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The abortion debate


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i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..




Do you have actually read any posts of this topic??I do no consider it MURDERING because it doesn't even know if its death or alive like scruffy said. I consider killing a mouse worse thing because mouse actually has a life and not just a 'could be life' like a sperm or egg.




Yes I have guts to say "it's the womans choise", because it is. You or anybody should't have right to say what do they have to do with their own body.








Oh and that underwear thing was just too lame, man youre such an idiot.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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well he/she is still joined by the umbilical (sp?) cord when they come out of the woman so is it right to kill them then?








I was replying to his separate claim, did you even bother to read what I wrote?

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You do bring up some good points though and you argue your point well unlike lionheart who just sits back and says "oh yeah I agree"[/color]








hey, i have nothing more to say. so im just gonna say the stuff i agree to. i think the guys that are putting up for abortions being right have put a good argument. so im jsut saying that its good. but some of the stuff that the non abortionist are saying are preatty good to.


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i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..




Do you have actually read any posts of this topic??I do no consider it MURDERING because it doesn't even know if its death or alive like scruffy said. I consider killing a mouse worse thing because mouse actually has a life and not just a 'could be life' like a sperm or egg.




Yes I have guts to say "it's the womans choise", because it is. You or anybody should't have right to say what do they have to do with their own body.








Oh and that underwear thing was just too lame, man youre such an idiot.








well don't sleep with men unless your going to face the conquences(spelling? lol) having a child is one of them.. and yea the baby is a egg at b4 it delevops into a child.. I still consider it a child.

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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murÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mÃÆÃâÃâûrdr)












1. The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.








Even if it was scientifically proven that the fetus is a human, abortion still wouldn't be murder.








Just correcting popular but incorrect slogans here, don't mind me.

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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....

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i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..




Do you have actually read any posts of this topic??I do no consider it MURDERING because it doesn't even know if its death or alive like scruffy said. I consider killing a mouse worse thing because mouse actually has a life and not just a 'could be life' like a sperm or egg.




Yes I have guts to say "it's the womans choise", because it is. You or anybody should't have right to say what do they have to do with their own body.








Oh and that underwear thing was just too lame, man youre such an idiot.









So what if it doesnt even know its alive or dead. If you kill it right when it comes out it doesnt know its dead. I cannot belive you would rather kill a potential HUMAN life than kill an animal.




You or anybody should't have right to say what do they have to do with their own body.




isnt there already laws telling you that what you can and cannot do with your body? Like your not supposed to cause harm to your slef intentionally.








Oh and that underwear thing was just too lame, man youre such an idiot.




Man you dont have te get mean about it. And acually he is right, if the woman doesnt want to have a baby then she should keep her underwear on. :lol:






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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary

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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary, but then that brings us back to the point that its her problem that she got pregnate








sorry, your baby is in a very difficult position, any attempts to give birth will result in death, due to hippies and greenies, it is illegal to get an abortion, it's your fault you got pregnant, too bad, you're going to die [/sarcasim]








nice arguement buddy

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!




So god encourages rape? Wow I'd hate to find out what religion you worship.

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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary, but then that brings us back to the point that its her problem that she got pregnate








:lol: Just when I thought someone couldn't utter anything more ignorant.




The fact she got pregnant isn't an issue whether her life should be saved, do you think she should be punished?

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!








You know what God wants? So did a Texas woman, it was to kill her own children. I guess God supports abortion too. :lol:

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!




So god encourages rape? Wow I'd hate to find out what religion you worship.

I'd assume one of those ones where the bible is the absolute truth and anything else is lies and complete bs; which is about 90% of them. Take a pic and you'll probably be correct.








Can't believe how many people seem to think that rape is the womens fault...








so, if i walked up to you (yes, you people who think getting raped is the chicks fault) and bashed you to an inch of your life.. it is YOUR fault, not mine. want to fight against that.. then it's going to affect ALL victims of crime, including rape :P

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!








And if God wanted you to have the baby he would surely do something to prevent the abortion? But no he doesn't.








Like some Christians say about God "He moves in mysterious ways". You don't know what he wants..

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Sorry for not writing a big essay.








I think abortion is alright, but there should be a charge of course and it should not be provided by national health service. This charge could be put up to quite a large amount to pay for public roads etc!








I dont object it because in my view, the women has more rights than the little foetus or whatever they call it at stage. I agree, it is not that nice, but the little half developed thing wouldnt have a clue what is going on and it wouldnt even know the meaning of death or life or anything since it was not even born yet!








Also, i dont practise religion so that doesnt make me object abortion either. I do like my idea of charging lots and using the money to help the country though, could be a good idea if you ask me.









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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary, but then that brings us back to the point that its her problem that she got pregnate








sorry, your baby is in a very difficult position, any attempts to give birth will result in death, due to hippies and greenies, it is illegal to get an abortion, it's your fault you got pregnant, too bad, you're going to die [/sarcasim]








nice arguement buddy








I could see ppl getting abortion for that, however, most of the time that's not the case, most of the time the ppl getting abortions are these 14-18 teenages who just runined their life, thinking that 'oh if i get pregnate, i'll just get an abortion', and usually ends up dropping outta school anyway :roll:








IMO, if your having sex at 14-18, then take birth control :roll: or if u do get pregnate, have the child, and give he/she up for adoption, theres tons of familys looking for a new born child

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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I'd just like to point out a medical use for aborted foetuses (foetii? meh). We can use their immature brain cells for invasive brain surgery to those who have had strokes. It's either that or using pig brain cells, which aren't as good.








Hmph, until the Western government lets us clone human tissue, we'll have to use aborted baby brains :evil: .

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so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary, but then that brings us back to the point that its her problem that she got pregnate








sorry, your baby is in a very difficult position, any attempts to give birth will result in death, due to hippies and greenies, it is illegal to get an abortion, it's your fault you got pregnant, too bad, you're going to die [/sarcasim]








nice arguement buddy








I could see ppl getting abortion for that, however, most of the time that's not the case, most of the time the ppl getting abortions are these 14-18 teenages who just runined their life, thinking that 'oh if i get pregnate, i'll just get an abortion', and usually ends up dropping outta school anyway :roll:








IMO, if your having sex at 14-18, then take birth control :roll: or if u do get pregnate, have the child, and give he/she up for adoption, theres tons of familys looking for a new born child








just.. :roll: . We only live once, so I think it would be a shame if someone would ruin their lives just because some hippies and religious poo heads are bored and don't have nothing else to do than interrupt on other peoples lives.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,




I clicked on the last page of off=topic discussions and this looked like the most interesting thread. :D.




Yes, often it is in the best interests of the mother and the child to take a life. Being in such an amateur stage of development, the chances are the baby won't feel anything. If the mother knows it'll be a hard life for her baby, or a life that the world is better without, then go ahead. I disagree with all these (sorry guys) religious idiots who can't see past the end of their Bibles.






On the other hand, it's true to say if a woman knows she doesn't want a baby she shouldn't get pregnant in the first place. However, hem-hem, cough cough, if the heat of the moment both parents probably aren't thinking about whats going to happen as a result. Sex is a natural desire and therefore we can't really blame unsuspecting women for getting pregnant.








In a few more days this topic would be dead lol. :lol: I saved its life! *Gasps*

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i am not making any decisions as of right now. if i would abort my child? dont ask me now. ive never been in that situation.


and i dont think that anyone else should make a decision for the pregnant women, its hers.

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!




Even if that life would be wrong?




I don't believe in God..how could some weird supernatural being control everyone's life? If this is true then surely we have no free will.

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i do NOT believe in abortion. i dont care if you were raped or your partners condom broke. its your baby and thats how God wanted it. even if your young. dont kill a baby. if u were raped, im sure youd get neighborhood support, but u cant end a life!




Even if that life would be wrong?




I don't believe in God..how could some weird supernatural being control everyone's life? If this is true then surely we have no free will.




Christianity states that God gave us free will. You obviously have misinterpreted quite a bit.




Either way, to the person who said that "nobody thinks about the consequences in the heat of the moment" - well tough shizzat. In that case they should turn the heat of the moment down to a simmer rather than a rolling boil. It's still their own damn fault, and nobody held a gun to their head and said to do it.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Guest XplsvBam

I have a few questions for you. Are all kids that are not wanted shunned and neglacted? Are all kids that are wanted not shunned and not neglacted?




Circumstances change. The only difference when you are having a kid that you don't want is that now you are not in control have the situation but rather the situation is in control of you. Of course its suppose to be the other way but stuff happens.




The reason why situations like this are so controversial is because they are so black and white. Obvisually it is wrong to kill someone. But someone elses opinion may be to set there own selfish desires above what is obvisually right.




People that get abortions are obvisually being selfish.




"but my career isn't ready for a baby"


"my parents will be mad"


"i don't have time for a baby"




I totally agree that it is the mothers choice to have a baby or not, but if you choose to not have a baby you choose not to have sex. that easy.

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If you have sex you have consenqences. You choose to have sex with someone and if you are careless you end up being pregant.




Only exeption to this is if a woman was raped. Because I really doubt some woman goes outside and shouts "Rpe me!!!"

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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