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How Do You Know When It's Your Time To Quit?


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Well I haven't been playing runescape a lot recently and i popped on to see how everyone is doing... but then after having a few chats I realised a few of my close friends had quit :(


So then i got to thinking... how do you know when it's your time to quit?


There was a time back earlier this year when I thought of quitting but then all my friends convinced me to stay :D




Ideas so far..:










So now I pose the question for the final time:




How do you know when it's your time to quit...




Discuss ::'


null and void

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...How do you know when it's your time to quit...


When you stop having fun.




Keep playing as long as you


find satisfaction in reaching goals,


enjoy time with friends,


enjoy skilling,


enjoy making money,


enjoy challenges.




When none of the above are true, then maybe it's time for a break or another game.

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When you have no fun playing whatsoever, when you're staring at your bank for hours without knowing what to do.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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When you have no fun playing whatsoever, when you're staring at your bank for hours without knowing what to do.


I used to do that lol then i set some goals :D


null and void

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When it hurts to play for more than fifteen minutes at a time. I go insane after the first three, but fifteen should be a decent bar.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I only play Runescape as a way to kill my down-time. If I don't feel like playing for a certain amount of time, I won't.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Any of the above.


Or, you'll know it's time to quit, when you start blaming Jagex for not having fun on Runescape (updates blow, they only cater to newbs etc). Or, you'll know it's time to quit when you start a new character (for the fifth time) to get that fresh feeling you had when you started this game.

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How Do You Know When It's Your Time To Quit?




When your 22 years old, working 5 days a week only to hear from every other player..




"Dam, I don't want to go to school".








ROFL lol


thanks for posting guys... I think all the times I tried to quit its friends that keep me playing ::'


null and void

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Addiction is never a reason to quit. If you suddenly stop, you might be able to for a few weeks, but you'll eventually start playing again with even more interest and it'll get worse.




If you're playing to much, limit your play time each day to an hour or two. By only having a little bit of time a day you'll fall behind and eventually lose interest. The only real way to quit is to feel like there's nothing left for you to do. Then you're done and you don't want to log on anymore, which is different from quitting abruptly.

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I'v tried to quit after getting lured for 16m. It only lasted for about 3 weeks, then i had an urge to play. I find that doing quests will keep you occupied and helps you find new things to do. Btw, just because your bored doesn't mean you should just stare at your bank. Go kill anakou or mutated terror birds or something.

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Go kill anakou or mutated terror birds or something.
Not always that easy though, especially at high levels when it just bores you <.<


I usually splash alot of money when im bored aswell lol


null and void

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From my experience, most people who truly quit do not just decide to stop playing. They just naturally play less and less, not even thinking much about runescape, until eventually it is out of their lives completely.

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When you realise that I'm better than you in every way...




hehe nah you're just being bored because I haven't been on for a while and it's my glorious company you're missing.




Yeah, that and you barrow like a noob... :XD:




Meh... I've not been on in ages either ::' but this is not personal! :-w




well yer... i guess "Friendly" competition can help you stay ::'


null and void

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When I run out of goals or feel that I have done everything. Or just not feel good about playing anymore. I challenge myself to maximize my runescape playtime without sacrificing important stuff in my real life (academically or socially related)

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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