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I don't think that Jagex want to ruin the game for their honest players, I think that they've blown the 'war' with gold farmers WAY out of proportion, and they don't realize it. I believe that they're putting the gold farmers in front of the honest players.

Treasure trail items: 9

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The thing is, if the grand exchange works flawlessly(assuming you can sell any item and any amount of item) you don't NEED the direct trade option, I still doubt they would do this at least any time soon. I also think this would be one step too far in the fight against cheats. Also [bleep] you R2 Pleasant, you are a tool.

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The thing that scares me is that what you've shown actually makes sense. This and last month Jagex has been slowly providing alternatives to direct trade.




However, I can't believe that they would remove it - who wants to go to wherever the grand exchange is and possibly pay a fee every time you need to sell something? There is just no feasible alternative for direct trading.

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The thing that scares me is that what you've shown actually makes sense. This and last month Jagex has been slowly providing alternatives to direct trade.




However, I can't believe that they would remove it - who wants to go to wherever the grand exchange is and possibly pay a fee every time you need to sell something? There is just no feasible alternative for direct trading.




Who wants to go to world 2 or stand in seers bank for 30 minutes trying to sell a lava battlestaff? Direct trade CAN be replaced by the grand exchange although I don't think Jagex will get rid of the function and certainly not any time soon.

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The thing that scares me is that what you've shown actually makes sense. This and last month Jagex has been slowly providing alternatives to direct trade.




However, I can't believe that they would remove it - who wants to go to wherever the grand exchange is and possibly pay a fee every time you need to sell something? There is just no feasible alternative for direct trading.




I agree, you would not always want to go to the GE to buy something. There are times when a single trade is required. For example - how many times have you desparately required a spade, or a single law and traded on the spot. As I said previously stopping these sort of player-player trades would cause the biggest exodus ever seen on RS.

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Jagex will never remove direct trading.. <.<




Contrary to popular belief, they're not trying to upset players, and the Grand Exchange is an attempt to help people. :)




+1. There is more to direct trading than simple buying and selling. People helpiing each other, friends helping friends. Giving someone food or anti when they come to training spot and have been poisoned ont he way.




Removing direct trade is dientical to shutting down runescape. It wont happen.




edit: Just thought about it. What they can do is take away $ in trades, but then RWT's will just sell stuff like magics, etc...




Hell, if timed right, people can even sell through GE

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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It's a mark of how bad Jagex has been screwing up lately that I think this is likely. I would never have believed it a month ago, but watching from a distance as they have slowly wheedled away at trading by removing the staples - Loot Share, Assist Sytem, both designed to remove one of those small uses for the trade screen - has convinced me that Jagex will stop at nothing to remove RWT. If the GE removes trading, it will be the beginning of the end.


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hey guys i came out with the most brilliant plan to fix autoers!




remove woodcutting fishing and mining skills, then they cant make money! woo hoo :thumbsup:




Don't give Jagex any ideas. :roll:




I personally do not believe Jagex would ever take away direct trading. But Jagex really needs to loosen up. I appreciate their hard work with trying to stop rule-breakers, but, as someone said earlier, they seem to be focusing more on that than their loyal fan base.


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The thing is, if the grand exchange works flawlessly(assuming you can sell any item and any amount of item) you don't NEED the direct trade option, I still doubt they would do this at least any time soon. I also think this would be one step too far in the fight against cheats. Also [bleep] you R2 Pleasant, you are a tool.




Selective hating is awesome! Hate 1 gold seller but not the other, I LoLed

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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I can't imagine the disappearance of direct trading. However, the grand exchange will greatly enhance the possibility of finding uneven trades. As Jagex mentioned in today's diary, each item is going to get a player set price. This way, Jagex can easily monitor trades between items and know roughly how much cash is transfered.


Hell, most likely, Jagex can now easily determine the networth of your bank in one simply gp figure. That should make it easier to spot RWT.




EDIT: I just realized, Jagex also knows the amount of online hours for each char. Combine that info with sudden huge changes in total character networth and you got yourself a pretty nice cheating detection system.




EDIT2: Just realized something else. If Jagex is indeed capable of monitoring total character networth in time, they can start to analyse net worth growth patterns. I'm sure that most characters will follow some kind of model fit. I expect that when a player does RWT, where are talking about relative huge amounts. Sudden relative huge increases in net worth will be detected and highlighted by the system.




The beauty is, is that no matter how creative the gold sellers are in getting their gold to their customers, the system will still detect the sudden increase in networth of the receiving character. That puts jagex back in control.




I've had a long day and it's nearly 1 am, but I hope I'm somewhere right. Although, I could be completely wrong. :)

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The thing is, if the grand exchange works flawlessly(assuming you can sell any item and any amount of item) you don't NEED the direct trade option, I still doubt they would do this at least any time soon. I also think this would be one step too far in the fight against cheats. Also [bleep] you R2 Pleasant, you are a tool.




Selective hating is awesome! Hate 1 gold seller but not the other, I LoLed




I dislike ALL gold sellers, I think you're referring to a topic made about 9 months ago(that was bumped recently) where I said I wouldn't sit in judgment of a guy for some offense(I don't have a clue what the offense was now). Cheats in this game effect everyone, maybe that was something I hadn't quite processed 9 months ago. If you're not talking about that then I'm afraid you've lost me.




Edit: I've just remembered the guy was a price manipulator not a gold seller so yeh I have no idea what you're talking about champ.




Edit2: you misrepresented what I said anyway despite directly quoting me, I don't hate R2 Pleasant I just think hes/shes a [bleep]. You're starting to grind my gears EGO.




Edit3:You're the first person to ever troll me on these forums, THANKS.

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People cool down. They will not disallow direct trading, but they will limit it. For instance, they can force any trades where there is a sufficiently large discrepancy between the value of what is being bought and what is being sold to be done on the grand exchange. Maybe any trade where the difference between buying and selling value is more than 10K, or 5% of the value of the cheapest item will not be allowed to be done directly. That will make it almost impossible for the real world traders to directly make delivery.




Clearly Jagex is attacking real world trading by limiting the ability to make delivery in ways that are not easily detected. It seems that they have decided that there is no other way to stop it, and it also seems that they are willing to do almost anything to achieve success.




This is, of course, a good thing. The fact that there are whiners out there who are screaming as loudly as they can does not make this a bad update, or fail to make JagexÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s ultimate goals laudable.

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Well, I didn't read everything, so someone may have said this.




But hypothetically, if I were to buy gold, and direct trading was eliminated, I would just go on the grand exchange, put up some ashes, for a price of X millions of dollars, that the RWT would then purchase, I got my money, they got theres.




As someone who has no experience in such activities, I came up with that idea in a matter of seconds, think of people who do it consistently, they know of many ways, they won't be hard pressed to come up with new ones.




Just some opinions.






~ Jay

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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Wow, I never realized all of the updates that point to the removal of direct trading. It's kind of a scary thought, but the pieces do seem to fall into place. LootShare, the Grand Exchange, the Assist system, destroying items... it all adds up.


It's dolomite, baby!

Dark matter - Each pound of which weighs over ten thousand pounds.

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What?! If they remove direct-trading I'll have to quit. My computer can't handle Varrock and if that's the only place to trade, I'm done. I'm praying they don't. :pray:




For one, clan banks will be completely useless. You won't be able to buy uniforms from the bank anymore for quick access.


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Trading is not going to be removed. It'll just be f-ed up like duel arena. Let's say you could trade 100k worth items in 15 minutes.




Yeah maybe they will just limit it but jagex have become a little unpredictable. :ohnoes:


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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Well, I didn't read everything, so someone may have said this.




But hypothetically, if I were to buy gold, and direct trading was eliminated, I would just go on the grand exchange, put up some ashes, for a price of X millions of dollars, that the RWT would then purchase, I got my money, they got theres.




As someone who has no experience in such activities, I came up with that idea in a matter of seconds, think of people who do it consistently, they know of many ways, they won't be hard pressed to come up with new ones.




Just some opinions.






~ Jay




Yes you could use this method, but it would be easy to detect. With all trades going on via the GE Jagex could keep a log of ALL trades and easily write a program to detect items that are being sold way overprice, like in your example ashes.




Jagex won't remove direct trading.




I agree, but they could drastically change it. My bet would be to remove direct selling via the trade option and just make trading between players a bartering system, ie. goods for goods.

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