensor, or somehow becomes a put-down to another player. Otherwise, all misspellings are just really annoying and confusing. I am completely supportive of everyone using proper spelling and grammar during Runescape, but the failure to do so is certainly not a crime. Though I may want to "put justice upon you" if you choose to chat on Runescape with no care as to how you spell your words. :twisted:
  14. Friday, July 27, 2007 Wow, has it really been that long? I guess I don't have as much time to update this as much, and sometimes not even enough time to play Runescape itself. And there are other things online I do like MySpace and Facebook. So to update this often is hard. Right now, I stand at the banks of the river that runs through lower Karamja. I'm fishing. I also stand at 1565 total level, 91 combat, with 61 or higher in all levels(except for farming, but that's like less than 2k xp away, so it's close enough =P). I also have the questpoints cape. MEP2 wasn't really that bad. Just sort of annoying. Which is what I find a lot of quests to be. There were actually some hard battles out there, let me tell you. But some quests that are said to be hard are just really more annoying. If you have a huge final boss fight, that's when it gets hard for me. Like in Grim Tales, Recipe for Disaster, and Dream Mentor. Those all had hard boss fights. But the rest of the quest's hard parts were just annoying. So I need to get back to fishing if I want to fish my 15k+ feathers by the end of the summer. Happy Scaping, FF13
  15. I actually did it the same way you are planning to and it's not that bad. If you can find someone who will sell you green dragon-hides for a cheap price, go for that, and then high alch your vambraces that you will make. Then go to Chaps once you get to 60. Otherwise bowstrings is the way to go.
  16. ^I agree with that. I usually do it right away or really soon after it comes out. Sometimes I have to wait a day or two because of other things that take priority.
  17. I say go for fishing and cooking at the same time. Fly-fishing at Shilo Village is the best way to do it.
  18. Yanille and Varrock are roughly the same distance away, though I prefer Yanille.
  19. I would definately use prayer on all 4 bosses. It's just silly to fight them with out protection prayers.
  20. If you have access to the gnome glider system, do this: -Teleport to the Duel Arena with a ring of Dueling -Walk to the Gnome Glider in Al Kharid and go to the Gnome Stronghold, then to the glider in Karmja. -Find your way to the log to cross to the west side of the river. The Nature Altar should be southwest of the crossing. Go inside and Craft. -Teleport to Castle Wars using your Ring of Dueling and bank the nats and take out more Ess. -Teleport to the Duel Arena and repeat process. This method may take a lot of dueling rings, but is the most efficient banking way other than abyss.
  21. At your level, maples. They still get a good price on forums and they're nice xp for someone with your woodcutting level.
  22. You've got a nice balance of skills already, that's good to have. It would still be nice to have firemaking a little higher to balance it out, but it's not neccessary. I would recommend herblore and thieving to be the first P2P skills you train, and get some good quests in under your belt too. Hero's Quest, Fishing Contest, Priest in Peril, and The Fremmy Trials are good starters. Once you get your agility up high enough you should do Watchtower. Good luck in P2P!
  23. Quest Cape(Met Yesterday) Fish Using 20k Feathers(18k Left) Increase all Skills overall Not too bad :P
  24. I say neither. Spending that much into a couple of pixels is just ridiculous. Think of all the skills you could level with that sort of money. Definitely better spent on skills than Santas.
  25. At level 64, cut willows. If you are a member, cut maples. At level 68, cut maples if possible for a few more levels. Then yews are good for 70+.
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