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Your Last Meal.


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id pack out and eat loads. Roast patotes with chicken, after that chicken noodles with steamed chicken, after that a nice chicken burger with tomato sauce. Then after that 3 wait no, 4 pork chops with the fat chopped off! then with drinks id want very cold drink of water, coke, red bull 6 of those. And for desert? banana custard, then some more fruit. THen im ready to die lol

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Big Macs? Burrito? I pity you people :wink:.




My last meal would consist of several courses:




* Aperitif: Batida de Coco or a glass of Champagne


* Cold pasta salad with prawns/mozarella/tomato with a glass of Pinot Gris or comparable white wine


* Nicely done lamb (still red) with garlic & rosemary and high quality Belgian fries and French/Italian red wine (French: a St-Emillion from a good year of the 80's - Italian: a recent Chianti Classico - or a Torus wine)


* White chocolate mousse with raspberry coulis and some fresh raspberries


* Digestif: Amaretto with three of the best Belgian pralines




Alternatively, I really enjoy cheese fondue with garlic and kirsch - but it doesn't really allow for several courses.




The wine choices may not be the best with these particular foods, but I'm not at home in the world of wines. They are some of my favourites though.




Oh and most importantly! I would insist on some good company. Even the best food tastes stale if eaten with bad company.




But in all honesty, I don't think I would be able to eat a bite the night before my certain death...




The day Sumpta has to order her final meal is the day i'll lose all my faith in humanity.










btw.. i think you can't just have anything for your last meal. I think it's only up to 25$ worth or something.

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Reading that list is quite eerie I thought.




But I would have a Sunday Dinner. :D




8 yourkshire puddings, 6 for my starter and 2 to go with the main meal.


Steamed Brocolli and carrots


Roast potatoes


roast parsnips, turnips, carrots and suede


3 or 4 slices of lovely roast beef


and a nice bit of beef and onion gravy trickled over it all, but not doused in it!!!




mmmm :D




And for desert, apple crumble and ice cream :D




Irn Bru to drink probably




My mouth is watering writing all that.




mmmmmm :D

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steak... they give me a nice big steak knife... hmm...


uh, probably spaggheti, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, and anything else that came to mind



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The day Sumpta has to order her final meal is the day i'll lose all my faith in humanity.




btw.. i think you can't just have anything for your last meal. I think it's only up to 25$ worth or something.




Aww, that's cute. Typical that they don't want to spend too much money on a convict, though. Should a last meal exist in Belgium or France, I'm sure they'd hire a top chef just for that...




How2PK, I'd love to invite you, but I will not take responsibility for possible food poisoning. I may be great at eating tasty food, cooking it is quite another matter :D.

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