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So, I find it really difficult to talk to my parents about my social life at all. I think I'm starting to get like a complex. I mean, I can't really explain why I can't talk about my friends to my parents, I just can't. But then it like hurts my social life, and then I get depressed.




for example, I almost never invite people over to my house because well, I really dunno. I kinda just see my family life and my life with my friends and school as two totally separate worlds and I'm like scared of them combining.




or is this normal?

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I wouldn't find it very normal TBH. Picture in your mind what'd happen if you asked "hey, mum, can George come over tomorrow?". What's the worst thing your mum could tell you?


Unless you're ashamed of your pot-smoking friends, that is.

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I wouldn't find it very normal TBH. Picture in your mind what'd happen if you asked "hey, mum, can George come over tomorrow?". What's the worst thing your mum could tell you?


Unless you're ashamed of your pot-smoking friends, that is.




I don't really invite anyone over, I guess i'm afraid of my parents critiscising my friends although I really shouldn't be. As Meol said, it probably isn't normal but as long as you see your friends then there is nothing wrong. Because I don't see my friends round my house, I go out somewhere when I see them which is usually more fun.


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I normally go out to see my mates. I generally don't have people over. It gets more like that the more you get older until you get a girlfriend and start visiting each other at each others places.






Generally its more fun to go out somewhere to see your mates anyway. :wink:

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I usually have around 3-4 people at my house daily, just hanging around, chilling. My mom doesn't care cause most of them clean up after themselves, and have almost begun to clean a little more then just their own mess, my kitchen was totally dirty, after they left, it was clean except for one dish, and a few pots.




I don't talk about my social life with my parents, I just give them the need to know stuff, and no I don't do drugs/alcohol. :-#




Take a chance talking to them, experience life. ^^

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I wouldnt worry about it. I really never talk to my parents about my social life, I just tell them stuff that they need to know or stuff I feel like telling. But I like to invite my friends over cause my family is really cool with my friends and most of my buddies like my family(or at least I hope).

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I do too, I have friends over, but don't talk to my parents about anything we get up to rather than just basic outlining. Your life's bound to be different around your parents and friends, but i'm sure they wont mind you inviting friends over occasionally.

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I usually have around 3-4 people at my house daily, just hanging around, chilling. My mom doesn't care cause most of them clean up after themselves, and have almost begun to clean a little more then just their own mess, my kitchen was totally dirty, after they left, it was clean except for one dish, and a few pots.




I don't talk about my social life with my parents, I just give them the need to know stuff, and no I don't do drugs/alcohol. :-#




Take a chance talking to them, experience life. ^^




wow, you guys must be a barrel of laughs, washing up for fun. ^^.

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I usually have around 3-4 people at my house daily, just hanging around, chilling. My mom doesn't care cause most of them clean up after themselves, and have almost begun to clean a little more then just their own mess, my kitchen was totally dirty, after they left, it was clean except for one dish, and a few pots.




I don't talk about my social life with my parents, I just give them the need to know stuff, and no I don't do drugs/alcohol. :-#




Take a chance talking to them, experience life. ^^




wow, you guys must be a barrel of laughs, washing up for fun. ^^.





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I have the same issue, but that's only because my parents are stupid. They find it impossible to think outside of their own highly-conservative views of who is a "good kid" or not on the basis of how they dress and what kind of music they listen to. For instance any time my mom sees somebody wearing parachute/rave/super baggy black studded pants she says "They must know they're wearing a costume... when is Halloween?" "Well gosh it's just clothes, I don't see why you have to say that absolutely every time we pass somebody wearing them."




To get my friend able to set foot in my house I had to get him to wear jeans and a white t-shirt xD. In comparison to his regular outfit it looked rather funny.




I also forgot to mention the fact that a guy I know who is the biggest womanizer I've ever met in my life passes the test as a "good, polite" kid, despite his wanton acts of debauchery and shameless flirting. He's still a great dude, but if they knew...


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Unless you're ashamed of your pot-smoking friends, that is.




I'm not ashamed of my pot-smoking friends. I just can't tell my parents they smoke pot or they'd be like, "You shouldn't be around them. They're bad people.." etc, etc, etc.




But yeah, I don't really invite my friends over. If they want to hang out, they'll call and we'll meet up somewhere or they'll just show up at my house randomly (which is cool with me). I hate talking to my parents about my social life because my dad usually wants to be overly involved and is always asking me who's calling/texting and what they want. And for the past few days I've just wanted to be alone, but that hasn't really happened because someone is always bugging me to do something or go somewhere.. I sprained my ankle Thursday night so I used that as an excuse to get out of going to homecoming tonight (I didn't have a date so it didn't really matter) but I'm using some of the time to just enjoy the silence for once :)

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Gah, I'm kind of like that too. My parents are usually always criticizing my friends after I invite them over when they think I can't hear them. Their like, "He was rude when he did this, he was annoying when he did this... blah blah blah"




Then if I invite my girl friends (not like, relationship :P ) or even TALK about any of them, my parents are always like "ooooh you got a new girlfriend?!?!?!!" #-o


Another part of the issue is my parents (like every other) try to be "funny" and make really lame and embarrassing jokes, turn off the good music because its "lame and cooky" when we're in the car, and do other down right embarrassing stuff.

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I only talk about Asking if I can go to/have a friend come over.




If you talk about Girls with my parents, they ask questions. Ignorable questions. Annoying questions.





Pretty much done with rs now

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I only talk about Asking if I can go to/have a friend come over.




If you talk about Girls with my parents, they ask questions. Ignorable questions. Annoying questions.








They're probably doing it on purpose to embarrass you. :P






I don't really have a problem with my parents and who I hang out with, but than again I'm at college some 800+ miles away from them so they don't have much of a say. :P

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rofl irl




well duh...what else are they for :-k




consience says god knows






*god what are parents supposed to be for "really"*


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I don't really like to invite friends over, so you're not alone in that. For me, it's something to do with them having a glimpse of my family life/interaction - something that I feel is private and that I don't want people be privy to.




I do however, invite my girlfriend over on a regular basis, because I'm comfortable with her knowing the private going-ons in my family. Thankfully, my parents are fairly easy and pretty modern in their outlook on life; they don't ask awkward questions and they adore my girlfriend.




Even so, I rarely discuss my social life in any detail to them. It's just too awkward. As with many other people, I tell them the bare necessities, and that's about it. :P

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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I don't see why you can't tell your parents you want to have friends over. House is clean, homework is done, your parents will probably be benevolent dictators and let you have friends over. the worst that can happen is they say no, and you just tell your friends maybe some other time.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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If you feel comfortable doing it, do it.




I never tell my parents anything, I go to my partner.




Normally because when I do go to them, they turn the story around some how and have something to yell at me for.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I think it just depends on your family situation. But don't worry you're not alone.




I'm pretty much the same way. I used to be so bad I would get annoyed at the simplest questions such as "what are you doing tonight". I think different people have different reasons for it. I can see being ashamed of your friends or seeing your family interactions as private because I've thought along those lines also. Right now it actually just seems like too much of a pain sometimes. My parents are getting older and they forget the details anyway. I don't see the point in telling them (beyond basic information) things that don't really apply to them anymore and they'll forget soon enough anyway.




It's a weird thing sometimes and I don't always understand it. When my parents talk to my friends I actually get a little pissed. I'm a pretty private person and I don't like my parents pumping my friends for information about me.

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I used to be so bad I would get annoyed at the simplest questions such as "what are you doing tonight".




Sometimes I get to the point I don't just get annoyed, I get pissed when my parents ask me questions like that (I'm mostly at the annoyed point right now). Or about this girl I had a thing with a while back. My dad was always asking questions and right now I almost flip out everytime he asks questions or tries to give me advice (and everything he says, I already knew). He thinks if she doesn't want to be with me, she's a [bleep]. But that's not the way things work between me and her and I get tired of always hearing my parents criticizing people I consider friends. I hear it so much anymore I honestly can't wait for college so I can just be away from that. But lately I haven't been hanging out with my friends (I don't want to be around them when they're getting high) and I actually haven't really left the house much and all I hear is "you need to get out more". Well I spent 14+ hours away from my house every day all summer, so I think I deserve a little time to myself.. Bah, the rents can be a total pain at times..

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