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Runescape in the news again...


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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.








It's not Runescape's fault that some idiot of a parent let their child sleep with some child molesting woman.








Correct. But RS had a part of this.












No one can blame this one Runescape. One should know that you can't right click a character and get someones criminal record. Anyone can be a sexual predetor. Or a dorment friend waiting to meet you in game.








Much like a game of Russian Rullet?








Anyone want to play?

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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It looks like she is on drugs or something. So, another factor in this case.




(end of edit)








Sure, I'll play!








Back to the topic.




Has anyone noticed the places where these people live?




Potsdam, New York and (probably Los Angeles), California.




Obviously, both of these places are known for it's people.








I live in Waddington, New York (which is sorta close to Potsdam) myself and I have noticed that there are LOTS of idiots, cheaters, drug dealers and f'uglies in the St Lawrence region and very few of the opposite. Of course a majority of the high school chicks are really good looking, guys are not that bad either.








The adults in the area are known for not making good decisions and the children are really into sex these days. Also, from what it looks like the 22 year old probably wasn't getting any action (wonder why). Add the three together and you get this news story.








Of course it could have been that they fell in love with each other... [cabbage]. You cannot REALLY fall in love with someone you only met online. Even with pictures. Sure, I am contradicting myself as I have a girlfriend I met on RuneScape (Run Escape). It is possible to feel like you are in love but in all reality it is not love YET. Which is EXACTLY the reason why they probably decided to meet.








Problem is, why the hell would you even fall in love with a thirteen year old? Maybe it was because her mind was like one and she felt like one so it was okay? I am putting my money down on that one. She is a thirteen year old in a 22 year olds body. Would it still be her fault then? YES, because unfortunately even a thirteen year old DOING another thirteen year old is still illegal (tell me about, some laws are plain stupid).












[another pointless message by yours truly]




~Midala87 f2p, Midala87 p2p, Amidala87 m, Ironchef87 (also had ironchef1987 but lost password same day it was created. DAMN!~

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To those who are complaining about the age of consent laws:








There has been research (I can find and post if necessary) done that shows that the impulse control portion of the brain isn't fully developed until a person is in their early to mid 20's. And at 13 I seriously doubt that this kid was emotionally ready to handle a sexual relationship.








Also I hate the double standard of cases like this. She will probably get off with a slap on the wrist. If it was a 13 yr old girl, the 22 yr old guy would get crucified and this story would be on every national cable and air news show








She got charged on three counts... :shame:








Its ridiculous, and I don't care to much about research on impulse control. The sex they shared was obviously not an impulse if she flew in to see him, him sending her naked pictures before hand was not an impulse.








Your argument may have seemed great in your head, though it has no real place in this conversation.








Actually I was talking about the 13yr old, not trying to defend the female. I really do think this was a sick situation made even sicker by the fact that the mother knew about it. And, I can honestly say that at 13, I wouldn't have thought twice about having some "sexy time" with a half decent looking(remember the pic is a mugshot, they make everyone look like Gary Buesy) 22yr woman.

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*Has a vision of the future using foresight*








"Due to recent events in the area of publicity, Jagex has made this system update to warn those players who have a "Runescape Relationship" that this is a bannable offence, and will be made into a new rule on the report abuse page"








haha, the Chaos in both f2p and P2p... personally f2p more, but just saying ...








"Hey Baby"




"Get away from me nooB! i'll ban you!"




"I thought we had something special!!"




"Yeah, but it's just a game and it's against the rules:








*That night, the male of the two commits real-life suicide in depression for loosing his first/possibly only girlfriend*








"Breaking News on channel 10, within the last 3 weeks the amount of suicides world wide have almost tripled.








Evidense is to show link to the online game "Runescape". As we speak on this live bulletin the Internet site is being taken down and the Staff of "Jagex" being arrested for cause of Suicide."












*Ends vision*









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So many poeple blaming the kids mom...








How about we don't blame runescape, the kids mom, the kid (it's a kid after all), but instead, we blame the [bleep]ing rapist?!!?








ofc the mother isn't fit to have kids, but :/ i don't even see why the word runescape needs to come into this article, irrelevent bad publicity O.o and i mean for internet games. not just runescape.

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So many poeple blaming the kids mom...








How about we don't blame runescape, the kids mom, the kid (it's a kid after all), but instead, we blame the [bleep] rapist?!!?








ofc the mother isn't fit to have kids, but :/ i don't even see why the word runescape needs to come into this article, irrelevent bad publicity O.o and i mean for internet games. not just runescape.








What rapist? Where? How about we blame no one, because there's no rapist and no one did anything wrong.

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reread the news report guys.








It does not sound like rape at all. The girl flew over to where the kid is located and spend two week with him and his mother. Does that sound like rape to you?








like my Ex-gf. her boyfriend was charged for rape as he was 27 and she was almost 16 hence almost, not over. rape is classified not only if its forced but if one partner is underaged. she begged me to take her back. i, like the intellegent man i am :XD: , moved on and much happier.life is cruel and bloody hell so am i.








ot: she msut be real sad to seduce a 13 year old boy, and he obviously was in a hurry to lose his.....well i wont say for maturity and language reasons.


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Just reinforces how careful you've got to be I guess, and perhaps that's a good thing.








In any location that you can talk to people, there will always be these kind of risks. Runescape itself wasn't blamed, the last sentence just said about technology in general.


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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Source : http://jonsabinpi.blogspot.com/2007/07/ ... inary.html








Kathryn Brauch waives preliminary hearing








kbraunchuu5.pngPOTSDAM- Kathryn Brauch, charged in an internet sex case involving a 13 year old boy waived her preliminary hearing Friday morning.




In plain English, that means the woman passed on a chance to hear some of the evidence against her. The case will now go straight to a St. Lawrence County grand jury awaiting indictment.








Shes HIDEOUS! :ohnoes:












I'd still do her.... :thumbsup:








yes all she needs is some make-up and a better outfit :roll:








And to lay off the crack

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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.








It's not Runescape's fault that some idiot of a parent let their child sleep with some child molesting woman.








That's proberly the cleverst way to discuss plans :lol: Me and a friend discussed some plans over runescape. But the terroists would soon get fed up of the censor :lol:








Anyway, 22 year old, coming to stay at a house of a 13 year old! Even if the 22 year old did ask to stay and pay rent because she pretended to be new to the area, the mum should still be alert about what's going on. The 22 year old could have been a thief...

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Another disgusting case to see :boohoo:.








What sounded freakishly wierd was the fact that the Mother actually thought a relationship such as this was perfectly normal, and allowed her to live in their house for the long period of time that she did.








Ah well, I hope justice has been done to the Woman and let's pray that nothing of the sort happens again.








- Honoured ::'.



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I'm sorry but laughing my head off is all I could do when reading this thread, call me cruel, heartless whatever but there is NO way that this boy was "raped". Unless this woman was part of the Swedish Olympic Hammerthrow team I fail to see how she can "rape" a boy? Force feed him viagra? It's mad! This boy is 13... probably horny as hell and wanted it! Rape absolute nonsense.

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I'm sorry but laughing my head off is all I could do when reading this thread, call me cruel, heartless whatever but there is NO way that this boy was "raped". Unless this woman was part of the Swedish Olympic Hammerthrow team I fail to see how she can "rape" a boy? Force feed him viagra? It's mad! This boy is 13... probably horny as hell and wanted it! Rape absolute nonsense.








What I asked my friends once is "Would you be ok if a girl attempted to rape you?" They all said yes... :shock:








I was LMAO so hard about your Swedish part my family thought I was mental :-k








Anyways I did see people trying to act like terrorists...They were in the desert wearing all white and carrying the bazzokas. They were talking in a foreing language...They told me it was a movie. :-k They did have a shootout with each other though ::'

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Hey to add on to the comment of "I'd do her" that I stated earlier.... I would also like to know the RSN of her character... maybe when she gets out of jail I can get her to come see me... IM legal so it will be ok for us. :)



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Can't blame runescape for stupid children giving out there address to adults lmao








and runescape had no part in this due to Jagex stats don't give out personal details over this game,








and the same thing coulda happened on yahoo msn aim etc..





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To be honest, this kid was probaly over the moon when this happened.








Hes fufilling the teenaged boy fantasy.








How many guys aged between, lets say 12-16 would turn down the chance of getting laid? Sure WE may not find that woman attractive but whose to say this boy didnt?








If you had the chance to sleep with Eva Longoria, that hot one of Desperate Housewives, would you say no? Of course you would want to bone her senseless!! Now shes 32, if a 13yr old lad slept with her, he would be a [adjective] Legend!!!








But if you swap the roles, a 13yr old girl with a 32yr old man, that would be deemed sick by most. Society dictates that men with teenage girls is sick [i agree] but a teenage lad with a woamn is not.








Now as for a woman raping a man, the only way i can comprehend that happening is if the woman drugged the man with viagra then forced her self upon him and then rides him like seabiscuit.








Now saying the boy didnt fully understand what he was doing is something we can only speculate about. Some people mature or understand things very early on in life, some people never reach that level of matureness/understanding ever.








As for blame... They could have easily met on anything else that people regulary access and chat through, like Myspace, WoW or facebook. Jagex has rules that say dont tell other people certain things, those rules are there for a reason. If you break those rules like in the case, there can be consequences, again like in this.








The Kid should never have told the woman anything about him, he should never have agreed to meet her, and should not ahve slept with her. She shouldnt have told him personnal things, she shouldnt have flown out to meet him, and she shouldnt have started a relationship with him. And as for the mother, she should have never let a stranger into her home nevermind letting her sleep with her son.








The law is there for a reason, even if you think that its stupid,theres alot of gray areas as well. Either way, I think most of us agree this was something that should never have happened.

-- 2001 Starter --


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