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The New Year Update


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We couldn't part from you without mentioning something very, very big on the horizon. The new year brings a stunning new update, and we are so happy with it that we are going to let a few hints trickle out over the next few weeks...





Quoted from BTS Nvmbr.




This is going to be a HUGE update, according to Jagex, but knowing them, it'll be a quest/lame skill that was half baked and could've been milked to its full potential.




What do YOU think it's going to be? ;o

xTCOx Rogue

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Somehow I doubt this will be just another new skill, quest, or what have you. They've never said anything like "very, very big" even for construction.




Here are my ideas:




Summoning. Yes, it's another skill, but it would have a much larger impact on the game than recent skills. Adding an entire new combat class is certainly a big thing.




The horizon thing also makes me think that maybe Jagex is going to allow the player more control over the camera, and that they're going to actually implement the sky, the sun, and possibly a day/night cycle. And to go along with that, maybe they'll add more detail to our character's models - like adding actual eyes :pray:

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It would lag the hell out of the game; Java can't support something like that.... It would be like world 2 falador, everywhere, if people could summon NPCS.




I think it'll either be the expansion to the east (Asian-themed lands), the "high level island", or the release of MechScape.

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Something really cool like God Wars x3 or Super Barrows :shock:. Or even better, a 95 Slayer monster that drops Super Whips :D. A guy can dream can't he? :anxious:.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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Why not discuss this in the Behind The Scenes thread?


Agreed. Too many speculation threads, all should belong in the original thread discussion.




Seriously a bank update would beat any new armor/equipment/dugeon/skill update.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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It would lag the hell out of the game; Java can't support something like that....


yea, Sun declared it as known limitation... :wall:


It wont be SUMMONING but for different reasons.



I think it'll either be the expansion to the east (Asian-themed lands), the "high level island", or the release of MechScape.



I also was thinking of new continent.


The release of mechscape has nothing to do with RS,the game.

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Last time something like this happened, we got Barbarian Assault as the first big update of the year. Everyone knows how players reacted to that minigame.

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Knowing Jagex's sense of humor, it's probably going to be something along the lines of a Dragon bar, which is a pub in Kandarin which serves all kinds of ales. :XD:




Maybe they're going to release White Dragons and White D'hide armour?


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Maybe RS will go 3D, lol,




That would be a BIG update tbh :-w


Too bad rs2 was that kind of a update. RS IS in 3d now and has been for years. :lol:




Anyways, this update might be a new continent? A new skill or quest? We won't know till it's here.

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Let's see, Hunting was implemented in 2006, if i remember correctly. There were apparently skills in 2005 that were implemented (i started in '06). I'm not sure about all the other years, though i'm sure they all had at least ONE skill, so since there hasn't been a new skill since '06, I'm going with a new skill.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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Maybe RuneScape Action Figures? Seriously.. JAGeX was buying RuneScape merchandise like that...




Maybe they meant "very, very big on the horizon" literally? Space, Sun?




That's what I thought. It could be possible.. :-k


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Something big on the horizon...Maybe we will finally get a sky? And new graphics? Well, the second thing is pretty unlikely, but you can always wish for it \'



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Maby it's a massive load of random changes, like addons to new skills, new interface (not like they need one atm) or even a new city thats 6 times bigger then Keldagrim?




To be honest, it could be 100x bigger than Keldagrim, but if it has no teleport or easy method of reaching it, it will be just as underused and vacant as Keldagrim.

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